HTF Did Trump Win?

GOP controlled voter suppression in key swing states was what allowed them to tip the electoral college vote in their favor. They know there simply aren't enough old white racist men in this country to elect a Republican fairly. Cheating is the only way they can win.
We've heard that a million times. Anything less dingbatty and dogmatic?
GOP controlled voter suppression in key swing states was what allowed them to tip the electoral college vote in their favor. They know there simply aren't enough old white racist men in this country to elect a Republican fairly. Cheating is the only way they can win.
We've heard that a million times. Anything less dingbatty and dogmatic?

Nope. Because that is actually what happened.
No, you have to be a more experienced cheater to cheat smarted people.
if you say so just dont want to admit a bunch of dumb fucks outsmarted all you so called "educated" people.....its ok i understand,it is rather embarrassing...
OutCHEATING is not outsmarting!
The sooner the Right learns that CHEATING is not a sign of intelligence the better off the world will be!!!!!
ed its ok.....a bunch of "gomers" outsmarted a bunch of college sure it happens daily somewhere in the country...
No, a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people.
just by that response ed....democrats honest?....tells me all i need to are just a party guy.....both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them....
Since I didn't say Democrats, it is interesting that YOU instinctively thought of Democrats when I said "honest people."
if you say so just dont want to admit a bunch of dumb fucks outsmarted all you so called "educated" people.....its ok i understand,it is rather embarrassing...
OutCHEATING is not outsmarting!
The sooner the Right learns that CHEATING is not a sign of intelligence the better off the world will be!!!!!
ed its ok.....a bunch of "gomers" outsmarted a bunch of college sure it happens daily somewhere in the country...
No, a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people.
just by that response ed....democrats honest?....tells me all i need to are just a party guy.....both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them....
Since I didn't say Democrats, it is interesting that YOU instinctively thought of Democrats when I said "honest people."
well lets see....we were talking about how trump won.....trump was a republican and he beat the democrat clinton....and you were saying he cheated thats why he won and then you said "a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people"......go ahead ed and tell me you were not talking about the 2 parties.....
OutCHEATING is not outsmarting!
The sooner the Right learns that CHEATING is not a sign of intelligence the better off the world will be!!!!!
ed its ok.....a bunch of "gomers" outsmarted a bunch of college sure it happens daily somewhere in the country...
No, a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people.
just by that response ed....democrats honest?....tells me all i need to are just a party guy.....both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them....
Since I didn't say Democrats, it is interesting that YOU instinctively thought of Democrats when I said "honest people."
well lets see....we were talking about how trump won.....trump was a republican and he beat the democrat clinton....and you were saying he cheated thats why he won and then you said "a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people"......go ahead ed and tell me you were not talking about the 2 parties.....
The honest people I was talking about were the American people. Just because YOU are a partisan does not mean everyone is.
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?
Hillary Clinton was......a really unbelievable and crummy candidate?
Trump won because he ran on grass roots and kitchen table issues?
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

LOL its a vast right wing conspiracy? :laugh::laugh::laugh: Or more likely working class Americans are sick of the lefts shit.

Then how did Hillary win the popular vote?

The history of Republican victory's in the past 20 years or so, shows an abnormal, yet consistent contradiction with polling - usually occurring only in key electoral districts.

Are all the pollsters wrong? Is there methodology consistently flawed? It don't think so...unless you account for the possibility that people blatantly lie when polled, and that those people are all of the same political persuasion.

Remember it's not illegal to lie when polled, so this would not be in any way cheating on the elections themselves - just generating misinformation for their opponents to base their strategies on.

Hillary won the popular vote because NY and California are chock full of liberals that could not find their ass with both hands.

Liberals in big cities are often offset by conservatives in the suburbs and rural areas. Neither NY or Cali has enough rural population to do this.

Take them out of the equation and see how well she did.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:
They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.
TRANSLATION: I have no evidence that this occurred, or anything like it. But I really wish it did, so I'll push it as something "likely". Instead of telling the truth: That Hillary was a piss-poor candidate who couldn't even beat a businessman who wasn't even a politician; and the news media was incompetent in drawing up its polls.

The news media doesn't take polls. they report the results of polls which are taken by companies that specialized in polling.

These companies have expert statisticians, which of course means nothing to people who don't believe in math and science and stuff like that, but to those of us who do, there is a great concern as to why these polls did not match the election results.

One theory is to say that the pollsters do not know what they're doing. The problem with that is that in the vast majority of electoral districts the polls were absolutely accurate. They were only inaccurate in key electoral district - very suspicious.

The next is to say that there was election fraud - this would have had to occur on a massive level and would mean a total vulnerability of our election system. It's not impossible, but it's highly doubtful.

So, I've come up with an alternative - and very simple and realistic theory. The elections were accurate, the polls were accurate but people just lied when they were polled. Because it would mean only people of one political persuasion and only in key electoral districts, it would have to be organized. What's more is that since it's not illegal to lie on polls - it's much more probable than any other explanation.

That is so uneducated! What grade are you in?

Pull up just about any poll during the election. A very large number are run by the news media.
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?
Occam's Razor
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

LOL its a vast right wing conspiracy? :laugh::laugh::laugh: Or more likely working class Americans are sick of the lefts shit.

Then how did Hillary win the popular vote?

The history of Republican victory's in the past 20 years or so, shows an abnormal, yet consistent contradiction with polling - usually occurring only in key electoral districts.

