How you going to like this.????

I wonder how many poor folks will end up in the slammer over this new TAX??

Oh wait. I forgot. If you can't pay we taxpayers will pick up the tab. Never mind.

Well, it depends on 'how poor'. There will always be a pinch point in these schemes. It's the people on the bubble who will get fucked, and yes ultimately go to jail, for not giving into insurance industry demands.

I'm not the only one who has given you links to FACTS and yet you still post the same old lies that you've been posting for months now.
I wonder how many poor folks will end up in the slammer over this new TAX??

Oh wait. I forgot. If you can't pay we taxpayers will pick up the tab. Never mind.

You're confusing ACA with EMTALA.

Please stop repeating this really stupid lie.

Its the REPUBLICAN EMTALA that pays your bills. That's the law Reagan passed and Romney loved. Irresponsible rw's, illegals (having babies and abortions that rw's SAY they hate ... ) and everyone else can get free health care and the responsible Liberals have to pay your bills.

I don't care if Jesus Christ signed it, if that's your excuse for shit like PPACA, then let's get rid of it. You seem to agree it's a problem.
Responsible adults?? More like taxpayers who will be forced to supply HC to anyone who needs it.

If thats your idea of a good thing then your more than welcome to whip out your wallet and checkbook and cover those costs.

Its to bad the rest of us have no say in the matter.

Read the difference between EMTALA and ObamaCare.

EMTALA "forces us to supply hc to anyone who needs it".

NOT ObamaCare.

I wonder how many poor folks will end up in the slammer over this new TAX??

Oh wait. I forgot. If you can't pay we taxpayers will pick up the tab. Never mind.

Well, it depends on 'how poor'. There will always be a pinch point in these schemes. It's the people on the bubble who will get fucked, and yes ultimately go to jail, for not giving into insurance industry demands.

I'm not the only one who has given you links to FACTS and yet you still post the same old lies that you've been posting for months now.

if you typed the word 'facts' in a larger font, maybe with a snazzy color or something, it might give your argument more credence. Or, wait.... do you have an argument? Or just 'facts'?
Responsible adults?? More like taxpayers who will be forced to supply HC to anyone who needs it.

If thats your idea of a good thing then your more than welcome to whip out your wallet and checkbook and cover those costs.

Its to bad the rest of us have no say in the matter.

Read the difference between EMTALA and ObamaCare.

EMTALA "forces us to supply hc to anyone who needs it".

NOT ObamaCare.


Good point. It forces us to give our money to the insurance industry instead. :cuckoo:
There are tons of people who pay no taxes, but with this administration and their hiring of more employees to IRS, they had better hope it doesn't catch up with them. Sooner or later it will. fact. You can only get away with things for awhile, and then bang they catch up with you.
No one is sure just yet how its going to affect anyone, even if you already have insurance. Obamacare is definitely going to affect all of us in some way shape or form. My doctor already is talking about leaving his practicie and going into something else. Hospitals are already not treating people as they should also.
Obamacare is big gov't take over.....and there will be more and more things come up that will cause nothing but hardships on all of us.......Believe it.

Actually it's big corporate takeover... you forget to note who it is that runs the government.

I don't like it, never did. It was wrong when Romney did it and it's wrong now. I wanted a public option but corporat suck-whores like Liebermann made sure that wasn't gonna happen.

Its amusing that the uninformed believe the AHA was some kind of government takeover of healthcare.

In actuality, it was the biggest gift to the health insurance business that the government could ever give.

There is no difference between corporations and the government now. Corporations completed their takeover of the government long ago.

Why pretend?
There are tons of people who pay no taxes, but with this administration and their hiring of more employees to IRS, they had better hope it doesn't catch up with them. Sooner or later it will. fact. You can only get away with things for awhile, and then bang they catch up with you.
No one is sure just yet how its going to affect anyone, even if you already have insurance. Obamacare is definitely going to affect all of us in some way shape or form. My doctor already is talking about leaving his practicie and going into something else. Hospitals are already not treating people as they should also.
Obamacare is big gov't take over.....and there will be more and more things come up that will cause nothing but hardships on all of us.......Believe it.

Actually it's big corporate takeover... you forget to note who it is that runs the government.

I don't like it, never did. It was wrong when Romney did it and it's wrong now. I wanted a public option but corporat suck-whores like Liebermann made sure that wasn't gonna happen.

Its amusing that the uninformed believe the AHA was some kind of government takeover of healthcare.

In actuality, it was the biggest gift to the health insurance business that the government could ever give.

Insurance/pharma doesn't like it because they have to use more on patient care.

