Howard Dean,Joe Biden&Al Sharpton. Has A Village Lost Three Lying Idiots?

Mar 16, 2012

Over the last two weeks we have heard the three stooges accuse the GOP of hating pretty much every race in the United States.
Howard Dean: Let's just take his infamous moment that made him the laughing stock of the Democrat Party & rephrase his script;Republicans Hate Women!,Republicans Hate Men!,Republicans Hate Latinos,& Jews,&Babies,And Republicans Hate White Hispanics !!!
YEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!:ack-1::ack-1::rock:

Al Sharpton: Now Now Al, You already lost all credibility when you took the MSNBC 6pm spot (the time-spot no one watches) Now its the war on Blacks? All of a sudden? Why wasn't it the war on blacks when Bush&Reagan were in office? Oh,wait, Obama is down to 40% approval, ok, now we have it all figured out.

Joe Biden: No need to explain, Actually we find it entertaining when Joe Biden gives his speeches and still blames Bush for every economic and foreign crisis that Obama is responsible for. Keep it up Joe, we need the laughs.
Gay is the new black.

Anyone who doesn't openly profess their love for same-sex marriage is labeled a bigot.

Folks in Hollywood are all gonna say they always deeply loved Gays........their jobs depend on it. :eusa_shifty:
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Then why do black people vote in so few numbers for the republican party?

because you chase them away
the most profound difference in this presidential race when it comes to proof of evidence in any argument we watch on cable news, is that the dems & libs can never come up with any accurate evidence. With al sharpton, he bitches and bitches about "Those Damn Republicans",,,yet he cannot explain why the economy has been in decline since Obama took office,doesnt he know that the GOP is not in power? And forget the Ed Show, he wont let a conservative on his show.God forbid his audience of 300,000 find out the real truths.

Over the last two weeks we have heard the three stooges accuse the GOP of hating pretty much every race in the United States.
Howard Dean: Let's just take his infamous moment that made him the laughing stock of the Democrat Party & rephrase his script;Republicans Hate Women!,Republicans Hate Men!,Republicans Hate Latinos,& Jews,&Babies,And Republicans Hate White Hispanics !!!
YEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!:ack-1::ack-1::rock:

Al Sharpton: Now Now Al, You already lost all credibility when you took the MSNBC 6pm spot (the time-spot no one watches) Now its the war on Blacks? All of a sudden? Why wasn't it the war on blacks when Bush&Reagan were in office? Oh,wait, Obama is down to 40% approval, ok, now we have it all figured out.

Joe Biden: No need to explain, Actually we find it entertaining when Joe Biden gives his speeches and still blames Bush for every economic and foreign crisis that Obama is responsible for. Keep it up Joe, we need the laughs.

So you are repeating what you imagined they are saying. But what part is the lie?
the most profound difference in this presidential race when it comes to proof of evidence in any argument we watch on cable news, is that the dems & libs can never come up with any accurate evidence. With al sharpton, he bitches and bitches about "Those Damn Republicans",,,yet he cannot explain why the economy has been in decline since Obama took office,doesnt he know that the GOP is not in power? And forget the Ed Show, he wont let a conservative on his show.God forbid his audience of 300,000 find out the real truths.

God forbid that you actullay start to think
the most profound difference in this presidential race when it comes to proof of evidence in any argument we watch on cable news, is that the dems & libs can never come up with any accurate evidence. With al sharpton, he bitches and bitches about "Those Damn Republicans",,,yet he cannot explain why the economy has been in decline since Obama took office,doesnt he know that the GOP is not in power? And forget the Ed Show, he wont let a conservative on his show.God forbid his audience of 300,000 find out the real truths.

filibuster - definition of filibuster by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

fil·i·bus·ter (fl-bstr)
a. The use of obstructionist tactics, especially prolonged speechmaking, for the purpose of delaying legislative action.
b. An instance of the use of this delaying tactic.
2. An adventurer who engages in a private military action in a foreign country.
v. fil·i·bus·tered, fil·i·bus·ter·ing, fil·i·bus·ters
1. To use obstructionist tactics in a legislative body.
2. To take part in a private military action in a foreign country.
To use a filibuster against (a legislative measure, for example).

Republican Obstruction at Work: Record Number of Filibusters | NEWS

Hope that helped.

