What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.
Fuck them citizens. Anyone participatiing in the Big Lie will have to come up with extraordinary proof to back up their extraordinary claims. That's just how it is.
The ballots are proof. They have access to the ballots. Fraud will be proven.
Who's "they"? You don't even know do you?
"They" are the fraudsters. There are far too many to name. I will stick with "they" and you keep asking stupid questions.

donny - who is behind all this was sued & had to have his 'university' shut down for FRAUD, not to mention his 'charitable' foundation disintegrated due to FRAUD & was ordered never to run one again.

Trump is really no better than a common thief, He's going to bilk his followers out of a lot of money to pay his legal fees and foreign loans.
Nothing to do with GA. These people are going to prove fraud.

Let's see:

the FBI can't be trusted ... the Department of Justice can't be trusted ...voters can’t be trusted ... the poll workers can’t be trusted ... the voting machines can’t be trusted ... the canvasing boards can't be trusted ... the recounts can't be trusted... the audits can't be trusted ... Democrats can't be trusted ... Republicans can't be trusted ... the media can’t be trusted ... the news can't be trusted ... Sydney Powell can't be trusted ... William Barr can’t be trusted ... Christopher Wray can't be trusted ... the guy who was in charge of election security can’t be trusted ... Georgia's Republican Secretary of State can't be trusted ... Gabriel Sterling, his Republican COO and Trump voter, can't be trusted ... the Republican-led Maricopa board of elections can't be trusted ... Mike Pence can't be trusted ... the lower courts can’t be trusted ... the appellate courts can’t be trusted ... the Supreme Court can’t be trusted ... the United States Congress can't be trusted ...

But Donald Trump can be trusted.
Trump isn't doing the audits.

Outside of that overlooked little detail, you pretty much nailed it...And most of those scum couldn't be trusted before the 2020 election in the first place.
What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.

They won't swear to those affidavits in court. Trump is taking ya'll to the cleaners.
Affidavits are sworn out under pains and penalties of perjury, knucklehead.
So? To convict someone of perjury, a court has to be shown they lied. A very high bar to meet when there's no cross examination to impeach claims of, I was mistaken.
So you want it both ways....gotcha.
Nope, it's simply a fact. We all saw this unfold first hand. We all saw Richard Hopkins' affidavit about a postal supervisor instructing others to back date ballots; only to later recant his claims. No charges of perjury. We all saw Mellissa Carone in front of Michigan's state senate tell them she saw as many as 30,000 ballots scanned multiple times; only to accuse the state of cooking the poll books when a Senator pointed out the poll books would have recorded an excess of 30,000 more votes than ballots had that actually occurred. No charges of perjury.
What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.

They won't swear to those affidavits in court. Trump is taking ya'll to the cleaners.
Affidavits are sworn out under pains and penalties of perjury, knucklehead.
So? To convict someone of perjury, a court has to be shown they lied. A very high bar to meet when there's no cross examination to impeach claims of, I was mistaken.
So you want it both ways....gotcha.
Nope, it's simply a fact. We all saw this unfold first hand. We all saw Richard Hopkins' affidavit about a postal supervisor instructing others to back date ballots; only to later recant his claims. No charges of perjury. We all saw Mellissa Carone in front of Michigan's state senate tell them she saw as many as 30,000 ballots scanned multiple times; only to accuse the state of cooking the poll books when a Senator pointed out the poll books would have recorded an excess of 30,000 more votes than ballots had that actually occurred. No charges of perjury.
He did not recant his claims the WP had to print a retraction. You fucking liar.
You people love judges. How about this sweetheart?

Claims of "supposed" fake military ballots have already thrown out of one court. Who knows what you think you'll find with this [3rd] recount of ballots.

Prove it. It happened in more states than GA.

This lawsuit was filed last year and got tossed. They appealed and got tossed again. And relevant to this thread regarding military ballots, the lawsuit contained less than one line about them...

all 900 military ballots in Fulton county that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden.


Imagine that? You go into a courtroom and seek judicial relief based on "supposedly," and then get thrown out of court.

All related documents and results can be found here:

They have the ballots that prove it now. You lose.


The ballots were already counted....

And recounted....

And nothing.

You should win at least one out of 100 claims of fraud before you tell others they lose.

What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.

They won't swear to those affidavits in court. Trump is taking ya'll to the cleaners.
Affidavits are sworn out under pains and penalties of perjury, knucklehead.
So? To convict someone of perjury, a court has to be shown they lied. A very high bar to meet when there's no cross examination to impeach claims of, I was mistaken.
So you want it both ways....gotcha.
Nope, it's simply a fact. We all saw this unfold first hand. We all saw Richard Hopkins' affidavit about a postal supervisor instructing others to back date ballots; only to later recant his claims. No charges of perjury. We all saw Mellissa Carone in front of Michigan's state senate tell them she saw as many as 30,000 ballots scanned multiple times; only to accuse the state of cooking the poll books when a Senator pointed out the poll books would have recorded an excess of 30,000 more votes than ballots had that actually occurred. No charges of perjury.
He did not recant his claims the WP had to print a retraction. You fucking liar.
Oh? Post a link to it...
You people love judges. How about this sweetheart?

