Howdy do...y'all

Welcome, evilmonkey. As for being an idiot, you might wanna let us decide. I assure you, no matter how whack-a-doo your POVs may be, someone here will think you're a genius.


[ame=]YouTube - ‪Mr. Bumpy's Karaoke Café - I was Right, You were Wrong‬‎[/ame]
Thank You both, Madeline and DiveCon. :bowdown:

Seem's that being here can be a lot of fun. :thup:

Catchy chorus Madeline, I like it. :clap2:
What DiveCon meant, of course, is that I am ALWAYS right...he he he.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Spin Doctors - Little Miss Can't Be Wrong‬‎[/ame]

oh ya..... welcome monkey!

I am also new to forum. Welcome to you all.

WHAT? You can't start your own introductory thread? It is more fun when we can thoroughly vet/destroy/welcome one candidate at a time. Do they confirm two Supreme court justices at a time? No they don't! Welcome anyway attention hog!
Welcome, musicworld. Ask nicely and someone will explain why I am ALWAYS right........someone should be along shortly for that purpose.

Maddie's always right. I don't think she's voted Dem her entire life.
(Or is it she's just right handed?)
Ya, I have. Carter. Still like the guy, too. O, and Obama...ain't he a Dem?

Welcome, evilmonkey. We need some more sinister posters here. I hope you don't go ape when someone disagrees with you.
Hello HUGGY, and thank you for the welcome...haven't heard from/of Spin Doctors for a while, nice flash back.:cool:

Thanks to you also musciworld1...and a friendly :welcome: to you.

btw HUGGY...I am just "up the road," so to speak, (marine highway) from you in Alaska.

@Ringel05...Thanks for stopping by. :)

We need some more sinister posters here. I hope you don't go ape when someone disagrees with you.

A bit of a contradiction? Think I'll take it as humor. :razz:

No, I won't be going apesh_t on anyone, unless of course a flame war is deemed necessary...Thanks for your welcome.:beer:

I'm still looking around here, trying to figure out things...mainly how to put a pic into a post. I've created an album and have stored pics but haven't figured out how to place them...oh well, all part of the learning experience of life on the web.:eusa_doh:
Hello Strollingbones...Sorry to hear that.

A long time ago my neighbors German Shepard bit me...I grabbed him by the snout and bit him back on his ear, hard. That dog never even barked at me after that.

I say that if you pick a fight, there's gonna be a fight, so you better be ready, willing and able to give and or take an azz whippin' or mind your manners.

Nice to meet you.

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