HP Employees Won't Give A Plug Nickel To Poor Carly Purina


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2015
Isn't this a kicker, how does someone who can look straight into a camera and claim that she doubled the size of the company, quadrupled its cash flow, and then doesn't get a plug nickel from a single employee out of 302,000? Well, if this is indeed the case, and if she gets the nomination, the employees will have a grand field day making opposition ads.

"Out of the thousands of people she worked with, why are only two giving Fiorina a reportable amount of cash?

The employees at Hewlett-Packard, where Carly Fiorina was CEO for six years, don’t seem interested in seeing their old boss become commander-in-chief.

Of the 302,000 employees at the company, not one has given a reportable amount to help Fiorina fund her 2016 presidential campaign, according to the campaign’s most recent FEC filings, which lists all donations over $200. HP’s corporate leadership also doesn’t seem keen on the idea of Fiorina in the White House. Among the 12-member board of directors, just one, Ann Livermore, has given a donation above that threshold.

Also missing from the donor list are current CEO (and former GOP gubernatorial candidate) Meg Whitman, any members of the senior leadership team, and all but one member of the HP Board during Fiorina’s tenure there from 1999 to 2005. Tom Perkins, a venture capitalist and former board member who voted to fire Fiorina in 2005, has since had a change of heart and donated $25,000 to CARLY for America, the super PAC supporting her."

HP Employees Won’t Give Carly Fiorina a Dime
You are one scared SOB aren't you?

Afraid of losing the White House? :lol:


You will.
You are one scared SOB aren't you?

Afraid of losing the White House? :lol:


You will.

LOL, with absolutely no disrespect sir, your party doesn't have a prayer of winning the White House.
Isn't this a kicker, how does someone who can look straight into a camera and claim that she doubled the size of the company, quadrupled its cash flow, and then doesn't get a plug nickel from a single employee out of 302,000? Well, if this is indeed the case, and if she gets the nomination, the employees will have a grand field day making opposition ads.

"Out of the thousands of people she worked with, why are only two giving Fiorina a reportable amount of cash?

The employees at Hewlett-Packard, where Carly Fiorina was CEO for six years, don’t seem interested in seeing their old boss become commander-in-chief.

Of the 302,000 employees at the company, not one has given a reportable amount to help Fiorina fund her 2016 presidential campaign, according to the campaign’s most recent FEC filings, which lists all donations over $200. HP’s corporate leadership also doesn’t seem keen on the idea of Fiorina in the White House. Among the 12-member board of directors, just one, Ann Livermore, has given a donation above that threshold.

Also missing from the donor list are current CEO (and former GOP gubernatorial candidate) Meg Whitman, any members of the senior leadership team, and all but one member of the HP Board during Fiorina’s tenure there from 1999 to 2005. Tom Perkins, a venture capitalist and former board member who voted to fire Fiorina in 2005, has since had a change of heart and donated $25,000 to CARLY for America, the super PAC supporting her."

HP Employees Won’t Give Carly Fiorina a Dime

When does any employee give their boss a "donation"?--:badgrin: You obviously wouldn't understand that because you've never been an employer. I have. I imagine she has millions of people donating $3.00 & up on her donation page that will never be counted, and I imagine many of those are tech workers.

During the 2000/2001 tech crash 250,000 tech workers were laid off. Where in the month of November 2000 alone 3 trillion dollars rushed out of this market. Then 9/11 another crash.

Carly Fiorina managed 150,000 employees at HP. HP employs 300,000 today. That's a sign of her success to work through the crisis. HP survived, Sun Microsytems and many others tech companies didn't survive.

So they call her a failure for getting fired from HP. Steve Jobs got fired from APPLE--but no one would ever call him a failure.

HP has had 4 different CEO's in the last 10 years. There is definitely a problem with the owners Hewlett & Packard as to where they want to take the company as to where their CEO's do.

Today, former board members that voted to fire Fiorina are now endorsing her for POTUS, citing the decisions she made back then that they didn't like, produced explosive growth into new markets.

No Hillary Clinton does not come close to this experience--and that's what is scaring you.

Carly Fiorina explains it herself in this FACT CHECKED youtube interview

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You are one scared SOB aren't you?

Afraid of losing the White House? :lol:


You will.

