BS- they said 8% in 2008- It was 7.8% on inaugaration day and going thru the roof, duh.. And the corruption and cronyism bubble economy was GREAT in 2007. How did 2008 go?

So they lied.

Pure and simple.

The $787 billion stimulus plan is turning out to be far less stimulating than its architects expected.

Back in early January, when Barack Obama was still President-elect, two of his chief economic advisers — leading proponents of a stimulus bill — predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%. It hasn't quite worked out that way. Last month, the jobless rate in the U.S. hit 9.5%, the highest level it has reached since 1983.
(See 10 ways your job will change.)

The two advisers who wrote the paper, Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein, went on to land key jobs in the Obama Administration. Romer is the head of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, and Bernstein is the chief economist and economic-policy adviser to Vice President Joe Biden. And the stimulus bill that both economists championed became law in mid-February. What has not come to pass, however, is the boom in job creation that Romer and Bernstein predicted. A little over a month ago, the Administration said the stimulus bill had created or saved 150,000 jobs. That's a far cry from the 3 million to 4 million jobs that Romer and Bernstein foresaw back in January.

Read more: Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

Obama kept saying he didn't need a second stimulus...just time for this one to work.

Still waiting.

Jackass democrats with their BS fartcloud economic predictions.
It's a wonder the country stinks so bad.

Hoping your brain starts working soon.
He said that when EVERYONE thought the economy retracted 3%- then by 2010 they found out it was 9%. Great job pubbies!!
He said that when EVERYONE thought the economy retracted 3%- then by 2010 they found out it was 9%. Great job pubbies!!

So he ran off at the mouth when he didn't know any better and made promises he couldn't keep.

Obama Lied.


During his presidential campaign, Obama said that his mother died of cancer after being denied coverage for a preexisting condition. He used her image in a campaign ad, repeated the claim in debates, and used the same rhetoric as President when he tried to sell ObamaCare to the American people. But a new book by New York Times reporter Janny Scott says that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, had health insurance through her employer and was only denied disability insurance.
No, Dems got it thru in those 24 days, and if you knew anything about it, you know why we're very proud. Most important social legislation EVER, and will be the most popular program ever when people see it in action. Pelosi was right. The Pub propaganda machine is a national disgrace, like the party and its dupes.

You're amusing, Franco. The more people SEE ObamaCare the more they dislike it which is the reason you won't see any Democrats running on passing that piece of legislation. If it truly "was" going to be the most popular program ever...Democrats would be falling over themselves taking credit for it...instead they are falling over themselves trying to distance themselves from it.

The REAL propaganda machine here is you, Deanie and TM spamming nonsense like this to excuse Barry's incompetence.
Pubs and Pub pundits say nonstop that Obama had total control over congress 2009-10, while in fact at most they had 6 months, 24 days if you take into account Kennedy was deathly ill and they weren't in session most of those 6 months. Pubs had a record 130 filibusters in those 2 years.

Health costs doubled just under Booosh, with 45k deaths and 750K bankruptcies a year- the Pub system cost twice as much as any other, and ranked 38 in outcomes. Brilliant. The US public is totally misled by the huge Pub Propaganda machine. An ongoing Pub disaster. And thanks for the Depression, 9/11, and the stupidest wars ever. Memorize the sig- disaster and big lies.
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Pubs and Pub pundits say nonstop that Obama had total control over congress 2009-10, while in fact at most they had 6 months, 24 days if you take into account Kennedy was deathly ill and they weren't in session most of those 6 months. Pubs had a record 130 filibusters in those 2 years.

Health costs doubled just under Booosh, with 45k deaths and 750K bankruptcies a year- the Pub system cost twice as much as any other, and ranked 38 in outcomes. Brilliant. The US public is totally misled by the huge Pub Propaganda machine. An ongoing Pub disaster. And thanks for the Depression, 9/11, and the stupidest wars ever. Memorize the sig- disaster and big lies.

Frankie how can you or anyone for that matter,blame 9/11 on just Republicans?....this was being planed under the Clinton administrations nose and would have no doubt happened no matter who was President,even Clinton himself......this is why when you call your opposition "Pub Dupes" i have to laugh.....guys like you just cant imagine something horrific happening if a Democrat is in charge....when things already have.....Frankie no getting around it..... YOU ARE A DEM DUPE.....simple as that....blame the other guys for every negative thing that has ever happened in this Country,and of course say your side is responsible for every thing positive that has ever happened.....You Frankie.....DEM DUPE....
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Boooosh- total incompetence- focused like a laser on stopping stem cell research while ignoring his Terrorism Czar and MANY warnings. Maybe Cheney wanted Saddam so bad he wanted something, not 9/11, but really, how dumb can people get- on EVERYTHING!. Romney can give us a new answer- what a feckup...
Dem Presidents are workaholic wonks- Pubs are chickenhawk ideological idiots. Gore would've been all over that. The Supremes and brother Jeb stealing that election was a catastrophe.

