Huckabee Comes to Josh Duggar's Defense

So, this Huckabee feller speaks up and advocates for taking it easy on a (former) 14-year-old kid who did some wrong things, sexually.

And then Uber-Leftists disingenuously shift into faux-outrage mode and try to crucify the guy?

Little wankers.

Phukk 'em.

I agree and I don't even like Huckabee as a candidate. But I also sure as hell don't like the left trying to hang this sexual predator BS around his neck while trying to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats.
Wow.... I wonder if Huckabee would be so forgiving if Duggar had engaged in "inexcusable acts" with boys instead of girls.. :dunno:

On Friday, Mr. Huckabee expressed his support for the Duggar family, which hails from Arkansas, and said that Mr. Duggar deserved a second chance.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable’,” Mr. Huckabee said in a statement that scolded anyone who took pleasure in the revelations. “Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive blood thirst.”
not sure how that is coming to his defense.

he was a minor, and has confessed, so he will be charged and jailed.

but yea, most leftist have responded with glee that this happened, you can see their joy in their threads and posts. No concern for the children, just glee that they can shit on them.

Trust me, they couldn't care less about the Duggar girls. If they could they would drag them through the mud too.
So, this Huckabee feller speaks up and advocates for taking it easy on a (former) 14-year-old kid who did some wrong things, sexually.

And then Uber-Leftists disingenuously shift into faux-outrage mode and try to crucify the guy?

Little wankers.

Phukk 'em.

I agree and I don't even like Huckabee as a candidate. But I also sure as hell don't like the left trying to hang this sexual predator BS around his neck while trying to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats.

Too late. Huckabee's politically mortal wound is self inflicted.
So, this Huckabee feller speaks up and advocates for taking it easy on a (former) 14-year-old kid who did some wrong things, sexually.

And then Uber-Leftists disingenuously shift into faux-outrage mode and try to crucify the guy?

Little wankers.

Phukk 'em.

I agree and I don't even like Huckabee as a candidate. But I also sure as hell don't like the left trying to hang this sexual predator BS around his neck while trying to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats.

Too late. Huckabee's politically mortal wound is self inflicted.

Catch a clue... He has run before and no one voted for him. This stupid story isn't going to hurt him any.

Liberals are so dumb.
So, this Huckabee feller speaks up and advocates for taking it easy on a (former) 14-year-old kid who did some wrong things, sexually.

And then Uber-Leftists disingenuously shift into faux-outrage mode and try to crucify the guy?

Little wankers.

Phukk 'em.

I agree and I don't even like Huckabee as a candidate. But I also sure as hell don't like the left trying to hang this sexual predator BS around his neck while trying to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats.

Too late. Huckabee's politically mortal wound is self inflicted.

Catch a clue... He has run before and no one voted for him. This stupid story isn't going to hurt him any.

Liberals are so dumb.

..and his success rate for utter failure continues unabated!
So, this Huckabee feller speaks up and advocates for taking it easy on a (former) 14-year-old kid who did some wrong things, sexually.

And then Uber-Leftists disingenuously shift into faux-outrage mode and try to crucify the guy?

Little wankers.

Phukk 'em.

I agree and I don't even like Huckabee as a candidate. But I also sure as hell don't like the left trying to hang this sexual predator BS around his neck while trying to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats.

Too late. Huckabee's politically mortal wound is self inflicted.

If he had any chances of winning in the first place I would agree with you. I doubt his defense will matter all that much.
So, this Huckabee feller speaks up and advocates for taking it easy on a (former) 14-year-old kid who did some wrong things, sexually.

And then Uber-Leftists disingenuously shift into faux-outrage mode and try to crucify the guy?

Little wankers.

Phukk 'em.

I agree and I don't even like Huckabee as a candidate. But I also sure as hell don't like the left trying to hang this sexual predator BS around his neck while trying to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats.

Too late. Huckabee's politically mortal wound is self inflicted.

Catch a clue... He has run before and no one voted for him. This stupid story isn't going to hurt him any.

Liberals are so dumb.

..and his success rate for utter failure continues unabated!

