How's the Vaccine Walk Out at Southwest Airlines going today?

Is it over?

"Many Republican politicians and right-wing pundits were thrilled to report that massive disruptions at Southwest Airlines over the past week were due to airline staff, fed up with a forthcoming employer vaccine mandate by Presidnet Joe Biden, staging an impromptu protest by walking off the job.

The only problem? No such spontaneous uprising of the silent majority has actually occurred."

Prominent Republican politicians, including Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, as well as large segments of the conservative blogosphere, quickly jumped on the opportunity to claim airline staff were refusing to work due to their opposition to soon-to-be-implemented federal requirements that large employers and federal contractors ensure their staff are vaccinated or tested for the novel coronavirus once a week.
The head of the pilots union for SWA came out and said it had nothing to do with walk outs. Keep your head in the sand my friend. :thup:
Sure! So many South West employees who were threatened by Joe Biden's illegal mandate all got sick
on precisely the same day in a purely coincidental fluke.

And anyway, in a bizarre climatological twist, company officials claimed bad weather grounded so many
South West flights and was the reason for the foul up. Funny how no other airline had this problem.

So keep your head up your ass where nothing can threaten it. Your post is so believable
and not at all contradicted by facts in the matter. :icon_rolleyes:
Is it over?

"Many Republican politicians and right-wing pundits were thrilled to report that massive disruptions at Southwest Airlines over the past week were due to airline staff, fed up with a forthcoming employer vaccine mandate by Presidnet Joe Biden, staging an impromptu protest by walking off the job.

The only problem? No such spontaneous uprising of the silent majority has actually occurred."

Prominent Republican politicians, including Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, as well as large segments of the conservative blogosphere, quickly jumped on the opportunity to claim airline staff were refusing to work due to their opposition to soon-to-be-implemented federal requirements that large employers and federal contractors ensure their staff are vaccinated or tested for the novel coronavirus once a week.
Many Republican politicians and right-wing pundits are propagating the lie that massive disruptions at Southwest Airlines over the past week were due to airline staff ‘fed up’ with a forthcoming employer vaccine mandate.
Its true, republicans are dumb and suckers.
So if I told you SW was the only airline, commercial or private, that had major weather delays and no one else did, would you think that a bit odd?? It does take connecting 3 brain cells deary...................Who luvsza
Just as a general observation, as protests against mandates grow and as vaccine efficacy is bombing out, I would say the Vaccine Cult is heading for their hidey-holes, wouldn't you all?
I am not sure what you mean. Getting vaccinated helps with herd immunity and mitigating the adverse effects of the virus.
Is it over?

"Many Republican politicians and right-wing pundits were thrilled to report that massive disruptions at Southwest Airlines over the past week were due to airline staff, fed up with a forthcoming employer vaccine mandate by Presidnet Joe Biden, staging an impromptu protest by walking off the job.

The only problem? No such spontaneous uprising of the silent majority has actually occurred."

Prominent Republican politicians, including Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, as well as large segments of the conservative blogosphere, quickly jumped on the opportunity to claim airline staff were refusing to work due to their opposition to soon-to-be-implemented federal requirements that large employers and federal contractors ensure their staff are vaccinated or tested for the novel coronavirus once a week.
Biden has proved one thing.....anything he has to do with immediately turns to shit.
He can fuck shit up faster than any other person in the history of the planet.
I am not sure what you mean. Getting vaccinated helps with herd immunity and mitigating the adverse effects of the virus.
I know exactly what daneilpalos means: Exactly the lies that have been fed to him or her.

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