Hospitals and doctors love it because they'll finally get paid instead of taking the huge loses that the REPUBLICAN SOCIALIST EMTALA forced on all of us.

Medicine is changing and mostly, for the better.

The lazy and irresponsible rw's will indeed have to start paying for their own care instead of forcing others to do it for them. They've gotten a free ride too long. Let them screech and cry - I really don't care.

Like you said, I have insurance so the only difference to me is that I'm paying less.
Well, it depends on 'how poor'. There will always be a pinch point in these schemes. It's the people on the bubble who will get fucked, and yes ultimately go to jail, for not giving into insurance industry demands.

I'm not the only one who has given you links to FACTS and yet you still post the same old lies that you've been posting for months now.

if you typed the word 'facts' in a larger font, maybe with a snazzy color or something, it might give your argument more credence. Or, wait.... do you have an argument? Or just 'facts'?

Now THAT really is funny.

Damn those pesky facts, huh?

Responsible adults?? More like taxpayers who will be forced to supply HC to anyone who needs it.

If thats your idea of a good thing then your more than welcome to whip out your wallet and checkbook and cover those costs.

Its to bad the rest of us have no say in the matter.

Read the difference between EMTALA and ObamaCare.

EMTALA "forces us to supply hc to anyone who needs it".

NOT ObamaCare.


Good point. It forces us to give our money to the insurance industry instead. :cuckoo:

You're not going to keep getting a free ride. Pay for your own health care and quit whining.
I'm not the only one who has given you links to FACTS and yet you still post the same old lies that you've been posting for months now.

if you typed the word 'facts' in a larger font, maybe with a snazzy color or something, it might give your argument more credence. Or, wait.... do you have an argument? Or just 'facts'?

Now THAT really is funny.

Damn those pesky facts, huh?


They're not pesky at all. Most of the facts you post are irrelevant, but otherwise innocuous.

Argument is the process of showing how the facts support your position. You never bother.
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well in the Obamacare, if you don't sign up, they will charge you a 700 fine, or jail time. One or the other.

you can't be charged a fine if you don't pay taxes.

Don't count on that. Obama just hired tons of new agents to go after people not paying taxes. If what you say is true there would be more people not going to pay taxes....iti will catch up with them sooner or later./

If you don't have paper work to show how much money you made how can they track how much you earned?
well in the Obamacare, if you don't sign up, they will charge you a 700 fine, or jail time. One or the other.

Not true.

When will rw's learn not to believe what fux spews?

O'Reilly said this over and over and over. Even after he was corrected and forced to actually READ the law, he still kept telling this same lie.

And, stupid rw's were just way too busy guzzling kool-aid to educate themselves.

Beginning with their 2014 federal taxes, many consumers who can afford health insurance but decide not to buy it will owe penalties to the IRS when they file their taxes in the spring of 2015.
You should be buying your health insurance exactly the same way you buy your life, auto, and home insurance. There is no logical reason why we are not.

If you lose your job, you don't immediately lose your life, auto, and home insurance. In fact, if you stay with the same life, auto, or home insurance company over time you start to get discounts.

And when you buy your life, auto, and home insurance you get to CHOOSE what options you do or do not want on your policy. You get to decide what price you will pay, and you get to choose from a universe of insurance companies from across the entire country who are all competing for your business.

Employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the biggest wastes of capital in history, driving up the cost of health insurance. ObamaCare actually entrenches this disaster even more deeply into our healthcare cost spiral. He did this because employer-sponsored health insurance is a labor union boondoggle.

Most of the actual American citizens who are actually involuntarily uninsured are not the same people who will be involuntarily uninsured next year. They are people who lost their job and therefore lost their health insurance.

That SCREAMS for an entirely different solution than ObamaCare.

One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts. One third. That also SCREAMS that ObamaCare has some other motive behind it because this leading cause of being uninsured was not even addressed in ObamaCare.

I am sick and tired of the attitude that believes the answer to every problem is more government. For every problem, there are millions of Democrats crying, "What is the government going to do about this? Waaaaaaah!"

This is followed by the retarded illogic which goes like this:

1. We must do something.

2. This is something.

3. We must do this.

"We must pass ObamaCare".

If a "solution" does not even accurately identify the causes or the actual problem, then it is predestined to fail. ObamaCare is one such "solution".

Fucking, fucking, fucking idiots.
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And one other thing.

We need to raise the Medicare eligibility age to at least 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward. When Medicare was enacted, only 9 percent of our population was over 65. Today, over 13 percent are.

This is another factor driving up the costs of health care in America.

