Huckabee Comes to Josh Duggar's Defense

I don't hate all non-whites. I support George "can't flim flam the zim-zam" Zimmerman.
O well in that case I do not see any rational thought coming from you and I hope that you have a nice life, not saying you are a racist nor do I mean to imply it but if you think that man is not a murder, well than you are dumber than huckabee and the whole duggar family combined
He killed Trayvon Martin in self defense, he certainly didn't murder him, as far as the evidence we have shows and according to the law, he is innocent of murder.
No, just because Florida is full of other racist idiots, I would know I live here, does not mean he didn't murder that poor boy.
Yep, all the evidence and all the witnesses who witnessed trayvon on top of zimmerman taking blows to the head, a racist conspiracy.
If you paid attention before it became a national story none of the "evidence" you claim was presented by anyone until it became a call to arms for all the gun nuts, there are responsible gun owners, in fact the vast majority of them are responsible down to Earth individuals, the ones our media gives a voice? Not so much.
So gun nuts told witnesses and paramedics to lie about Zimmerman being attacked? Interesting...
Maybe Huckabee is a sex pervert too. Lots of fundamental preachers have been.
I would rather my child around a catholic priest(don't know the stats for evangelicals), than a public school teacher as far as child molestation is concerned. Your child is far more likely to be abused in a public school than a Church.
Maybe Huckabee is a sex pervert too. Lots of fundamental preachers have been.
I would rather my child around a catholic priest(don't know the stats for evangelicals), than a public school teacher as far as child molestation is concerned. Your child is far more likely to be abused in a public school than a Church.
Link? Anything other than you imagination or speculation? Lots of publicity for female teachers molesting teenage boys does not mean lots of cases of abuse, just lots of media coverage.
Maybe Huckabee is a sex pervert too. Lots of fundamental preachers have been.
I would rather my child around a catholic priest(don't know the stats for evangelicals), than a public school teacher as far as child molestation is concerned. Your child is far more likely to be abused in a public school than a Church.
I would rather my child in neither, both are hotbeds for indoctrination and teaching people what to think so yeah I will pass on both.
Wow.... I wonder if Huckabee would be so forgiving if Duggar had engaged in "inexcusable acts" with boys instead of girls.. :dunno:

On Friday, Mr. Huckabee expressed his support for the Duggar family, which hails from Arkansas, and said that Mr. Duggar deserved a second chance.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable’,” Mr. Huckabee said in a statement that scolded anyone who took pleasure in the revelations. “Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive blood thirst.”
I wonder if Hillary would have defended Bubba Bill if his serial sexual predator history included boys.
So, this Huckabee feller speaks up and advocates for taking it easy on a (former) 14-year-old kid who did some wrong things, sexually.

And then Uber-Leftists disingenuously shift into faux-outrage mode and try to crucify the guy?

Little wankers.

Phukk 'em.
Maybe Huckabee is a sex pervert too. Lots of fundamental preachers have been.
I would rather my child around a catholic priest(don't know the stats for evangelicals), than a public school teacher as far as child molestation is concerned. Your child is far more likely to be abused in a public school than a Church.
Link? Anything other than you imagination or speculation? Lots of publicity for female teachers molesting teenage boys does not mean lots of cases of abuse, just lots of media coverage.
The media coverage is far more evident because of the anti-Christian bias in most cases, whereas government institutions are protected.

Certainly, paedophile activities are not limited to the American Catholic Church. A recent report by the US Department of Education revealed that a child is more than 100 times more likely to be sexually abused by a public school teacher than by a priest. To quote: “a study by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops concluded that 10,667 young people were sexually mistreated by priests between 1950 and 2002. In contrast, [it] extrapolates from a national survey conducted for the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation in 2000 that roughly 290,000 students experienced some sort of physical sexual abuse by a public school employee between 1991 and 2000.” Ergo, Sandusky’s activities are part of a wider story of criminal infiltration of our national institutions.

The child abuse scandal at Pennsylvania State University proves that paedophilia isn t just a priest problem Telegraph Blogs
Lena Dunham, who sexually molested her six year old sister, did campaign ads for Barack Obama.

Why doesn't Obama condemn her inexcusable acts? Why does he allow self admitted child molesters to come to a White House?

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

From Susan Rice to Lena Dunham New Yorker s WHCD cocktail party brings out the stars - The Washington Post
The 14 year old boy knew that what he was doing was wrong
How do you know what he thought he was doing was actually wrong?
Lena Dunham, who sexually molested her six year old sister, did campaign ads for Barack Obama.

Why doesn't Obama condemn her inexcusable acts? Why does he allow self admitted child molesters to come to a White House?

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

From Susan Rice to Lena Dunham New Yorker s WHCD cocktail party brings out the stars - The Washington Post
The 14 year old boy knew that what he was doing was wrong
How do you know what he thought he was doing was actually wrong?

He admitted to it, and his parents have said that he knew better even at the time. That is how.
Lena Dunham, who sexually molested her six year old sister, did campaign ads for Barack Obama.

Why doesn't Obama condemn her inexcusable acts? Why does he allow self admitted child molesters to come to a White House?

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

From Susan Rice to Lena Dunham New Yorker s WHCD cocktail party brings out the stars - The Washington Post
The 14 year old boy knew that what he was doing was wrong
How do you know what he thought he was doing was actually wrong?

He admitted to it, and his parents have said that he knew better even at the time. That is how.

That's just hearsay! You can't believe what the Christian hating media says.
Lena Dunham, who sexually molested her six year old sister, did campaign ads for Barack Obama.

Why doesn't Obama condemn her inexcusable acts? Why does he allow self admitted child molesters to come to a White House?

