Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

If it meant saving your wife's life, would you have prevented or ended the pregnancy so the two of your could have raised your children together? Could you have been happy with just the three kids if it meant keeping your wife?

It is not a question of you not loving your children, but would you have changed things for the love of your wife, for her life?

You could always have adopted if you wanted more children.

Abortion is not about killing children, but caring for the life of the woman and what she needs or wants.
Children should be brought into the world when they are loved and wanted, not as an accident or violation.

It is not about denying life but choosing when to give life. When is it best for both mother and child.

We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

It is always her body till after birth. She should never be denied that right to control what happens to her. Even if she chooses to have a child, she is still the one in control of taking care, or not, of her body and thus the fetus. She is not a slave to others. She will only care for the fetus if she chooses to. Without her willingness there is a high risk of birth defects, and poor health of both her and the fetus as well as the risk of death during childbirth.

A woman has to want to be a mother. It should not be something she has no choice in. No victim of rape should be denied the choice of her body.

Is that right? Tell me, when a person murders a pregnant woman, why is the penalty more harsh than a simple homicide?

Why do 38 states have "fetal homicide" laws? At least 23 of those states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Most people that kill a pregnant woman are charged with two counts of homicide.

North Carolina Man Charged for Killing Pregnant Woman, Baby

Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for deaths pregnant woman, unborn baby

Killing pregnant woman would be double homicide under N.J. bill

Seems to me, it's her body when she wants to kill the life inside her but a totally separate body when the life is taken by someone else.

Here's a novel idea. Women that do not want to become mothers should stop engaging in activities that would make them into mothers.

>>The law does not apply to acts that cause the death of an unborn child if those acts were committed during a legal abortion to which the pregnant woman consented or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf consented, or for which such consent is implied by law.<<

If you want to quote the law, better understand it.
If it meant saving your wife's life, would you have prevented or ended the pregnancy so the two of your could have raised your children together? Could you have been happy with just the three kids if it meant keeping your wife?

It is not a question of you not loving your children, but would you have changed things for the love of your wife, for her life?

You could always have adopted if you wanted more children.

Abortion is not about killing children, but caring for the life of the woman and what she needs or wants.
Children should be brought into the world when they are loved and wanted, not as an accident or violation.

It is not about denying life but choosing when to give life. When is it best for both mother and child.

We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

It is always her body till after birth. She should never be denied that right to control what happens to her. Even if she chooses to have a child, she is still the one in control of taking care, or not, of her body and thus the fetus. She is not a slave to others. She will only care for the fetus if she chooses to. Without her willingness there is a high risk of birth defects, and poor health of both her and the fetus as well as the risk of death during childbirth.

A woman has to want to be a mother. It should not be something she has no choice in. No victim of rape should be denied the choice of her body.

Is that right? Tell me, when a person murders a pregnant woman, why is the penalty more harsh than a simple homicide?

Why do 38 states have "fetal homicide" laws? At least 23 of those states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Most people that kill a pregnant woman are charged with two counts of homicide.

North Carolina Man Charged for Killing Pregnant Woman, Baby

Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for deaths pregnant woman, unborn baby

Killing pregnant woman would be double homicide under N.J. bill

Seems to me, it's her body when she wants to kill the life inside her but a totally separate body when the life is taken by someone else.

Here's a novel idea. Women that do not want to become mothers should stop engaging in activities that would make them into mothers.

But you don't even make a distinction between a "loose" female, a rape victim, a victim of incest, or failed responsible birth control.
I would rather see a life not suffer perpetual hunger, disease, pain.... how many have you adopted?

And the mother is being charged with neglect. That is a criminal, not a civil charge, so she very well could be given a public defender.

I raised five children as a single father, four daughters and a son, after my wife passed away giving birth to our twins.

She should be charged with neglect, she should have protected her child.

Using your logic, all these poor children should be euthanized instead of living a poverty stricken life. You're all heart!

I am sorry for your loss, I truly am. I give you the highest kudos for being the daddy those kids needed.

However, you are being absolutely ridiculous with that statement about my logic. What you seem to forget, is I want the choice for females to decide for THEMSELVES about bringing kids into situations like that. Not forced to. That's all.

So that life inside their body has no value? Someone needs to be the voice for the voiceless. All human life is precious. You would agree that killing a baby right out of the womb is murder, would you not? So why does taking that life a few months before it makes its way out of the womb any different?

