HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

IT HAPPENED BECAUSE TRUMP WANTED TO STOP THE CERTIFICATION OF THE ELECTION. Sorry for all caps but there is no other reason, and it seems you don't want to understand that basic fact.

You seem to think there's any shared culpability? The Democrats had NO reason, none whatsoever to disrupt the certification of the election. They won it. How fucking devious do you think the Democrats are? Oh, we will incite a riot to blame the Republicans for acting on what they believe? Endangering ourselves and our staff. That's some next level stuff, I have to admit.

Outright shouting now?

Bullshit. Let's say a prosecutor is trying a case against a murder suspect. He brings in security video footage. Will anybody even dare to say it was doctored so well that a judge and jury could not see it?

If that's the case, let's have a movement to get rid of body cams from police officers. After all, video can be doctored so good it makes no sense for them to have those cameras on.

So why do think this will show?
I see that point flew right over your head. They wouldn't even accept such a claim in court because it would be to ridiculous. Audio is understandable. It's much more easy to manipulate, but video? Come on now.

I understand you will do anything to protect your Democrats, but making this claim is a bit over the edge.
You think video can’t be manipulated?

A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" would take the network's primetime star Tucker Carlson seriously.

Nice hit piece. Notice that what they claimed were "racist" remarks were not racist by any definition of the word?

What Fox really argued is that he was not speaking on behalf of the network, he was speaking on behalf of himself; an individual opinion which outlets like CNN and MSNBC do all the time.

Outright shouting now?

Nope posting in all caps. Shouting you do by uttering sound.

I also made it a point to apologize for it because it is bad etiquette. Something I recognize. I did feel it appropriate in the context of the post, because I felt simply bolding it wouldn't emphasize my point enough.
Nice hit piece. Notice that what they claimed were "racist" remarks were not racist by any definition of the word?

What Fox really argued is that he was not speaking on behalf of the network, he was speaking on behalf of himself; an individual opinion which outlets like CNN and MSNBC do all the time.

They argued that he is not meant to be taken as giving facts.
They argued that he is not meant to be taken as giving facts.

Correct, he as giving an opinion. That's what won them the case. Was it fact Trump conspired in Russian collusion; that he was in fact a Russian agent? Was it a fact that Hunter's laptop was phony and not even his?

That's what the other MSM stations were reporting. They are not liable because that was not fact either, that was opinion. Just like Lemon head stating Nikki Haley was past her prime to run for the nomination. Even his own coworkers challenged him. That was just his opinion, not a fact.

The difference is, Dems are trying to hide their lies and Repubs are trying to expose the lies.

If the Repubs were trying to expose anything they would not have sent the video to a man that lies for a living.
IT HAPPENED BECAUSE TRUMP WANTED TO STOP THE CERTIFICATION OF THE ELECTION. Sorry for all caps but there is no other reason, and it seems you don't want to understand that basic fact.

You seem to think there's any shared culpability? The Democrats had NO reason, none whatsoever to disrupt the certification of the election. They won it. How fucking devious do you think the Democrats are? Oh, we will incite a riot to blame the Republicans for acting on what they believe? Endangering ourselves and our staff. That's some next level stuff, I have to admit.

Then what do you think they were hiding so much? It was obviously something, and probably something pretty big. Do I put it past the Democrats to hope such a riot would happen? You mean the same party that conducted two phony impeachments, a phony 1/6 commission where Republicans were not even allowed to pick their own representatives and were hand picked by Piglosi, the same party that got the election changed by sending their FBI minions out to stop information about the Biden crime family? That party is not beyond doing what it could to influence the riot for political purposes?
Over 30 people were murdered and black neighborhoods were destroyed in the name of Geroge Floyd.

I guess people should have paid more attention to Colin Kaepernick and others right?
Those riots didn't have to happen. Athletes had been trying to bring the public's attention to the issue for quite a while with peaceful forms of protest but the message was lost on the people that mattered most.
All they saw was "anorher black man/woman disrespecting MY country!"

So it became necessary to make noise and break and burn shit to get the message across.
It's a shame.

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