How you going to like this.????

There are tons of people who pay no taxes, but with this administration and their hiring of more employees to IRS, they had better hope it doesn't catch up with them. Sooner or later it will. fact. You can only get away with things for awhile, and then bang they catch up with you.
No one is sure just yet how its going to affect anyone, even if you already have insurance. Obamacare is definitely going to affect all of us in some way shape or form. My doctor already is talking about leaving his practicie and going into something else. Hospitals are already not treating people as they should also.
Obamacare is big gov't take over.....and there will be more and more things come up that will cause nothing but hardships on all of us.......Believe it.
Sure, that's what corporatism is all about - using political and legal influence to gain advantage. Doesn't that seem wrong to you?

Of course it is, but it's what we've got.

Obama is following in Bush's corportist footsteps and whoever follows Obama into office will be doing the same.

And since the SCOTUS ruling on corporate donations isn't likely to be overturned soon, expect this to continue infinitely.

Do you know many large corporations were making large donation to both Obama and Romney? People get hung up on parties, but R vs D now is virtually meaningless.

Well, it sounds like we agree more than not. But I'm curious what you were trying to convey with your comment. Posts like that are usually trying to insinuate that people who don't buy health insurance, or more to the point, people who don't want to be forced by government to buy health insurance, are irresponsible. I don't buy that.

My opinion is that if someone has a family and does not have health insirance (unless they are incredibly wealthy and can pay for a catastropic illness out of pocket) are shirking their responsibility to their family. It has nothing to do with being forced to buy it.

As for my comment about using it to my advantage, I'm retiring from the military in a couple of months and will be working in the health insurance industry come early summer.
Worried that people will stop paying you healthcare? Worried that tax payers will do this and leave your lazy ass out in the cold?
Obamacare is due to kick in on Oct 1st and people will have to enroll.

Either way, Friday’s deadline is fast approaching. Enrollment is set to begin on Oct 1, and coverage will kick in on Jan. 1, 2014.

So how is everyone going to like this.???

I'm a responsible American who already has kealth insurance, so it won't effect me personally.

That's funny obamacare has already started effecting people, their cost for family coverage has started going up, because of your obamacare.
Responsible adults?? More like taxpayers who will be forced to supply HC to anyone who needs it.

If thats your idea of a good thing then your more than welcome to whip out your wallet and checkbook and cover those costs.

Its to bad the rest of us have no say in the matter.
Responsible adults?? More like taxpayers who will be forced to supply HC to anyone who needs it.

If thats your idea of a good thing then your more than welcome to whip out your wallet and checkbook and cover those costs.

Its to bad the rest of us have no say in the matter.

Taxpayers have been forced to supply healthcare to anyone who needs it for decades.

And being that this country is a republic, the voters did have a say through their elected representatives.
You have been paying a tax penalty for decades for not buying the products the government wants you to buy. You are the ones who allowed this insurance mandate to be the next logical step.

Did you take a deduction for buying the right kind of energy-saving refrigerator? Then you have been okay with someone who did not buy the right kind of refrigerator paying a tax penalty.

Did you take a mortgage interest deduction? Then you have been okay with someone who did not buy a house paying a tax penalty.

You have been okay with someone paying a tax penalty for not buying a house, not buying the right car, not buying solar panels, not buying a whole range of commercial products.

So why whine now about a tax penalty for not buying the right insurance?

You should have said something a looooooooooong time ago.

Demand an end to tax expenditures. Demand a ban.
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Responsible adults?? More like taxpayers who will be forced to supply HC to anyone who needs it.

If thats your idea of a good thing then your more than welcome to whip out your wallet and checkbook and cover those costs.

Its to bad the rest of us have no say in the matter.

Taxpayers have been forced to supply healthcare to anyone who needs it for decades.

And being that this country is a republic, the voters did have a say through their elected representatives.

Sure but not everybody voted for those pushing this crap.

BTW Thanks for your service my friend.
Responsible adults?? More like taxpayers who will be forced to supply HC to anyone who needs it.

If thats your idea of a good thing then your more than welcome to whip out your wallet and checkbook and cover those costs.

Its to bad the rest of us have no say in the matter.

Taxpayers have been forced to supply healthcare to anyone who needs it for decades.

And being that this country is a republic, the voters did have a say through their elected representatives.

Sure but not everybody voted for those pushing this crap.

BTW Thanks for your service my friend.

My honor.

Now while I obviously agree that not everyone voted for reps supporting the AHA, isn't also true that practically no legislation ever received 100% public support?

This is what happens in a representative democracy.
Taxpayers have been forced to supply healthcare to anyone who needs it for decades.

And being that this country is a republic, the voters did have a say through their elected representatives.

Sure but not everybody voted for those pushing this crap.

BTW Thanks for your service my friend.

My honor.

Now while I obviously agree that not everyone voted for reps supporting the AHA, isn't also true that practically no legislation ever received 100% public support?

This is what happens in a representative democracy.

We are no longer in a representative democracy. The House of Representatives has a 98 percent re-election rate. To get a new Congressman, the old one has to retire or die. These bastards are so confident in their re-election chances that not even an old fashioned corruption or sex scandal causes them to step down any more.

With that kind of re-election rate, we have an American Politburo. And they decide who our President is going to be.

We are living in a collectivist totalitarian society now, citizen. And I am no longer fooled by a D or an R after any of their names. The men and the pigs are playing poker together.

