How’d That Work Out for You, Lefty’s?

how did 11 hearings on Benghazi work out for you Righties ?
If you are going there, allow me to point out the difference between Benghazi and the Collusion Investigation. For Benghazi, the 4 innocent Americans who were slaughtered due to Obama's lack of protection actually happened. By contrast the Collusion investigation was a pathetic made-up excuse to blame the Democrats EPIC FAILURE in the 2016 election. There now, do you understand the difference?
Anyone ever see a timeline of what Hillary was doing during the attack?
What did we learn today… The whole investigation is a big ol’ nothing burger
What we learned was that Trumps actions clearly meets the requires for Obstruction of Justice along with his cast of criminals. As Mueller said in his report, any other person would have been indicted for obstruction of justice. And the day after Trump leaves off, you had better be damned sure it's not a Dem that is President because He will spend the rest of his life in prison on a 20 year sentence.
Trouble is Mueller said exactly the opposite when correcting his earlier testimony:

“I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.

Robert Mueller provides 'correction' to testimony about not charging Trump
this is all been a bunch of CRAP
and the investigator is an IDIOT --investigating NOTHING--no crime
.....the MSM/leftist/''leftists''/Dems have been shown to be IDIOTS also---and this is just more proof
Rep. Jerry Nadler: "What about total exoneration? Did you actually totally exonerate the President?"

Former special counsel Robert Mueller: "No."

Mueller added that President Trump can be prosecuted after he leaves office...
you people are IDIOTS
no collusion --you've been talking that crap and impeaching since 2016
Repeating the same lie over and over does not make it not a lie.
Trump is STILL the POTUS
When did I say he wasn't, dumbass?
What did we learn today… The whole investigation is a big ol’ nothing burger

What we learned was that Trumps actions clearly meets the requires for Obstruction of Justice along with his cast of criminals.

As Mueller said in his report, any other person would have been indicted for obstruction of justice. And the day after Trump leaves off, you had better be damned sure it's not a Dem that is President because He will spend the rest of his life in prison on a 20 year sentence.
Good Gaea, how pathetic.
What did we learn today… The whole investigation is a big ol’ nothing burger

What we learned was that Trumps actions clearly meets the requires for Obstruction of Justice along with his cast of criminals.

As Mueller said in his report, any other person would have been indicted for obstruction of justice. And the day after Trump leaves off, you had better be damned sure it's not a Dem that is President because He will spend the rest of his life in prison on a 20 year sentence.
Who cares what happens after he leaves office?
Donald Trump’s purpose is to bring chaos to the Establishment that is Washington DC... Chaos is good for the country

So you would vote for the Black Plague then. Ah, those were the days.
Karma is a bitch...
Republicans finally have somebody that will fight back… And is very unpredictable. That’s why chaos is good for the country… Fuck the deep state

IN that case, here is a list for 2024 for the GOP that will insure the next election win.

Famous Serial Killers Who Are Still Alive

Dennis Rader - BTK
Better known as the BTK Killer, Dennis Rader killed 10 people in his native Kansas over a span of

almost 20 years starting in 1974. Rader bound, tortured and killed his victims and then sent letters to the police and news outlets bragging about his crimes. He was caught in 2005 and sentenced to life in prison, one life sentence for each murder.
Age: 73

Gary Ridgway - The Green River Killer
Often known as the Green River Killer, Gary Ridgway killed at least 49 people, with the number of victims probably closer to 90. Ridgway lured prostitutes away to be strangled and raped. He dumped the bodies in the forested areas in Washington, but his first five victims were found in the Green River. He was caught in 2001 after nearly twenty years of murders and sentenced to life in prison.
Age: 70

There is your President and VP that would be a shoein after the office of President has slid so far into the hole.

When you have a Felon in waiting for a President that that's only the next logical step.
democrat drama queens.jpg
This time they really got him...

Oh wait, actually they still don't have one piece of evidence.

