HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

You are telling me you couldn't get the context from that sentence without me telling you what I meant? I'm sorry but if that's the case you have more problems than simple intellectual dishonesty.

Thank you for your very thought provoking attempt at a post.

Sure, because that's what the left wants you to see. What they don't want you to see is on those thousands of hours of video. That's why they've been hiding it from us these past couple of years.
I don't need the "left" to "make" me see anything. I can watch the speech on the ellipse. I can read twitter. And I can see dozens of clips of Trump and his surrogates promoting the lie that the election was stolen. These are not talking points. This is all stuff I have seen with my own eyes out of Trump's own mouth.

What exactly of what I said you feel you can contest?
None of this is happening in a court of law. This is all happening in the court of public opinion on a TV show hosted by someone whose own employer said no reasonable person would take seriously.

Sending this to Tucker ensures that it will be 100% political.

I see that point flew right over your head. They wouldn't even accept such a claim in court because it would be to ridiculous. Audio is understandable. It's much more easy to manipulate, but video? Come on now.

I understand you will do anything to protect your Democrats, but making this claim is a bit over the edge.
I don't need the "left" to "make" me see anything. I can watch the speech on the ellipse. I can read twitter. And I can see dozens of clips of Trump and his surrogates promoting the lie that the election was stolen. These are not talking points. This is all stuff I have seen with my own eyes out of Trump's own mouth.

What exactly of what I said you feel you can contest?

And I said I agreed with you. You can read and see things the left wants you to see. But now we are at a point where we are exposing what they don't want you to see, and it's likely you will cry foul because it will be Fox reporting on it.
And I said I agreed with you. You can read and see things the left wants you to see. But now we are at a point where we are exposing what they don't want you to see, and it's likely you will cry foul because it will be Fox reporting on it.
He accuses almost every conservative of watching Fox News. The guy is paranoid.
You can't even spell and you want to teach us basic reading comprehension?

Comedy Gold!
Yes, Blaster I will. Because reading comprehension is about understanding what I read not about spelling correctly. You can still comprehend meaning even if it is not spelled correctly. In fact understanding context is the whole point of having reading comprehension skills. But thank you for playing.
He accuses almost every conservative of watching Fox News. The guy is paranoid.

At this point he has every right to be. The tables are turning now and it's making a lot of people nervous. They have been hiding this stuff in effort to hurt Trump. Now that it's all going to come out, it's going to end up hurting them twice as much. I can't wait for them to put Nancy on the stand about the Capitol security situation, plus the dozen or so whistleblowers in the FBI. It's all going to come out this year.
And I said I agreed with you. You can read and see things the left wants you to see. But now we are at a point where we are exposing what they don't want you to see, and it's likely you will cry foul because it will be Fox reporting on it.
Again, what do you expect to find? There is absolutely no mystery why they were there. There is absolutely no mystery they were Trump supporters. There is absolutely no question they used violence. What exactly do you think will change watching that footage? And no I wont cry foul because Fox reporting it. I will be skeptical because of Fox reporting it. After wich I will look into the veracity of the claims.
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Again, what do you expect to find? There is absolutely no mystery why they were there. There is absolutely no mystery they were Trump supporters. There is absolutely no question they used violence. What exactly do you think will change watching that footage?

The education of the American voters, that's what. If it can be shown that this was at least partly the work of the left and their side kicks the FBI, it will be more clear to people why it happened in the first place.
You can read and see things the left wants you to see. But now we are at a point where we are exposing what they don't want you to see, and it's likely you will cry foul because it will be Fox reporting on it.

It is worse than just Fox reporting it, it is going to be reported by someone even Fox said nobody should take seriously.
When did Fox say that?

A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" would take the network's primetime star Tucker Carlson seriously.
When admitted liar Tucker Carlson comes back with a bunch of cherry-picked, out of context and possibly faked bullshit with no means of independent verification you will believe him like Jesus himself said it. I pity your gullibility.
Lol, that's what the Jan 6th commission did. Time for the truth to come out.
The education of the American voters, that's what. If it can be shown that this was at least partly the work of the left and their side kicks the FBI, it will be more clear to people why it happened in the first place.
IT HAPPENED BECAUSE TRUMP WANTED TO STOP THE CERTIFICATION OF THE ELECTION. Sorry for all caps but there is no other reason, and it seems you don't want to understand that basic fact.

You seem to think there's any shared culpability? The Democrats had NO reason, none whatsoever to disrupt the certification of the election. They won it. How fucking devious do you think the Democrats are? Oh, we will incite a riot to blame the Republicans for acting on what they believe? Endangering ourselves and our staff. That's some next level stuff, I have to admit.


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

This asshole cites SECURITY CONCERNS. :auiqs.jpg:

Fuck him and fuck the cult….fucking liars.
If you support Ukraine, you want the US to end the war, right?

How many Ukranians have the US and NATO gotten killed since they stopped the peace talks in March 2022?
There were no peace talks.

I want Russia OUT of Ukraine

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