Nolte: Howard Stern Proves Democrats Want Unvaccinated Trump Voters Dead

Do you want to know why I think Howard Stern is going full-monster with his mockery of three fellow human beings who died of the coronavirus? Because leftists like Stern and CNNLOL and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Fauci are deliberately looking to manipulate Trump supporters into not getting vaccinated.

Nothing else makes sense to me.

In a country where elections are decided on razor-thin margins, does it not benefit one side if their opponents simply drop dead?

If I wanted to use reverse psychology to convince people not to get a life-saving vaccination, I would do exactly what Stern and the left are doing… I would bully and taunt and mock and ridicule you for not getting vaccinated, knowing the human response would be, Hey, fuck you, I’m never getting vaccinated!

And why is that a perfectly human response? Because no one ever wants to feel like they are being bullied or ridiculed or mocked or pushed into doing anything.

According to the CDC, 99.5 percent of those dying of the China Flu are unvaccinated. So even if they’re lying or exaggerating, even if it’s 75 or 80 percent, those numbers are pretty stark.

Could it be…? Could it possibly be that the left has manipulated huge swathes of Trump voters into believing they are owning the left by not taking the life-saving Trump Vaccine?

Have you ever thought that maybe the left has us right where they want us?

Just stand back for a moment and think about this…

Right now, a countless number of Trump supporters believe they are owning the left by refusing to take a life-saving vaccine — a vaccine, by the way, everyone on the left has taken. Oh, and so has Trump.

Now think about this…

Final note: How many of you were aware the CDC believes that 99.5 percent of those dying are unvaccinated? I bet not many of you. So why would the metric that is the most convincing one not be all over the place? Once you learn that 99.5 percent of deaths are unvaccinated, it cuts through all the muck. That number is startling, an eye-opener… Forget cases, forget mandates, forget masks, and Howard Stern… When you learn that almost everyone dying is unvaccinated, that’s a come to Jesus moment.

Poor Breitfart. They see conspiracy even when there isn't. Oh well. Maybe this will make trumptards get vaccinated. If not, thinning the herd is not such a bad idea... :auiqs.jpg:

The only thing that will get trumptards to vaccinate is the mandate. Nothing else. However, submitting all their personal information to fake vaccine card sellers, so they can steal their identity is a good option for them.
Right wing nuts are really good at figuring out what the left “really” wants. It’s always some 7th level chess, deep state plan to victimize righties some how.
As opposed to traitors siding with traitors?
“Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures,” Andrew Clyde (Q-GA,) said. “You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from Jan. 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”
I actually feel a little sorry for the misguided trumpers and assorted anti-vaxxers. It is like they and their fearful, election depose leader just cannot see through the haze.

I feel sorry for people like you who are so easily triggered.
Right wing nuts are really good at figuring out what the left “really” wants. It’s always some 7th level chess, deep state plan to victimize righties some how.
Says the resident leftist. Are you identifying as a man or a woman today?
The only thing that will get trumptards to vaccinate is the mandate. Nothing else. However, submitting all their personal information to fake vaccine card sellers, so they can steal their identity is a good option for them.
Oh, I don't know. Maybe we stick with the reverse-psychology plan? Keep making fun of the trumptards so that they don't vaccinate and this gets the herd thinned out. The fewer trumptards we have, the better for 'Merica, I always say.
“Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures,” Andrew Clyde (Q-GA,) said. “You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from Jan. 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”
You would never know the FBI was about ready to have it's agitators start trouble and enable the murder of an unarmed woman.
You would never know the FBI was about ready to have it's agitators start trouble and enable the murder of an unarmed woman.
Yeah, I would never have known that.

I also never knew about the jewish space laser, Italian satellites, the cabal that drinks infant blood or the lizard people.

Yeah, I would never have known that.

I also never knew about the jewish space laser, Italian satellites, the cabal that drinks infant blood or the lizard people.

That crap has nothing to do with the false flag on Jan.6th.
Who cares if that goofy looking fuck wants Republicans dead? Everyone has an opinion and a right to choose. If liberal bigots can't see that, they really don't get what this country is all about. Freedom and Liberty.
Wrong. The fraud was more than obvious.
The fraud was obvious? How come ninga found no fraud? Trump's fraud is obvious.
You maga morons just don't give up, do you? You even deny the obvious and the proven.
Your chosen heavily partisan ninga group did the fraudit, yes? They must be lying.
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The fraud was obvious? How come ninga found no fraud? Trump's fraud is obvious.
You maga morons just don't give up, do you? You even deny the obvious and the proven.
Your chosen heavily partisan ninga group did the fraudit, yes?
The Ninja's found laws were broken or ignored. They found votes that should not have been counted. You are uninformed. Come back when you are.

Also, take this argument to the proper thread. I will catch up to you.

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