Nope, they're the world's lying greedy incompetent a-holes- we used to have journalists that made this impossible, and the fairness doctrine. Any examples of Dem lies or policy feckups yet?

But it's nice you dupes enjoy supporting them...enjoy Hell!

you will be right there along side them Frankie.....dont forget to share the fan....
He said 80% wanted higher taxes on the richest, dittohead. Duped AGAIN!! Change the channel. Pubs are always lying, saying Dems want to raise taxes, but forget on whom. True lying scum, your heroes.
Google Pub dupes- it's a series...I never lie and I'm always right (Firesign Theatre)...
Bernie Sanders (Socialist who votes with Dems 95%+ of the time) and Joe Liberman don't count as Democrats?

Nope, they're the world's lying greedy incompetent a-holes- we used to have journalists that made this impossible, and the fairness doctrine. Any examples of Dem lies or policy feckups yet?

But it's nice you dupes enjoy supporting them...enjoy Hell!

California.....lied to the gays and its people and HELPED fuck up the cant see that Frankie....because using your own words.....your a Dem Dupe....
He said 80% wanted higher taxes on the richest, dittohead. Duped AGAIN!! Change the channel. Pubs are always lying, saying Dems want to raise taxes, but forget on whom. True lying scum, your heroes.

Didn't distinguish....

And unless you can produce a poll tha proves that 80% want taxes on the are a liar. The highest I have been able to find is 60%...and that is does not allow for what you are claiming....which isn't true anyway.

Adding to the list....

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama said: “We have the chance to tell all those corporate lobbyists that the days of them setting the agenda in Washington are over. … I don't take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won't find a job in my White House.” At least a dozen former lobbyists got top jobs in his administration at the beginning of his presidency, according to Politico, and National Public Radio reported the Obama administration was granting waivers to lobbyists to circumvent the ban.
Nothing in comparison to Big Oil, Pharma, Health etc etc. Pubs have blocked votes on lobbying reform, a Pub DEPRESSION is hardly the time for scary reform for business.

Harry, there was a 72% figure, and all your info comes from the biggest liars in the business. Dems have always said no tax hikes on the nonrich PERIOD.

Still, Dems have done more to limit lobbyists, discrimination against gays, than anyone- also transparency, etc. Nothing comes that fast. What pubcrappe...
They promised change and progress, not immediate perfection, dupes. Like the perfect corruption, cronyism, and incompetence under BOOOOSH.
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To review- Pubs and Pub pundits swear Obama and the Dems controlled congress for 2 years, during which time Pubs filbustered them 130 times...LOL Non stop liars, who only dupes can believe, and ALL THE TIME.

This has been a Pub economy since 2/4/2010, when they shut down congress...
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YOU LIE- I guess it's just natural for all Republicans, Pubs AND dupes. Azzhole. LOL!

So what's the difference between socialism and communism, Cold War dinosaur, loudmouth moron Pub dupe? Idiot.
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Nothing in comparison to Big Oil, Pharma, Health etc etc. Pubs have blocked votes on lobbying reform, a Pub DEPRESSION is hardly the time for scary reform for business.

Harry, there was a 72% figure, and all your info comes from the biggest liars in the business. Dems have always said no tax hikes on the nonrich PERIOD.

Still, Dems have done more to limit lobbyists, discrimination against gays, than anyone- also transparency, etc. Nothing comes that fast. What pubcrappe...

no Frankie.....all my info comes from me.....i live dont.....
Nothing in comparison to Big Oil, Pharma, Health etc etc. Pubs have blocked votes on lobbying reform, a Pub DEPRESSION is hardly the time for scary reform for business.

Harry, there was a 72% figure, and all your info comes from the biggest liars in the business. Dems have always said no tax hikes on the nonrich PERIOD.

Still, Dems have done more to limit lobbyists, discrimination against gays, than anyone- also transparency, etc. Nothing comes that fast. What pubcrappe...


Another Obama lie revealed.

Shall we move on to the next ?

Myth 3: Obama says “every economist who’s looked at it says that the Recovery Act has done its job” and turned the economy around.

Fact: “That’s nonsense. Opinions differ widely and many leading economists believe that its impact has been small,” says Stanford economist Michael J. Boskin. Before the recession, the economy was growing at a 3% clip in 2007, created 1.33 million jobs and unemployment was just 4.6%.

In 2009, Obama and his economic advisers predicted his stimulus spending scheme would keep the nation’s rising unemployment rate below 8%. But the jobless rate has climbed to nearly 10% this year, nearly 100,000 jobs were lost last month and economic growth was a feeble 1.6 % in the second quarter.
BS- they said 8% in 2008- It was 7.8% on inaugaration day and going thru the roof, duh.. And the corruption and cronyism bubble economy was GREAT in 2007. How did 2008 go?

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