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HRC Condemns Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant’s Statement of Support for LGBT Adoption Ban

You see folks: putting in that witch, she believes she has a right to poke her nose into your STATES business. of course she doesn't have anything else so she needs to crawl down to the states to act all high and mighty.
she condemns this, she condemns that, blaa blaaa blaaa. screw her
You see folks: putting in that witch, she believes she has a right to poke her nose into your STATES business. of course she doesn't have anything else so she needs to crawl down to the states to act all high and mighty.
she condemns this, she condemns that, blaa blaaa blaaa. screw her

too funny crazed lunch lady, every day you comment on other states ,
From what I read, he espouses many Democrat ideas.

That's because he is one, just like a lot of republicrats are.

Sure during the primary season they brag about their "conservative credentials", but the next thing you know they're "compromising" with TRAITORS.

Jerkoff Fakey would have us believe the regressive democrooks actually have the country's interest in mind, which is utterly ridiculous. The democrook party is a den of criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths bent on the decline of America, the reduction of our standard of living and the elevation of their own.

One merely has to observe the results of their policies to conclude that what bed wetting liberals call "progress" is Detroit, Chicago or any other once great US city that is now in ruin. You don't have to stop there either. Look at any of the countries that adopted marxism and they're either still in massive poverty and debt, or they're reformed to a more free market system.

So when moonbat parasites insist we "compromise" with people who are either

1. Completely incompetent blithering idiots


2. Actual treasonous criminals deliberately undermining the country

You have to wonder which of those two categories Jerkoff Fakey and RegressiveParasite fall under.

And petey once again demonstrates he is a far right trailer trash internet thug. Nothing more.
Yeah, you're a Republican. Bullshit you fucking lying asshole.

Jerkoff Fakey is a republicrat, in fact he is the epitome of a republicrat. He shares nothing with the GOP base as far as principles go, but how many republicrats do? In fact what "principles" do republicrats have?

"Smaller government"?

Government ballooned under Bush43 and bed wetters like Fakey called his supporters "reactionaries" as if they knew what the word meant.

"Fiscal restraint"?

The republicrats pledged to roll back the insane levels of spending that the meat puppet queer demanded and barely put a dent in it, while regressive pukes like Jerkoff Fakey and the rest of the libturd parasites pretend their moonbat messiah never promised to cut the debt in half.

"My GOP"

Voted for Ted Cruz, who would leave it up to the states to decide if perverts can adopt children or get "married", if abortion can be a form of government funded birth control, if people can smoke pot wherever they like, and if sloths can drain a state treasury through welfare entitlements.

These queer issues irritate me because they are so fucking insignificant to the real problems we face today, and regressive pinheads like the turd who calls himself a "progressive patriot" (as if a soviet apparatchik could actually be a patriot) pretend that America didn't become an economic behemoth when government was restrained by the Constitution and our culture was regulated by a moral standard. The looser the morals became, and the more the government has grown, the less prosperity and freedom we have.

Fuck Jerkoff Fakey. and Fuck RegressiveTroglodyte.
I'm not going to deal with most of this horseshit here because it is irrelevant to the thread and off topic. I will just focus on one of your pathetically ignorant assertions. Cruz said that he would leave the issue of marriage to the states for which he was derided by Huckabee for being to liberal. As far as I know, he said nothing about adoption. For your information, states have been deciding on adoption by gays all along and most states do allow gays to adopt.

While some states outright ban adoption by gay couples, other states have laws that do not expressly prevent adoption, but may make it hard or impossible for same-sex couples to complete the adoption process. Still other states do not allow gay couples to adopt, but have no prohibitions on a single gay person adopting

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_7875436_states-allow-gay-adoption.html#ixzz2vklNkZ3B


It's apparent that your woefully uninformed on the topic. In addition, children benefit when their gay parents are able to marry and adopt and those who opposes that are the real perverts:


While marriage equality for gay and lesbian people is making astounding advances and is likely to be the law of the land by next June, there are still many who are resisting the inevitable. Opponents of equality are at the end of their legal rope, with every argument ever devised having been decimated by the courts. The most egregious of those arguments is that gay people make bad parents, that children should have a mom and a dad, and that they do less well when they don’t. All of that has been debunked numerous times but that is not the focus of this post. Rather, it is that like it or not, for better or worse, gay people do and will continue to have children in their care and when we allow discrimination against those gay parents, we penalize the children.

