HR1 Is the Democrat Party’s Coup de Grâce in Their Complete Takeover of the United States

Below are the key aspects of the bill as noted by the Populist Press:

1) Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission.

2) Banning the requirement to provide a full SSN for voter registration.

3) Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration.

4) 16 year olds required to be registered to vote.

5) Nationwide same-day registration.

6) Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities.

7) More children voters.

8) Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.

9) Murderers and rapists can vote.

10) Mandatory early voting.


12) Banning voter ID.


This is not America – this is a communist takeover by domestic enemies of the US Constitution.

They are dropping build back better and plan to push FEDERALIZING ELECTIONS so they can steal them forever.

We told you so leftists.............Thing of it is, they don't understand it or condone it. But isn't that in-line with the core description of all common leftist supporters? They're dumb & foolish and/or twisted, no exceptions.
Honestly what a stupid comment. is the official portal of legislation of the House of Representatives. You are friggin hopeless.
They keep getting back in line for refills of their piss buckets from the propagandists who lie to them but have trust issues with the actual legislation!


Oh my god, that's priceless...

That's exactly the goal of gaslighting.
They are dropping build back better and plan to push FEDERALIZING ELECTIONS so they can steal them forever.

Below are the key aspects of the bill as noted by the Populist Press:

1) Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission.

2) Banning the requirement to provide a full SSN for voter registration.

3) Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration.

4) 16 year olds required to be registered to vote.

5) Nationwide same-day registration.

6) Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities.

7) More children voters.

8) Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.

9) Murderers and rapists can vote.

10) Mandatory early voting.


12) Banning voter ID.


This is not America – this is a communist takeover by domestic enemies of the US Constitution.

They are dropping build back better and plan to push FEDERALIZING ELECTIONS so they can steal them forever.

I agree with you, but hear me out.

Ever hear about how some extrasolar stars are so far away from earth their light reaches us billions of years after they died? The America we knew and loved and learned about in history class as kids has become just such a star. America is DEAD, my friend—we just can't tell yet that's it's a rotting carcass, dead and bloated.

How do I know America is dead? Radical leftist woke Marxist anti-human Satanic ideology, religion and political agendas have been implemented at every level of our government. Only 18% of American households are now a complete, nuclear family. The up-and-coming adult generations set to replace us all have ZERO anchoring tether to the traditional American past our country was founded on. Finally, our "elected" leaders now preach to us that evil is good and good is evil. Man, there's just no coming back, unless America is reanimated and rises from its grave as a putrid, rotting, shambling zombie.

Below are the key aspects of the bill as noted by the Populist Press:

1) Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission.

2) Banning the requirement to provide a full SSN for voter registration.

3) Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration.

4) 16 year olds required to be registered to vote.

5) Nationwide same-day registration.

6) Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities.

7) More children voters.

8) Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.

9) Murderers and rapists can vote.

10) Mandatory early voting.


12) Banning voter ID.


This is not America – this is a communist takeover by domestic enemies of the US Constitution.

They are dropping build back better and plan to push FEDERALIZING ELECTIONS so they can steal them forever.
One Party countries are tyrannical and they devolve into police states.
There something really evil about the Democrats.
For the same reason the federal government passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which banned "literacy tests" and other schemes by racists in the Deep South to keep blacks from voting.


You know, that's one of the civil legislation acts which modern day pseudocons brag about, claiming Republicans were responsible for it.

Apples and oranges. Trying to compare this communist agenda to the voting rights act is as stupid as it gets. Everybody that's legally allowed to vote in this country can vote. Nobody is left out. Sure, you will have computer glitches and so forth, but there is no systemic voter suppression in this entire country.

They want to get the most stupid and politically ignorant to vote because that's who Democrats need to win elections. The last election perfect example.
They want to get rid of Voter-ID because their welfare lowlifes won't put the energy into getting an ID.
Automatic registration the same thing. They need that welfare vote.
Want to make it near impossible for states to purge their voter rolls because it opens up opportunity for them to use names and cheat elections.

This has zero to do with voter rights. Of course even if it would pass, the Supreme Court would strike it down as it doesn't get more unconstitutional than this, but it gives us an insight into the Nazi mentality we are forced to deal with.
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Please cite the section of HR1 which requires 16 year olds to register to vote.

It doesn't require 16 year olds to vote, but will allow them to register to vote even though they can't until the age of 18. So what's the point? The point is the Communists want kids to vote in the future. Once registered, it's just a matter of allowing them to do so.

Please cite the section of HR1 which bans Voter ID.

It doesn't ban Voter-ID but allows them to bypass it making Voter-ID absolutely useless.

Mail in voting is BS and shouldn't be allowed without proper vetting and ID. It is the perfect scenario to cheat your ass off.

I've been voting my whole life and have to show an id to vote. That is how it needs to be done. Covid was an excuse to HARVEST VOTES.

If one is to fucken lazy to vote, it means they really don't care much about voting and should stay home. The only people that should be allowed to use mail-in are those in the military or otherwise won't be in their state on election day, disabled people, and the elderly.
As soon as one Biden monstrous bill is defeated the left comes back with another one, this one attacking
our system of voting in free and fair elections.

It seems too absurdly reprehensible to take seriously but we know from experience the Marxist left
finds something that is too anti Constitutional to be just right for their tastes and purposes.

Only a single party authoritarian America will suit Adam Schiff, Nan Pelosi, Joe "Depends" Biden,
Liz Warren and the rest of the politicians from Hell!

But you have to remember when they push shit like this, they lose more and more popularity among even people in their own party. So it seems they nearly lost Independents totally.

