How YOUR Senator Voted On Keystone XL

Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.

Why is that? The Koch brothers made their money running businesses with thousands of employees. Do you even know how Soros made his millions?
but aren't you just SWAPPING jobs, at the very most? You're killing all the trucker's permanent jobs hauling the stuff now and trading those jobs in for temporary construction jobs? Taking from Peter to give to Paul?

There is a shortage of long haul truckers as it is, other things will come in to pick up the slack. Same goes with rail transport.

If safety and environmental concerns such as spills are your top priority, a pipeline is the safest way to go.
Will our government have to use eminent domain to take American citizens homes and land away from them for a foreign country's needs?

I thought the US needed the oil at our refineries. That is where it is going to end up. If I understand eminent domain, homes and land are not 'taken' they are bought and paid for at the fair market value.
It's surprising how partisan the MSM has made this issue. It really isn't about the environment, it's about money and jobs. Railroads are far more damaging to the environment. . . unless there is an earthquake. :wink:

Keystone XL Pipeline Facts: Pros and Cons

Keystone XL Pipeline Facts Pros and Cons
It's surprising how partisan the MSM has made this issue. It really isn't about the environment, it's about money and jobs. Railroads are far more damaging to the environment. . . unless there is an earthquake. :wink:

Keystone XL Pipeline Facts: Pros and Cons

Keystone XL Pipeline Facts Pros and Cons

so you get your news from an entertainment website known for "Behind the Music That Sucks"? okie dokie....

now reality:

Once the project is completed, operations would require 35 permanent employees and 15 temporary contractors, the State Department report says.

The Senate is about to vote on Keystone XL. Does the pipeline still matter - The Washington Post

the only money is to Trans Canada and other multi-national corporations. the problem is not the "mainstream media", it is about people not thinking for themselves and thinking if it is mainstream (meaning not extreme lunatic BS) that it is somehow all unreliable.

My dear girl, you have engaged in a Genetic Fallacy.
Description of Genetic Fallacy
A Genetic Fallacy is a line of "reasoning" in which a perceived defect in the origin of a claim or thing is taken to be evidence that discredits the claim or thing itself. It is also a line of reasoning in which the origin of a claim or thing is taken to be evidence for the claim or thing. This sort of "reasoning" has the following form:

    • The origin of a claim or thing is presented.
    • The claim is true(or false) or the thing is supported (or discredited)
Fallacy Genetic Fallacy
While I applaud your thinking, it is astute in that my journalistic source may not be one known for it's journalistic rigor, had it occurred to you there was a REASON why I quoted such a source?

The pros and cons of this issue are well known. However, if you go to a conservative source, you are liable to just get the pro talking points, are you not? And if you go to a liberal journalist site, you are liable to get just the con talking points. This source HAS NO political agenda, as you so keenly pointed out. Thank You. I was doing the forum a service.

If you find distaste for a non-biased break down of the issue, then it is because you are being illogical and partisan. This source is merely acting as a clearing house for already well established information. If there is any particular beef you have with the information, then you can point that out. I don't think we have any disagreement in particular, do we? The only disagreement we have, is that you don't like the PRO's of the issue coming to the light of day, isn't that it?
Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.
Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.

Why is that? The Koch brothers made their money running businesses with thousands of employees. Do you even know how Soros made his millions?
Where do you see the name Soros in my post?

Post # 57
"I probably gave the impression that I'm a big fan of Democrats when I'm not. The only thing positive I can say about them is that they're not Republicans. Tell me what Soros and Powell have done and maybe I'll condemn them as harshly as I do the Kochs."
Glad my two voted no.

but I love the pretend concern of the right for the 44 permanent jobs that would be created by endangering our environment and enriching multi-national corporations.

maybe they should put their passion into an infrastructure program that would create real jobs.


oh...and for the idiots who run around saying "don't vote", voting matters as you can see, which ever way you come down on this issue. (and every other issue)

So those jobs are fake ones?,you have no idea what you are blabbering about. A pipeline system this size once complete will have many more than 44 jobs,it will provide thousands while it is under construction.

oooookkkkk ... chickenwing is on the RW list as a union supporter ! the list keeps growing, former anti union Rw's continue to prove their hypocrisy has NO LIMITS !

good for you chickenneck ..
Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.
Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.

