How Zionism Corrupts Judaism

Nonsense. The religion is suffering no such thing.

More nonsense. Zionists insist that Israel be a homeland for Jewish people ... not Judaism.
So what are you saying?

That Jews have nothing to do with Judaism?

Yanno ... stupid must be your middle name. I said that Zionists insist that whether you Nazi types like it or not Israel is the homeland for the Jews ... a place they can find refuge from you hateful scumbags and if you can't accept that (and I know you can't) then you can fuck off, Princess.
Yanno ... stupid must be your middle name. I said that Zionists insist that whether you Nazi types like it or not Israel is the homeland for the Jews ... a place they can find refuge from you hateful scumbags and if you can't accept that (and I know you can't) then you can fuck off, Princess.
That is rich!

In order to find refuge from hateful scumbags, they are invited to come to the most hateful, mean-spirited, racist nation on the planet.

So what's the pitch?

"Come to Israel, where your amateurish hate, can go pro!"

Nobody hates others better, than Zionists.
(and yes, you hate Jews)
Yanno ... stupid must be your middle name. I said that Zionists insist that whether you Nazi types like it or not Israel is the homeland for the Jews ... a place they can find refuge from you hateful scumbags and if you can't accept that (and I know you can't) then you can fuck off, Princess.
That is rich!

In order to find refuge from hateful scumbags, they are invited to come to the most hateful, mean-spirited, racist nation on the planet.

So what's the pitch?

"Come to Israel, where your amateurish hate, can go pro!"

Nobody hates others better, than Zionists.
(and yes, you hate Jews)

So sez the Nazi scummy (and doesn't understand how others can see him as he is).
"Judaism is a religion based on humanistic principles offering powerful arguments for social justice, but it has been hijacked by Zionists who have twisted it into an excuse for ethnic cleansing and mass murder."

"Like the Palestinian people, Judaism is also suffering from siege and occupation. Zionism, a Nineteenth Century hallucinatory piece of fictive theology and a vicious ideology, has gotten a demonic grip on much of modern Jewish consciousness and has taken possession of U.S. policies in the Middle East."

"Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is 3,000 years old. Zionism is a heretical upstart based upon preposterous assumptions. In terms of theistic Judaism, Zionism teaches that God, the creator of everything in the universe from fruit flies to quasars, is also into real-estate distribution and has assigned Palestine to Jews or those who tenuously claim to be Jews … from dark-skinned Ethiopians to blue-eyed Russians."

"any criticism of Zionist imperialism is called “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic,” of course, is a misnomer since the occupied and besieged Palestinians are Semites, too."

"Even Adolf Hitler knew that Zionism is not Judaism: he despised Judaism, but in his Mein Kampf, he had praise for Zionism. Hitler admired racist oppression wherever he found it."

That last one makes Roufti more Nazi than Mufti.

Zionism is a cancer to this planet and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Zionists are Jew-haters.
Anti Zionism IS anti Semitism. People who hate Israel hate all Jews. And they're morons. So no wonder Billy Boy is pushing this drekk.

Saying everyone in Israel are all the same is like saying everyone in the US or Germany are all the same, it's hateful rhetoric. Zionism is akin to Fascism. The principles are the same. The ideas of the Zionist movement and the eugenicists inspired Adolf Hitler. Read your history. Both the Zionists and Hitler believed in the same tenets. Keeping racial purity, and creating a homeland for their race. They were ostensible allies.

Using your delusional way of thinking there shodnt be a " Palestinian state" Tell us why they demand a State with NJA allowed or why Saudi Arabia and other Muslim Countries have a NJA policy? You should be concerned a out what ISIS is doing to Christians. You aren't because you're a bigot and racist
[QUOTE="flacaltenn, post: 11834152,

I have no doubt that such discussions exist in Talmud and other opinions. BUT -- I worry that they are based on fulfillment of THEOCRATIC ideals of organizing Jewry. And that is not a mission that the majority of Jews outside of Israel might be interested in.. Even WITHIN Israel for that matter..

