HUGE RAT Runs Through Live Shot from Baltimore During Story on Trump’s Baltimore Tweets

8 out of 10 states with the lowest poverty levels are blue states. And 8 out of 9 states with the highest level of poverty are red states.
Baltimore's level of violent crime is much higher than the national average. In 2009, a total of 1,318,398 violent crimes were reported nationwide across the United States, equivalent to a rate of 0.4 incidents per 100 people.[17]

Rate = per 100,000

Year Homicides (City, Number) City, Rate U.S., Rate
2001 256 38.7 5.6
2002 253 37.7 5.6
2003 270 41.9 5.7
2004 276 43.5 5.5
2005 269 42 5.7
2006 276 43.3 5.8
2007 282 45.2 5.7
2008 234 36.9 5.4
2009 238 37.3 5.0
2010 223 34.8 4.8
2011 196 31.1 4.7
2012 218 34.9 4.7
2013 233 37.4 4.5
2014 211 33.8 4.9
2015 344 55.4 5.1
2016 318 51.4 5.3
2017 343 57.8 5.7
2018 309 50.5 5.7

Hell of a job by the elected officials.
That was one big ass rat....was he carrying a megaphone?....anyone seen Al?....
Lol...........more proof Trump is telling the truth about Baltimore.

VIDEO: HUGE RAT Runs Through Live Shot from Baltimore During Story on Trump's Baltimore Tweets
Big cities have rats. Baltimore, Huston, new York, Paris, Moscow, they all have rats. It's a city thing.
Houston does not have a rat problem. The cockroaches eat them.
I've seen Huston rats, those must be some big honking roaches.
New York has more rats than Baltimore.
Especially in Tramp Tower!
Health Inspectors Found Trump Tower Infested With Mice And Roaches
As late as last year, health inspectors in New York reported a likely rodent problem at the restaurant in the president’s flagship Trump Tower property. The inspection turned up “evidence of mice or live mice present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas” and “conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist.”

In 2017, inspectors found “filth flies” buzzing around the food in the Trump Tower kitchen. Employees, they found in a separate inspection the same year, sported “soiled” garments and were not wearing hair nets. The year before, inspectors found live roaches.

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