Why is that? The Koch brothers made their money running businesses with thousands of employees. Do you even know how Soros made his millions?
Where do you see the name Soros in my post?

Post # 57
"I probably gave the impression that I'm a big fan of Democrats when I'm not. The only thing positive I can say about them is that they're not Republicans. Tell me what Soros and Powell have done and maybe I'll condemn them as harshly as I do the Kochs."
Well, I didn't bring him up. I was trying to address a tangent that was randomly brought into the discussion. If you guys are so obsessed with Soros, why don't you start a thread on him detailing all the evil he's done so we can all discuss from a more uniform starting point.
Glad my two voted no.

but I love the pretend concern of the right for the 44 permanent jobs that would be created by endangering our environment and enriching multi-national corporations.

maybe they should put their passion into an infrastructure program that would create real jobs.


oh...and for the idiots who run around saying "don't vote", voting matters as you can see, which ever way you come down on this issue. (and every other issue)

So those jobs are fake ones?,you have no idea what you are blabbering about. A pipeline system this size once complete will have many more than 44 jobs,it will provide thousands while it is under construction.

oooookkkkk ... chickenwing is on the RW list as a union supporter ! the list keeps growing, former anti union Rw's continue to prove their hypocrisy has NO LIMITS !

good for you chickenneck ..
You don't know anything at all,but good job at making assumptions,very good job.
Kinda off topic,but ass hats like yourself,just love to tell others what they think,so tell me,where do I stand on some of the big issues of the day,like immigration,or capital punishment,trade some of the big ones.Give it a try,your always willing to tell other what they themselves are thinking,or at least you try.
Glad my two voted no.

but I love the pretend concern of the right for the 44 permanent jobs that would be created by endangering our environment and enriching multi-national corporations.

maybe they should put their passion into an infrastructure program that would create real jobs.


oh...and for the idiots who run around saying "don't vote", voting matters as you can see, which ever way you come down on this issue. (and every other issue)

So those jobs are fake ones?,you have no idea what you are blabbering about. A pipeline system this size once complete will have many more than 44 jobs,it will provide thousands while it is under construction.

oooookkkkk ... chickenwing is on the RW list as a union supporter ! the list keeps growing, former anti union Rw's continue to prove their hypocrisy has NO LIMITS !

good for you chickenneck ..
You don't know anything at all,but good job at making assumptions,very good job.
Kinda off topic,but ass hats like yourself,just love to tell others what they think,so tell me,where do I stand on some of the big issues of the day,like immigration,or capital punishment,trade some of the big ones.Give it a try,your always willing to tell other what they themselves are thinking,or at least you try.

nice dodge Mr Pro Union Dude ... LOL
Why then do the conservatives continually argue against any other infrastructure funding in the country.
Oil is king to the right wing.

Both of PA Senators voted for the passage. Nice to see some bi-partisan common sense from my elected officials.

so when it's a rightwing issue, it's bi-partisan to vote for it?

and when it's a liberal issue, it's patriotic to obstruct?

This is not a right wing issue its a common sense upgrade to old and worn out pipeline INFRASTRUCTURE this country needs.
Glad my two voted no.

but I love the pretend concern of the right for the 44 permanent jobs that would be created by endangering our environment and enriching multi-national corporations.

maybe they should put their passion into an infrastructure program that would create real jobs.


oh...and for the idiots who run around saying "don't vote", voting matters as you can see, which ever way you come down on this issue. (and every other issue)

So those jobs are fake ones?,you have no idea what you are blabbering about. A pipeline system this size once complete will have many more than 44 jobs,it will provide thousands while it is under construction.

oooookkkkk ... chickenwing is on the RW list as a union supporter ! the list keeps growing, former anti union Rw's continue to prove their hypocrisy has NO LIMITS !

