HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

Maybe if you whine a little louder, someone may care.

They have been playing politics and taking things out of context for 2 years.

It's time for the truth to FINALLY come out.
I will wait with bated breath.
Damn, that's a lot of maybes. Maybe you just don't want to know the truth.
Maybe I don't know what the truth is and I refuse to pretend that I do. It is something most people here should try on occasion. Admit that they don't know something and leave it at that.
All these stupid jocks did was demonstrate their lack of education and laws in our country. And because smarter people recognized that, others had to start riots?
What "laws" are you referring to here?
The First Amendment maybe which allows people to kneel in protest during The National Anthem?
Or even burn the flag in protest if a person so chooses?
Yes Ray....those are protected forms of speech.

Invading The U.S. Capitol in a failed coup attempt to overthrow tbe U.S. Government because you don't like your political candidate losing an election is NOT a protected form of speech.

This is why it is ridiculous to compare these two things.
Too much to slog through this morning.
So let's do sort of a charcuterie board of what has been offered through the first 60 posts:

Consider how much the msm misrepresents everything i'd say the general way they presented it was edited. Unless you have a better theory.
Of course it was edited. I know you know that. Look, 41,000 hours of video equals over 4yrs of video time. Are you the American citizen who is gonna watch almost 5yrs of mostly empty hallways and sidewalks? Of course you will not. And of course, it was edited. Duh!

So even if Fox chooses biased events of the video, at least we're getting some of what really happened.
You already have seen, or should have seen "some of what really happened". If you haven't then, mi amigo, go to YouTube and pull up the clips of the 2nd Trump impeachment; pull up the January 6th Congressional hearings. Both venues showed a lot of videos. Watch the New York Times' documentary, 'Days of Rage'. Watch the Frontline documentary on J6th. There is a lot of stuff already in the public domain.

And you may be dismissive of 'Fox choos(ing) biased events'.....however, life has context and nuance.. America expects more from the media than "biased events". We rely upon media to keep us informed. And too, and too importantly ----Fox has been demonstrated (see last week's court release of their emails).....Fox has demonstrated that they are NOT truth-tellers. They have deceived us. I know you know that.

Instead of our congress people spending hundreds of hours reviewing it, let Fox do it for free!
As said before, it is not wrong if a third party reviews the video.....but make it "3rd parties". Meaning, multiple competing reviewers. Not a single demonstrably biased outlet. Give all the hours of video to two or three outlets.

This is McCarthy's big government choosing who is a winner in the 'business' of selling media to gather eyeballs. It is wrong. Give the hours to several outlets at the same time. Let the American people then see the editors and producers work-product in a
competitive dynamic.
told him he always has an open invitation to his show for a debate
If I was negotiating for McConnell to go on the Tucker show......I would right off the bat say..... "editing and microphone control is a jointly agreed upon dynamic". We want as much control as you do Tucker, on what is presented and how it is presented. 'No cooperative editing, then no deal.'

Who could trust Tucker Carlson and his producers and Murdoch after the revelations from last weeks court release of emails?

Anybody that believes a bunch of yahoos had the slightest possibility of taking over a country with the strongest military in the world is a complete moron.
Something has gone over your head, Ray. The relevant dynamic was NOT a military takeover. What was happening on J6 was the culmination of months of lies and deceptions intended to incite and motivate enough MAGA-loons to stop the counting of EC ballots.....then have Pence declare it invalid and throw the EC votes back to Republican controlled legislatures. In fact, Trump said exactly that....per under-oath testimony. ("Leave it to me and the Republican Congressmen.) And thus keep Trump in office.
Nobody said anything about "taking over" Camp Lejune or the Strategic Air Command. It was an attempt to do a 'work around' the American Constitution and our long history...and defining democratic feature of...."a peaceful transfer of power".

Those MAGA-loons with the MACE and steel rods were merely to create a temporary 'emergency'....thus allowing a martial law declaration by the guy who was still in office...and would do anything to stay there. This wasn't a coup to remove Joe Biden. Biden wasn't in office.
This was a insurrection attempt to KEEP Trump in office.

But the Fox team will figure out what it was they are hiding, and that's what bothers them the most.
What bothers the middle of America's political sentiments (not the left & right fringies)....what bothers most America citizens is that FOX is a 'team' with soiled hands. We saw that very very clearly with last week's court release of some of their emails in the Dominion lawsuits. Duh!

Where were they during the first phony impeachment of Trump conducted by using an anonymous source for their actions?
Anonymous source? No disrespect, Ray.....but doesn't Cleveland have internet connections, TV stations, what happened to the Plain-Dealer?
In other words, have you been living under a rock?
Ambassador Yovanovitch, Kurt Volker, Fiona Hill, George Kent, Alexander Vindman, Gordon Sondland, and about 11 or 12 others raised their hand and swore an oath to tell the truth in front of microphones and TV cameras broadcast to the entire world. If you call that anonymous, Ray, you do not have a clue of what the real world is really about.

