2 big lies for today- This and Barney caused the meldown (though out of power for ten years)...
Another Francfart thread ?

We didn't have a super majority so we couldn't do all we wanted.

How is it that Francfart forgets that it was democrats and lieberman that were his big hold up in all of this.

All you had to do was watch the Rachael Maddow show to see who was getting in the way of health care.

Even though Rachael claims she has no agenda (or did..they took that ad off the air soon after it started because it was well past the point of even being reasonable), she ran negative shows for weeks at a time with the help of that political slut from FireDogLake.

So who did she go after....

Bart Stupak
Ben Nelson

Recall the little cornhusker bribe that went into getting him to sign the health care bill.

How is it that the dems in all their indignation forget that it wasn't the GOP blocking them on key issues....



You are a moron.

I call your integrity as well as your intellect into question.
2 big lies for today- This and Barney caused the meldown (though out of power for ten years)...

It would be a lie to say that Barney caused the meltdown.

That is because Maxine Waters had her corrupt racist hand in it too.
Might be a small site, without millions of corrupt Pub Money, but they're NOT LIARS, like all of your sources, dupe of the greedy rich, BAD CITIZEN.

They are leftwingers, which means they are liars.

Try coming up with some evidence ONCE, Pubtroll (the only kind). I guess wikipedia lies too...

Dems don't have a lying propaganda machine bankrolled by greedy rich assholes, dumbazz.:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol:

Sounds pretty desperate to me.

Francblo knows Obama is going down and the senate is going GOP.

Tough s*** Francblo.

We've only just started.
From the time Obama was sworn into office in 2009 till the time the new Congress was sworn in after the 2010 midterms what major legislation did Obama not get passed that he wanted?

Tons of stuff they didn't mention on Fox- Pubs set record for filibusters, dumazz. Look for Google- it's a big search engine..

More stimulus , jobs programs that could have got us out of this Pub mess. Your question is the typical pub tactic of using ignorance as a weapon. A disgrace.

keep going least your not making me look like i was bullshitting about you.....
Those bills are all electioneering BULLSHYTTE, cutting environmental regulation, collective bargaining, etc TOTAL PUBCRAPPE Pubs knew were dead issues. You're a total dupe of total ASSHOLES.

I am ashamed of Dems who let all these LIES go by. Pubs are a lying, cheating, disgrace of a party. And the dupes love their lying heroes screwing them every day. Change the channel and get some truth- get your dignity back- you are the world laughing stock and horror. Ugly 'Merican Pub dupe/loudmouths.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::cuckoo::evil::eek::eusa_whistle::lol:

Dem Dupe in action....^^^^^^
Can you read? Try again, moron. Maxine was out of power too, shyttehead. Dems had filibuster-proof power for 24 DAYS, not two years. Unbelievable liars and dupes....
Well, they recently filibustered legislation to lower student loan interest rates.

Daily Kos: Senate Republicans filibuster student loan bill

And in March they were holding up 17 judges, many of whom were set to go to district with major backlogs.

Reid moves to end GOP filibuster on judges - Yahoo! News

Does that help?
Nope because what I asked was what legislation did Obama not get passed that he wanted from 2009 till the new Congress came to power in 2011 not what happened after that. When the Republicans took the House they blocked the Democrats just as the Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid have blocked Republican legislation. In the year's 2009-2011 Obama wanted and got healthcare reform, stimulus package, the auto bailouts, Wall street reform now if these things have not worked out the way Obama and the Democrats wanted sorry but that is not the Republicans fault.

Ah, well, the judges comment still applies. They've been blocking most of Obama's nominations since Day One. Here's a site I found that has a list:

Bills Republicans Have Blocked | Addicting Info

No, we are talking about the time period where the democrat party had the WH the House and the Senate. What was it that Obama wanted but didn't get? If it's tons of stuff, name something.
Another Francfart thread ?

We didn't have a super majority so we couldn't do all we wanted.