Below are the key aspects of the bill as noted by the Populist Press:

1) Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission.

2) Banning the requirement to provide a full SSN for voter registration.

3) Nationwide ‘Motor Voter’ registration.

4) 16 year olds required to be registered to vote.

5) Nationwide same-day registration.

6) Grants ($25M) for using minors in election activities.

7) More children voters.

8) Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.

9) Murderers and rapists can vote.

10) Mandatory early voting.


12) Banning voter ID.


This is not America – this is a communist takeover by domestic enemies of the US Constitution.

They are dropping build back better and plan to push FEDERALIZING ELECTIONS so they can steal them forever.

Gateway Pundit? You're kidding.
Some is BS, the glaring one that's accurate of course is...............................


In other words, you can't back up your manufactured bullshit.

Just as I thought.
I have no need I know what your side is up to. It has always been a State issue. Butt the fuck out. The Feds already has too much power. And we in Alabama have no need for you to tell us how to fucking vote. Mind your own fucking business.
You know nothing. You have not read the bill, and you parroted lies.

That's what credulous tards like you do. You never actually try to find the TRUTH. You listen to your lying propagandists and drink their piss by the bucketful.

And you STILL won't read the bill because it is longer than a tweet. You have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker and that is what your masters depend on.
I do not need to read the dang bill. It is the Federal Gov't trying to butt into State affairs PERIOD. The States power to decide how to handle elections. And we know exactly why. The last election was the most corrupt in our history. Butt out of our state and we will decide how to decide who gets our electoral votes.
I agree with you, but hear me out.

Ever hear about how some extrasolar stars are so far away from earth their light reaches us billions of years after they died? The America we knew and loved and learned about in history class as kids has become just such a star. America is DEAD, my friend—we just can't tell yet that's it's a rotting carcass, dead and bloated.

How do I know America is dead? Radical leftist woke Marxist anti-human Satanic ideology, religion and political agendas have been implemented at every level of our government. Only 18% of American households are now a complete, nuclear family. The up-and-coming adult generations set to replace us all have ZERO anchoring tether to the traditional American past our country was founded on. Finally, our "elected" leaders now preach to us that evil is good and good is evil. Man, there's just no coming back, unless America is reanimated and rises from its grave as a putrid, rotting, shambling zombie.
I know what these fuckers are today. And I know why they are trying to control the ballot box. Same reason they want open borders and ids for everyone and register to vote at the DMV. It's known and they KNOW IT. They think they have the right to tell other states to OBEY THEM and allow them to cheat. Fuck them. They have no business telling other states how to do their affairs on voting.

Without their 30 million illegals they would be fucked.

H.R. 1, also known as For The People Act and introduced in early January, would scrap long-standing voting practices and rules and replace them with a federal blanket of new provisions.

The bill would allow for ballot harvesting and prevent states from limiting how many ballots “any designated person can return to the post office” or any other ballot drop-off facility.

Then-Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed California’s AB 1921 in 2016 that allowed voters to give their ballot to any third party to turn in. (RELATED: RNC To Create An Election Integrity Committee)

In Orange County alone, 250,000 ballots that were harvested were used to deliver a Democratic sweep, according to The San Francisco Chronicle.

Ending voter ID requirements

Voters would no longer be required to show an ID when voting under H.R. 1. States also cannot require identification for obtaining an absentee ballot or casting a mail-in ballot – including notary stamps or witness signatures, which are safeguards currently in place. This provision would change laws in the 36 states which require or request some form of identification at the polls.

No voter ID. You can go say I'm Mark Twain without an ID and vote. BS.

Camber Lybbert thought it was a mistake when her bank told her that her daughter's Social Security number, issued by the U.S. government, was on their files for two credit cards and two auto loans, with an outstanding balance of more than $25,000.

Her daughter is 3 years old.

For Lybbert and her husband, Tyson, the call was the beginning of a five- month scramble trying to clear up their daughter's credit history. As it turned out, an illegal immigrant, Jose Tinoco, was using their daughter's stolen Social Security number, not in pursuit of a financial crime, but in order to get a job.

That is why they don't want IDs........that is why they want ballot harvesting. They CHEAT. PERIOD. Attack this in this country via the states for identity theft and purge these illegals using stolen or fraudulent Social Security numbers and the left is DONE.

Camber Lybbert thought it was a mistake when her bank told her that her daughter's Social Security number, issued by the U.S. government, was on their files for two credit cards and two auto loans, with an outstanding balance of more than $25,000.

Her daughter is 3 years old.

For Lybbert and her husband, Tyson, the call was the beginning of a five- month scramble trying to clear up their daughter's credit history. As it turned out, an illegal immigrant, Jose Tinoco, was using their daughter's stolen Social Security number, not in pursuit of a financial crime, but in order to get a job.

That is why they don't want IDs........that is why they want ballot harvesting. They CHEAT. PERIOD. Attack this in this country via the states for identity theft and purge these illegals using stolen or fraudulent Social Security numbers and the left is DONE.

Motor voter no different. Jose applies for a drivers license he shouldn't even be allowed to have in this country as an illegal. The person waiting on him is from his country or heritage herself. She asks if he's a legal citizen to vote. He tells her no, but she proceeds to process the license marking him as a legal voter. Wink-wink, nod-nod. Now she can do this with thousands of illegals. If she gets caught one time, she tells her supervisor it was an honest mistake and she'll be more careful in the future, and continues working.

How is anybody supposed to catch this guy? He could vote election after election and nobody is the wiser. This is why commie states are pushing for motor voter.

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