Another fraudit?


Good, glad you feel that way. You will be leaving the thread then. Bye.

Naw, I'll stick around and laugh at you kids.
What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.

They won't swear to those affidavits in court. Trump is taking ya'll to the cleaners.
Affidavits are sworn out under pains and penalties of perjury, knucklehead.
So? To convict someone of perjury, a court has to be shown they lied. A very high bar to meet when there's no cross examination to impeach claims of, I was mistaken.
So you want it both ways....gotcha.
Nope, it's simply a fact. We all saw this unfold first hand. We all saw Richard Hopkins' affidavit about a postal supervisor instructing others to back date ballots; only to later recant his claims. No charges of perjury. We all saw Mellissa Carone in front of Michigan's state senate tell them she saw as many as 30,000 ballots scanned multiple times; only to accuse the state of cooking the poll books when a Senator pointed out the poll books would have recorded an excess of 30,000 more votes than ballots had that actually occurred. No charges of perjury.
IOW, you want it both ways...I get it.

You did know that Carone wasn't under oath, right?
What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.

They won't swear to those affidavits in court. Trump is taking ya'll to the cleaners.
Affidavits are sworn out under pains and penalties of perjury, knucklehead.
So? To convict someone of perjury, a court has to be shown they lied. A very high bar to meet when there's no cross examination to impeach claims of, I was mistaken.
So you want it both ways....gotcha.
Nope, it's simply a fact. We all saw this unfold first hand. We all saw Richard Hopkins' affidavit about a postal supervisor instructing others to back date ballots; only to later recant his claims. No charges of perjury. We all saw Mellissa Carone in front of Michigan's state senate tell them she saw as many as 30,000 ballots scanned multiple times; only to accuse the state of cooking the poll books when a Senator pointed out the poll books would have recorded an excess of 30,000 more votes than ballots had that actually occurred. No charges of perjury.
IOW, you want it both ways...I get it.

You did know that Carone wasn't under oath, right?
I didn't say she was. Neither was Hopkins. What did you think I meant when I said there was no cross-examination?

It meant there was no lawyer cross-examining them for veracity in a court of law.
What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.

They won't swear to those affidavits in court. Trump is taking ya'll to the cleaners.
Affidavits are sworn out under pains and penalties of perjury, knucklehead.
So? To convict someone of perjury, a court has to be shown they lied. A very high bar to meet when there's no cross examination to impeach claims of, I was mistaken.
So you want it both ways....gotcha.

um.... that would be sydney powell's deal.
Irrelevant deflection

it's all relevant because it's allllllll about the bigley lie.
You can almost hear the lying democrats ( GULPING) as they type their talking points. They know what's coming , they know what they did. Will they admit their guilt and apologize to President Trump? No chance . But they certainly will be exposed for the lying corrupt pieces of shit they are.

News from Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman
April 9, 2018
Attorney General’s Press Office / 212-416-8060
[email protected]
New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman released the following statement upon U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s order finalizing the $25 million Trump University settlement:

“Judge Curiel's order finalizing the $25 million Trump University settlement means that victims of Donald Trump’s fraudulent university will finally receive the relief they deserve. We are particularly pleased that the final settlement we negotiated with class counsel ensures that members of the class will receive an even higher settlement than anyone originally anticipated.
This settlement marked a stunning reversal by President Trump, who for years refused to compensate the victims of his sham university.
My office won’t hesitate to hold those who commit fraud accountable, no matter how rich or powerful they may be.”

A.G. Schneiderman Statement On Final Trump University Settlement | New York State Attorney General

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each
Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities

Additionally, as part of the settlement, Trump was required to agree to 19 admissions, acknowledging his personal misuse of funds at the Trump Foundation, and agreed to restrictions on future charitable service and ongoing reporting to the Office of the Attorney General, in the event he creates a new charity. The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors last December and dissolve under court supervision.
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General
More irrelevancies.

Can't you clowns stay on topic?

the topic is fraud.

it's alllllllllllllllllll relevant.
What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.
Fuck them citizens. Anyone participatiing in the Big Lie will have to come up with extraordinary proof to back up their extraordinary claims. That's just how it is.
The ballots are proof. They have access to the ballots. Fraud will be proven.
Who's "they"? You don't even know do you?
"They" are the fraudsters. There are far too many to name. I will stick with "they" and you keep asking stupid questions.

donny - who is behind all this was sued & had to have his 'university' shut down for FRAUD, not to mention his 'charitable' foundation disintegrated due to FRAUD & was ordered never to run one again.

Trump is really no better than a common thief, He's going to bilk his followers out of a lot of money to pay his legal fees and foreign loans.
Nothing to do with GA. These people are going to prove fraud.