How is it that Francfart forgets that it was democrats and lieberman that were his big hold up in all of this.

All you had to do was watch the Rachael Maddow show to see who was getting in the way of health care.

Even though Rachael claims she has no agenda (or did..they took that ad off the air soon after it started because it was well past the point of even being reasonable), she ran negative shows for weeks at a time with the help of that political slut from FireDogLake.

So who did she go after....

Bart Stupak
Ben Nelson

Recall the little cornhusker bribe that went into getting him to sign the health care bill.

How is it that the dems in all their indignation forget that it wasn't the GOP blocking them on key issues....



You are a moron.

I call your integrity as well as your intellect into question.


The myth of the super majority was invented by Rightwing talk radio. The Blue Dogs are, like the GOP, owned by Big Insurance - which is why they killed the Public Option.

But there is something deeper at work. The make-up of the parties has changed.

The change started with the Republicans, who moved far Right after the party was captured by big business under Reagan. Specifically, they moved right economically by favoring low taxes, trade liberalization and monopoly-friendly regulations, while moving right socially to capture rural and poor voters from the south and heartland. [FYI this marriage of billionaires and rural folks was electoral brilliance. The GOP found a way to replace the Left's working class populism (aimed at the great corporate malefactors) with values populism (aimed at the atheists and multiculturalists on the left).] This rightward shift meant that Republican moderates had to became centrist Democrats. Indeed, the Right has moved so radically that no pre-Gingrich Republican would get endorsed by the current GOP. Eisenhower would be a Democrat because of his position on the Military Industrial Complex, infrastructure spending, and his top tax rate. Nixon was further Left than Eisenhower (see the EPA and his notorious homage to Keynes). Reagan would definitely not qualify. He raised taxes twice and did more to save Social Security than anyone since the program's inception.

AND SO: Because the current block of centrist Democrats are actually moderate Republicans (economically), they would never support Obama's health care or tax policies. A current democratic president could not get a majority for Leftwing policies anymore than Eisenhower or Nixon could have gotten a majority from their party to kill Social Security. Just like we lacked a powerful rightwing during the early and middle postwar years, there is no powerful Left today. This is why Clinton declared the era of Big Government over and made the largest cuts to Welfare in the program's history.

The Left died along time ago. The party fractured when they pivoted from working class issues to social issues. This splinter is what allowed the Gipper to harvest "Reagan Democrats", who became disillusioned with bra burners and black panthers. And don't forget, LBJ and Vietnam caused vast sections of the Left to drop-out of politics and follow the Grateful Dead, or join apolitical hippie communes and yoga cults. Indeed, as the Weathermen and various other activist student groups disbanded, the young college Republicans were meeting with William F Buckley - and they would match (and replace) the Left's activism with what became the Reagan Revolution. Like the Left during their long postwar hegemony, the Right would become the new power-child, funding think tanks and media groups. They would build an activist judiciary which gained steam under Rehnquist (and the 2000 election), but flowered under the Roberts court, which has overturned more laws than any court in history.

So yes, no Democratic president can enjoy a majority for Leftwing policies. C'mon, there is no longer a powerful or traditional Labor party in the USA, especially after Clinton sided with Big Business and Wall Street over Labor on NAFTA. The country has shifted.

Talk Radio merely spreads hysteria about "socialism" in order to move the goal posts. They want to take what used to be centrist policies supported by Presidents as different as Reagan and Cart, and make those policies seem like pure communism. The effect of this Rightward turn, which started rhetorically under Reagan and blossomed with the Gingrich "Contract with America" is to move the country as far right as possible. Hence the reason that most current Democrats are far to the Right of Nixon on most things, and easily to the Right of Reagan on a surprisingly large number of things.

The country is owned by the Right. We are living under the Bush tax cuts and the Citizens United philosophy of giving wealth the power to fund elections, staff government, and buy legislation. It makes no sense to call the Blue Dogs democrats. They are far to the Right of Obama on taxes and health care - that's why they voted like Republicans on these things.

