How Zionism Corrupts Judaism


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
"Judaism is a religion based on humanistic principles offering powerful arguments for social justice, but it has been hijacked by Zionists who have twisted it into an excuse for ethnic cleansing and mass murder."

"Like the Palestinian people, Judaism is also suffering from siege and occupation. Zionism, a Nineteenth Century hallucinatory piece of fictive theology and a vicious ideology, has gotten a demonic grip on much of modern Jewish consciousness and has taken possession of U.S. policies in the Middle East."

"Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is 3,000 years old. Zionism is a heretical upstart based upon preposterous assumptions. In terms of theistic Judaism, Zionism teaches that God, the creator of everything in the universe from fruit flies to quasars, is also into real-estate distribution and has assigned Palestine to Jews or those who tenuously claim to be Jews … from dark-skinned Ethiopians to blue-eyed Russians."

"any criticism of Zionist imperialism is called “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic,” of course, is a misnomer since the occupied and besieged Palestinians are Semites, too."

"Even Adolf Hitler knew that Zionism is not Judaism: he despised Judaism, but in his Mein Kampf, he had praise for Zionism. Hitler admired racist oppression wherever he found it."

*** Inflammatory Link Label Removed -- FlaCalTenn ***

How Zionism Corrupts Judaism Consortiumnews

Zionism is a cancer to this planet and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Zionists are Jew-haters.
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OUTSTANDING POST! And who said Billy Boy is an imbecile? What Zionism has done to the Jews & Palestinians is disgusting & hard to forgive. Peace offerings to Palestinians along with a security fence & land concessions keeping the Palestinians in Israel when all the Palestinians want is to be free from Israel with self determination. Not even once have those Zionists had the decency to help free the Palestinians back to their native homelands. Shame on you Zionists.
"Judaism is a religion based on humanistic principles offering powerful arguments for social justice, but it has been hijacked by Zionists who have twisted it into an excuse for ethnic cleansing and mass murder."

"Like the Palestinian people, Judaism is also suffering from siege and occupation. Zionism, a Nineteenth Century hallucinatory piece of fictive theology and a vicious ideology, has gotten a demonic grip on much of modern Jewish consciousness and has taken possession of U.S. policies in the Middle East."

"Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is 3,000 years old. Zionism is a heretical upstart based upon preposterous assumptions. In terms of theistic Judaism, Zionism teaches that God, the creator of everything in the universe from fruit flies to quasars, is also into real-estate distribution and has assigned Palestine to Jews or those who tenuously claim to be Jews … from dark-skinned Ethiopians to blue-eyed Russians."

"any criticism of Zionist imperialism is called “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic,” of course, is a misnomer since the occupied and besieged Palestinians are Semites, too."

"Even Adolf Hitler knew that Zionism is not Judaism: he despised Judaism, but in his Mein Kampf, he had praise for Zionism. Hitler admired racist oppression wherever he found it."

That last one makes Roufti more Nazi than Mufti.

Zionism is a cancer to this planet and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Zionists are Jew-haters.
Anti Zionism IS anti Semitism. People who hate Israel hate all Jews. And they're morons. So no wonder Billy Boy is pushing this drekk.
OUTSTANDING POST! And who said Billy Boy is an imbecile? What Zionism has done to the Jews & Palestinians is disgusting & hard to forgive. Peace offerings to Palestinians along with a security fence & land concessions keeping the Palestinians in Israel when all the Palestinians want is to be free from Israel with self determination. Not even once have those Zionists had the decency to help free the Palestinians back to their native homelands. Shame on you Zionists.

I agree with this. If the world were rid of the Zionists and Hamas, and left this conflict to be resolved by the PLO and liberal peace loving Jewish folks, we would have had peace and harmony decades ago.
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"Judaism is a religion based on humanistic principles offering powerful arguments for social justice, but it has been hijacked by Zionists who have twisted it into an excuse for ethnic cleansing and mass murder."

"Like the Palestinian people, Judaism is also suffering from siege and occupation. Zionism, a Nineteenth Century hallucinatory piece of fictive theology and a vicious ideology, has gotten a demonic grip on much of modern Jewish consciousness and has taken possession of U.S. policies in the Middle East."

"Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is 3,000 years old. Zionism is a heretical upstart based upon preposterous assumptions. In terms of theistic Judaism, Zionism teaches that God, the creator of everything in the universe from fruit flies to quasars, is also into real-estate distribution and has assigned Palestine to Jews or those who tenuously claim to be Jews … from dark-skinned Ethiopians to blue-eyed Russians."

"any criticism of Zionist imperialism is called “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic,” of course, is a misnomer since the occupied and besieged Palestinians are Semites, too."

"Even Adolf Hitler knew that Zionism is not Judaism: he despised Judaism, but in his Mein Kampf, he had praise for Zionism. Hitler admired racist oppression wherever he found it."

That last one makes Roufti more Nazi than Mufti.

Zionism is a cancer to this planet and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Zionists are Jew-haters.
Anti Zionism IS anti Semitism. People who hate Israel hate all Jews. And they're morons. So no wonder Billy Boy is pushing this drekk.

Saying everyone in Israel are all the same is like saying everyone in the US or Germany are all the same, it's hateful rhetoric. Zionism is akin to Fascism. The principles are the same. The ideas of the Zionist movement and the eugenicists inspired Adolf Hitler. Read your history. Both the Zionists and Hitler believed in the same tenets. Keeping racial purity, and creating a homeland for their race. They were ostensible allies.
"Judaism is a religion based on humanistic principles offering powerful arguments for social justice, but it has been hijacked by Zionists who have twisted it into an excuse for ethnic cleansing and mass murder."

"Like the Palestinian people, Judaism is also suffering from siege and occupation. Zionism, a Nineteenth Century hallucinatory piece of fictive theology and a vicious ideology, has gotten a demonic grip on much of modern Jewish consciousness and has taken possession of U.S. policies in the Middle East."

"Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is 3,000 years old. Zionism is a heretical upstart based upon preposterous assumptions. In terms of theistic Judaism, Zionism teaches that God, the creator of everything in the universe from fruit flies to quasars, is also into real-estate distribution and has assigned Palestine to Jews or those who tenuously claim to be Jews … from dark-skinned Ethiopians to blue-eyed Russians."

"any criticism of Zionist imperialism is called “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic,” of course, is a misnomer since the occupied and besieged Palestinians are Semites, too."

"Even Adolf Hitler knew that Zionism is not Judaism: he despised Judaism, but in his Mein Kampf, he had praise for Zionism. Hitler admired racist oppression wherever he found it."

That last one makes Roufti more Nazi than Mufti.

Zionism is a cancer to this planet and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Zionists are Jew-haters.

Well of course Big Mouth Low IQ Dildo_Really doesn't post the link where he copied this garbage from.
"Judaism is a religion based on humanistic principles offering powerful arguments for social justice, but it has been hijacked by Zionists who have twisted it into an excuse for ethnic cleansing and mass murder."

"Like the Palestinian people, Judaism is also suffering from siege and occupation. Zionism, a Nineteenth Century hallucinatory piece of fictive theology and a vicious ideology, has gotten a demonic grip on much of modern Jewish consciousness and has taken possession of U.S. policies in the Middle East."

"Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is 3,000 years old. Zionism is a heretical upstart based upon preposterous assumptions. In terms of theistic Judaism, Zionism teaches that God, the creator of everything in the universe from fruit flies to quasars, is also into real-estate distribution and has assigned Palestine to Jews or those who tenuously claim to be Jews … from dark-skinned Ethiopians to blue-eyed Russians."

"any criticism of Zionist imperialism is called “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic,” of course, is a misnomer since the occupied and besieged Palestinians are Semites, too."

"Even Adolf Hitler knew that Zionism is not Judaism: he despised Judaism, but in his Mein Kampf, he had praise for Zionism. Hitler admired racist oppression wherever he found it."

That last one makes Roufti more Nazi than Mufti.

Zionism is a cancer to this planet and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Zionists are Jew-haters.

And which white supremacist Nazi Jew hatred site did you lift this from them dildo ?
And the ultimate source is an islamocatholic Nazi

Daniel C. Maguire is a Professor of Moral Theology at Marquette University, a Catholic, Jesuit institution in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is author of A Moral Creed for All Christians and The Horrors We Bless: Rethinking the Just-War Legacy [Fortress Press]). He can be reached at [email protected]
"Judaism is a religion based on humanistic principles offering powerful arguments for social justice, but it has been hijacked by Zionists who have twisted it into an excuse for ethnic cleansing and mass murder."