I see how people react around pregnant women, everyone would ask her about the baby. They don't ask "how is the fetus", or "how is the zygote" or whatever term pro-abortion people use to justify killing an innocent life.

I would rather a child live in poverty and have a chance at making something of themselves than never allowing them that chance at all.

The female that has a history, a past- a thinking, breathing, feeling, already born & has lived life already does indeed have more value. An embryo / fetus that is aborted, will not miss something it never experienced. You should not have the power 'to speak for' something that does not belong to you.

Yes, we should speak for those that are unable to speak for themselves. The most fragile needs the most protection. It's sad that you see no value in a human life.

That's laughable. If that were true, I would not have chosen to have my son. But what is sad is that you don't value the female that's already here.
If it meant saving your wife's life, would you have prevented or ended the pregnancy so the two of your could have raised your children together? Could you have been happy with just the three kids if it meant keeping your wife?

It is not a question of you not loving your children, but would you have changed things for the love of your wife, for her life?

You could always have adopted if you wanted more children.

Abortion is not about killing children, but caring for the life of the woman and what she needs or wants.
Children should be brought into the world when they are loved and wanted, not as an accident or violation.

It is not about denying life but choosing when to give life. When is it best for both mother and child.

We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

It is always her body till after birth. She should never be denied that right to control what happens to her. Even if she chooses to have a child, she is still the one in control of taking care, or not, of her body and thus the fetus. She is not a slave to others. She will only care for the fetus if she chooses to. Without her willingness there is a high risk of birth defects, and poor health of both her and the fetus as well as the risk of death during childbirth.

A woman has to want to be a mother. It should not be something she has no choice in. No victim of rape should be denied the choice of her body.

Is that right? Tell me, when a person murders a pregnant woman, why is the penalty more harsh than a simple homicide?

Why do 38 states have "fetal homicide" laws? At least 23 of those states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Most people that kill a pregnant woman are charged with two counts of homicide.

North Carolina Man Charged for Killing Pregnant Woman, Baby

Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for deaths pregnant woman, unborn baby

Killing pregnant woman would be double homicide under N.J. bill

Seems to me, it's her body when she wants to kill the life inside her but a totally separate body when the life is taken by someone else.

Here's a novel idea. Women that do not want to become mothers should stop engaging in activities that would make them into mothers.

>>an unborn child of 12 weeks or more gestation<<

The details of the law matters.

Does not apply to first trimester when a woman has the right to choose. Before even the church claims there is a soul.
If it meant saving your wife's life, would you have prevented or ended the pregnancy so the two of your could have raised your children together? Could you have been happy with just the three kids if it meant keeping your wife?

It is not a question of you not loving your children, but would you have changed things for the love of your wife, for her life?

You could always have adopted if you wanted more children.

Abortion is not about killing children, but caring for the life of the woman and what she needs or wants.
Children should be brought into the world when they are loved and wanted, not as an accident or violation.

It is not about denying life but choosing when to give life. When is it best for both mother and child.

We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

It is always her body till after birth. She should never be denied that right to control what happens to her. Even if she chooses to have a child, she is still the one in control of taking care, or not, of her body and thus the fetus. She is not a slave to others. She will only care for the fetus if she chooses to. Without her willingness there is a high risk of birth defects, and poor health of both her and the fetus as well as the risk of death during childbirth.

A woman has to want to be a mother. It should not be something she has no choice in. No victim of rape should be denied the choice of her body.

Is that right? Tell me, when a person murders a pregnant woman, why is the penalty more harsh than a simple homicide?

Why do 38 states have "fetal homicide" laws? At least 23 of those states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Most people that kill a pregnant woman are charged with two counts of homicide.

North Carolina Man Charged for Killing Pregnant Woman, Baby

Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for deaths pregnant woman, unborn baby

Killing pregnant woman would be double homicide under N.J. bill

Seems to me, it's her body when she wants to kill the life inside her but a totally separate body when the life is taken by someone else.

Here's a novel idea. Women that do not want to become mothers should stop engaging in activities that would make them into mothers.

>>and the defendant knew or should have known that the victim was pregnant.<<

>>These laws do not apply to conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law, or to any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her embryo or fetus.<<

Wording varies from state to state but they say the same thing for the most part.
If it meant saving your wife's life, would you have prevented or ended the pregnancy so the two of your could have raised your children together? Could you have been happy with just the three kids if it meant keeping your wife?