Extract from Kennedy's Windsor Opinion - The differentiation demeans the couple, whose moral and sexual choices the Constitution protects, see Lawrence, 539 U. S. 558 , and whose relationship the State has sought to dignify. And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives. ... DOMA also brings financial harm to children of same-sex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses. See 26 U. S. C. §106; Treas. Reg. §1.106–1, 26 CFR §1.106–1 (2012); IRS Private Letter Ruling 9850011 (Sept. 10, 199. And it denies or re- duces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouse and parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security. See Social Security Administration, Social Security Survivors Benefits 5 (2012) (benefits available to a surviving spouse caring for the couple’s child), online at http://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10084.pdf.

Marriage Equality and adoption…The Right Thing to do For The Children By Progressive Patriot 9.12.14

People who use children to assail gay marriage and adoption either have not given much thought to the down side of these bans-or – are being intellectually dishonest in saying that they take their position on behalf of the children which they really care little about.

It is a logical fallacy-an appeal to ignorance if you will to insist that same sex marriage and adoption of children by gays will be detrimental to those children, and that society as a whole, will somehow be harmed by these arrangements. Many will take the position that children are entitled to a “mom and a dad” That may be so but the reality is that many people in this life do not have everything that they are entitled to. There are many children without both a mother and a father, and some without either. Banning gay marriage and adoption is not going to change that.

Children also have a right to a stable, nurturing and permanent home and it is well established that that goal can be realized in a variety of family structures. The NJ Department of Families and Children-the public agency charged with the responsibility of finding adoptive homes for children –states, in part, on their web site that no one will be denied the opportunity to adopt based on sexual orientation. In fact, the Department’s Division of Child Protection and Permanency (formerly DYFS) has been placing children for adoption with gay and lesbian people- those who are single and those who are in a relationship- for decades with good outcomes for the children. And there are many, many more who still need homes while there is a dearth of people willing and able to adopt them. I know this because I worked in the foster care and adoption field in New Jersey for 26 years. I might add that children who are placed for adoption are already in a situation where they have neither a mother nor a father available to them. To imply that that a child would better off languishing in the foster care system as a ward of the state, than to be adopted into a nontraditional family is beyond absurd.

Furthermore, the vast majority of child psychologists will tell you that there are far more important factors that impact a child’s development than the gender or sexual orientation of the parents. No doubt that one could dredge up research studies that claim to prove that gay parenting is harmful. However, well established organizations like the American Psychological Association take the position that gay and lesbian parents are just as capable of rearing emotionally healthy children as anyone else. Yet even if family composition was, as some purport, a critical factor in children’s development, the fact is that there are and will always be children in non-traditional living situations where they do not have a mother and a father. Like it or not, it is also a fact that gay and lesbian people have children, be it from a prior relationship, adoption, or surrogacy.

Denying gay and lesbians the opportunity to marry does nothing to ensure that any greater number of children will have a home with a mother and a father. All that will be accomplished will be to deny numerous children the legal rights, protections, status and stability that comes with having married parents. And, to deny gays the ability to adopt will only ensure that more children will have neither a mother nor a father. Everyone is entitled to their moral views and religious beliefs but it is disingenuous and opprobrious to use children as pawns in the lost fight against equality by bloviating about how children would be harmed by it. While single people can be great parents, the benefits to children of having two parents is undeniable

The benefits to children of allowing two people who are in a committed relationship to be married are obvious for anyone willing to look at the issue objectively. Those who truly care about children should be willing to open all of the possible pathways for them to be adopted and to have married parents when possible.

So shut the fuck up until you get an education and are able to understand what you're talking about.
Yeah, you're a Republican. Bullshit you fucking lying asshole.

