HTF Did Trump Win?

I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
/---- I'm a Tea Party Repub and I joined the local Republican Party to be active. No one has ever told me or anyone I know how to respond to a pollster - and especially not to lie to them. Your pathetic baseless charge reeks of being a sore loser. Besides any thought the polls are skewed towards Democrats? Nahhh of course not.
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.
WTF happened?

"HTF did Trump win."
In short, apparently there are still more normal, hard working, proud, positive contributing American's than there are low-life, weird, immigrant piece of shits.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
Fascinating. So who were these "scammers"?

Your theory makes the 9/11 idiots look like pikers.

Compassion for Conspiracists

After immersing myself in Demwit diatribes until I started mumbling meaningless messages, I've come to the conclusion that Vladimir Putin sent thousands of his agents here to mislead the pollsters. I expect some Trophy Points for that talking point!
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

Why don't you tell us how many calls were made to Republicans to do just that. Provide proof of your numbers.

If you had read the thread you would have seen that I said this was just a theory, not an accusation. A wild guess, nothing more.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
/---- I'm a Tea Party Repub and I joined the local Republican Party to be active. No one has ever told me or anyone I know how to respond to a pollster - and especially not to lie to them. Your pathetic baseless charge reeks of being a sore loser. Besides any thought the polls are skewed towards Democrats? Nahhh of course not.

If you had read the thread you'd see that this was just a theory, not an accusation. It is not a wild baseless charge - because it is not a charge at all. It is an attempt to figure out why there was such a huge discrepancy between the election results and and the polls.

If you believe that the polls were skewed towards the Democrats, please let us know how you think this may have been done and why.
Actually most all the polls, if you dig deep, over sampled Democrats, giving skewed in their favor results. And I personally wouldn't answer those polling calls, and not because of any orders from anyone.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
Actually most all the polls, if you dig deep, over sampled Democrats, giving skewed in their favor results. And I personally wouldn't answer those polling calls, and not because of any orders from anyone.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

Oversampling Democrats would be a great disservice to the Democrats. Do you think that the pollster do this intentionally?
Who knows?
And how do we know that a number of Dems that didn't like Hillary didn't state they would not vote for her out of fear their phone number and response were linked?
And your original theory could be played either way...
Actually most all the polls, if you dig deep, over sampled Democrats, giving skewed in their favor results. And I personally wouldn't answer those polling calls, and not because of any orders from anyone.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

Oversampling Democrats would be a great disservice to the Democrats. Do you think that the pollster do this intentionally?
Another theory for ya. Bernie Sanders voters found out Hillary and the rest of the Dems disenfranchised them in the primary. Fact.

Now those disenfranchised Sanders Dems decided to screw with Hillary by stating they would vote for her, without any intention of doing such.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
That is what I do now, and no GOP leader had to tell me that.

The Oligarchs maintain their control of the political system in part with metrics that tell them how well they are doing and where they need to apply more effort and lighten up.

Fuck that, the bastards can rot in hell. I am going to lie my ass off to every pollster that calls me.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

Why don't you tell us how many calls were made to Republicans to do just that. Provide proof of your numbers.

If you had read the thread you would have seen that I said this was just a theory, not an accusation. A wild guess, nothing more.

A theory and a wild guess are two opposite things. The way you posed it was as a fact. You claimed that Republicans tell their most loyal voters to lie when answering polls. That's an accusation but wouldn't expect a lefty to have the guts to admit it. You presented it as fact until someone expected you to support your accusation. When you can't, you hide.
WTF happened?

Women weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I'm a woman.

The young weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I'm 25.

College educated people weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I graduated with a Master's Degree from an Ivy League college.

And finally people in the blue wall state of Pennsylvania weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I voted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and I, a 25 year old college educated woman, voted for Trump.

I'm what happened!!
WTF happened?

Women weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I'm a woman.

The young weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I'm 25.

College educated people weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I graduated with a Master's Degree from an Ivy League college.

And finally people in the blue wall state of Pennsylvania weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I voted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and I, a 25 year old college educated woman, voted for Trump.

I'm what happened!!
Stand proud patriot.....the worst is yet to come as we dismantle the democrats fascism ......
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

LOL its a vast right wing conspiracy? :laugh::laugh::laugh: Or more likely working class Americans are sick of the lefts shit.

Then how did Hillary win the popular vote?

The history of Republican victory's in the past 20 years or so, shows an abnormal, yet consistent contradiction with polling - usually occurring only in key electoral districts.

Are all the pollsters wrong? Is there methodology consistently flawed? It don't think so...unless you account for the possibility that people blatantly lie when polled, and that those people are all of the same political persuasion.

Remember it's not illegal to lie when polled, so this would not be in any way cheating on the elections themselves - just generating misinformation for their opponents to base their strategies on.

She won the popular vote from California and New York alone. She won all their electoral votes so Dems have nothing to complain about. Getting an "overkill" vote in one state does not benefit you in the EC. That's the beauty of it..
WTF happened?

Women weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I'm a woman.

The young weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I'm 25.

College educated people weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I graduated with a Master's Degree from an Ivy League college.

And finally people in the blue wall state of Pennsylvania weren't supposed to vote for Trump.

I voted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and I, a 25 year old college educated woman, voted for Trump.

I'm what happened!!

I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?
Greeks voted trump too
Maybe there were more straight, white males uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires than first suspected.
Or was hillary just that bad.

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