HUD =Fail

The third world we have imported into this country have mostly gone into cities or their own area. We need to stop this as we whites deserve our own space!!! A space where we can live our lives without the violence of the non-white thugs!!!
The third world we have imported into this country have mostly gone into cities or their own area. We need to stop this as we whites deserve our own space!!! A space where we can live our lives without the violence of the non-white thugs!!!
Indeed. HUD folks on my street are straight up abusers. Plus, they are bringing my property value down.

That's why I don't live in a city, 25 miles to the nearest mall, 20 miles to the nearest theater and I like it that way.
The third world we have imported into this country have mostly gone into cities or their own area. We need to stop this as we whites deserve our own space!!! A space where we can live our lives without the violence of the non-white thugs!!!
Indeed. HUD folks on my street are straight up abusers. Plus, they are bringing my property value down.


Wherever there is section 8 housing, the crime rate goes sky high.
Why should we as a society give a shit about those who do not support it?

That's why I don't live in a city, 25 miles to the nearest mall, 20 miles to the nearest theater and I like it that way.

And out in the country I don't have some fool liberal homeowners association Nazis trying to tell me what I can and can't do on my own property.

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