Jerkoff Fakey is a republicrat, in fact he is the epitome of a republicrat. He shares nothing with the GOP base as far as principles go, but how many republicrats do? In fact what "principles" do republicrats have?

"Smaller government"?

Government ballooned under Bush43 and bed wetters like Fakey called his supporters "reactionaries" as if they knew what the word meant.

"Fiscal restraint"?

The republicrats pledged to roll back the insane levels of spending that the meat puppet queer demanded and barely put a dent in it, while regressive pukes like Jerkoff Fakey and the rest of the libturd parasites pretend their moonbat messiah never promised to cut the debt in half.

"My GOP"

Voted for Ted Cruz, who would leave it up to the states to decide if perverts can adopt children or get "married", if abortion can be a form of government funded birth control, if people can smoke pot wherever they like, and if sloths can drain a state treasury through welfare entitlements.

These queer issues irritate me because they are so fucking insignificant to the real problems we face today, and regressive pinheads like the turd who calls himself a "progressive patriot" (as if a soviet apparatchik could actually be a patriot) pretend that America didn't become an economic behemoth when government was restrained by the Constitution and our culture was regulated by a moral standard. The looser the morals became, and the more the government has grown, the less prosperity and freedom we have.

Fuck Jerkoff Fakey. and Fuck RegressiveTroglodyte.

Children are waiting for the right family. Could that be you? LGBT Adoption and Fostering Week (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)

Are you Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender and considering adopting or fostering? If so, LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week website is a great place to start.

LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week is run by New Family Social, the UK support group for LGBT adopters and foster carers. Each spring, agencies across the UK hold events specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender prospective parents. Read about past events and a wide range of articles and interviews in the "News" section.

You can find information all-year-round about adoption events happening in your area, as well as agencies that subscribe to New Family Social, by clicking below:

Get over it bitch!
Look here RegressiveParasite.

Perverts raising children might be something you cheer about, but that's because you're a mindless drone. I personally don't give a shit about it too much, because the criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths you help elect are destroying this country in much more serious ways.

Before too long much of the country is going to resemble Detroit or Baltimore, and when the dollar finally does collapse the victims of democrook inflicted poverty will loose their fucking minds because the EBT cards won't work.

After they've looted everything in sight and devour everything edible they will cannibalize pieces of shit like you and be shot as they attempt to move out into the countryside to find food.

When all the dust settles those who've moved out to the country, know where food actually comes from, have the skills to sustain themselves, and have always voted against a nanny state will clean up the mess then we'll once again have a free country.

Who in their right mind would let fags raise a kid? Nature is nature, you can't think it away.
Listen Weasel, Only an idiot wouldn't know that millions of kids have been and are being raised by gay people and they are doing very well. I would guess that they are doing a lot better than those being raised by ignorant bigots. Get the hell off of my thread unless you have something reasonable and intelligent to say.:banned03:
Patriot, I agree with you. I know of Lesbian Moms who are great parents to their son. Too bad people paint with a wide brush.
They may be but nature is still nature. Male/female parents is how the animal kingdom works. Kids need both, genders are different for a reason.
Many kids don't get both parents mostly because of heterosexuals.

So nature is indeed nature.
Look here RegressiveParasite.

Perverts raising children might be something you cheer about, but that's because you're a mindless drone. I personally don't give a shit about it too much, because the criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths you help elect are destroying this country in much more serious ways.

Before too long much of the country is going to resemble Detroit or Baltimore, and when the dollar finally does collapse the victims of democrook inflicted poverty will loose their fucking minds because the EBT cards won't work.

After they've looted everything in sight and devour everything edible they will cannibalize pieces of shit like you and be shot as they attempt to move out into the countryside to find food.

When all the dust settles those who've moved out to the country, know where food actually comes from, have the skills to sustain themselves, and have always voted against a nanny state will clean up the mess then we'll once again have a free country.

Thank you for confirming my suspicion that you're a paranoid schizophrenic .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look here RegressiveParasite.

Perverts raising children might be something you cheer about, but that's because you're a mindless drone. I personally don't give a shit about it too much, because the criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths you help elect are destroying this country in much more serious ways.