The established the evidence for at least 3 cases of obstruction of justice. He just moved into the role of Felon in Waiting.

Not so fast there Daryl,
1. When Trump wins re-election the "felonies" disappear due to the statute of limitations
2. The DOJ/GOP have very different definitions of the crime of "obstruction"
3. Law professor Dershowitz agrees that the Barr definition of obstruction is right, Mueller is wrong

Alan Dershowitz: Barr is right, Mueller is wrong
4. Good luck with your fantasy crimes of "obstruction"

The GOP is tying it's whole existence to Trump being reelected. If he gets elected, MOST Reps in office in the Senate stays in power (some won't and it's still up for grabs. The House won't change much). But if he loses, it's going to be a slaughter in 2024 where the Republican Party just rides into the sunset f***ing a Pachyderm in the rump with Preparation H.. Maybe it's time for a new replacement for the Republican Party. One that goes back to the old Republican Ideals. Lincoln versus Charles Manson.
Every single liberal is a premenstrual 14-year-old girl. Grow the hell up, you idiot child.
Keeping score?

Not a single vote affected by the Russians' "massive campaign to sway the election."

"Dirt" re-defined as copies of unaltered emails that were embarrassing to HRC.
The progressives still think Russia actually changed votes and people’s opinions... lol
Like I have always said political correctness makes people fucking retarded.
Democrats believe Russia changed people's opinions because Democrats themselves believed whatever Russian told them to believe for decades.
This time they really got him...

Oh wait, actually they still don't have one piece of evidence.

The established the evidence for at least 3 cases of obstruction of justice. He just moved into the role of Felon in Waiting.

Not so fast there Daryl,
1. When Trump wins re-election the "felonies" disappear due to the statute of limitations
2. The DOJ/GOP have very different definitions of the crime of "obstruction"
3. Law professor Dershowitz agrees that the Barr definition of obstruction is right, Mueller is wrong

Alan Dershowitz: Barr is right, Mueller is wrong
4. Good luck with your fantasy crimes of "obstruction"

The GOP is tying it's whole existence to Trump being reelected. If he gets elected, MOST Reps in office in the Senate stays in power (some won't and it's still up for grabs. The House won't change much). But if he loses, it's going to be a slaughter in 2024 where the Republican Party just rides into the sunset f***ing a Pachyderm in the rump with Preparation H.. Maybe it's time for a new replacement for the Republican Party. One that goes back to the old Republican Ideals. Lincoln versus Charles Manson.

We kind of agree on what happens if Trump wins in 2020.
It could be an electoral landslide with the GOP taking the House back, or it could be close with the dems keeping the House, depending upon who the dem nominee is.

If Trump loses and the dems take the presidency in 2020, the GOP should still keep the Senate. The Republican Party has changed. Just look at the "establishment" Never-Trumpers, the GOP has become a "populist" party working for middle-class jobs. The establishment of BOTH parties belong to K-Street and the PACs. What's really scary is if the dems get to open borders and the dems swamp the GOP with a demographic wave of migrants. The US won't be recognizable if the Debt explodes and the migrants swamp the schools and healthcare system, when the hospitals all close.

The Dems will probably keep the house. They have enough bumper even if they lose 5 seats that the GOP is gunning for. Then again, 4 out of those 5 seats will never flip. But let's say that they do lose 5 seats. They still will have the majority.

The senate for the GOP is precarious to say the least. There isn't nearly as much margin. You can kiss off one seat in Colorado to the Dems for sure. And maybe two in Colorado. Now, I don't want to see either party own all three parts ever again. Each time that happens, we end up with a huge mess. The controlling side drags out all it's really weird crap and pushes it through rather than having to work with the other side and go for a more moderate version that we can all live with. And it doesn't matter worth a whit if it's Republican or Democrat. If either party is in control of the House, Senate and President America gets hurt big time. So I don't want to see the Senate lost if a Dem wins the Presidency but if Trump wins, I want to see the Dems take the Senate and then spank him hard and often until he either starts behaving himself or he goes completely off the deep end. In that situation, I don't think Trump will last a month.