good for you chickenneck ..
You don't know anything at all,but good job at making assumptions,very good job.
Kinda off topic,but ass hats like yourself,just love to tell others what they think,so tell me,where do I stand on some of the big issues of the day,like immigration,or capital punishment,trade some of the big ones.Give it a try,your always willing to tell other what they themselves are thinking,or at least you try.

nice dodge Mr Pro Union Dude ... LOL
Just don't have much do you?
Glad my two voted no.

but I love the pretend concern of the right for the 44 permanent jobs that would be created by endangering our environment and enriching multi-national corporations.

maybe they should put their passion into an infrastructure program that would create real jobs.


oh...and for the idiots who run around saying "don't vote", voting matters as you can see, which ever way you come down on this issue. (and every other issue)

So those jobs are fake ones?,you have no idea what you are blabbering about. A pipeline system this size once complete will have many more than 44 jobs,it will provide thousands while it is under construction.

oooookkkkk ... chickenwing is on the RW list as a union supporter ! the list keeps growing, former anti union Rw's continue to prove their hypocrisy has NO LIMITS !

good for you chickenneck ..
You don't know anything at all,but good job at making assumptions,very good job.
Kinda off topic,but ass hats like yourself,just love to tell others what they think,so tell me,where do I stand on some of the big issues of the day,like immigration,or capital punishment,trade some of the big ones.Give it a try,your always willing to tell other what they themselves are thinking,or at least you try.

nice dodge Mr Pro Union Dude ... LOL
So what did I dodge? Some workers will be union,if the firm they work for winns the bid,some won't be.
I don't care,I am not a partisan hack,like yourself.
Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.
Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.

Why is that? The Koch brothers made their money running businesses with thousands of employees. Do you even know how Soros made his millions?
Where do you see the name Soros in my post?

Post # 57
"I probably gave the impression that I'm a big fan of Democrats when I'm not. The only thing positive I can say about them is that they're not Republicans. Tell me what Soros and Powell have done and maybe I'll condemn them as harshly as I do the Kochs."
Well, I didn't bring him up. I was trying to address a tangent that was randomly brought into the discussion. If you guys are so obsessed with Soros, why don't you start a thread on him detailing all the evil he's done so we can all discuss from a more uniform starting point.

Look it up yourself. I already know how Soros made his millions.
Imagine the guilt-ridden left. Loathing what they "believe" oil has done to "their" planet but unwilling to park the limo and unplug the computer to help stamp out demon oil!

That they can function at all with that much inner conflict is.........(amazing)(sad)(pitiful).....
Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.

Why is that? The Koch brothers made their money running businesses with thousands of employees. Do you even know how Soros made his millions?
Where do you see the name Soros in my post?

Post # 57
"I probably gave the impression that I'm a big fan of Democrats when I'm not. The only thing positive I can say about them is that they're not Republicans. Tell me what Soros and Powell have done and maybe I'll condemn them as harshly as I do the Kochs."
Well, I didn't bring him up. I was trying to address a tangent that was randomly brought into the discussion. If you guys are so obsessed with Soros, why don't you start a thread on him detailing all the evil he's done so we can all discuss from a more uniform starting point.

Look it up yourself. I already know how Soros made his millions.
You're the one who's obsessed with Soros. I don't see why I should waste my time. If you want me to give a shit about him, you should probably tell me why he's so evil.
Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.
Why is that? The Koch brothers made their money running businesses with thousands of employees. Do you even know how Soros made his millions?
Where do you see the name Soros in my post?

Post # 57
"I probably gave the impression that I'm a big fan of Democrats when I'm not. The only thing positive I can say about them is that they're not Republicans. Tell me what Soros and Powell have done and maybe I'll condemn them as harshly as I do the Kochs."
Well, I didn't bring him up. I was trying to address a tangent that was randomly brought into the discussion. If you guys are so obsessed with Soros, why don't you start a thread on him detailing all the evil he's done so we can all discuss from a more uniform starting point.