Before too long much of the country is going to resemble Detroit or Baltimore, and when the dollar finally does collapse the victims of democrook inflicted poverty will loose their fucking minds because the EBT cards won't work.

After they've looted everything in sight and devour everything edible they will cannibalize pieces of shit like you and be shot as they attempt to move out into the countryside to find food.

When all the dust settles those who've moved out to the country, know where food actually comes from, have the skills to sustain themselves, and have always voted against a nanny state will clean up the mess then we'll once again have a free country.
You are a conspiracy loon.
Look here RegressiveParasite.

Perverts raising children might be something you cheer about, but that's because you're a mindless drone. I personally don't give a shit about it too much, because the criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths you help elect are destroying this country in much more serious ways.

Before too long much of the country is going to resemble Detroit or Baltimore, and when the dollar finally does collapse the victims of democrook inflicted poverty will loose their fucking minds because the EBT cards won't work.

After they've looted everything in sight and devour everything edible they will cannibalize pieces of shit like you and be shot as they attempt to move out into the countryside to find food.

When all the dust settles those who've moved out to the country, know where food actually comes from, have the skills to sustain themselves, and have always voted against a nanny state will clean up the mess then we'll once again have a free country.

Dear god....do conservatives get a cookie for every act of hysteric overreaction and panty shitting hyperbole they offer?

Seriously guys....if you're *always* set to 'Chicken Little', when the sky doesn't fall you've left yourself no where to go.

Is this really what passes for rational discourse among conservatives? Really?
Thank you for confirming my suspicion that you're a paranoid schizophrenic .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you for confirming my other suspicion that you are a low information, juvenile lout who is unable to participate in a meaningful, adult discussion of an important topic. Anything further , bubba?
Thank you for confirming my other suspicion that you are a low information, juvenile lout who is unable to participate in a meaningful, adult discussion of an important topic. Anything further , bubba?

It would be impossible to "participate in a meaningful, adult discussion" with you. You are deliberately ignorant and you shut out any information that compromises your programming.

Take your celebration over perverts adopting children.

Queers are consumed with sex. It's the center of their useless lives. It defines who they are, who they associate with and how they view the world. Anyone who even disagrees with their lifestyle is to be destroyed. God forbid someone refuses to bake them a cake. There is something intrinsically sick about focusing your entire existence on something that you only do for about on hour or two on a great day, and can't do every day unless you've got nothing else to do. If there is nothing more important to you than the fact you like to suck on the same junk you're born with, you're more than just a sexual deviant. There's something else very wrong with you, and psychological experts have yet to define it.

Normal people don't walk around demanding everyone accepts them, caters to them and avoid saying shit that hurts their feelings. Pillow biters and bed wetters like you do, and none of you have any business warping the minds of children.

Thank you for confirming my other suspicion that you are a low information, juvenile lout who is unable to participate in a meaningful, adult discussion of an important topic. Anything further , bubba?

It would be impossible to "participate in a meaningful, adult discussion" with you. You are deliberately ignorant and you shut out any information that compromises your programming.

Take your celebration over perverts adopting children.

Queers are consumed with sex. It's the center of their useless lives. It defines who they are, who they associate with and how they view the world. Anyone who even disagrees with their lifestyle is to be destroyed. God forbid someone refuses to bake them a cake. There is something intrinsically sick about focusing your entire existence on something that you only do for about on hour or two on a great day, and can't do every day unless you've got nothing else to do. If there is nothing more important to you than the fact you like to suck on the same junk you're born with, you're more than just a sexual deviant. There's something else very wrong with you, and psychological experts have yet to define it.

Normal people don't walk around demanding everyone accepts them, caters to them and avoid saying shit that hurts their feelings. Pillow biters and bed wetters like you do, and none of you have any business warping the minds of children.

And you've officially crossed into mindless insults. You're not interested in discussing anything. Simply shitting yourself in a tantrum of hysteric overreaction.

When and if you have anything relevant to add to the thread, join us. Until then....shit in the corner.
Yet another adoption case headed for SCOTUS. These heartless and moronic bastards won't stop but they will get smacked down sooner or later.......