No disrespect, but you are coming across as an uninformed misinformed partisan empty-suit. But good luck.

So why didn't Trump give the order to overthrow the government?
What the actors/enablers around the White House attempted to do was not overthrow the existing government....they WERE the existing government.

What they were trying to do was illegally un-Constitutionally, keep themselves in office. Duh!

If Trump wasn't abrasive, he would have won a second term.
The good Caveman hasn't stayed up on what really did cost Trump the Presidency in 2020.

Trump's very own long-time and well paid-for pollster, Tony Fabrizio, went out, talked to thousands of people, mostly Republicans, and he found out why many people didn't vote for Trump. To wit, too many thought he was untrustworthy; too many thought he was incompetent.

Here, read what Trump read. Read what his enablers read. There is a link to the actual 17-page report Fabrizio gave to Trump.

Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat
As to what you consider "phony." I have to say I don't really care. At least not as far as this post is concerned because you brought up so much BS that replying would completely derail the conversation.

Translation: "Damn! I got nothing".


Translation: "Damn! I got nothing".

There you go with those reading comprehension skills. I'm perfectly willing to comment on any OP. Even those started by you if you'd be so inclined about what Ray finds "phony." I will not go down those rabbit holes in this OP, for the reasons already stated.
Do you believe what's been reported on Jan 6th to date?

I watched the events of Jan 6th live as I had tuned in to see the certification of the election and hear what those against it had to say.

I believe what I saw happening. I believe those that entered the capital building did so with the intent to stop the process and some of them with the intent to do harm to our elected officials.

I believe they did so due to being told for 2 months they were the last hope of the Republic and that only they could save the nation.
Invading The U.S. Capitol in a failed coup attempt to overthrow tbe U.S. Government because you don't like your political candidate losing an election is NOT a protected form of speech.

How do you overthrow the US Gov't. with so few people and no weapons?

Your side tells us continuously, the people can't win against the gov't.
There you go with those reading comprehension skills. I'm perfectly willing to comment on any OP. Even those started by you if you'd be so inclined about what Ray finds "phony." I will not go down those rabbit holes in this OP, for the reasons already stated.

Translation: "Doubling down on Damn! I got nothing".

It's okay. You can admit it.

We know, you're valiantly trying to contribute to the conversation.

I watched the events of Jan 6th live as I had tuned in to see the certification of the election and hear what those against it had to say.

I believe what I saw happening. I believe those that entered the capital building did so with the intent to stop the process and some of them with the intent to do harm to our elected officials.

I believe they did so due to being told for 2 months they were the last hope of the Republic and that only they could save the nation.
You watched what was shown to you, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.

What you were watching was a video.
How do you overthrow the US Gov't. with so few people and no weapons?

Your side tells us continuously, the people can't win against the gov't.

They had weapons! They had selfie sticks and a gallows!

Didn't you see the thousands of congressional reps they killed by slow torture with those selfie sticks?

The streets of DC ran with the blood that they're still trying to scrub away.

Hell, they killed AOC three times!

And this twelve foot executioner hung Pence at least five -- maybe six -- times!

Oh, the humanity.

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They may have been stupid for going into the Capitol but the real morons are those that have been convinced by their lying leaders and the MSM that they had even the slightest chance at succeeding.

The positive out of this whole thing, if there is any, is that the next time the left 'demonstrates' with explosives, arson, beatings, rioting, and theft in the capitol, they will be the 'insurrectionists'. They've set the bar, I really can't wait for them to exceed it and eat their words. You know it will happen, probably sooner than later.
You watched what was shown to you, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.

What you were watching was a video.

I watched it live on multiple channels.

Nothing you can say will change that fact.
I watched the events of Jan 6th live as I had tuned in to see the certification of the election and hear what those against it had to say.

I believe what I saw happening. I believe those that entered the capital building did so with the intent to stop the process and some of them with the intent to do harm to our elected officials.

I believe they did so due to being told for 2 months they were the last hope of the Republic and that only they could save the nation.
I find this such a weird disconnect. All this stuff is well document and highly public and watched events. It is not at all hard to form an opinion on something that happened when there's about a thousand camara's reporting it. Nor do you need anyone to interpret what it all means. Somehow though they claim that this stuff is all impossible to judge.
I find this such a weird disconnect. All this stuff is well document and highly public and watched events. It is not at all hard to form an opinion on something that happened when there's about a thousand camara's reporting it. Nor do you need anyone to interpret what it all means. Somehow though they claim that this stuff is all impossible to judge.

We'll see who finds it impossible to judge the 41,000 hrs.

You'll be telling how not to believe it, it's been doctored and taken out of context.


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