Let's see:

the FBI can't be trusted ... the Department of Justice can't be trusted ...voters can’t be trusted ... the poll workers can’t be trusted ... the voting machines can’t be trusted ... the canvasing boards can't be trusted ... the recounts can't be trusted... the audits can't be trusted ... Democrats can't be trusted ... Republicans can't be trusted ... the media can’t be trusted ... the news can't be trusted ... Sydney Powell can't be trusted ... William Barr can’t be trusted ... Christopher Wray can't be trusted ... the guy who was in charge of election security can’t be trusted ... Georgia's Republican Secretary of State can't be trusted ... Gabriel Sterling, his Republican COO and Trump voter, can't be trusted ... the Republican-led Maricopa board of elections can't be trusted ... Mike Pence can't be trusted ... the lower courts can’t be trusted ... the appellate courts can’t be trusted ... the Supreme Court can’t be trusted ... the United States Congress can't be trusted ...

But Donald Trump can be trusted.

What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.

They won't swear to those affidavits in court. Trump is taking ya'll to the cleaners.
Affidavits are sworn out under pains and penalties of perjury, knucklehead.
So? To convict someone of perjury, a court has to be shown they lied. A very high bar to meet when there's no cross examination to impeach claims of, I was mistaken.
So you want it both ways....gotcha.
Nope, it's simply a fact. We all saw this unfold first hand. We all saw Richard Hopkins' affidavit about a postal supervisor instructing others to back date ballots; only to later recant his claims. No charges of perjury. We all saw Mellissa Carone in front of Michigan's state senate tell them she saw as many as 30,000 ballots scanned multiple times; only to accuse the state of cooking the poll books when a Senator pointed out the poll books would have recorded an excess of 30,000 more votes than ballots had that actually occurred. No charges of perjury.
He did not recant his claims the WP had to print a retraction. You fucking liar.
Oh? Post a link to it...
I'm guessing while Lastamender is feverishly googling for the WP retraction of Richard Hopkins recanting his affidavit, by now he's realizing that never happened. It was mere Hopkins himself demanding they retract their article-- which they never did.

So now we'll see if Lastamender admits they didn't retract... or admits he was wrong... or pretends like he didn't bother to look.

What a bunch of horseshit. There is no legal mechanism to undo an election after the results are certified.
What if it was certified by the cheaters?
You might remember all of Trump's challenges got laughed out of court because in the end they had nothing at all they could prove. You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations. You see Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge the election if he lost. Everyone tightened up and ran better elections than in past years. Even Florida did good. There's precious little for anyone to point to and reasonably cry foul. .
You can tell all kinds of fables about cheating in your garbage media but when oaths are sworn and perjury can land you in jail it seems your people finally start vetting all these accusations.

No fewer than four very experienced election observers in Fulton County have sworn out affidavits that they saw highly suspect ballots being counted.

Sorry about your fail, Dudley.

They won't testify in court..
they will when called

Nope.. They won't commit purjury for Trump.. and his lawyers certainly won't.. So far all have balked at swearing in court.. This is a Trump scam.. .and I don't care if he does 50 audits, but he needs t pay for them instead of screwing you over.
It is not perjury they knew of that penalty when they did the affidavits. You have no argument and should have respect for these citizens.

They won't swear to those affidavits in court. Trump is taking ya'll to the cleaners.
Affidavits are sworn out under pains and penalties of perjury, knucklehead.
So? To convict someone of perjury, a court has to be shown they lied. A very high bar to meet when there's no cross examination to impeach claims of, I was mistaken.
So you want it both ways....gotcha.
Nope, it's simply a fact. We all saw this unfold first hand. We all saw Richard Hopkins' affidavit about a postal supervisor instructing others to back date ballots; only to later recant his claims. No charges of perjury. We all saw Mellissa Carone in front of Michigan's state senate tell them she saw as many as 30,000 ballots scanned multiple times; only to accuse the state of cooking the poll books when a Senator pointed out the poll books would have recorded an excess of 30,000 more votes than ballots had that actually occurred. No charges of perjury.
He did not recant his claims the WP had to print a retraction. You fucking liar.
Oh? Post a link to it...
I'm guessing while Lastamender is feverishly googling for the WP retraction of Richard Hopkins recanting his affidavit, by now he's realizing that never happened. It was mere Hopkins himself demanding they retract their article-- which they never did.

So now we'll see if Lastamender admits they didn't retract... or admits he was wrong... or pretends like he didn't bother to look.

I am not looking for it I have a memory. Hopkins says it was not true if that rag did not retract it they are still lying. No big deal, just exposing more lies.
You people love judges. How about this sweetheart?

Bannon the criminal...Yeah, you should listen to that guy...

He has no criminal record.

yep. for FRAUD.

he was pardoned & one doesn't get a pardon without admitting guilt.

& with that human sausage casing ... he admitted guilt to committing.....

wait for it.....................................


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