Lesbian Parent Petitions U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Adoption Rights Case
November 17, 2015 by HRC staff Lesbian Parent Petitions U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Adoption Rights Case
lesbian parent in Alabama has petitioned the Supreme Court to hear her case challenging an Alabama Supreme Court decision nullifying a Georgia adoption order that provided her legal recognition as a parent. On September 18, the Alabama Supreme Court nullified a lesbian couple’s adoption order issued by a Georgia state court. The court held the Georgia state court violated its own state law when it issued the adoption order to the couple.

Unanimous decision by the USSC......8 to 0 overturning Alabama's absurd ruling. Alabama's argument was such shit.....the USSC didn't even bother to hold a hearing. They simply overturned Alabama in a handful of paragraphs.

Justice Moore is quite simply awful at the law.
Just for the record I'm LGBT and while I admit I find sex an enjoyable part of my life, it certainly isn't the center of my existence. If anything is the center of my life it's my children so the implied idea that LGBT's don't care about their kids is flat out BS.
Just for the record I'm LGBT and while I admit I find sex an enjoyable part of my life, it certainly isn't the center of my existence. If anything is the center of my life it's my children so the implied idea that LGBT's don't care about their kids is flat out BS.

By and large, fringe conservatives tend to be more obsessed with gay sex than gays are.

This is such a non-issue. Future generations will look back at the shrill, panty shitting hysterics of today's conservatives on same sex marriage with the same mix of disdain and awe struck wonder at their stupidity that we reserve for segregationists and supporters of interracial marriage bans today.

And I won't be able to explain it to them. I'll have to shrug and say 'it sounded pretty fuckin' stupid to us too.'
Just for the record I'm LGBT and while I admit I find sex an enjoyable part of my life, it certainly isn't the center of my existence. If anything is the center of my life it's my children so the implied idea that LGBT's don't care about their kids is flat out BS.

I did not know this about you.

It changes nothing because you've always been reasonable and generally thoughtful. I appreciate your posts and I don't want you to think that I oppose gays raising children. I don't like the idea of gays adopting though, because unlike yourself many of them are consumed by that lifestyle. A case by case basis would be in order.

I do agree that LGBT's for the vast most part do absolutely love their own children and wouldn't do anything to harm them. For that matter LGBT's are probably the worst examples of helicopter parents.

Nihilists like regressiveparasite prefer no oversight, and would gladly suppress reports of child abuse if it promoted the democrook agenda.
ALL adoptions are vetted. It's not like the adoption agencies are handing out stray kids to just anyone. Everyone has to show the adoption agency that they are fit parents and can provide for the kido - emotionally, mentally, and financially at most, if not all of them.

I'm afraid your perception of LGBT's is colored. I have tons of LGBT friends, and tons of Christian friends as well (my state is 70% Christian, and most of the non-Christians are Native Alaskan's in the bush). There is really no difference between LGBT's and Christian's in typical conversation and activity; neither side is trying to "convert" anyone - this stuff really doesn't come up without specific questioning. Many of my buddies and I enjoy psychological conversations and when these ideological differences do come up, there is an understanding and kind of "acceptance of free will," for lack of a better way of putting it, a respect for each other despite their disagreement. For example, when one of my gay friends had cancer my Christian friend said she would pray for him - he took no offence to this because it wasn't a "political/religious debate," but rather it was a caring statement between friends; nothing more, nothing less. I personally have Christian friends who express regret that I am agnostic, not because they want to convert me (they know better than that,) but because they are genuinely concerned for my "afterlife" - and despite my strong dislike for organized religion (or more precisely the abuses of the leaders of organized religion), I do not take offence to their regret, I see such statements as it is intended by them - that is what they believe is best for me, and I can accept their sentiment at face value, even while disbelieving it.

To me, and I suspect most of my friends on both sides of this particular fence, our friendship is not based upon being exactly the same, but rather the differences between us. These are the things that make our conversations interesting - how utterly boring and pointless our interactions would be if we all agreed upon everything.

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