LOL, with absolutely no disrespect sir, your party doesn't have a prayer of winning the White House.
And what is your reasoning behind that absurd statement? :dunno:

Simply you don't have the numbers. Karl Rove said after 2012, that if all the Conservatives in the nation showed up to vote it wouldn't be enough to win the election. That's why everyone said that Conservatives need a share of a demographic to make it happen. Women, or Hispanics, gays, or millennials, or young people, or single women. The problem is that since 2012 a small segment of the party ignored that advice and alienated each and every group they could have used to win. Now you have a problem unless the economy collapses or another 9/11, you're out and out for a very long time.
Isn't this a kicker, how does someone who can look straight into a camera and claim that she doubled the size of the company, quadrupled its cash flow, and then doesn't get a plug nickel from a single employee out of 302,000? Well, if this is indeed the case, and if she gets the nomination, the employees will have a grand field day making opposition ads.

"Out of the thousands of people she worked with, why are only two giving Fiorina a reportable amount of cash?

The employees at Hewlett-Packard, where Carly Fiorina was CEO for six years, don’t seem interested in seeing their old boss become commander-in-chief.

Of the 302,000 employees at the company, not one has given a reportable amount to help Fiorina fund her 2016 presidential campaign, according to the campaign’s most recent FEC filings, which lists all donations over $200. HP’s corporate leadership also doesn’t seem keen on the idea of Fiorina in the White House. Among the 12-member board of directors, just one, Ann Livermore, has given a donation above that threshold.

Also missing from the donor list are current CEO (and former GOP gubernatorial candidate) Meg Whitman, any members of the senior leadership team, and all but one member of the HP Board during Fiorina’s tenure there from 1999 to 2005. Tom Perkins, a venture capitalist and former board member who voted to fire Fiorina in 2005, has since had a change of heart and donated $25,000 to CARLY for America, the super PAC supporting her."

HP Employees Won’t Give Carly Fiorina a Dime

When does any employee give their boss a "donation"?--:badgrin: You obviously wouldn't understand that because you've never been an employer. I have. I imagine she has millions of people donating $3.00 & up on her donation page that will never be counted, and I imagine many of those are tech workers.

During the 2000/2001 tech crash 250,000 tech workers were laid off. Where in the month of November 2000 alone 3 trillion dollars rushed out of this market. Then 9/11 another crash.

Carly Fiorina managed 150,000 employees at HP. HP employs 300,000 today. That's a sign of her success to work through the crisis. HP survived, Sun Microsytems and many others tech companies didn't survive.

So they call her a failure for getting fired from HP. Steve Jobs got fired from APPLE--but no one would ever call him a failure.

HP has had 4 different CEO's in the last 10 years. There is definitely a problem with the owners Hewlett & Packard as to where they want to take the company as to where their CEO's do.

Today, former board members that voted to fire Fiorina are now endorsing her for POTUS, citing the decisions she made back then that they didn't like, produced explosive growth into new markets.

No Hillary Clinton does not come close to this experience--and that's what is scaring you.

Carly Fiorina explains it herself in this FACT CHECKED youtube interview

I believe you're wrong on many levels. First, Carly Fiorina while a very good debater and speech giver (like Obama), is a lousy campaigner. In California Barbara Boxer wiped the floor with her and won by more than a million votes. As a manager Fiorina sucked, HP lost half its value a very difficult thing to do, her claim that revenues doubled was an empty claim. 30,000 employees were laid off and HP became a distraction on Wall St and she was compensated by $100 million for the effort.
The woman is a classic example of an empty suit and she does not even belong in the same sentence with Steve Jobs. Now if you have evidence of millions donations of $3.00 now would be the time to produce it. I'm not a Hillary Clinton supporter but I would vote for her if she became the nominee. If you ran your own business you're a lousy judge of people, in a business environment, you would likely rank right up there with Carly Purina.
You are one scared SOB aren't you?

Afraid of losing the White House? :lol:


You will.

LOL, with absolutely no disrespect sir, your party doesn't have a prayer of winning the White House.
And what is your reasoning behind that absurd statement? :dunno:

Simply you don't have the numbers. Karl Rove said after 2012, that if all the Conservatives in the nation showed up to vote it wouldn't be enough to win the election. That's why everyone said that Conservatives need a share of a demographic to make it happen. Women, or Hispanics, gays, or millennials, or young people, or single women. The problem is that since 2012 a small segment of the party ignored that advice and alienated each and every group they could have used to win. Now you have a problem unless the economy collapses or another 9/11, you're out and out for a very long time.
Conservatives don't "alienate groups".

Liberals claim "groups" as their own and then instruct them in the ways of anti-establishment, They guide them on the finer points of perceived and imagined oppression and racism, press them into courts of law with trivial and menial lawsuits, and govern elections by not only playing the "race card" but bending that card over and fucking it in the ass.
Isn't this a kicker, how does someone who can look straight into a camera and claim that she doubled the size of the company, quadrupled its cash flow, and then doesn't get a plug nickel from a single employee out of 302,000? Well, if this is indeed the case, and if she gets the nomination, the employees will have a grand field day making opposition ads.

