HP computers are RACIST!!!


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
This is pretty funny...

A computer is just like a piece pf paper it does not care what you do with it.

I wouldn't go as far to say HP computers are racists xotoxi, what we have here is just
a flaw in the software, some kind of glitch that was not fixed when the software was being made.

But if you really think about it, computers can not be racist. Computer programers can be racist. A computer does what it is programed to do.


I'm surprised at your comment. You know this was done by the evil white people on purpose to repress the black people.

And why is the black guy hanging around a white girl?
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Phil Hendrie did a bit about this story last night. Hilarious, as usual.

Oh shit, something you and I have in common. I have been a Hendrie Backstage Pass subscriber for many years. My life was screwed up when he quit radio, luckily he decided to come back.

Ted Bell and Bobbie Dooley are my favorite guests......... oh and Doug Dannger, he's a gay man and gay journalist. That's not fair, every one of his "guests" are my favorites.

I have owned 3 Afghan Hounds. When the U.S. first went into Afghanistan, I saw an article in a Phoenix newspaper about how Afghan owners were being targeted by nut cases, usually because of bumper stickers they had on their cars. Soon after that, Phil was interviewing Steve Bosell and he was talking about suing his neighbors for having two Afghan Hounds who would watch him from across the fence. He claimed they were trained by the Taliban and were going to tunnel under his fence to get to him and his family. I almost pissed in my pants, one of the funniest things I have ever heard.

Phil is one of the most brilliant and talented people on the planet.:lol::lol::lol:
Phil Hendrie did a bit about this story last night. Hilarious, as usual.

Oh shit, something you and I have in common. I have been a Hendrie Backstage Pass subscriber for many years. My life was screwed up when he quit radio, luckily he decided to come back.

Ted Bell and Bobbie Dooley are my favorite guests......... oh and Doug Dannger, he's a gay man and gay journalist. That's not fair, every one of his "guests" are my favorites.

I have owned 3 Afghan Hounds. When the U.S. first went into Afghanistan, I saw an article in a Phoenix newspaper about how Afghan owners were being targeted by nut cases, usually because of bumper stickers they had on their cars. Soon after that, Phil was interviewing Steve Bosell and he was talking about suing his neighbors for having two Afghan Hounds who would watch him from across the fence. He claimed they were trained by the Taliban and were going to tunnel under his fence to get to him and his family. I almost pissed in my pants, one of the funniest things I have ever heard.

Phil is one of the most brilliant and talented people on the planet.:lol::lol::lol:

I love the gay man and a gay journalist! I like when he has "doctors" on as well. Phil gets me thru the early hours of the morning at work. I just discovered him like 6 months ago. The show is genius. I love how pissed off people get at his "guests" yet they still keep calling.
Phil Hendrie did a bit about this story last night. Hilarious, as usual.

Oh shit, something you and I have in common. I have been a Hendrie Backstage Pass subscriber for many years. My life was screwed up when he quit radio, luckily he decided to come back.

Ted Bell and Bobbie Dooley are my favorite guests......... oh and Doug Dannger, he's a gay man and gay journalist. That's not fair, every one of his "guests" are my favorites.

I have owned 3 Afghan Hounds. When the U.S. first went into Afghanistan, I saw an article in a Phoenix newspaper about how Afghan owners were being targeted by nut cases, usually because of bumper stickers they had on their cars. Soon after that, Phil was interviewing Steve Bosell and he was talking about suing his neighbors for having two Afghan Hounds who would watch him from across the fence. He claimed they were trained by the Taliban and were going to tunnel under his fence to get to him and his family. I almost pissed in my pants, one of the funniest things I have ever heard.

Phil is one of the most brilliant and talented people on the planet.:lol::lol::lol:

I love the gay man .
Oh shit, something you and I have in common. I have been a Hendrie Backstage Pass subscriber for many years. My life was screwed up when he quit radio, luckily he decided to come back.

Ted Bell and Bobbie Dooley are my favorite guests......... oh and Doug Dannger, he's a gay man and gay journalist. That's not fair, every one of his "guests" are my favorites.

I have owned 3 Afghan Hounds. When the U.S. first went into Afghanistan, I saw an article in a Phoenix newspaper about how Afghan owners were being targeted by nut cases, usually because of bumper stickers they had on their cars. Soon after that, Phil was interviewing Steve Bosell and he was talking about suing his neighbors for having two Afghan Hounds who would watch him from across the fence. He claimed they were trained by the Taliban and were going to tunnel under his fence to get to him and his family. I almost pissed in my pants, one of the funniest things I have ever heard.

Phil is one of the most brilliant and talented people on the planet.:lol::lol::lol:

I love the gay man .

lol ...

You gotta hear the guy ...
Phil was on KFI-am in L.A. from 7-10pm for years. He would get a lot of the commuters at that time calling in. He is so great at pushing people's buttons. The funniest were the arrogant doctors and lawyers that would call to argue with his "guests", especially with Ted Bell of Ted's of Beverly Hills Steakhouse. One night they were discussing how Ted was suing his sister in law for feeding his nephew Asparagus the night before he was going to take him to school. Ted was suing her for 3 grand because the kid farted in his new Aston Martin Vanquish and destroyed the new car smell. Phil opened up the phone lines and the mothers in the audience called to yell at him........ priceless!:lol::lol::lol:

There are other shows around the country that try to do what he does but none are even close to how seamless he is with his "guests".

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