Are all the pollsters wrong? Is there methodology consistently flawed? It don't think so...unless you account for the possibility that people blatantly lie when polled, and that those people are all of the same political persuasion.

Remember it's not illegal to lie when polled, so this would not be in any way cheating on the elections themselves - just generating misinformation for their opponents to base their strategies on.

Hillary won the popular vote because NY and California are chock full of liberals that could not find their ass with both hands.

Liberals in big cities are often offset by conservatives in the suburbs and rural areas. Neither NY or Cali has enough rural population to do this.

Take them out of the equation and see how well she did.
I read in a few sources that but for the votes in LA County and the 5 Counties which make up NYC, Trump won by just a sliver under 500,000 votes.
This is why we have the Electoral College.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
"They lied"....A common refrain from liberals who are confused and dismayed over their losses.
The Dims not only ran an Insider in an Outsider election cycle but they ran an ULTIMATE Insider. That guaranteed their electoral loss despite what g5000 says. The practically sabotaged themselves lol. Dem koolaid drinkers only make up 30% of the voting populace and you cant win elections with that.

This is how bad a candidate the Establ chose, they rigged the Dim Primary AND had the media in their back pocket

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ed its ok.....a bunch of "gomers" outsmarted a bunch of college sure it happens daily somewhere in the country...
No, a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people.
just by that response ed....democrats honest?....tells me all i need to are just a party guy.....both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them....
Since I didn't say Democrats, it is interesting that YOU instinctively thought of Democrats when I said "honest people."
well lets see....we were talking about how trump won.....trump was a republican and he beat the democrat clinton....and you were saying he cheated thats why he won and then you said "a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people"......go ahead ed and tell me you were not talking about the 2 parties.....
The honest people I was talking about were the American people. Just because YOU are a partisan does not mean everyone is.
im a partisan? dont you prove that ed.... you are 10x more partisan then i am....if you notice in this conversation im the one who said both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them.....some partisan eh?....were did you say something negative about your vaunted democrats?...were have you ever?....
No, a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people.
just by that response ed....democrats honest?....tells me all i need to are just a party guy.....both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them....
Since I didn't say Democrats, it is interesting that YOU instinctively thought of Democrats when I said "honest people."
well lets see....we were talking about how trump won.....trump was a republican and he beat the democrat clinton....and you were saying he cheated thats why he won and then you said "a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people"......go ahead ed and tell me you were not talking about the 2 parties.....
The honest people I was talking about were the American people. Just because YOU are a partisan does not mean everyone is.
im a partisan? dont you prove that ed.... you are 10x more partisan then i am....if you notice in this conversation im the one who said both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them.....some partisan eh?....were did you say something negative about your vaunted democrats?...were have you ever?....
As I have said, when it is so obvious that the Right are lying or at fault, suddenly it is both parties.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

Shit Richard, I'm 44 years old and NEVER received a SINGLE call from a pollster. And no one I know has received a call from a pollster. I'm convinced they are not getting accurate polls because they aren't calling the right folks.

Opened a poll thread:

just by that response ed....democrats honest?....tells me all i need to are just a party guy.....both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them....
Since I didn't say Democrats, it is interesting that YOU instinctively thought of Democrats when I said "honest people."
well lets see....we were talking about how trump won.....trump was a republican and he beat the democrat clinton....and you were saying he cheated thats why he won and then you said "a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people"......go ahead ed and tell me you were not talking about the 2 parties.....
The honest people I was talking about were the American people. Just because YOU are a partisan does not mean everyone is.
im a partisan? dont you prove that ed.... you are 10x more partisan then i am....if you notice in this conversation im the one who said both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them.....some partisan eh?....were did you say something negative about your vaunted democrats?...were have you ever?....
As I have said, when it is so obvious that the Right are lying or at fault, suddenly it is both parties.
nice dance ed.... i was replying to you calling me a partisan.....i did not "suddenly" discover both parties are comprised of dishonest asswipes...
Since I didn't say Democrats, it is interesting that YOU instinctively thought of Democrats when I said "honest people."
well lets see....we were talking about how trump won.....trump was a republican and he beat the democrat clinton....and you were saying he cheated thats why he won and then you said "a bunch of dishonest scum cheated a bunch of honest people"......go ahead ed and tell me you were not talking about the 2 parties.....
The honest people I was talking about were the American people. Just because YOU are a partisan does not mean everyone is.
im a partisan? dont you prove that ed.... you are 10x more partisan then i am....if you notice in this conversation im the one who said both parties are dishonest and have plenty of lying scummy lowlifes in them.....some partisan eh?....were did you say something negative about your vaunted democrats?...were have you ever?....
As I have said, when it is so obvious that the Right are lying or at fault, suddenly it is both parties.
nice dance ed.... i was replying to you calling me a partisan.....i did not "suddenly" discover both parties are comprised of dishonest asswipes...
You are a partisan, you used Republican cheating to show their intellectual superiority over the Democratic Party!
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?

Middle America was tired of Obama's left-wing policies, as well as the swarm of illegal immigrants and Muslim refugees. Hillary made the mistake of doubling down on Obama's policies. In case you didn't notice, during Obama's reign, he lost control of the House & Senate, Governor's and state legislature's. America simply decided to return to the center-right country it has historically been! if democrats want to win election's again, they need to move back towards the center! When I was a registered democrat decades ago, there were conservative and moderate democrats.

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