HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

Well, dembot cult voters....sure....folks that live in his world of parody....and not facts. The truth of what is good for this country is not relevant, not when you have Shifty parody
Adam Schiff did more to reveal the truth of the Trump administration than almost anyone.

Tucker Carlson is on record trying to cover it up.
Adam Schiff did more to reveal the truth of the Trump administration than almost anyone.

Tucker Carlson is on record trying to cover it up.
hahah yeah....but you forgot it was parody...geez he even admitted that. But dembot cultist like yourself eat it up....
The Truth, facts, undoctored evidence, political spin....
exactly, the truth, why would anyone with a conscience not want to know the truth? I'll tell you, demofks, because they are evil pricks and such. It's always about them. They are never the bad guy when they are always the bad guys.
Adam Schiff did more to reveal the truth of the Trump administration than almost anyone.

Tucker Carlson is on record trying to cover it up.
no he didn't, he never provided one fking piece of evidence to any claim that pencil neck prick ever made. EVER!!!!
Tucker Carlson has no interest in being truthful. His only interest is promoting his narrative.
you have no idea the truth do you? how would you know the truth of what was given to him? I'm still waiting for one of you ignoramuses to post what it is you claim! It is beyond all normal communications for you to think we believe you know more than the bullshit in front of your mirror.
no he didn't, he never provided one fking piece of evidence to any claim that pencil neck prick ever made. EVER!!!!
Dembot cultist like the poster you are responding to believe Adam Shifty's (admitted) parody, is truth.

It's just how they operate
no he didn't, he never provided one fking piece of evidence to any claim that pencil neck prick ever made. EVER!!!!
He did but you never saw any of it because you listen to liars like Carlson.
I guess we're going to find out, won't we? After all, they didn't hide these videos for nothing.
They hid the videos to protect Capitol security.

The defendants in the riot cases have had considerable access as part of discovery. There isn’t anything exculpatory there or we would have seen it. In actuality, some defendants have tried suppressing video evidence in their trials because they said it would be damaging to their reputation.

All that’s left is for Tucker Carlson to do some slap edits to lie about what happened because he’s a dishonest hack as was proven in his text messages.
Horse shit. That's what they told YOU, and of course, you don't question it one bit.

But if that is the case, you have nothing to worry about, do you?
It’s perfectly logical to normal people.

It’s not logical to you because your paranoia prevents logic.
It’s perfectly logical to normal people.

It’s not logical to you because your paranoia prevents logic.

It's less paranoia than observance. This is a party that weaponized a federal agency and even had them spy on a political opponent, a party that spent two years with some phony Russia collusion story, a party that conducted two fake impeachments without any impeachable offense, a party that spent two years with another phony investigation after Trump left office,a party that also sent their goons to social media to silence stories about their preferred candidate, and you tell my I'm paranoid that they would once again bullshit people why they wouldn't release these videos? Democrats are pure scum of the earth.
haha then he had to admit it was all parody
Total nonsense. Apparently entirety of your knowledge about the impeachment inquiry is about a two minute statement.

This is what I mean when I say you’re kept ignorant. You aren’t told the entire story.
Total nonsense. Apparently entirety of your knowledge about the impeachment inquiry is about a two minute statement.

This is what I mean when I say you’re kept ignorant. You aren’t told the entire story.
security clearance representatives asked br. shits to provide the name of the whistleblower. not one name ever provided. ONe doesn't get to hold onto evidence as theirs only.

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