It is not a question of you not loving your children, but would you have changed things for the love of your wife, for her life?

You could always have adopted if you wanted more children.

Abortion is not about killing children, but caring for the life of the woman and what she needs or wants.
Children should be brought into the world when they are loved and wanted, not as an accident or violation.

It is not about denying life but choosing when to give life. When is it best for both mother and child.

We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

It is always her body till after birth. She should never be denied that right to control what happens to her. Even if she chooses to have a child, she is still the one in control of taking care, or not, of her body and thus the fetus. She is not a slave to others. She will only care for the fetus if she chooses to. Without her willingness there is a high risk of birth defects, and poor health of both her and the fetus as well as the risk of death during childbirth.

A woman has to want to be a mother. It should not be something she has no choice in. No victim of rape should be denied the choice of her body.

Is that right? Tell me, when a person murders a pregnant woman, why is the penalty more harsh than a simple homicide?

Why do 38 states have "fetal homicide" laws? At least 23 of those states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Most people that kill a pregnant woman are charged with two counts of homicide.

North Carolina Man Charged for Killing Pregnant Woman, Baby

Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for deaths pregnant woman, unborn baby

Killing pregnant woman would be double homicide under N.J. bill

Seems to me, it's her body when she wants to kill the life inside her but a totally separate body when the life is taken by someone else.

Here's a novel idea. Women that do not want to become mothers should stop engaging in activities that would make them into mothers.

You're confusing criminal law with civil law, where a violent crime against a pregnant woman is the former, and privacy rights concerns the latter.

Such statutes reflect the fact that the protected liberty of the woman is paramount, as neither the state can compel a woman to give birth against her will (civil law), nor may an individual end a woman's pregnancy against her will (criminal law).

In both cases the woman is the victim – in no way 'recognizing' the 'personhood' of an embryo/fetus.
I would rather see a life not suffer perpetual hunger, disease, pain.... how many have you adopted?

And the mother is being charged with neglect. That is a criminal, not a civil charge, so she very well could be given a public defender.

I raised five children as a single father, four daughters and a son, after my wife passed away giving birth to our twins.

She should be charged with neglect, she should have protected her child.

Using your logic, all these poor children should be euthanized instead of living a poverty stricken life. You're all heart!

If it meant saving your wife's life, would you have prevented or ended the pregnancy so the two of your could have raised your children together? Could you have been happy with just the three kids if it meant keeping your wife?

It is not a question of you not loving your children, but would you have changed things for the love of your wife, for her life?

You could always have adopted if you wanted more children.

Abortion is not about killing children, but caring for the life of the woman and what she needs or wants.
Children should be brought into the world when they are loved and wanted, not as an accident or violation.

It is not about denying life but choosing when to give life. When is it best for both mother and child.

We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

And sometimes responsible birth control fails.
I would rather see a life not suffer perpetual hunger, disease, pain.... how many have you adopted?

And the mother is being charged with neglect. That is a criminal, not a civil charge, so she very well could be given a public defender.

I raised five children as a single father, four daughters and a son, after my wife passed away giving birth to our twins.

She should be charged with neglect, she should have protected her child.

Using your logic, all these poor children should be euthanized instead of living a poverty stricken life. You're all heart!

If it meant saving your wife's life, would you have prevented or ended the pregnancy so the two of your could have raised your children together? Could you have been happy with just the three kids if it meant keeping your wife?

It is not a question of you not loving your children, but would you have changed things for the love of your wife, for her life?

You could always have adopted if you wanted more children.

Abortion is not about killing children, but caring for the life of the woman and what she needs or wants.
Children should be brought into the world when they are loved and wanted, not as an accident or violation.

It is not about denying life but choosing when to give life. When is it best for both mother and child.

We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

That's key. You were both willing. You made a choice.

Honestly, there it wasn't really a choice. Neither of us would ever consider killing an innocent life. Even if it meant saving our own.

That was a moral choice you made. You had that right to choose.
Don't deny others their right to decide what is best for them.
Why should the baby die for a crime it didn't commit?

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What crime did the 10 year old girl commit?
They killed the 10 year old girl?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

What crime did that 10 year old girl commit?
Just think 10 years ago they could have legally murdered her in this country.

What crime did she commit that she should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term in her ten year old body?
A ten year old child should not be getting pregnant. But why kill an innocent life when it does happen? The government saved a life, therefore they are heroes. Metaphorically speaking of course.

