Howard Dean Mistakenly Blames FBI 'Quid Pro Quo' Accusations On WikiLeaks And Russia (MSNBC video)

"phony story" HA! Yet another retarded post from a paid poster. Give it up silly boy there is a mountain of shit from the shrilary and her corrupt sycophants. This is merely the tip of that mountain. Your hero's are trying to turn this country into a third world banana republic.

The quid quo pro story is a complete lie. That's not disputable, at least not by any honest person.

The FBI did not change any classifications. There literally was no pro.

The FBI asked for the postings change well before the issue with those emails arose. So, no quid either.

Disputes over after-the-fact classification are common and routine. The emails in question were not classified when sent by State. Total nothingburger of an issue, from top to bottom.

Those facts are not disputable. They completely shred your conspiracy theory. If you'd like, we can go deep into the details of it. I've got all the data at my fingertips. The actual emails and records, not the lies your masters fed you about them. Are you game for a good asswhupping?

We both know you're not. You're going to snarl and run now, like you always do when the horrible liberals rip apart your GOP spin with facts and data. You should head back to your Republican masters, and ask them for a new talking point. Also, give up on your "I'm a liberal Democrat!" big lie, because I doubt even a single person here falls for it.

No it ain't sweetie. It's the truth. You idiots simply don't care that you're turning the USA into yet another third world shithole banana republic. You no doubt picture yourselves as the camp guards not realizing that the ruling elite will be tossing you into the camps first because you're so stupid.
Obama corresponded with Hillary on her illegal server.

There was NEVER going to be an indictment because Obama said so.

The whole investigation was a bullshit dog and pony show.

Congrats everyone, we are now Panama in the 1980s.

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