"Out of the thousands of people she worked with, why are only two giving Fiorina a reportable amount of cash?

The employees at Hewlett-Packard, where Carly Fiorina was CEO for six years, don’t seem interested in seeing their old boss become commander-in-chief.

Of the 302,000 employees at the company, not one has given a reportable amount to help Fiorina fund her 2016 presidential campaign, according to the campaign’s most recent FEC filings, which lists all donations over $200. HP’s corporate leadership also doesn’t seem keen on the idea of Fiorina in the White House. Among the 12-member board of directors, just one, Ann Livermore, has given a donation above that threshold.

Also missing from the donor list are current CEO (and former GOP gubernatorial candidate) Meg Whitman, any members of the senior leadership team, and all but one member of the HP Board during Fiorina’s tenure there from 1999 to 2005. Tom Perkins, a venture capitalist and former board member who voted to fire Fiorina in 2005, has since had a change of heart and donated $25,000 to CARLY for America, the super PAC supporting her."

HP Employees Won’t Give Carly Fiorina a Dime

When does any employee give their boss a "donation"?--:badgrin: You obviously wouldn't understand that because you've never been an employer. I have. I imagine she has millions of people donating $3.00 & up on her donation page that will never be counted, and I imagine many of those are tech workers.

During the 2000/2001 tech crash 250,000 tech workers were laid off. Where in the month of November 2000 alone 3 trillion dollars rushed out of this market. Then 9/11 another crash.

Carly Fiorina managed 150,000 employees at HP. HP employs 300,000 today. That's a sign of her success to work through the crisis. HP survived, Sun Microsytems and many others tech companies didn't survive.

So they call her a failure for getting fired from HP. Steve Jobs got fired from APPLE--but no one would ever call him a failure.

HP has had 4 different CEO's in the last 10 years. There is definitely a problem with the owners Hewlett & Packard as to where they want to take the company as to where their CEO's do.

Today, former board members that voted to fire Fiorina are now endorsing her for POTUS, citing the decisions she made back then that they didn't like, produced explosive growth into new markets.

No Hillary Clinton does not come close to this experience--and that's what is scaring you.

Carly Fiorina explains it herself in this FACT CHECKED youtube interview

I believe you're wrong on many levels. First, Carly Fiorina while a very good debater and speech giver (like Obama), is a lousy campaigner. In California Barbara Boxer wiped the floor with her and won by more than a million votes. As a manager Fiorina sucked, HP lost half its value a very difficult thing to do, her claim that revenues doubled was an empty claim. 30,000 employees were laid off and HP became a distraction on Wall St and she was compensated by $100 million for the effort.
The woman is a classic example of an empty suit and she does not even belong in the same sentence with Steve Jobs. Now if you have evidence of millions donations of $3.00 now would be the time to produce it. I'm not a Hillary Clinton supporter but I would vote for her if she became the nominee. If you ran your own business you're a lousy judge of people, in a business environment, you would likely rank right up there with Carly Purina.

There isn't a Republican that can win in California (unless they're a movie star)--LOL

No conservative is going to campaign on cutting government spending, or a smaller government in California and win. Californians are very used to hand-outs and they're sure as hell not going to vote against those.

The only way Barbara Boxer is going to leave her senate seat is to get carried out of the Senate chamber feet first. California is an extremely democrat held blue state.

You are one scared SOB aren't you?

Afraid of losing the White House? :lol:


You will.

LOL, with absolutely no disrespect sir, your party doesn't have a prayer of winning the White House.
And what is your reasoning behind that absurd statement? :dunno:

Simply you don't have the numbers. Karl Rove said after 2012, that if all the Conservatives in the nation showed up to vote it wouldn't be enough to win the election. That's why everyone said that Conservatives need a share of a demographic to make it happen. Women, or Hispanics, gays, or millennials, or young people, or single women. The problem is that since 2012 a small segment of the party ignored that advice and alienated each and every group they could have used to win. Now you have a problem unless the economy collapses or another 9/11, you're out and out for a very long time.
Conservatives don't "alienate groups".

Liberals claim "groups" as their own and then instruct them in the ways of anti-establishment, They guide them on the finer points of perceived and imagined oppression and racism, press them into courts of law with trivial and menial lawsuits, and govern elections by not only playing the "race card" but bending that card over and fucking it in the ass.