While they destroyed another's. That 10 year old little girl will never be the same. But that doesn't matter, because the end result was all that mattered & another child was born into poverty but hey! your concern has now ended.

You think a ten year old after being raped and going through an abortion will be the same? End result, both the ten year old and her baby are alive and well. How do you know they will live in poverty? Do you know the girl?

Thankfully, physically she might be doing well, but is that all you think matters? You don't think a 10 year old who was raped & had a baby is ever going to be psychologically well again? A grown woman who has gone through that same trauma is never the same again. But, ya THE END RESULT is all you seem to care about as far as the birth being completed. As for living in poverty?

Paraguay is one of the most malnourished countries in Latin America and the developing world. Although the region as a whole has made progress in reducing malnutrition, Paraguay is among the Latin American countries that have made little to no progress, especially with regard to chronic malnutrition.

According to the World Health Organization, 1.55 percent of deaths that occur in Paraguay are a result of malnutrition. Additionally, 32 percent of the population in Paraguay lives under the poverty lines, while 17 percent of the population is considered to be in extreme poverty. Among those populations, food insecurity is more prominent and varies from household to household.

Of those living in poverty, 25.5 percent are undernourished. Additionally, statistics reveal that 60,000 of the 150,000 children born in Paraguay will be born in impoverished households. A 2013 U.N. report states that Paraguay is one of the countries with the highest percentage of malnourished and food deprived people in Latin America..."

Malnutrition in Paraguay - The Borgen Project

Housing need in Paraguay

Paraguay is the third poorest country in South America. Of its 6,340,000 inhabitants (2011), more than 35 percent lives in conditions of poverty and nearly 20 percent in extreme poverty, earning less than US $1 per day.

In Paraguay, thousands of farmers and indigenous families have been expelled from the land through corruption. More than 85 percent of the land parcels greater than 500 hectares (1,235 acres) are owned by just 2.6 percent of landowners. This polarization of land tenure is accentuated year after year and directly relates to the housing situation.

An estimated 1.1 million houses are needed in Paraguay, according to the SENAVITAT 2011- PLANHAVI Report, and this number grows every year.

In addition, 43 out of 100 families— 39 percent in urban areas and 50 percent in rural areas — live in an inadequate house, according to a report by the Inter-American Development Bank.

Lack of access to soft credit for housing and the rural exodus — mass migration from rural to urban areas — are the main reasons families are living in unsafe and overcrowded houses. These situations are producing a rapid growth in the housing deficit..."


11-year-old gives birth to girl in Paraguay

By PEDRO SERVIN August 13, 2015 6:05 PM

ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) — An 11-year-old girl who was denied an abortion after being raped gave birth Thursday, the culmination of a case that put a spotlight on child rape in this poor South American nation and drew criticism from human rights groups.

Elizabeth Torales, a lawyer for the girl's mother, told The Associated Press that the minor gave birth to a baby girl via cesarean in a Red Cross hospital in Asuncion, Paraguay's capital.

11-year-old gives birth to girl in Paraguay

How many permanent Red Cross Hospitals in a nation's capital indicate that it is not a poverty-stricken country? This was the first pic that came up when I typed in 'typical Paraguay poverty'

Take a look at the rest of them , but as long as that baby was birthed, it's all good, right?

paraguay - Google Search

You start off by asking me virtually the same question I asked you.

Reading comprehension is something you need to work on.

You have not proven she was or is from a poverty stricken home.

The fact that she went to a Red Cross Hospital indicates that she had no other means of health care. The odds certainly indicate that she is poverty stricken. Would that have mattered to you at all if she was dirt poor?
Is it your opinion that only the very wealthy should be allowed to have children.
We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

It is always her body till after birth. She should never be denied that right to control what happens to her. Even if she chooses to have a child, she is still the one in control of taking care, or not, of her body and thus the fetus. She is not a slave to others. She will only care for the fetus if she chooses to. Without her willingness there is a high risk of birth defects, and poor health of both her and the fetus as well as the risk of death during childbirth.

A woman has to want to be a mother. It should not be something she has no choice in. No victim of rape should be denied the choice of her body.

Is that right? Tell me, when a person murders a pregnant woman, why is the penalty more harsh than a simple homicide?

Why do 38 states have "fetal homicide" laws? At least 23 of those states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Most people that kill a pregnant woman are charged with two counts of homicide.