We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.
You should be buying your health insurance exactly the same way you buy your life, auto, and home insurance. There is no logical reason why we are not.

If you lose your job, you don't immediately lose your life, auto, and home insurance. In fact, if you stay with the same life, auto, or home insurance company over time you start to get discounts.

And when you buy your life, auto, and home insurance you get to CHOOSE what options you do or do not want on your policy. You get to decide what price you will pay, and you get to choose from a universe of insurance companies from across the entire country who are all competing for your business.

Employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the biggest wastes of capital in history, driving up the cost of health insurance. ObamaCare actually entrenches this disaster even more deeply into our healthcare cost spiral. He did this because employer-sponsored health insurance is a labor union boondoggle.

Most of the actual American citizens who are actually involuntarily uninsured are not the same people who will be involuntarily uninsured next year. They are people who lost their job and therefore lost their health insurance.

That SCREAMS for an entirely different solution than ObamaCare.

One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts. One third. That also SCREAMS that ObamaCare has some other motive behind it because this leading cause of being uninsured was not even addressed in ObamaCare.

I am sick and tired of the attitude that believes the answer to every problem is more government. For every problem, there are millions of Democrats crying, "What is the government going to do about this? Waaaaaaah!"

This is followed by the retarded illogic which goes like this:

1. We must do something.

2. This is something.

3. We must do this.

"We must pass ObamaCare".

If a "solution" does not even accurately identify the causes or the actual problem, then it is predestined to fail. ObamaCare is one such "solution".

Fucking, fucking, fucking idiots.

You should be buying your health insurance exactly the same way you buy your life, auto, and home insurance. There is no logical reason why we are not.

That isn't for you or anyone else to say one way or the other.
You should be buying your health insurance exactly the same way you buy your life, auto, and home insurance. There is no logical reason why we are not.

If you lose your job, you don't immediately lose your life, auto, and home insurance. In fact, if you stay with the same life, auto, or home insurance company over time you start to get discounts.

And when you buy your life, auto, and home insurance you get to CHOOSE what options you do or do not want on your policy. You get to decide what price you will pay, and you get to choose from a universe of insurance companies from across the entire country who are all competing for your business.

Employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the biggest wastes of capital in history, driving up the cost of health insurance. ObamaCare actually entrenches this disaster even more deeply into our healthcare cost spiral. He did this because employer-sponsored health insurance is a labor union boondoggle.

Most of the actual American citizens who are actually involuntarily uninsured are not the same people who will be involuntarily uninsured next year. They are people who lost their job and therefore lost their health insurance.

That SCREAMS for an entirely different solution than ObamaCare.

One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts. One third. That also SCREAMS that ObamaCare has some other motive behind it because this leading cause of being uninsured was not even addressed in ObamaCare.

I am sick and tired of the attitude that believes the answer to every problem is more government. For every problem, there are millions of Democrats crying, "What is the government going to do about this? Waaaaaaah!"

This is followed by the retarded illogic which goes like this:

1. We must do something.

2. This is something.

3. We must do this.

"We must pass ObamaCare".

If a "solution" does not even accurately identify the causes or the actual problem, then it is predestined to fail. ObamaCare is one such "solution".

Fucking, fucking, fucking idiots.

You should be buying your health insurance exactly the same way you buy your life, auto, and home insurance. There is no logical reason why we are not.

That isn't for you or anyone else to say one way or the other.

That's what this, and most of the statist agenda, is really all about. Self-righteous jackoffs who want to use government to force their will on others. It's not enough for them to have the freedom to live their lives the way they wish, they want to dictate how their neighbors live as well.
Responsible adults?? More like taxpayers who will be forced to supply HC to anyone who needs it.

If thats your idea of a good thing then your more than welcome to whip out your wallet and checkbook and cover those costs.

Its to bad the rest of us have no say in the matter.

Read the difference between EMTALA and ObamaCare.

EMTALA "forces us to supply hc to anyone who needs it".

NOT ObamaCare.


Not much pleasing Liberals. A conservative takes care of those in need of health care and the left even denounces that, the duplicity is amazing.

But then we have the fact that you and the rest of the double faced left wing liberals mix health care with health care insurance.
Obamacare is due to kick in on Oct 1st and people will have to enroll.

Either way, Friday’s deadline is fast approaching. Enrollment is set to begin on Oct 1, and coverage will kick in on Jan. 1, 2014.

So how is everyone going to like this.???

I'm a responsible American who already has kealth insurance, so it won't effect me personally.

There are many responsible americans who dont have health insurance and will be forced to buy a product from a company in a few months....or pay a tax.

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