"Like the Palestinian people, Judaism is also suffering from siege and occupation. Zionism, a Nineteenth Century hallucinatory piece of fictive theology and a vicious ideology, has gotten a demonic grip on much of modern Jewish consciousness and has taken possession of U.S. policies in the Middle East."

"Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is 3,000 years old. Zionism is a heretical upstart based upon preposterous assumptions. In terms of theistic Judaism, Zionism teaches that God, the creator of everything in the universe from fruit flies to quasars, is also into real-estate distribution and has assigned Palestine to Jews or those who tenuously claim to be Jews … from dark-skinned Ethiopians to blue-eyed Russians."

"any criticism of Zionist imperialism is called “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic,” of course, is a misnomer since the occupied and besieged Palestinians are Semites, too."

"Even Adolf Hitler knew that Zionism is not Judaism: he despised Judaism, but in his Mein Kampf, he had praise for Zionism. Hitler admired racist oppression wherever he found it."

That last one makes Roufti more Nazi than Mufti.

Zionism is a cancer to this planet and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Zionists are Jew-haters.

And which white supremacist Nazi Jew hatred site did you lift this from them dildo ?
I think the webpage was linked: Roufti more Nazi than Mufti.
Moderation Message:

This didn't start out well. Anymore horseshit like burying the OP link in ad hom and this thread
goes direct to trash. In the meantime -- in the interest of breaking up the social clique here
who just can't seem to get along -- I'm moving this Religion.

Please remember that that forum is ALSO Zone2. Same rules apply.. Maybe folks will make
some new "friends".. Keep your seatbelts fastened until we've reached the gate and the pilot has
turned off the "fasten seatbelts" sign..

The main point of this thread...

Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism
Judaism is a religion
Therefore, Zionism has nothing to do with religion
"Judaism is a religion based on humanistic principles offering powerful arguments for social justice, but it has been hijacked by Zionists who have twisted it into an excuse for ethnic cleansing and mass murder."

"Like the Palestinian people, Judaism is also suffering from siege and occupation. Zionism, a Nineteenth Century hallucinatory piece of fictive theology and a vicious ideology, has gotten a demonic grip on much of modern Jewish consciousness and has taken possession of U.S. policies in the Middle East."

"Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is 3,000 years old. Zionism is a heretical upstart based upon preposterous assumptions. In terms of theistic Judaism, Zionism teaches that God, the creator of everything in the universe from fruit flies to quasars, is also into real-estate distribution and has assigned Palestine to Jews or those who tenuously claim to be Jews … from dark-skinned Ethiopians to blue-eyed Russians."

"any criticism of Zionist imperialism is called “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic,” of course, is a misnomer since the occupied and besieged Palestinians are Semites, too."

"Even Adolf Hitler knew that Zionism is not Judaism: he despised Judaism, but in his Mein Kampf, he had praise for Zionism. Hitler admired racist oppression wherever he found it."

*** Inflammatory Link Label Removed -- FlaCalTenn ***

How Zionism Corrupts Judaism Consortiumnews

Zionism is a cancer to this planet and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Zionists are Jew-haters.

The facts on the ground (over the last century) belie your claims. “Zionism” as you or they would so dearly want it, doesn’t even play a role in the last 100 years of the Jews peacefully coming to this land, purchasing worthless tracts of land from the Ottoman Turks and from absentee wealthy Egyptian landlords and bringing this economically depressed and deserted region into a fruitful oasis that all neighboring Arabs benefited from. They benefited so much that hordes of Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, et al. moved in to live there as well. That is the majority of your so-called Palestinians. But it was their religious leaders and teachings that were intent on hating the Jews no matter what. So lying about them was only one of their tactics for unjustly ridding themselves of them. What has Israel or "zionism" done that is so criminal?

Israel has been more forebearing and restrained than any nation in history. Every Arab nation that attacked it in 5 wars could have been obliterated if the Jews so chose. But they are not hateful murderers like their ill-begotten Islamic clerical fanatical leaders. “Death to the infidel” is all they know --- and you are trying to tell the world this demagogic description of “Zionism” has been the evil all along. Right.

