HR1 Is the Democrat Party’s Coup de Grâce in Their Complete Takeover of the United States

It doesn't require 16 year olds to vote, but will allow them to register to vote even though they can't until the age of 18. So what's the point? The point is the Communists want kids to vote in the future. Once registered, it's just a matter of allowing them to do so.

It doesn't ban Voter-ID but allows them to bypass it making Voter-ID absolutely useless.

As I said, this topic is built on lies. Now if this bill was the nightmare you tards claim it is, why would your propagandists have to invent lies about it to convince you it is bad?

As I said, this topic is built on lies. Now if this bill was the nightmare you tards claim it is, why would your propagandists have to invent lies about it to convince you it is bad?


You mean a Communist takeover our election system to rig it in their favor isn't bad enough?
16 year olds? Jesus Christ, the majority of 21 year olds have no business voting because they don't know shit about shit.

Guess this goes along with reeducation of kids and then having them vote when they are still in highschool.
16 year olds? Jesus Christ, the majority of 21 year olds have no business voting because they don't know shit about shit.

Guess this goes along with reeducation of kids and then having them vote when they are still in highschool.

That's kind of the idea. This isn't new, they've been talking about this since Trump won. Again, without the politically ignorant, there would be no Democrat party; certainly no Democrat party with any ability to come close to winning elections. So their goal is to get as many politically ignorant voters as possible. I don't know about you, but when I was 16, I didn't know shit about politics or cared. I was too busy looking at all the girls in school, trying to figure out the best time to catch a cigarette in the john, mostly concerned about the newest album coming out from my favorite rock bands, but not politics.

They can't give one good reason to want kids to vote other than that.
For a time I worked as a contractor on govt. platforms, and when blue took over the State they ensured that welfare and such internet programs had immediate access to voter registration from pop-ups & links from the first page of their platforms, to the last page as part of the signature process. If I remember right the system signaled alerts to the user if they failed to register.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

That was put into effect under the O'bummer admin. Even at local levels shit got weird under Obama, he managed to fuck all kinds of things contributed by communist goals & snowflakes. It's unbelievable & sad how deeply Obama penetrated heads at the govt. level, and it triggered a severe dumbing down.

The left can sell anything they want under the umbrella of EVERY VOTE MUST COUNT victim-role theme. What it really is, when you're entertaining the left in the form of welfare and such, they know these people are likely (not always) the least capable, most vulnerable, laziest and dependent. They're easy targets for propaganda, so of course that body of people swing left.

They left preys on the unwise, lazy & most dependent. That should be obvious, look at their base.
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