Over the last two weeks we have heard the three stooges accuse the GOP of hating pretty much every race in the United States.
Howard Dean: Let's just take his infamous moment that made him the laughing stock of the Democrat Party & rephrase his script;Republicans Hate Women!,Republicans Hate Men!,Republicans Hate Latinos,& Jews,&Babies,And Republicans Hate White Hispanics !!!
YEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!:ack-1::ack-1::rock:

Al Sharpton: Now Now Al, You already lost all credibility when you took the MSNBC 6pm spot (the time-spot no one watches) Now its the war on Blacks? All of a sudden? Why wasn't it the war on blacks when Bush&Reagan were in office? Oh,wait, Obama is down to 40% approval, ok, now we have it all figured out.

Joe Biden: No need to explain, Actually we find it entertaining when Joe Biden gives his speeches and still blames Bush for every economic and foreign crisis that Obama is responsible for. Keep it up Joe, we need the laughs.

So you are repeating what you imagined they are saying. But what part is the lie?

You're part of the Sharpton Lying Brigade.... even if some patient conservative explained it in plain English, it would be above your intellectual paygrade - and, more importantly, far above your intellectual honesty to understand it.

Carry on playing with your toys, rderp.
the most profound difference in this presidential race when it comes to proof of evidence in any argument we watch on cable news, is that the dems & libs can never come up with any accurate evidence. With al sharpton, he bitches and bitches about "Those Damn Republicans",,,yet he cannot explain why the economy has been in decline since Obama took office,doesnt he know that the GOP is not in power? And forget the Ed Show, he wont let a conservative on his show.God forbid his audience of 300,000 find out the real truths.

Fortunately, Sharpton and Schultz spew their hate on an atavistic, cave-man-mentality, hate-filled channel, that no decent people watch.
The 2012 DNC. Maybe the theme should be "Send In The Clowns"
Why not with the circus theyare running with the able liars of the leftist press...

[ame=]Judy Collins Send in the Clowns - YouTube[/ame]
And right on cue...CBS Sunday Morning is having a whole section on Romney's view on gay marriage.
The clowns, mentioned above, dwarf the real clowns on the television arm of the Democratic Party, the soon-to-be-bankrupt viper nest of hate, MSNBC.

You know: Chris Matthews and that swarthy foreigner, Martin Bashir. Not to mention the adult version of Steve Urkel who changed his name along the way and is now known as Eugine Robinson.
and now they are all over what Mitt Romney did as a teen? what next? will they start bashing Romney for pooping his diapers when his Mommy was shopping at Woolworth in 1950?
the most profound difference in this presidential race when it comes to proof of evidence in any argument we watch on cable news, is that the dems & libs can never come up with any accurate evidence. With al sharpton, he bitches and bitches about "Those Damn Republicans",,,yet he cannot explain why the economy has been in decline since Obama took office,doesnt he know that the GOP is not in power? And forget the Ed Show, he wont let a conservative on his show.God forbid his audience of 300,000 find out the real truths.

Fortunately, Sharpton and Schultz spew their hate on an atavistic, cave-man-mentality, hate-filled channel, that no decent people watch.

How many black peopel wtach fox or vote republican?

what is it you are really trying to say here?

Over the last two weeks we have heard the three stooges accuse the GOP of hating pretty much every race in the United States.
Howard Dean: Let's just take his infamous moment that made him the laughing stock of the Democrat Party & rephrase his script;Republicans Hate Women!,Republicans Hate Men!,Republicans Hate Latinos,& Jews,&Babies,And Republicans Hate White Hispanics !!!
YEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!:ack-1::ack-1::rock:

Al Sharpton: Now Now Al, You already lost all credibility when you took the MSNBC 6pm spot (the time-spot no one watches) Now its the war on Blacks? All of a sudden? Why wasn't it the war on blacks when Bush&Reagan were in office? Oh,wait, Obama is down to 40% approval, ok, now we have it all figured out.

Joe Biden: No need to explain, Actually we find it entertaining when Joe Biden gives his speeches and still blames Bush for every economic and foreign crisis that Obama is responsible for. Keep it up Joe, we need the laughs.

So you are repeating what you imagined they are saying. But what part is the lie?

Pretty much all of it.

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