HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

I personally think by now, two years after the event, the 14000 hours of the capitol police videos can be released because law enforcement and convictions should be winding down...if there is some video involved in a trial to come, it can be redacted from the release.

I also believe the capitol police can redact video of secret passageway security if they have not made changes to update it since then....and the rest of the video could be released TO THE PUBLIC....

What McCarthy did, IS WRONG to the nth degree.... Wrong to not release it to the public.

Wrong to not consult capitol police

Wrong to release without pertinent Redactions for security...

Wrong to give it to a known partisan hack, exclusively.....

What you people think is it's wrong to release it period because Tucker has first grabs at it. It's not security concerns of yours, it's not you're worried about showing secret passage ways, it's that it burns your ass McCarthy gave it to a right-wing source. If Piglosi gave it to a left-wing source you'd have no problem with it and no concerns at all.

But we both know that Fox is not going to be showing secret passageways or video of Pence being escorted out. There is 14,000 hours of video and Fox isn't going to show 1% of it. They are only going to show the potential controversial parts of the video that may be indicative of the securities participation in egging it on, or perhaps ridiculous charges and prison time for people that only entered the building and did nothing more.

I don't know what's on those videos, and you don't know what's on those videos. So let's see what's on them and what allegations will be before making judgement.
What you people think is it's wrong to release it period because Tucker has first grabs at it. It's not security concerns of yours, it's not you're worried about showing secret passage ways, it's that it burns your ass McCarthy gave it to a right-wing source. If Piglosi gave it to a left-wing source you'd have no problem with it and no concerns at all.

But we both know that Fox is not going to be showing secret passageways or video of Pence being escorted out. There is 14,000 hours of video and Fox isn't going to show 1% of it. They are only going to show the potential controversial parts of the video that may be indicative of the securities participation in egging it on, or perhaps ridiculous charges and prison time for people that only entered the building and did nothing more.

I don't know what's on those videos, and you don't know what's on those videos. So let's see what's on them and what allegations will be before making judgement.
You are too rational in your views for the useful idiots who post here.
Ok, are any of you really going to sift through all that footage? I mean I guess…but tucker is likely to come up with nothing, right?

Anytime he reminds his viewers about the republican attempt at a coup, it helps the democrats.

What do you think he'll "come up with"?
This is all so simple.

Feds facilitated the breech of the Capitol in order to prevemt Trump from running again.

The videos prove it.

The cult doesnt want Trump to run again, they do not care if Feds were agent provacateurs. They have Stage 100 TDS.
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The only access credentials McCarthy has, for himself and his staff, is his own, which gives him unfettered access to the entire database.
I’m just not getting the outrage here. What could tucker possibly do with this footage? It is what it is. If there is nothing in it, then nothing is all he will get.
OK, here's a view, a metaphor....not mine, I got it from a columnist: McCarthy just gave Tucker, a widely acknowledge partisan TV talking head who has been shown to be dishonest with his viewers.....anyway, McCarthy gave Tucker a ginormous box-car full of Legos. And Tucker is now free to create whatever narrative he wishes from all those data-points and images that can be spliced and diced and edited and changed and presented out of context or sequence or even accurately.
Tucker has so graphically been shown to be dishonest with the American public, can we trust anything that comes from him and his team?

Still, the left has insisted that there is nothing to all that footage..hell, for awhile they said it didn’t even exist.
I have never heard that anyone in authority or any informed source claim the security cameral video did not exist. Can the poster 'ThisIsMe'...offer the forum a source, a credible source, that reports that it was denied to exist?
they tried their best to release as much as they could to get the maximum damage to trump as possible.
What I saw in the various videos....not only some of the Capitol Security Camera video, but also in the multitude of video feeds from cell-phone cameras during the insurrection, and from official broadcast media cameras....was a lot of very violent acts by people that were either wearing Trump gear, or were in close proximity, even cooperating with, other people in Trump gear.
Seems easy enough to draw the conclusion that Trump was a factor in what happened at the Capitol on January 6th.

.if there is some video involved in a trial to come, it can be redacted from the release.......I also believe the capitol police can redact video
Yes, that is probably true, but......but as reportage has informed us this week the Chief of the Capitol police was not even notified that it was already released to FOX until he read about it in the news coverage after the fact. And that was the same story with the Sergeant-at-Arms for the House. Those two incidents alone.......are a WTF!!-moment. Two of the officials who are most hands-on with Capitol Security were not informed or consulted!
That suggests either dimwittery by McCarthy, or something more mendacious. IMO

Anytime he reminds his viewers about the republican attempt at a coup, it helps the democrats.