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

From Susan Rice to Lena Dunham New Yorker s WHCD cocktail party brings out the stars - The Washington Post
The 14 year old boy knew that what he was doing was wrong
How do you know what he thought he was doing was actually wrong?

He admitted to it, and his parents have said that he knew better even at the time. That is how.

That's just hearsay! You can't believe what the Christian hating media says.

The church has done more harm to the world than the media ever has, and that's saying something, fox news got bush jr elected...
Wow.... I wonder if Huckabee would be so forgiving if Duggar had engaged in "inexcusable acts" with boys instead of girls.. :dunno:

On Friday, Mr. Huckabee expressed his support for the Duggar family, which hails from Arkansas, and said that Mr. Duggar deserved a second chance.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable’,” Mr. Huckabee said in a statement that scolded anyone who took pleasure in the revelations. “Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive blood thirst.”
not sure how that is coming to his defense.

he was a minor, and has confessed, so he will be charged and jailed.

but yea, most leftist have responded with glee that this happened, you can see their joy in their threads and posts. No concern for the children, just glee that they can shit on them.
Lena Dunham, who sexually molested her six year old sister, did campaign ads for Barack Obama.

Why doesn't Obama condemn her inexcusable acts? Why does he allow self admitted child molesters to come to a White House?

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

From Susan Rice to Lena Dunham New Yorker s WHCD cocktail party brings out the stars - The Washington Post
The 14 year old boy knew that what he was doing was wrong
How do you know what he thought he was doing was actually wrong?

He admitted to it, and his parents have said that he knew better even at the time. That is how.

That's just hearsay! You can't believe what the Christian hating media says.

The church has done more harm to the world than the media ever has, and that's saying something, fox news got bush jr elected...

Nope. The media helped get a unconstitutional ineligible non-natural born citizen elected president. They are not to be trusted.
The 14 year old boy knew that what he was doing was wrong
How do you know what he thought he was doing was actually wrong?
He admitted to it, and his parents have said that he knew better even at the time. That is how.
That's just hearsay! You can't believe what the Christian hating media says.
The church has done more harm to the world than the media ever has, and that's saying something, fox news got bush jr elected...
Nope. The media helped get a unconstitutional ineligible non-natural born citizen elected president. They are not to be trusted.
You my friend are a riot, he was born in America, the constitution was covered in shit from the rest of the government before he even was running for office, I do not really have an opinion one way or another on the constitution issue though because the constitution is not a perfect or living document, so that he may have skirted the constitution a couple of times he did so in the best interest of the American people so in my book its kind of excusable, and even if you disagree with all that I have said, you cannot argue that he has done more damage to the world in his soon to be 8 years as "the most powerful man in the world" (that's another joke) than the church has done in its centuries of rape, pillage, persecution, and general fuckery. Please note I hold nothing against the religion of Christianity, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, my quarrel is with the institution.
Wow.... I wonder if Huckabee would be so forgiving if Duggar had engaged in "inexcusable acts" with boys instead of girls.. :dunno:

On Friday, Mr. Huckabee expressed his support for the Duggar family, which hails from Arkansas, and said that Mr. Duggar deserved a second chance.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable’,” Mr. Huckabee said in a statement that scolded anyone who took pleasure in the revelations. “Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive blood thirst.”
not sure how that is coming to his defense.

he was a minor, and has confessed, so he will be charged and jailed.

but yea, most leftist have responded with glee that this happened, you can see their joy in their threads and posts. No concern for the children, just glee that they can shit on them.
I have plenty of concern for the children, talking to people on line will not do anything to help them though, my issue is that he will not be charged or jailed because of this silly little thing called the statute of limitations, I take no glee on shitting on anyone, I wish everyone would pull their head out of their asses though and keep religion the hell away from politics
OK and what. Is this now the end of the world? or dear gawd another reason you won't vote for someone you weren't going to vote for to begin with. ?

just WOW and petty
Hey Stephanie, just so you are aware, I'm new here and I know this, this is a site for discussing political beliefs, and while I myself am no fan of our President, he has done a lot less to enslave us than the republican congress, or the democrat one for that matter along with their butt buddy big business, so before you go getting upset with people and calling them petty for being upset about representatives of their government defending child molesters, not accusing, he admitted to it, maybe you should stop being so petty as to compare trying to create some form of health care or whatever grudge you hold against the man, after all he is just a man, to the enslavement of an entire group of people for centuries.

It's a waste of time to tell staph to quit being so petty, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try.
There is no defense for what that guy did.
You mean the boy who just turned 14?
Do you mean the boy who admitted that he knew even then that what he was doing was wrong? Yeah, that guy right?
Of course he knew it was wrong. Lots of teenagers do things they know are wrong. We still hold them to a different standard because he was a child, not a "guy". You hippocritical Leftwats would leap to your own children's defense if they made a mistake like this. My oldest boy is about to turn 12 and already I fear for the choices he's going to make as an adolescent. I've taught him best I can, but he's human and going to make mistakes. I'm not going to condemn a 14 year old for political points like you do.

That's because I have a conscience and a standard of righteousness absent on the demonic Left.
Steinlight, Obama is not running for office.
It doesn't matter if he is running for reelection. He has a political association with a known child molester, and allows her to the White House after she herself admits to engaging in such acts.

You are applying a double standard.
Nope. The standard is someone is running for election (Huckabee). Obama is not.

And you assume BHO knew about Lena's childhood problems.
I disagree, I think associating with child molesters is wrong whether you are running for election or not. Morality isn't contingent upon running for elected office.You can't defend Obama's continued association after the fact with a self-admitted child molester while condemning Huckabee for saying a child molester can be forgiven.

She has been to the White House since the book came out and she admitted her predatory sexual nature.

Totally agree with this statement.

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