Howard Stern takes another stab at Trump voters.

Howard Stern is a jackass. Always has been and always will be. No one cares what he thinks. And him thinking anyone cares what he thinks proves he's a fucking idiot.
NOW the wingnuts hate Howard Stern.

When Stern refused to condemn Trump during the election the right loved him. They're sheep.
Stern is right. You think that Trump wants the lower middle class that make up 90% of his rallies at Mar-a-lago or any of his properties? No friggin way. That Is why his supporters are so angry with Stern. They know he is telling the truth.

If you are a lower middle class supporter of Trump and decide to stay at a Trump owned property, please enter through the servant’s entrance. Trump would appreciate it.

Thank you.
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The latest in a long line of celebrities inflicted with TDS .

He lost his old American audience and is trying to build a new one out of Communists.
Fuck Hilary and fuck him for voting for her.

Isn't that what we are all supposed to believe now? That we can hate those who vote for the opposition?
Howard is good for whenever you wanna watch some skeezers have bologna tossed at their bare asses to see if it sticks. Or to watch and see which ones can deepthroat the sausages the most.

I don't really care about his political opinions.
Howard is good for whenever you wanna watch some skeezers have bologna tossed at their bare asses to see if it sticks. Or to watch and see which ones can deepthroat the sausages the most.

I don't really care about his political opinions.

He's so arrogant and obnoxious, I never understood how he made it
big. Then again we live in a country that still watches soap operas and Jerry Springer reruns from the 90's.
The latest in a long line of celebrities inflicted with TDS .
Stern is about 10 years past being relevant.
He is trying to get some attention for better ratings.
Everyone who I know who is a Stern fan is immature.
Trump is a horrible c ---
Stern has not caught the virus yet I see- would love to see Trump get it

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