Look it up yourself. I already know how Soros made his millions.
You're the one who's obsessed with Soros. I don't see why I should waste my time. If you want me to give a shit about him, you should probably tell me why he's so evil.

I'm not the least bit obsessed with Soros, merely informed, but you seem to have a real hard on for the Koch brothers.
Well, extreme wealth is behind the hold up of Keystone. Warren Buffet stands to make more billions shipping oil by rail.
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.
Why is that? The Koch brothers made their money running businesses with thousands of employees. Do you even know how Soros made his millions?
Where do you see the name Soros in my post?

Post # 57
"I probably gave the impression that I'm a big fan of Democrats when I'm not. The only thing positive I can say about them is that they're not Republicans. Tell me what Soros and Powell have done and maybe I'll condemn them as harshly as I do the Kochs."
Well, I didn't bring him up. I was trying to address a tangent that was randomly brought into the discussion. If you guys are so obsessed with Soros, why don't you start a thread on him detailing all the evil he's done so we can all discuss from a more uniform starting point.

Look it up yourself. I already know how Soros made his millions.
You're the one who's obsessed with Soros. I don't see why I should waste my time. If you want me to give a shit about him, you should probably tell me why he's so evil.

Soros is the ONE you should be worried about. the Koch brothers are legitimate business owners in this country
Glad my two voted no.

but I love the pretend concern of the right for the 44 permanent jobs that would be created by endangering our environment and enriching multi-national corporations.

maybe they should put their passion into an infrastructure program that would create real jobs.


oh...and for the idiots who run around saying "don't vote", voting matters as you can see, which ever way you come down on this issue. (and every other issue)

The single biggest infrastructure program in the world right now is the build-out of the gathering, pipeline and storage infrastructure for the American shales. I can't imagine anyone saying that those jobs aren't real, given that workers can get paid north of $100k for their work.

Funny, I've never thought of TransCanada Pipelines as a multi-national company. Since they do business in Canada and the US, I guess they are. When Americans talk about "energy independence," they inadvertently include Canada in that too.
Last edited:
The stuff has to have chemicals added to it & be heated to flow. It cost more to extract move & refine than its worth

If that were true they wouldn't be doing it. Companies aren't in the business of losing money, but you already knew that. Propagandize away
Price of Oil THEN, (when they began the project) compared to price of oil NOW, after the huge drop in price could be a factor....?
I'll be no more of a supporter of Warren Buffet transporting this stuff than I would be of the Kochs.

Why is that? The Koch brothers made their money running businesses with thousands of employees. Do you even know how Soros made his millions?
but aren't you just SWAPPING jobs, at the very most? You're killing all the trucker's permanent jobs hauling the stuff now and trading those jobs in for temporary construction jobs? Taking from Peter to give to Paul?

There is a shortage of long haul truckers as it is, other things will come in to pick up the slack. Same goes with rail transport.

If safety and environmental concerns such as spills are your top priority, a pipeline is the safest way to go.
Will our government have to use eminent domain to take American citizens homes and land away from them for a foreign country's needs?

I thought the US needed the oil at our refineries. That is where it is going to end up. If I understand eminent domain, homes and land are not 'taken' they are bought and paid for at the fair market value.

This Canadian company can come in and buy the land from the person as you say, but if the family owning the land does not want to sell to the company wanting the land, then the government could use Eminent Domain, TO FORCE the families that don't want to sell to this company, off of their homestead, at merely a fair market value.
44 jobs on the Pipeline only, which ignores the additional jobs created at the feed end, and at the discharge end, and the increased refining jobs. Yes, the feed end jobs go to Canadians, but is that a bad thing?

This is what I've never understood about this logic from the Left. If Canadian timber came into the US, and US manufacturers made it into furniture, which was then exported, most American leftists would think that's a good thing (I assume).

That's what is happening with the crude from the Tar Sands. It is being imported from Canada, upgraded in America by American refineries, then sold. Americans benefit because Americans are in the value-added process and getting paid for it.

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