Two legs good, four legs bad.
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Sure but not everybody voted for those pushing this crap.

BTW Thanks for your service my friend.

My honor.

Now while I obviously agree that not everyone voted for reps supporting the AHA, isn't also true that practically no legislation ever received 100% public support?

This is what happens in a representative democracy.

We are no longer in a representative democracy. The House of Representatives has a 98 percent re-election rate. To get a new Congressman, the old one has to retire or die. These bastards are so confident in their re-election chances that not even an old fashioned corruption or sex scandal causes them to step down any more.

With that kind of re-election rate, we have an American Politburo. And they decide who our President is going to be.

We are living in a collectivist totalitarian society now, citizen. And I am no longer fooled by a D or an R after any of their names. The men and the pigs are playing poker together.

Two legs good, four legs bad.

Alright George.
well in the Obamacare, if you don't sign up, they will charge you a 700 fine, or jail time. One or the other.

Not true.

When will rw's learn not to believe what fux spews?

O'Reilly said this over and over and over. Even after he was corrected and forced to actually READ the law, he still kept telling this same lie.

And, stupid rw's were just way too busy guzzling kool-aid to educate themselves.
Ensuring your family is provided for is a responsibility.

Not really. You're paying for the option of being alleviated of responsibility.

But let's be honest, the "responsibility" argument coming from supporters of mandates isn't genuine. You've heard conservatives and libertarians use the word, you know it's a big deal with them, so you fling it around thinking it will "trick" them into supporting your corporatist programs. But since you don't have any real comprehension of what "responsibility" means, that's not likely to work. It just makes you look shifty. Maybe try something else?

You're asuming I support the AHA as writen. That is not a valid assumption.

However, since it's the law now, I am smart enough to use it to my advantage.

Right. Which is why withholding was laid in place as a foundation. They don't want to deal with any disruptive taxpayer revolts.

Work for cash only.

There's the answer! And, you can have a job which technically pays less than minimum wage too. Thereby securing some kind of income.

Ah, the extreme right wing fantasy of living off the grid.

Yeah, that's really going to happen. Enjoy your cabin in the mountains there, Grizzley Adams.
There are tons of people who pay no taxes, but with this administration and their hiring of more employees to IRS, they had better hope it doesn't catch up with them. Sooner or later it will. fact. You can only get away with things for awhile, and then bang they catch up with you.
No one is sure just yet how its going to affect anyone, even if you already have insurance. Obamacare is definitely going to affect all of us in some way shape or form. My doctor already is talking about leaving his practicie and going into something else. Hospitals are already not treating people as they should also.
Obamacare is big gov't take over.....and there will be more and more things come up that will cause nothing but hardships on all of us.......Believe it.

Actually it's big corporate takeover... you forget to note who it is that runs the government.

I don't like it, never did. It was wrong when Romney did it and it's wrong now. I wanted a public option but corporat suck-whores like Liebermann made sure that wasn't gonna happen.
I wonder how many poor folks will end up in the slammer over this new TAX??

Oh wait. I forgot. If you can't pay we taxpayers will pick up the tab. Never mind.

You're confusing ACA with EMTALA.

Please stop repeating this really stupid lie.

Its the REPUBLICAN EMTALA that pays your bills. That's the law Reagan passed and Romney loved. Irresponsible rw's, illegals (having babies and abortions that rw's SAY they hate ... ) and everyone else can get free health care and the responsible Liberals have to pay your bills.
There are tons of people who pay no taxes, but with this administration and their hiring of more employees to IRS, they had better hope it doesn't catch up with them. Sooner or later it will. fact. You can only get away with things for awhile, and then bang they catch up with you.
No one is sure just yet how its going to affect anyone, even if you already have insurance. Obamacare is definitely going to affect all of us in some way shape or form. My doctor already is talking about leaving his practicie and going into something else. Hospitals are already not treating people as they should also.
Obamacare is big gov't take over.....and there will be more and more things come up that will cause nothing but hardships on all of us.......Believe it.

Actually it's big corporate takeover... you forget to note who it is that runs the government.

I don't like it, never did. It was wrong when Romney did it and it's wrong now. I wanted a public option but corporat suck-whores like Liebermann made sure that wasn't gonna happen.

Its amusing that the uninformed believe the AHA was some kind of government takeover of healthcare.

In actuality, it was the biggest gift to the health insurance business that the government could ever give.
There are tons of people who pay no taxes, but with this administration and their hiring of more employees to IRS, they had better hope it doesn't catch up with them. Sooner or later it will. fact. You can only get away with things for awhile, and then bang they catch up with you.
No one is sure just yet how its going to affect anyone, even if you already have insurance. Obamacare is definitely going to affect all of us in some way shape or form. My doctor already is talking about leaving his practicie and going into something else. Hospitals are already not treating people as they should also.
Obamacare is big gov't take over.....and there will be more and more things come up that will cause nothing but hardships on all of us.......Believe it.

Actually it's big corporate takeover... you forget to note who it is that runs the government.

I don't like it, never did. It was wrong when Romney did it and it's wrong now. I wanted a public option but corporat suck-whores like Liebermann made sure that wasn't gonna happen.

Its amusing that the uninformed believe the AHA was some kind of government takeover of healthcare.

In actuality, it was the biggest gift to the health insurance business that the government could ever give.

Much worse. It's both.

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