Huckabee Comes to Josh Duggar's Defense

Wow.... I wonder if Huckabee would be so forgiving if Duggar had engaged in "inexcusable acts" with boys instead of girls.. :dunno:

On Friday, Mr. Huckabee expressed his support for the Duggar family, which hails from Arkansas, and said that Mr. Duggar deserved a second chance.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable’,” Mr. Huckabee said in a statement that scolded anyone who took pleasure in the revelations. “Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive blood thirst.”
not sure how that is coming to his defense.

he was a minor, and has confessed, so he will be charged and jailed.

but yea, most leftist have responded with glee that this happened, you can see their joy in their threads and posts. No concern for the children, just glee that they can shit on them.
I have plenty of concern for the children, talking to people on line will not do anything to help them though, my issue is that he will not be charged or jailed because of this silly little thing called the statute of limitations, I take no glee on shitting on anyone, I wish everyone would pull their head out of their asses though and keep religion the hell away from politics
Then you are the only one that cares.

the rest are taking glee in seeing what appeared to be a good man fall.
And that is where the disconnect between the right and the rest of the world in the context of stories like this, he is not a good man, you cannot claim to be a good man after hurting children, hiding it, and then going on to present yourself as a paradigm of morality, and do not worry I know the left are not saints either, I am an equal opportunity hater, the parties are not America, neither is the government, its the people and its about time we all started remembering that.
OK and what. Is this now the end of the world? or dear gawd another reason you won't vote for someone you weren't going to vote for to begin with. ?

just WOW and petty
Hey Stephanie, just so you are aware, I'm new here and I know this, this is a site for discussing political beliefs, and while I myself am no fan of our President, he has done a lot less to enslave us than the republican congress, or the democrat one for that matter along with their butt buddy big business, so before you go getting upset with people and calling them petty for being upset about representatives of their government defending child molesters, not accusing, he admitted to it, maybe you should stop being so petty as to compare trying to create some form of health care or whatever grudge you hold against the man, after all he is just a man, to the enslavement of an entire group of people for centuries.

Maybe you should go back to DailyKos
Never been there but I like it here so I think I will stay :) maybe you should go back to Wonderland, I'm sure the hatter is missing you!

go diddle yourself Newbie and learn some manners while you're at it
I have wonderful manners thank you very much, I just do not waste them on ignorant people that support all of the problems in our country.
oh look at this FAIR and unbiased medias we have in this country. I GUESS when the Democrats don't have ANYTHING to run on this is what you can expect. lowlife crap like this
and you sheep/tools spreads it around for them.

SNIP:'s Matt Essertis salivating over the fact that Josh Duggar, who admits to molesting several underage girls including his sisters when he was a young teen, appears in at least 19 photos with "major U.S. politicians… including several current Republican presidential candidates."

Using Duggar's Twitter account, Essert found and posted pictures of Duggar with Mike Huckabee, who has announced full support of Josh and the entire Duggar family, Rick Santorum, Sarah and Bristol Palin, Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Bobby Jindal, and others.

The Washington Post joined in and ran a headline Friday reading, "Republicans' Josh Duggar problem," complete with the same pictures.

Raw Story found a picture of Duggar with Rand Paul and titled its story, "A lot of Republicans who want to be president got their picture taken with a child molester."

Salon called Duggar and Republicans "buds," while Slate calls the Duggar revelation "Just the Latest Sex Abuse Scandal to Rock Far-Right Fundamentalism."

And though the media is busy securing the narrative of linking Christians and Republicans to child molesters, they are likewise busy ignoring the victims and glossing over the many sins of their own. As Daniel Greenfield of David Horowitz's FrontPage Mag points out:

The motive here isn’t subtle. The media is engaged in a lefty culture war against anyone who doesn’t agree with its politics. But in the process it doesn’t just target the “enemy” by any means, it also covers up crimes by its own people.

all of it here:
Leftist Media LOOK Josh Duggar Took Pictures With Republicans Truth Revolt
Wow.... I wonder if Huckabee would be so forgiving if Duggar had engaged in "inexcusable acts" with boys instead of girls.. :dunno:

On Friday, Mr. Huckabee expressed his support for the Duggar family, which hails from Arkansas, and said that Mr. Duggar deserved a second chance.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable’,” Mr. Huckabee said in a statement that scolded anyone who took pleasure in the revelations. “Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive blood thirst.”
not sure how that is coming to his defense.

he was a minor, and has confessed, so he will be charged and jailed.

but yea, most leftist have responded with glee that this happened, you can see their joy in their threads and posts. No concern for the children, just glee that they can shit on them.
I have plenty of concern for the children, talking to people on line will not do anything to help them though, my issue is that he will not be charged or jailed because of this silly little thing called the statute of limitations, I take no glee on shitting on anyone, I wish everyone would pull their head out of their asses though and keep religion the hell away from politics
Then you are the only one that cares.

the rest are taking glee in seeing what appeared to be a good man fall.
And that is where the disconnect between the right and the rest of the world in the context of stories like this, he is not a good man, you cannot claim to be a good man after hurting children, hiding it, and then going on to present yourself as a paradigm of morality, and do not worry I know the left are not saints either, I am an equal opportunity hater, the parties are not America, neither is the government, its the people and its about time we all started remembering that.
reread my post.

I concur with you on the parties and the government

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