You are too obtuse or agenda driven to see that Palestine is the great pawn in this battle between Islam and those they hate. They are being used by their Grand Muftis. The flag says Free Palestine is the battle cry. Free Palestine from what? From its wealthy Arab brother nations who won't give them a dollar to improve their infrastructure and quality of life? From its wealthy Arab brother nations who won't allow one Palestinian to emigrate tot their nation and live? Who won't allow them to work in their nations to make money for their families in Palestine, but Israel allows hundreds of thousands to cross their borders and work? Free Palestine from what? From the horrible diabolical lies that fanatical Islam puts in their children's head about how evil the Jews are, how evil Americans are, and how if they go blow up a marketplace of women and children they will go directly to heaven as some kind of saint?
The facts on the ground (over the last century) belie your claims. “Zionism” as you or they would so dearly want it, doesn’t even play a role in the last 100 years of the Jews peacefully coming to this land,
"...peacefully coming to this land..."?

Are you on crack? Do you call this peaceful?

"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."
Ahad Ha'am

purchasing worthless tracts of land from the Ottoman Turks and from absentee wealthy Egyptian landlords and bringing this economically depressed and deserted region into a fruitful oasis that all neighboring Arabs benefited from.
"...benefited from..."?

Any land purchase was stipulated on the fact that the owner could only use Jewish labor. And if they didn't, they were fined.

"Keren Kayemet draft lease: Employment of Jewish labour only

"... The lessee undertakes to execute all works connected with the cultivation of the holding only with Jewish labour. Failure to comply with this duty by the employment of non-Jewish labour shall render the lessee liable to the payment of compensation ..."

So WTF are you talking about "benefited from"? That is horseshit!

They benefited so much that hordes of Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, et al. moved in to live there as well. That is the majority of your so-called Palestinians. But it was their religious leaders and teachings that were intent on hating the Jews no matter what. So lying about them was only one of their tactics for unjustly ridding themselves of them. What has Israel or "zionism" done that is so criminal?
Declaring the state of Israel, when they only constituted 10% of the population.
Driving out over 700,000 indigenous, non-Jewish residents, by Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.
Committing genocide at Deir Yassin.
Taking more land than what was allocated to them by the Mandate.

That's the short list.

Israel has been more forebearing and restrained than any nation in history.
You're full of shit.

Israel drops 2000 pound bombs in Gaza that destroys entire neighborhoods.
They shoot at Palestinian's fishing and farming.

How the fuck is that "restrained"?

Every Arab nation that attacked it in 5 wars could have been obliterated if the Jews so chose. But they are not hateful murderers like their ill-begotten Islamic clerical fanatical leaders. “Death to the infidel” is all they know --- and you are trying to tell the world this demagogic description of “Zionism” has been the evil all along. Right.
You're ridiculous.

You are too obtuse or agenda driven to see that Palestine is the great pawn in this battle between Islam and those they hate.
I'm a white, Irish Catholic living in Southern California who doesn't give a shit about Israel, Palestine or it's kiss-ass minions. I'm the most objective voice you would find on this subject, because this conflict does not affect my daily life in any way, shape or form.

They are being used by their Grand Muftis.
You're being used by your Grand Roufti, a piece of shit member of this forum, who is the complete definition of asshole.

The flag says Free Palestine is the battle cry. Free Palestine from what?
Almost 50 years of occupation.

From its wealthy Arab brother nations who won't give them a dollar to improve their infrastructure and quality of life?
They can't improve their infrastructure. Israel won't allow building materials into the area.

From its wealthy Arab brother nations who won't allow one Palestinian to emigrate tot their nation and live?
How can they emigrate, when Israel won't allow anyone to leave?

I've had enough of your garbage.
The main point of this thread...

Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism
Judaism is a religion
Therefore, Zionism has nothing to do with religion
Judaism reveres the Land of Israel and the Land promised by G-d to His people Israel. So does Zionism.
As usual you are wrong, because you pick to post about things you know nothing about.
Judaism is 50% Zionism, and 0% what you read online when you Google "Judaism is NOT Zionism"
Humanity had pretty much the same thread (except that yours is toxic and you are here to lecture while Humanity was not)
That's good because you base all your hate on total lies,
What makes you think I "hate"?

As for lies...

Is what Ahad Ha'am said, a lie?
Was there no such thing as a Keren Kayemet Lease agreement?
Were there no Zionists marching in the streets shouting "Death to Arabs"?

If you think I lied, then prove it!

I consider it a waste of my time (and yours) to bother refuting.
I've already refuted your stuff.

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