Besides -- who would be left to run the day to day nefarious operations of WorldWide Zionism --- if all Jews decided to crowd into the HolyLand? Why TV networks, Hollywood productions, and the US Congress and libraries worldwide would be left unmonitored and uncontrolled.. :badgrin:[/QUOTE]

I am chairwoman of the cosmic bagel branch of the inter Galactic
ZION POWER COUNCIL. I would like to present your concerns
regarding loss of GRIP on planet earth----at the next meeting----OK?
May I quote???
So sez the Nazi scummy (and doesn't understand how others can see him as he is).
How others see me, is about them, not me. That is their perception. Their decision to accept that perception. At least have the balls to own your own emotions.
[QUOTE="flacaltenn, post: 11834152,

I have no doubt that such discussions exist in Talmud and other opinions. BUT -- I worry that they are based on fulfillment of THEOCRATIC ideals of organizing Jewry. And that is not a mission that the majority of Jews outside of Israel might be interested in.. Even WITHIN Israel for that matter..

Besides -- who would be left to run the day to day nefarious operations of WorldWide Zionism --- if all Jews decided to crowd into the HolyLand? Why TV networks, Hollywood productions, and the US Congress and libraries worldwide would be left unmonitored and uncontrolled.. :badgrin:

I am chairwoman of the cosmic bagel branch of the inter Galactic
ZION POWER COUNCIL. I would like to present your concerns
regarding loss of GRIP on planet earth----at the next meeting----OK?
May I quote???[/QUOTE]
Maybe because you're a fuckin' asshole, Asshole. Why ask me?
Because you're the one who made the claim, not me.
BTW, you're right about me being an asshole.

No shit, Sherlock. We can only judge posters by the nature of their posts and yours are consistently Nazi-ish. What I don't get are your lame denials. Do you honestly believe others here can't read you like a comic book?
So sez the Nazi scummy (and doesn't understand how others can see him as he is).
How others see me, is about them, not me. That is their perception. Their decision to accept that perception. At least have the balls to own your own emotions.

I make no bones about calling a Nazi a Nazi (or haven't you noticed) and you can live in (lame) denial but how others see you is certainly about you.

Why would I do that? I'm not the one claiming "Jew hate".

But you are the one hating Jews (and fooling no one). That you can't (or won't) see it makes it no less obvious and no less real.
No shit, Sherlock. We can only judge posters by the nature of their posts and yours are consistently Nazi-ish.
What is "Nazi-ish" about my posts? I'll bet the farm, you're unable to explain why. Or you'll refuse to. Or you just won't. Because the only thing you do do, is attach bullshit little labels to others and the things they say.

I, on the other hand, can explain why they're not.

The majority of my criticism's on Israel are based on the fact that they are in violation of many international laws. International laws that were created specifically to prevent the things the Nazis did in WWII. So why would I advocate something that prevents what you allegedly say I'm in to?

What I don't get are your lame denials.
It's even more lame your inability to respond to them specifically.

Do you honestly believe others here can't read you like a comic book?
Do you really think others around here will believe the only reason Israel is in violation of international law, is because I hate Jews? That's pretty irrational. It becomes sinister, when you take into account, nothing I've said has anything to do with Jews.
I make no bones about calling a Nazi a Nazi (or haven't you noticed) and you can live in (lame) denial but how others see you is certainly about you.
You call me something that you can't explain.

And you're wrong. How others see me, is about them.

But you are the one hating Jews (and fooling no one). That you can't (or won't) see it makes it no less obvious and no less real.
Why would I hate Jews?
Billo----I will explain why you are a Nazi------Nazism is not new----it was founded LONG AGO-----by a person named CONSTANTINE. He took over rule of the land the roman scum called PALESTINA and made up NAZI LAWS-----among those laws were proscriptions on jews riding horses, owning weapons and owning land. All jewish land ownership was nullified. ----his laws morphed into the JUSTINIAN CODE which then became CANON LAW---ie the law of the "HOLY" catholic church Jews could not own land thruout the "HOLY" roman empire. including in Palestina. Rapist pig Muhummad added this idea to
SHARIAH LAW-------his noble friends when they conquered lands ---nullified jewish ownership of land---------Your greatest hero ADOLF added those provisions into his NUREMBURG CODE. See? now you know. Jews purchased Hebron-----in fact several times in history but never sold it. Jews never sold Jerusalem either--------but originally bought it--------Nazi scum claim the land for themselves. In fact---based on the JUSTINIAN CODE (of Constantine) Nazi pope Francis actually believes he can give Jerusalem to wherever he decides he wants to lick ass. I own a house in the USA-----does francis own that too? I bought it. You own any land? LOL ----so you imagine-----someone may decide to give it away

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