North Carolina Man Charged for Killing Pregnant Woman, Baby

Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for deaths pregnant woman, unborn baby

Killing pregnant woman would be double homicide under N.J. bill

Seems to me, it's her body when she wants to kill the life inside her but a totally separate body when the life is taken by someone else.

Here's a novel idea. Women that do not want to become mothers should stop engaging in activities that would make them into mothers.

>>The law does not apply to acts that cause the death of an unborn child if those acts were committed during a legal abortion to which the pregnant woman consented or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf consented, or for which such consent is implied by law.<<

If you want to quote the law, better understand it.
Most of us understand what the law is. You must also better understand that we that feel that abortion is a horrible thing and feel that killing the preborn should be a crime will continue to fight for by votes and in many cases money to change this evil thing. I have never nor do I choose to kill the abortionist but it sure would feel good to put some handcuffs on one of them.
We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

It is always her body till after birth. She should never be denied that right to control what happens to her. Even if she chooses to have a child, she is still the one in control of taking care, or not, of her body and thus the fetus. She is not a slave to others. She will only care for the fetus if she chooses to. Without her willingness there is a high risk of birth defects, and poor health of both her and the fetus as well as the risk of death during childbirth.

A woman has to want to be a mother. It should not be something she has no choice in. No victim of rape should be denied the choice of her body.

Is that right? Tell me, when a person murders a pregnant woman, why is the penalty more harsh than a simple homicide?

Why do 38 states have "fetal homicide" laws? At least 23 of those states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Most people that kill a pregnant woman are charged with two counts of homicide.

North Carolina Man Charged for Killing Pregnant Woman, Baby

Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for deaths pregnant woman, unborn baby

Killing pregnant woman would be double homicide under N.J. bill

Seems to me, it's her body when she wants to kill the life inside her but a totally separate body when the life is taken by someone else.

Here's a novel idea. Women that do not want to become mothers should stop engaging in activities that would make them into mothers.

>>The law does not apply to acts that cause the death of an unborn child if those acts were committed during a legal abortion to which the pregnant woman consented or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf consented, or for which such consent is implied by law.<<

If you want to quote the law, better understand it.
Most of us understand what the law is. You must also better understand that we that feel that abortion is a horrible thing and feel that killing the preborn should be a crime will continue to fight for by votes and in many cases money to change this evil thing. I have never nor do I choose to kill the abortionist but it sure would feel good to put some handcuffs on one of them.

Not according to the bible, the law or the morality of all people.

You can choose to not have an abortion, but you don't have the right to tell others what to do or not do with their bodies or how to live their lives. We have to think and act in accordance to what we think is best for us and our lives. Right or wrong it is not your choice.
When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

It is always her body till after birth. She should never be denied that right to control what happens to her. Even if she chooses to have a child, she is still the one in control of taking care, or not, of her body and thus the fetus. She is not a slave to others. She will only care for the fetus if she chooses to. Without her willingness there is a high risk of birth defects, and poor health of both her and the fetus as well as the risk of death during childbirth.

A woman has to want to be a mother. It should not be something she has no choice in. No victim of rape should be denied the choice of her body.

Is that right? Tell me, when a person murders a pregnant woman, why is the penalty more harsh than a simple homicide?

Why do 38 states have "fetal homicide" laws? At least 23 of those states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Most people that kill a pregnant woman are charged with two counts of homicide.

North Carolina Man Charged for Killing Pregnant Woman, Baby

Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for deaths pregnant woman, unborn baby

Killing pregnant woman would be double homicide under N.J. bill

Seems to me, it's her body when she wants to kill the life inside her but a totally separate body when the life is taken by someone else.

Here's a novel idea. Women that do not want to become mothers should stop engaging in activities that would make them into mothers.

>>The law does not apply to acts that cause the death of an unborn child if those acts were committed during a legal abortion to which the pregnant woman consented or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf consented, or for which such consent is implied by law.<<

If you want to quote the law, better understand it.
Most of us understand what the law is. You must also better understand that we that feel that abortion is a horrible thing and feel that killing the preborn should be a crime will continue to fight for by votes and in many cases money to change this evil thing. I have never nor do I choose to kill the abortionist but it sure would feel good to put some handcuffs on one of them.

Not according to the bible, the law or the morality of all people.

You can choose to not have an abortion, but you don't have the right to tell others what to do or not do with their bodies or how to live their lives. We have to think and act in accordance to what we think is best for us and our lives. Right or wrong it is not your choice.
What baloney. As normal you progressives see things that are just not there.