The Debt has already exploded. You want to blame that on the Democrats. Well, take a good look at it. It used to be that the Reps were the fiscal responsible and the Dems wanted to spend. Not so today. In fact, the Reps have gotten so out of hand fiscally that they make the Dems look like fiscal conservatives which they damn sure aren't.

As for the GOP working for the Middle Class, I am what's left of the Middle Class. We are slowly drifting into the poverty class. While min wage has gone up, our wages (which are higher) haven't gone up one thin dime but out cost of living has skyrocketed. Anytime you increase the Min Wage, this is what happens. The Middle Class gets nailed to the wall by the Greedy SOBs that see a way to screw everyone even more. I think that we need to place these Greedy MFers in prison using the Rico act when this happens.

As for the Migrants, I want the Illegals kicked out but we need to do it humanely and expeditiously. If we have the time to get them in front of a Judge and then kick them loose, we should take a little extra time and either grant them a green card or a fast trip back to country of origin. Think it of an Express Line. And for those that keep sneaking back in, our Prisons have room. Instead of housing immigrants waiting months for processing and then kicking them loose, those same facilities can be better suited as immigrant prisons for the repeaters. If Prison is better than the life where they are coming from, fine. Make it Prison.

But step one is, stop blaming Democrats for the mistakes being made by the Trump Administration. No free rides.
how did 11 hearings on Benghazi work out for you Righties ?
If you are going there, allow me to point out the difference between Benghazi and the Collusion Investigation. For Benghazi, the 4 innocent Americans who were slaughtered due to Obama's lack of protection actually happened. By contrast the Collusion investigation was a pathetic made-up excuse to blame the Democrats EPIC FAILURE in the 2016 election. There now, do you understand the difference?

Now, change the word Collusion (which has no legal meaning) to obstruction of justice and then you get an entirely different answer.

And I already covered the real timeline of Benghazi and proved that it couldn't have been done any better. It wasn't Obama nor Hillary that ramrodded it. It was the US Military and due to the time constraints, distance, and conditions, they could not have done it any better. But I will not take away the heroes that were involved and do what you do. There were some brave people that lost. You are just so busy to keep blaming people with no input in such a short time involved that you can't see that the ones involved did the best they could do with the hand they were dealt.
It's working out like this for Trump:

View attachment 270814

First Rule of Holes:
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

It’s dead. You pinned all of your hopes on a lie fabricated by Obama and Hillary.

And once again Obama and Hillary let you down.


LOL. It went as expected. The Republicans attempted and failed to assassinate the character of Mr. Mueller. The Democrats were professional, and got what they needed.

Trump's lie was exposed when he said the report exonerated him from Obstruction, and there was no collusion with Trump&Co. and the Russians.
View attachment 270814

First Rule of Holes:
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

It’s dead. You pinned all of your hopes on a lie fabricated by Obama and Hillary.

And once again Obama and Hillary let you down.


LOL. It went as expected. The Republicans attempted and failed to assassinate the character of Mr. Mueller. The Democrats were professional, and got what they needed.

Trump's lie was exposed when he said the report exonerated him from Obstruction, and there was no collusion with Trump&Co. and the Russians.
This time they really got him...

Oh wait, actually they still don't have one piece of evidence.

The established the evidence for at least 3 cases of obstruction of justice. He just moved into the role of Felon in Waiting.

You just keep telling yourself that. Maybe someday somebody will believe you (but probably not). Mule-er embarrassed himself and looked like a confused old man who had no idea what was even in "his" report. Your problem is that not ONE thing Mule-er claims would hold up in court. There is NO underlying crime, he was NOT impeded in the investigation, and he can't show CORRUPT INTENT. Three strikes, you're out.

ignoring subpoenas is impeding the investigation and obstruction --

What subpoenas?

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