You're always saying Pubs suq on this and that, but Dems are just as bad!! Nope- evidence is sorely lacking.
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Dem Presidents are workaholic wonks- Pubs are chickenhawk ideological idiots. Gore would've been all over that. The Supremes and brother Jeb stealing that election was a catastrophe.

You're always saying Pubs suq on this and that, but Dems are just as bad!! Nope- evidence is sorely lacking.

The Pubtroll returns to his best argument...LOL

No, obviously he didn't lie- he was expecting the stimulus to work against a 3% economic retraction- it turned out to be 9%= it worked perfectly- nothing but growth since 10/2010, even with nonstup pub noncooperation, fear mongering, and BLOCKAGE since 2/2010. The dupes don't seem to know what a lie is anymore, not surprising after listening to proven serial liars Pubs/Rush/Beck/Hannity/Fox/Breitbart Inc...See sig pp3

Pubs and Pub pundits say nonstop that Obama had total control over congress 2009-10, while in fact at most they had 6 months, 24 days if you take into account Kennedy was deathly ill and they weren't in session most of those 6 months. Pubs had a record 130 filibusters in those 2 years.
Dem Presidents are workaholic wonks- Pubs are chickenhawk ideological idiots. Gore would've been all over that. The Supremes and brother Jeb stealing that election was a catastrophe.

You're always saying Pubs suq on this and that, but Dems are just as bad!! Nope- evidence is sorely lacking.

if i knew what the fuck you were saying Frankie i would give you a response....but i will just assume it is the same old shit....Democrats are Gods gift to mankind.....Frankie when you live in California and your not a die hard Democrat like you are.....the Democrats dont look any better than the Republicans......your sorely lacking evidence aint so sorely lacking out here....
Cal is ruined by 2 things- gov't by referendum, a Pub idea I believe (taxes can't be raised- aren't fees there nuts, like car registration?), and Pubs refusal of good work/SS ID card...
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Cal is ruined by 2 things- gov't by referendum, a Pub idea I believe (taxes can't be raised- aren't fees there nuts, like car registration?), and Pubs refusal of good work/SS ID card...

is that it Frankie?.....if your talking Prop 13....who helped vote this thing in Frankie?.....what Democratic Legislature helped get it passed?....what Democratic Gov. signed off on it?....and Car Registration?.....i paid 280 dollars for mine this year.....a guy i work with,his dad has the same kind of car a year newer than mine,he paid 160 bucks in the State he lives in....and please Frankie dont tell me that no Democrats in California were against your SS ID Card.....just like MANY Democrats are against Illegals having a drivers License......i suppose to you ONLY Republicans oppose that....
In NY my registration is $60 for 2 years. The SS card is a national thing. Pubs love cheap labor, distract the dupes with BS laws and fences that will never happen, are unconstitutional and useless.
Franco: Dems never lie.

The Right: is a lie.

Franco: Uh, well he didn't mean that.

:doubt: :doubt:

And now for another Obama lie:

Obama pledged that transparency would be a top priority, but his administration refused to grant one-third of the Freedom of Information Act requests, according to an Associated Press analysis. He also was dishonest about transparency when he said that health-care negotiations would be televised on C-SPAN and that he would wait five days to sign a bill so people would have a chance to read it online.
Howard Jarvis was a Pub- same kind of irresponsible Pubcrappe as voodoo. Ends up ruining infrastructure, and FEES.
Even worse, there are Democrats called Blue Dawgs who nearly always vote Republican because the Democrats have conservatives within their party. Republicans have no liberals. They are 90% white and march mostly in lockstep. Sickening.
Most transparent administration ever. Not perfection. He doesn't control congress, OBVIOUSLY. Pubs averaging 60 filibusters every year. No lies yet- some promises he couldn't keep. Not LIES> Like Pubs have all day everyday.
Most transparent administration ever. Not perfection. He doesn't control congress, OBVIOUSLY. Pubs averaging 60 filibusters every year. No lies yet- some promises he couldn't keep. Not LIES> Like Pubs have all day everyday.

Sure Frankie.....


Go to bed now.

5 lies and counting....but don't let that upset you.

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