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GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.

Yes let's condemn Huckabee and give a pass to the man that impregnated the child.
Who gave that bastard a pass??

Who hasn't? I haven't seen one comment about the scum that raped this poor child. All I've seen is haters hating on Mike for standing on his principles.
You're fucking retarded. You said someone gave that asshole a pass. Quote someone saying he gets a pass or stfu about your delusions.
Do they kill babies?
I thought they aborted fetus'.
They kill preborn babies. Would it really shock you if they killed some after their birth? They have no feeling and it would not shock me at all.

Someone makes the final decision over that uterus. Not You. Not the Government. Smaller less intrusive Government is what is always desired by the right, except when it comes to the bedroom, marriage, & a woman's body. Then Big Brother is your buddy.
That once the baby is conceived it is no longer just her body for the next 9 months

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Bullshit. She doesn't give up her body just because she gets pregnant. You're fucking crazy.
She shares it with another human

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So? She still doesn't give up her body because she gets pregnant. She should have the right, like women in America have, to disconnect herself from that other human sharing her body.
It's a pregnancy that never should have happened in the first place. Punishing a female for a rape, by forcing her to carry a rapist's offspring in her body, for 9 months, eventually feeling it move inside her- going thru the pain of giving birth all against her will is cruel & is torturous. Failed responsible birth control is no different... it's a conception that never should have occurred.
Just because a person is raped does not give them the right to do something wrong as well by doing away with the baby. Just because one person does something wrong doesn't mean that you have to follow their lead. If you saw someone jump off a bridge, would you jump as well?

Do you have children? Grown children? I bet you remember being pregnant. I bet you remember how it felt when they moved inside you. I bet you remember giving birth. Getting that cord cut. No matter how many years later. Now add in how you were forced to remember all that, because you will not be able to forget. A woman will have had her memory & her mind violated just the same as her body. But apparently all that doesn't really matter to you now, does it?
I don't have kids and I've never been pregnant because I have yet to jump off of a certain bench, but if my behind was pride loose from it in any way, I would not make the baby pay as well if one were to soon appear. Someone doing something wrong to me would not give me the right to do something wrong to someone else!

God bless you always!!!

Thoughts and questions on abortion:

WHY…..Do you people insist on pushing for an end to ALL legal abortion? Logic and common sense should tell you that it will not actually end abortion. I have to really wonder what you really believe in and what your true motives are. Is it to be able to claim moral superiority by saying that you are unequivocally against abortion, while being able to avoid responsibility for damage caused by illegal abortions as well as the suffering that results for having children who are unwanted? Or, is it about the control of women and their bodies? I have to suspect that it is, at least in part the later as evidenced by the degree of indifference and even hostility towards women’s needs including but not limited to birth control. You make no sense to me what so ever!
I can understand that you believe in the sanctity of human life and that you believe that life begins at conception. You are certainly entitled to that belief, but others do not believe that it is a human life at conception, and they too are equally entitled to that belief. Here is a though. Don’t religious people also believe in the human soul? A spirit that comes from god and returns the heavens upon death? If so, then there really is no death. Can you look at abortion as a means of delaying the transformation of that soul into the physical body until it can make the transition into the world at a better time and in a better place


Let’s be clear about something. Ending or overly restricting legal abortion will not end abortion and may not even significantly reduce the number of abortions. Rather, it will force the practice back under ground to be performed by the back ally butchers who will endanger women’s health and even their lives, and escape any restrictions on late term abortions which may well increase in numbers

Please understand this. Most people who are pro-choice are not callously pro-abortion. Regardless of ones beliefs about when life begins, we recognize that abortion is not a pleasant or desirable thing. I for one have no problem with overall policies that are aimed at making abortion rare-although I am adamant that they should still be available.

How do we do that? By supporting meaningful sex education and the availability of contraception for starters. Then, by ensuring that women and families are confident that they will have the help and support that they need if they choose to carry the child to term. That would include nutritional and financial assistance, affordable day care, early child hood education, and health care coverage for starters. How about we throw in tax policies that strengthen the middle class and promote job growth. The problem is that too many pro-life conservatives are against all or most of these things and there for they are really just pro fetus and pro birth.

