HTF Did Trump Win?

I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

Why don't you tell us how many calls were made to Republicans to do just that. Provide proof of your numbers.

If you had read the thread you would have seen that I said this was just a theory, not an accusation. A wild guess, nothing more.

A theory and a wild guess are two opposite things. The way you posed it was as a fact. You claimed that Republicans tell their most loyal voters to lie when answering polls. That's an accusation but wouldn't expect a lefty to have the guts to admit it. You presented it as fact until someone expected you to support your accusation. When you can't, you hide.

You are truly a fucking moron. The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!
nice dance ed.... i was replying to you calling me a partisan.....i did not "suddenly" discover both parties are comprised of dishonest asswipes...
You are a partisan, you used Republican cheating to show their intellectual superiority over the Democratic Party!
apparently you have a problem reading ed....i did not use anything,i simply asked how the so called uneducated can outsmart the educated are the one doing the dancing around answering that question...BECAUSE,you dont want to admit that the Democrats were outsmarted by the Republicans.....
Again, out-cheating someone is not outsmarting them. Superiority in cheating does not imply superiority in intelligence.

Look at Detroit, there's your cheating bubba.

Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

"The worst of the problems were in Wayne County, Michigan’s largest county, where 66 percent of voters cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton and just 29 percent for Donald Trump.


There was such a problem, the Detroit News reported, “[O]fficials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month.”
The Detroit paper continued, “Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.”"

Maybe you should look into what the word cheating actually means.
Just so I'm clear are you saying that the state of mIchigan lied?
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?
Dumbocrats ran the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history. I told everyone while Obama was in office that her own party hated Hitlery Clinton and that running her would hand the Republican's the White House on a silver platter. That's exactly what happened.

I honestly thought Trump was the one candidate in the world who would blow it once he became the candidate for the Republicans. But nope! Not even he was awful enough to lose to Hitlery. :lol:
You are truly a fucking moron. The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!
I suspect you're truly a fucking moron.

Couldn't you at least think of an original insult instead of reusing mine? Pitiful!
The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!
You are truly a fucking moron. The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!
I suspect you're truly a fucking moron.

Couldn't you at least think of an original insult instead of reusing mine? Pitiful!
The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!

I could not imagine a person that so fully proved my just keep shitting on the board and strutting around as though you've won.
You are truly a fucking moron. The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!
I suspect you're truly a fucking moron.

Couldn't you at least think of an original insult instead of reusing mine? Pitiful!
The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!

I could not imagine a person that so fully proved my just keep shitting on the board and strutting around as though you've won.
I suspect you're truly a fucking moron.
You are a partisan, you used Republican cheating to show their intellectual superiority over the Democratic Party!
apparently you have a problem reading ed....i did not use anything,i simply asked how the so called uneducated can outsmart the educated are the one doing the dancing around answering that question...BECAUSE,you dont want to admit that the Democrats were outsmarted by the Republicans.....
Again, out-cheating someone is not outsmarting them. Superiority in cheating does not imply superiority in intelligence.

Look at Detroit, there's your cheating bubba.

Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

"The worst of the problems were in Wayne County, Michigan’s largest county, where 66 percent of voters cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton and just 29 percent for Donald Trump.


There was such a problem, the Detroit News reported, “[O]fficials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month.”
The Detroit paper continued, “Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.”"

Maybe you should look into what the word cheating actually means.
Just so I'm clear are you saying that the state of mIchigan lied?
According to the Right the government always lies, are you suddenly claiming that the government never lies?
I find it humorous that the snowflakes are STILL trying to figure out why they lost....when it is so obvious to the rest of the world.

apparently you have a problem reading ed....i did not use anything,i simply asked how the so called uneducated can outsmart the educated are the one doing the dancing around answering that question...BECAUSE,you dont want to admit that the Democrats were outsmarted by the Republicans.....
Again, out-cheating someone is not outsmarting them. Superiority in cheating does not imply superiority in intelligence.

Look at Detroit, there's your cheating bubba.

Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

"The worst of the problems were in Wayne County, Michigan’s largest county, where 66 percent of voters cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton and just 29 percent for Donald Trump.


There was such a problem, the Detroit News reported, “[O]fficials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month.”
The Detroit paper continued, “Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.”"