Much like the majority of Democrats that run and lose. You act like this is unheard of or something.
Wow.... I wonder if Huckabee would be so forgiving if Duggar had engaged in "inexcusable acts" with boys instead of girls.. :dunno:

On Friday, Mr. Huckabee expressed his support for the Duggar family, which hails from Arkansas, and said that Mr. Duggar deserved a second chance.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable’,” Mr. Huckabee said in a statement that scolded anyone who took pleasure in the revelations. “Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive blood thirst.”
not sure how that is coming to his defense.

he was a minor, and has confessed, so he will be charged and jailed.

but yea, most leftist have responded with glee that this happened, you can see their joy in their threads and posts. No concern for the children, just glee that they can shit on them.
I have plenty of concern for the children, talking to people on line will not do anything to help them though, my issue is that he will not be charged or jailed because of this silly little thing called the statute of limitations, I take no glee on shitting on anyone, I wish everyone would pull their head out of their asses though and keep religion the hell away from politics
Then you are the only one that cares.

the rest are taking glee in seeing what appeared to be a good man fall.
OK and what. Is this now the end of the world? or dear gawd another reason you won't vote for someone you weren't going to vote for to begin with. ?

just WOW and petty
Hey Stephanie, just so you are aware, I'm new here and I know this, this is a site for discussing political beliefs, and while I myself am no fan of our President, he has done a lot less to enslave us than the republican congress, or the democrat one for that matter along with their butt buddy big business, so before you go getting upset with people and calling them petty for being upset about representatives of their government defending child molesters, not accusing, he admitted to it, maybe you should stop being so petty as to compare trying to create some form of health care or whatever grudge you hold against the man, after all he is just a man, to the enslavement of an entire group of people for centuries.

Maybe you should go back to DailyKos
The NRA claims convicted felons, 10 year old children, inmates in prison, incarcerated psychopaths should have access to firearms?? Since when? Hell in virginia the NRA helped write the new laws that prohibited the mentally ill access to firearms until proven they are cured.
As for those who knowingly associate with gangsters..... again if they haven't been convicted of a crime then (according to the law) they still have all the protections of the Constitution whether any of us like it or not.
The way you worded it appeared to say anyone even suspected of criminal activity should have their Constitutional rights infringed upon, that's a clear violation of the law.

I lived in Nevada for 10 years. Anyone, who consorts with whomever the Gaming Commission determines to be in organized crime, has his gambling license yanked. They did it to Frank Sinatra. I believe in common sense gun laws. I don't want a guy who wears outlaw biker colors to be able to pass a background check. I feel the same way about hoodlums who wear Blood colors. I feel the same way about anyone openly sympathetic to ISIS. I feel the same way about John Hinckley, even though he has never been convicted of a crime. I feel the same way about anyone who has been served a restraining order, because their spouse is in fear for her life. And yes, I believe in mandatory background checks.

I mention convicted felons, children, etc., because they have, indeed, had their 2nd amendment rights legally infringed. The precedent exists, and the limitations should be expanded.
Fair enough but I'm not the one to take it up with........
Oh and gaming licenses are not covered by the Constitution, gun ownership is so it's a faulty comparison.

Apparently the Constitution does not forbid the sale of firearms to convicted felons, children, and incarcerated people, so I don't see a problem with stopping sales to gangsters and terrorists sympathizers.
Laws, what are called "reasonable restrictions" by SCOTUS forbids the sale of firearms to those you mentioned. I don't see a problem with adding the latter however that's a personal viewpoint that has little to no bearing on Constitutional Law. Therein lies the ultimate issue, the continuation of the argument between the pros and the cons, what constitutes "reasonable restrictions" and how are they applied.
As for persons who have not been convicted of a crime or deemed "insane" their Constitutional rights cannot be violated without due process. That's the problem you're up against, undermining the Constitution so you can feel safer.

Don't make assumptions. I am always happy to see any party's darling get shot down for doing incredibly stupid things. Gary Hart comes to mind, although he may have been before your time. Besides, I believe that thinning the heard is a healthy thing in politics.
It's not an assumption, it's a response based exactly on what you posted. As for the rest........ I have no idea what you're talking about, I thought we were still on the .22 thread......... never read the thread title!!! How the hell did that happen???!!!! :ack-1:


Actually that's weird, my post WAS on the .22 ammo thread. How the hell did it end up here??!!!
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How amazing isn't it.

for a Democrat their "associations" no matter they are domestic terrorist (Bill Ayers), radicals from the sixties who was involved in a armed take over of a place (HOLDER), the Rev. Wright, Al the snake Sharpton, etc and we are told, That was in past, leave him alone

But, BOOOOM a Republican OMG OMG OMG OMG he spoke out for someone on a TELIVISON SHOW