I believe that most pro-choice people would, in turn agree to a ban on late term abortions that are not medically necessary and ensure that the woman is fully aware of all alternatives including adoption. And speaking of adoption, they need to get over the hysteria about allowing gays and lesbians to adopt. They are a valuable resource for children who might otherwise suffer at the hands of a parent who was not prepared to care for them, or languish in the foster care system.

Is it possible for conservative to get smart about this, or will they insist on clinging to absurd positions of just wanting abortion stopped, even in cases of rape, incest or a danger to the mother’s life.? Are you will to come out right now as being truly pro-life, pro women, pro-family and pro children ? If you cannot or will not, but continue to b staunchly anti abortion, you are displaying the very height of hypocrisy.
Another reason why I am not for abortion is because of the Lord's involvement every time that a baby is created. I believe that he had a hand in that baby's creation and I for one am not about to cheer lead the destroying of something that he himself had a hand in making. How would you like it if something that you made was completely destroyed by another person?
Just how evil is your Lord that that you think he had a hand in a son-of-a-bitch raping his 10 year old step-daughter?

It's a pregnancy that never should have happened in the first place. Punishing a female for a rape, by forcing her to carry a rapist's offspring in her body, for 9 months, eventually feeling it move inside her- going thru the pain of giving birth all against her will is cruel & is torturous. Failed responsible birth control is no different... it's a conception that never should have occurred.
Just because a person is raped does not give them the right to do something wrong as well by doing away with the baby. Just because one person does something wrong doesn't mean that you have to follow their lead. If you saw someone jump off a bridge, would you jump as well?

Do you have children? Grown children? I bet you remember being pregnant. I bet you remember how it felt when they moved inside you. I bet you remember giving birth. Getting that cord cut. No matter how many years later. Now add in how you were forced to remember all that, because you will not be able to forget. A woman will have had her memory & her mind violated just the same as her body. But apparently all that doesn't really matter to you now, does it?
I don't have kids and I've never been pregnant because I have yet to jump off of a certain bench, but if my behind was pride loose from it in any way, I would not make the baby pay as well if one were to soon appear. Someone doing something wrong to me would not give me the right to do something wrong to someone else!

God bless you always!!!

" Just because" <---- right there says it all. You have no real concern. And saying "God Bless" with every post means nothing when it's just automatic. People say that when someone sneezes.... no real intent behind it. And you can talk the talk of a Christian, but when it comes to walking that walk, you sound so very very selfish. LOL, Try reading a little Matthew 6: 5-6.
If anyone is selfish, it is you people who think that its okay to do away with a baby so that no one has to deal with it in any way as if its nothing but an inconvenience to everyone. If that isn't a sheer and severe act of selfishness, I have zero idea what is!

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. And one more thing, playtime. I mean the phrase "God bless you always!!!" every time that I say no matter how you look at it. Why do I say it? Because to me people like you for example only make it as clear as crystal glass that it needs to be said.
Bless your heart.
Let me get this right you want a innocent baby murdered and yet you think God is evil?

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She said she thinks the Lord had a hand in that girl getting raped, not me.
What crime did the 10 year old girl commit?
They killed the 10 year old girl?

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What crime did that 10 year old girl commit?
Just think 10 years ago they could have legally murdered her in this country.

What crime did she commit that she should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term in her ten year old body?
While they destroyed another's. That 10 year old little girl will never be the same. But that doesn't matter, because the end result was all that mattered & another child was born into poverty but hey! your concern has now ended.

You think a ten year old after being raped and going through an abortion will be the same? End result, both the ten year old and her baby are alive and well. How do you know they will live in poverty? Do you know the girl?

Thankfully, physically she might be doing well, but is that all you think matters? You don't think a 10 year old who was raped & had a baby is ever going to be psychologically well again? A grown woman who has gone through that same trauma is never the same again. But, ya THE END RESULT is all you seem to care about as far as the birth being completed. As for living in poverty?

Paraguay is one of the most malnourished countries in Latin America and the developing world. Although the region as a whole has made progress in reducing malnutrition, Paraguay is among the Latin American countries that have made little to no progress, especially with regard to chronic malnutrition.

According to the World Health Organization, 1.55 percent of deaths that occur in Paraguay are a result of malnutrition. Additionally, 32 percent of the population in Paraguay lives under the poverty lines, while 17 percent of the population is considered to be in extreme poverty. Among those populations, food insecurity is more prominent and varies from household to household.