What do you think he'll "come up with"?
I have no idea, I do know it’s going to take a long time to sift through 41,000 hours of footage, even if you had a team of 20 people, it would still take several months. I’m just pointing out that, the left has said there is nothing in all of this footage, so, I’m not understanding that tucker got it. If there’s nothing there, then why do you care, why are you wanting it to be released? According to the left, the only people who really want to see it are the right, because they think there is evidence there that exonerates trump and then rioters. The left says it’s not there so, the fact that tucker got this monumental task of trying to sort through it should be of no concern to anyone. He’s just wasting his time, right?

What do you think he will come up with? What do you think he will do with the footage? Sounds like not much.
"Feds facilitated the breech of the Capitol........."



Where-We-Go-One-We-Go-All! WWG1WGA!

Yupper, these are the Federal Employees that earnest poster Colonel Angus fantasizes over in his QAnon-worldview. IMHO
OK, here's a view, a metaphor....not mine, I got it from a columnist: McCarthy just gave Tucker, a widely acknowledge partisan TV talking head who has been shown to be dishonest with his viewers.....anyway, McCarthy gave Tucker a ginormous box-car full of Legos. And Tucker is now free to create whatever narrative he wishes from all those data-points and images that can be spliced and diced and edited and changed and presented out of context or sequence or even accurately.
Tucker has so graphically been shown to be dishonest with the American public, can we trust anything that comes from him and his team?


I have never heard that anyone in authority or any informed source claim the security cameral video did not exist. Can the poster 'ThisIsMe'...offer the forum a source, a credible source, that reports that it was denied to exist?

What I saw in the various videos....not only some of the Capitol Security Camera video, but also in the multitude of video feeds from cell-phone cameras during the insurrection, and from official broadcast media cameras....was a lot of very violent acts by people that were either wearing Trump gear, or were in close proximity, even cooperating with, other people in Trump gear.
Seems easy enough to draw the conclusion that Trump was a factor in what happened at the Capitol on January 6th.


Yes, that is probably true, but......but as reportage has informed us this week the Chief of the Capitol police was not even notified that it was already released to FOX until he read about it in the news coverage after the fact. And that was the same story with the Sergeant-at-Arms for the House. Those two incidents alone.......are a WTF!!-moment. Two of the officials who are most hands-on with Capitol Security were not informed or consulted!
That suggests either dimwittery by McCarthy, or something more mendacious. IMO
What’s your issue?
From what was released, and what would make sense, the cameras covered every hallway, access and egress. If it's in the Capitol, it's on film, which is how they were able to follow the escape of Mike Pence, and the officer who misdirected the mob, the panic stricken Josh "Hawlin'" Hawley running from the mob.
What I'm hearing is, "no," you don't know for sure.
Like the 9/11 hijacking...a terrorist act pretty much screws it up for all future terrorists. So yeah...the next time someone tries it...I predict a bloodbath; just like the next time someone hijacks an airliner...the passengers are not likely to sit idly by and trust the hijacker.
Like the LGBT group that stormed the Oklahoma capitol?
I have no idea, I do know it’s going to take a long time to sift through 41,000 hours of footage, even if you had a team of 20 people, it would still take several months. I’m just pointing out that, the left has said there is nothing in all of this footage,
Really? "The Left" has said something?
so, I’m not understanding that tucker got it. If there’s nothing there, then why do you care, why are you wanting it to be released?
I said I care? I'm happy to keep the insurrection in the public consciousness.

If I didn't know any better, I think it may be some Machiavellian move to torpedo the Blob's 2024 campaign.
According to the left, the only people who really want to see it are the right, because they think there is evidence there that exonerates trump and then rioters.
Again, who is this "left" you keep speaking about?
The left says it’s not there so, the fact that tucker got this monumental task of trying to sort through it should be of no concern to anyone. He’s just wasting his time, right?
Not sure. He sure is helping the Democrats. Anything that keeps the GOP coup attempt in the news is a plus for the Democrats.
What do you think he will come up with? What do you think he will do with the footage? Sounds like not much.
I have no idea what if anything new he'll come up with.

I hope he does a better job than the Twitter Files...that was a bust.
I have a brain. Are you a moron or aggressively mentally uncurious?
naw, you ain't got no brain fella!!!! that's your first mistake. Now explain how you would know what's on a classified camera? Let's hear from you smart guy!!!!
They oppose it because the Capitol police are part of the deep state, and are making excuses to stop the Republicans for going against what the Democrats don't want us to see.
You are being turned into a paranoid lunatic.

What exactly do you think they don’t want to yo see?
Like Adam Shifty....the only difference is Tucker isn't undermining the rule of law when he does it
Adam Schiff has a conscience and values and is concerned about the voters and the country.

Tucker Carlson’s texts prove he only cares about himself. The truth and what is good for the country is irrelevant.
Adam Schiff has a conscience and values and is concerned about the voters and the country.

Tucker Carlson’s texts prove he only cares about himself. The truth and what is good for the country is irrelevant.
Well, dembot cult voters....sure....folks that live in his world of parody....and not facts. The truth of what is good for this country is not relevant, not when you have Shifty parody

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