If it walks like a duck and smells like a duck...
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Still waiting for ONE thing that obama wanted and didn't get when the democrat party had control of the Whitehouse, the Senate, and the House.
Summary: The Democrats only had 24 days of Super Majority between 2008 and 2010.

Discussion: The Democrats had a super majority for a total of 24 days. On top of that, the period of Super Majority was split into one 11-day period and one 13-day period. Given the glacial pace that business takes place in the Senate, this was way too little time for the Democrats pass any meaningful legislation, let alone get bills through committees and past all the obstructionistic tactics the Republicans were using to block legislation.

Further, these Super Majorities count Joe Lieberman as a Democrat even though he was by this time an Independent. Even though he was Liberal on some legislation, he was very conservative on other issues and opposed many of the key pieces of legislation the Democrats and Obama wanted to pass. For example, he was adamantly opposed to “Single Payer” health care and vowed to support a Republican Filibuster if it ever came to the floor.


1. 1/07 – 12/08 – 51-49 – Ordinary Majority.
2. 1/09 – 7/14/09 – 59-41 – Ordinary Majority. (Coleman/Franklin Recount.)
3. 7/09 – 8/09 - 60-40 – Technical Super Majority, but since Kennedy is unable to vote, the Democrats can’t overcome a filibuster
4. 8/09 – 9/09 - 59-40 – Ordinary Majority. (Kennedy dies)
5. 9/09 – 10/09 - 60-40 – Super Majority for 11 working days.
6. 1/10 – 2/10 – 60-40 – Super Majority for 13 working days

Total Time of the Democratic Super Majority: 24 Working days.
United States Senate election in Minnesota, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
111th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

what that 'link' doesn't tell you is the formula =3/5ths, is what counts.......60 is just a number.

59.....what is 59?

The number required to reach the 3/5ths necessary to invoke cloture in a 99 seat senate.

So that August and September not counting is a no go. :eusa_shhh:

I love how they just count the so called 'working days'....harry has the power too and has kept them in chambers several times ( example; like he did over Christmas 2009 to get the last vote in on ObamaCare)....:lol:

your '"fact left" is "fact less" when it suits them....

the dems had a supra majority....we already knew that, thank you captain obvious.
But...but Franco.....all the RW media sources said it was so....and they never lie.
yea like the sources Frankie uses are just so up and up.....the guy wont even admit if a Democrat fucks up.....are you like that Steel? the fucking Democrats ever fuck up?....
But...but Franco.....all the RW media sources said it was so....and they never lie.
yea like the sources Frankie uses are just so up and up.....the guy wont even admit if a Democrat fucks up.....are you like that Steel? the fucking Democrats ever fuck up?.... one of the most recent....what about you, Conservatives ever fuck up? How about the right wing propaganda machine that is Conservative Talk Radio?

I know, I know...What about MSNBC? Other side of the same coin, Imo.

Truthfully? I don't think Conservatives fuck up...I think they do it intentionally.
After Scott Brown, dems couldn't do a damn thing- 59 is enough my azz, stupid. Link, azzhole dupe?

We don't have a propaganda machine to give us our talking points. Pubs had a record number of filibusters in 2009, and again in 2010. You love your liars, and your lies, from the lying cheating greedy rich azzholes who melted the world down, AGAIN.

No Harry, I can't tell you a Dem feck up, except being too civil and easy going with you feqqing lying, incompetent assholes/bad citizens LOL.
Policy wise, Dems NEVER fuck up, and Pubs have never failed to, for YEARS. Change the GD channel, morons.:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_angel::lol::lol:

If you have an example Harry, spill it ferchrissake...and not just because Rush/Beck/Hannity/McConnell said so.:lol::lol:

So tell us why those filibusters were a good idea- be explicit LOL
So why do Pubs and all their pundits repeat ad nauseum that Dems had total control of congress for two years, when it's an obvious LIE? Dupes? And do you enjoy being lied to, dingbats?

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