Of those living in poverty, 25.5 percent are undernourished. Additionally, statistics reveal that 60,000 of the 150,000 children born in Paraguay will be born in impoverished households. A 2013 U.N. report states that Paraguay is one of the countries with the highest percentage of malnourished and food deprived people in Latin America..."

Malnutrition in Paraguay - The Borgen Project

Housing need in Paraguay

Paraguay is the third poorest country in South America. Of its 6,340,000 inhabitants (2011), more than 35 percent lives in conditions of poverty and nearly 20 percent in extreme poverty, earning less than US $1 per day.

In Paraguay, thousands of farmers and indigenous families have been expelled from the land through corruption. More than 85 percent of the land parcels greater than 500 hectares (1,235 acres) are owned by just 2.6 percent of landowners. This polarization of land tenure is accentuated year after year and directly relates to the housing situation.

An estimated 1.1 million houses are needed in Paraguay, according to the SENAVITAT 2011- PLANHAVI Report, and this number grows every year.

In addition, 43 out of 100 families— 39 percent in urban areas and 50 percent in rural areas — live in an inadequate house, according to a report by the Inter-American Development Bank.

Lack of access to soft credit for housing and the rural exodus — mass migration from rural to urban areas — are the main reasons families are living in unsafe and overcrowded houses. These situations are producing a rapid growth in the housing deficit..."


11-year-old gives birth to girl in Paraguay

By PEDRO SERVIN August 13, 2015 6:05 PM

ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) — An 11-year-old girl who was denied an abortion after being raped gave birth Thursday, the culmination of a case that put a spotlight on child rape in this poor South American nation and drew criticism from human rights groups.

Elizabeth Torales, a lawyer for the girl's mother, told The Associated Press that the minor gave birth to a baby girl via cesarean in a Red Cross hospital in Asuncion, Paraguay's capital.

11-year-old gives birth to girl in Paraguay

How many permanent Red Cross Hospitals in a nation's capital indicate that it is not a poverty-stricken country? This was the first pic that came up when I typed in 'typical Paraguay poverty'

Take a look at the rest of them , but as long as that baby was birthed, it's all good, right?

paraguay - Google Search

You start off by asking me virtually the same question I asked you.

Reading comprehension is something you need to work on.

You have not proven she was or is from a poverty stricken home.

The fact that she went to a Red Cross Hospital indicates that she had no other means of health care. The odds certainly indicate that she is poverty stricken. Would that have mattered to you at all if she was dirt poor?
Is it your opinion that only the very wealthy should be allowed to have children.

How stupid can that statement be.

I believe in CHOICE. Give the choice of the female whether she wants to bring a child into the world, no matter the financial circumstances.

Is it your opinion that children go hungry & live in dangerous or subpar diseased circumstances as long as their born?
Another reason why I am not for abortion is because of the Lord's involvement every time that a baby is created. I believe that he had a hand in that baby's creation and I for one am not about to cheer lead the destroying of something that he himself had a hand in making. How would you like it if something that you made was completely destroyed by another person?
Just how evil is your Lord that that you think he had a hand in a son-of-a-bitch raping his 10 year old step-daughter?

If anyone is selfish, it is you people who think that its okay to do away with a baby so that no one has to deal with it in any way as if its nothing but an inconvenience to everyone. If that isn't a sheer and severe act of selfishness, I have zero idea what is!

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. And one more thing, playtime. I mean the phrase "God bless you always!!!" every time that I say no matter how you look at it. Why do I say it? Because to me people like you for example only make it as clear as crystal glass that it needs to be said.
Bless your heart.
Let me get this right you want a innocent baby murdered and yet you think God is evil?

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a zygote is not a baby & an egg is not a chicken.
And black people are not human? you progressives never change

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Please find any post anywhere where I said that. You can't. & you just used another talking point. LOL.
That one is Bachmann insane. He spouts his delusions on this forum all the time.
Just how evil is your Lord that that you think he had a hand in a son-of-a-bitch raping his 10 year old step-daughter?

Bless your heart.
Let me get this right you want a innocent baby murdered and yet you think God is evil?

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a zygote is not a baby & an egg is not a chicken.
And black people are not human? you progressives never change

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I also noticed you skipped right over the post where I provided 3 links & a pic to prove what you had asked about poverty in Paraguay. YOU religious extremists never change.
Only evil assholes call not wanting babies slaughters extremist. Go join isis they seem to have the same mentality

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Actually, ISIS shares your beliefs when it comes to abortion.

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