Huckabee's New Radio show- Alternative to Limbaugh?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
I didn't put much stock in this, but maybe...

Cumulous owns most of the station that Rush is currrently on, including WABC in NYC and WLS in Chicago. And oddly enough, they are the ones building up Rush's show.

Unlike Rush, who charges stations to carry his show, Huckabee will give away content for free. More importantly, he isn't going to say really offensive things.
Huckabee once said he can't wait until whites are in the minority in America. I hope he chokes on an Arkansas possum bone and dies.
Huckabee once said he can't wait until whites are in the minority in America. I hope he chokes on an Arkansas possum bone and dies.

Can you post a link to that?

And frankly, why is that such a scary thought to you?

I go to work every day with Asians, Hispanics and blacks, and frankly, we're all in the same boat. The one a few rich assholes might capsize to make a quick buck.

What really scares people on the right about Huckabee is that he's a social conservatie who realizes the central message of Christianity isn't "Tax Cuts for Rich Douchebags."
Huckabee's show on fox is God-awful. Radio is a tougher gig. I don't expect much.

Smart and nice man, just not very entertaining.
Huckabee's show on fox is God-awful. Radio is a tougher gig. I don't expect much.

Smart and nice man, just not very entertaining.

You know what, quite the contrary.

Beck, Limbaugh, Schlessinger all tried their hand at Television, and failed miserably in some way or the other.

I would say TV is the tougher gig.

I've watched Huck's show a few times (I usually have better things to do on Saturday Night).

I was bothered when a convict he pardoned killed four cops, he read a lawyer prepared statement and then said, "Hey, let's talk about Tiger Woods!"

I have mixed feelings about Huckabee. I like the fact he's one of the few Republicans who puts working folks ahead of rich folks, but the bible thumping nonsense bugs me.

But I find him a vastly more decent human being than the hypocritical and misogynistic Limbaugh.
Huckabee's show on fox is God-awful. Radio is a tougher gig. I don't expect much.

Smart and nice man, just not very entertaining.

You know what, quite the contrary.

Beck, Limbaugh, Schlessinger all tried their hand at Television, and failed miserably in some way or the other.

I would say TV is the tougher gig.

I've watched Huck's show a few times (I usually have better things to do on Saturday Night).

I was bothered when a convict he pardoned killed four cops, he read a lawyer prepared statement and then said, "Hey, let's talk about Tiger Woods!"

I have mixed feelings about Huckabee. I like the fact he's one of the few Republicans who puts working folks ahead of rich folks, but the bible thumping nonsense bugs me.

But I find him a vastly more decent human being than the hypocritical and misogynistic Limbaugh.

You really think producing monolog, for sometimes hours, on radio is eaiser than TV?

Plently of examples of TV people who could not make it in radio. O'reily is the best example.

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