He needs to be Hung in a public square
How amazing isn't it.

for a Democrat their "associations" no matter they are domestic terrorist (Bill Ayers), radicals from the sixties who was involved in a armed take over of a place (HOLDER), the Rev. Wright, Al the snake Sharpton, etc and we are told, That was in past, leave him alone

But, BOOOOM a Republican OMG OMG OMG OMG he spoke out for someone on a TELIVISON SHOW

He needs to be Hung in a public square
RadicalS who WAS

illiterate staph as always
OK and what. Is this now the end of the world? or dear gawd another reason you won't vote for someone you weren't going to vote for to begin with. ?

just WOW and petty
Hey Stephanie, just so you are aware, I'm new here and I know this, this is a site for discussing political beliefs, and while I myself am no fan of our President, he has done a lot less to enslave us than the republican congress, or the democrat one for that matter along with their butt buddy big business, so before you go getting upset with people and calling them petty for being upset about representatives of their government defending child molesters, not accusing, he admitted to it, maybe you should stop being so petty as to compare trying to create some form of health care or whatever grudge you hold against the man, after all he is just a man, to the enslavement of an entire group of people for centuries.

Maybe you should go back to DailyKos
Never been there but I like it here so I think I will stay :) maybe you should go back to Wonderland, I'm sure the hatter is missing you!
I lived in Nevada for 10 years. Anyone, who consorts with whomever the Gaming Commission determines to be in organized crime, has his gambling license yanked. They did it to Frank Sinatra. I believe in common sense gun laws. I don't want a guy who wears outlaw biker colors to be able to pass a background check. I feel the same way about hoodlums who wear Blood colors. I feel the same way about anyone openly sympathetic to ISIS. I feel the same way about John Hinckley, even though he has never been convicted of a crime. I feel the same way about anyone who has been served a restraining order, because their spouse is in fear for her life. And yes, I believe in mandatory background checks.

I mention convicted felons, children, etc., because they have, indeed, had their 2nd amendment rights legally infringed. The precedent exists, and the limitations should be expanded.
Fair enough but I'm not the one to take it up with........
Oh and gaming licenses are not covered by the Constitution, gun ownership is so it's a faulty comparison.

Apparently the Constitution does not forbid the sale of firearms to convicted felons, children, and incarcerated people, so I don't see a problem with stopping sales to gangsters and terrorists sympathizers.
Laws, what are called "reasonable restrictions" by SCOTUS forbids the sale of firearms to those you mentioned. I don't see a problem with adding the latter however that's a personal viewpoint that has little to no bearing on Constitutional Law. Therein lies the ultimate issue, the continuation of the argument between the pros and the cons, what constitutes "reasonable restrictions" and how are they applied.
As for persons who have not been convicted of a crime or deemed "insane" their Constitutional rights cannot be violated without due process. That's the problem you're up against, undermining the Constitution so you can feel safer.

Don't make assumptions. I am always happy to see any party's darling get shot down for doing incredibly stupid things. Gary Hart comes to mind, although he may have been before your time. Besides, I believe that thinning the heard is a healthy thing in politics.
It's not an assumption, it's a response based exactly on what you posted. As for the rest........ I have no idea what you're talking about, I thought we were still on the .22 thread......... never read the thread title!!! How the hell did that happen???!!!! :ack-1:


Actually that's weird, my post WAS on the .22 ammo thread. How the hell did it end up here??!!!

I, too am bewildered by this. My "assumption" post was in response to Bluegin.
OK and what. Is this now the end of the world? or dear gawd another reason you won't vote for someone you weren't going to vote for to begin with. ?

just WOW and petty
Hey Stephanie, just so you are aware, I'm new here and I know this, this is a site for discussing political beliefs, and while I myself am no fan of our President, he has done a lot less to enslave us than the republican congress, or the democrat one for that matter along with their butt buddy big business, so before you go getting upset with people and calling them petty for being upset about representatives of their government defending child molesters, not accusing, he admitted to it, maybe you should stop being so petty as to compare trying to create some form of health care or whatever grudge you hold against the man, after all he is just a man, to the enslavement of an entire group of people for centuries.

Maybe you should go back to DailyKos
Never been there but I like it here so I think I will stay :) maybe you should go back to Wonderland, I'm sure the hatter is missing you!

go diddle yourself Newbie and learn some manners while you're at it

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