Mr. H. you can allege all the function you want but it doesn't change the mathematics. The Republican party has gone out of its way to legislate abortion laws alienating a large swath of women, they have advocated against gay marriage, alienating homosexuals, transgendered and lesbians, they have failed to enact a solution to the tuition problem alienating students, they have done nothing to stop out of control rents and jobs alienating millennials, they have made frightening drum beats toward immigrants, angering Hispanics, and have attacked Planned Parenthood angering single women. I'm really sorry this happened especially after the party was warned, but now you have more serious things to consider. But I'll leave that up to you folks to discover you ignored the advice last time.
Isn't this a kicker, how does someone who can look straight into a camera and claim that she doubled the size of the company, quadrupled its cash flow, and then doesn't get a plug nickel from a single employee out of 302,000? Well, if this is indeed the case, and if she gets the nomination, the employees will have a grand field day making opposition ads.

"Out of the thousands of people she worked with, why are only two giving Fiorina a reportable amount of cash?

The employees at Hewlett-Packard, where Carly Fiorina was CEO for six years, don’t seem interested in seeing their old boss become commander-in-chief.

Of the 302,000 employees at the company, not one has given a reportable amount to help Fiorina fund her 2016 presidential campaign, according to the campaign’s most recent FEC filings, which lists all donations over $200. HP’s corporate leadership also doesn’t seem keen on the idea of Fiorina in the White House. Among the 12-member board of directors, just one, Ann Livermore, has given a donation above that threshold.

Also missing from the donor list are current CEO (and former GOP gubernatorial candidate) Meg Whitman, any members of the senior leadership team, and all but one member of the HP Board during Fiorina’s tenure there from 1999 to 2005. Tom Perkins, a venture capitalist and former board member who voted to fire Fiorina in 2005, has since had a change of heart and donated $25,000 to CARLY for America, the super PAC supporting her."

HP Employees Won’t Give Carly Fiorina a Dime

When does any employee give their boss a "donation"?--:badgrin: You obviously wouldn't understand that because you've never been an employer. I have. I imagine she has millions of people donating $3.00 & up on her donation page that will never be counted, and I imagine many of those are tech workers.

During the 2000/2001 tech crash 250,000 tech workers were laid off. Where in the month of November 2000 alone 3 trillion dollars rushed out of this market. Then 9/11 another crash.

Carly Fiorina managed 150,000 employees at HP. HP employs 300,000 today. That's a sign of her success to work through the crisis. HP survived, Sun Microsytems and many others tech companies didn't survive.

So they call her a failure for getting fired from HP. Steve Jobs got fired from APPLE--but no one would ever call him a failure.

HP has had 4 different CEO's in the last 10 years. There is definitely a problem with the owners Hewlett & Packard as to where they want to take the company as to where their CEO's do.

Today, former board members that voted to fire Fiorina are now endorsing her for POTUS, citing the decisions she made back then that they didn't like, produced explosive growth into new markets.

No Hillary Clinton does not come close to this experience--and that's what is scaring you.

Carly Fiorina explains it herself in this FACT CHECKED youtube interview

I believe you're wrong on many levels. First, Carly Fiorina while a very good debater and speech giver (like Obama), is a lousy campaigner. In California Barbara Boxer wiped the floor with her and won by more than a million votes. As a manager Fiorina sucked, HP lost half its value a very difficult thing to do, her claim that revenues doubled was an empty claim. 30,000 employees were laid off and HP became a distraction on Wall St and she was compensated by $100 million for the effort.
The woman is a classic example of an empty suit and she does not even belong in the same sentence with Steve Jobs. Now if you have evidence of millions donations of $3.00 now would be the time to produce it. I'm not a Hillary Clinton supporter but I would vote for her if she became the nominee. If you ran your own business you're a lousy judge of people, in a business environment, you would likely rank right up there with Carly Purina.

There isn't a Republican that can win in California (unless they're a movie star)--LOL

No conservative is going to campaign on cutting government spending, or a smaller government in California and win. Californians are very used to hand-outs and they're sure as hell not going to vote against those.

The only way Barbara Boxer is going to leave her senate seat is to get carried out of the Senate chamber feet first. California is an extremely democrat held blue state.


Oreo, just to share some information. California is the eighth largest economy in the world, we are a contributor not a taker. Conservatives could be elected here all they have to do is produce the most vibrant idea that benefits the people and the state at large. It isn't that we don't like Republicans, they just don't make the grade like they used to. Barbara Boxer already announced her retirement and there is a race for her seat but Republicans have no recognizable names except for Darrel Issa and Arnold Schwarzenegger neither who has announced a run.
Keep your eye on Texas and Florida......As minority populations increase in those states, the electoral votes much needed by the last Rep president (GWB) will NO LONGER be there.....and for right wingers, they can only see the oval office when (and if) invited by a Dem President.

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