Maybe you should look into what the word cheating actually means.
Just so I'm clear are you saying that the state of mIchigan lied?
According to the Right the government always lies, are you suddenly claiming that the government never lies?
did I ever make that claim? seems you are reaching. I see you have no legs to stand on here:

I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

So you're conceding is wasn't just white male hicks and billionaires?
Again, out-cheating someone is not outsmarting them. Superiority in cheating does not imply superiority in intelligence.

Look at Detroit, there's your cheating bubba.

Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

"The worst of the problems were in Wayne County, Michigan’s largest county, where 66 percent of voters cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton and just 29 percent for Donald Trump.


There was such a problem, the Detroit News reported, “[O]fficials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month.”
The Detroit paper continued, “Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.”"

Maybe you should look into what the word cheating actually means.
Just so I'm clear are you saying that the state of mIchigan lied?
According to the Right the government always lies, are you suddenly claiming that the government never lies?
did I ever make that claim? seems you are reaching. I see you have no legs to stand on here:
You clearly implied the state of Michigan could not be lying!
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?

What happened is your parents failed you and/or you're immature. The information you're citing is BS, racist, ignorant and stupid. This just in numb nuts, the wealthiest zip codes swing liberal. Common folk are generally conservative.

You'd do well to recognize it's you and folks like yourself who incite class warfare and racism, never mind ignorant propaganda.

Look at Detroit, there's your cheating bubba.

Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

"The worst of the problems were in Wayne County, Michigan’s largest county, where 66 percent of voters cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton and just 29 percent for Donald Trump.


There was such a problem, the Detroit News reported, “[O]fficials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month.”
The Detroit paper continued, “Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.”"

Maybe you should look into what the word cheating actually means.
Just so I'm clear are you saying that the state of mIchigan lied?
According to the Right the government always lies, are you suddenly claiming that the government never lies?
did I ever make that claim? seems you are reaching. I see you have no legs to stand on here:
You clearly implied the state of Michigan could not be lying!
I did, with what statement?
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?

What happened is your parents failed you and/or you're immature. The information you're citing is BS, racist, ignorant and stupid. This just in numb nuts, the wealthiest zip codes swing liberal. Common folk are generally conservative.

You'd do well to recognize it's you and folks like yourself who incite class warfare and racism, never mind ignorant propaganda.
Dude, you need to STFU, stop talking about my parents and get a clue of what I wrote. Stop being an asshole. You're embarrassing conservatives, trump voters and yourself..

Thank you
Just so I'm clear are you saying that the state of mIchigan lied?
According to the Right the government always lies, are you suddenly claiming that the government never lies?
did I ever make that claim? seems you are reaching. I see you have no legs to stand on here:
You clearly implied the state of Michigan could not be lying!
I did, with what statement?
When caught with foot in mouth, the Right play dumb.
Thank you.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

Why don't you tell us how many calls were made to Republicans to do just that. Provide proof of your numbers.

If you had read the thread you would have seen that I said this was just a theory, not an accusation. A wild guess, nothing more.

A theory and a wild guess are two opposite things. The way you posed it was as a fact. You claimed that Republicans tell their most loyal voters to lie when answering polls. That's an accusation but wouldn't expect a lefty to have the guts to admit it. You presented it as fact until someone expected you to support your accusation. When you can't, you hide.

You are truly a fucking moron. The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!

Says the one that calls a wild guess a theory. Wild guesses and theories are the opposite. You seem to think they are the same. It's not wonder coming from a moron that thought Hillary having a vagina meant she was qualified and Obama having black skin meant he was. Pucker up to the black ass, boy.
You are truly a fucking moron. The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!
I suspect you're truly a fucking moron.

Couldn't you at least think of an original insult instead of reusing mine? Pitiful!
The very first words of my post were 'I suspect'... that clearly indicates that my statement was not an accusation nor was I stating it as a fact. Learn to read idiot!

I could not imagine a person that so fully proved my just keep shitting on the board and strutting around as though you've won.

Since you're a born loser, I won before it ever started, NL.
Just so I'm clear are you saying that the state of mIchigan lied?
According to the Right the government always lies, are you suddenly claiming that the government never lies?
did I ever make that claim? seems you are reaching. I see you have no legs to stand on here:
You clearly implied the state of Michigan could not be lying!
I did, with what statement?
When caught with foot in mouth, the Right play dumb.
Thank you.

When caught with foot in mouth, the left continued to pucker up to a black President's ass.

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