Huge Recession Coming - Democrats Leading the Charge

Paper money isn't real money - just saying. Do you pay for your meals with timbers from your house lol?

Like I said, you're about to get a real rude awakening. The US hasn't experienced a global crisis like this in 40+ years. And even then, the inflation of the 70s was due to productivity increases in the US and is therefore not a strong correlation.

US has never in 246 years of its history, printed money and just given it to people. That's called "Helicopter drops" and is the worst form of inflation imaginable. 2020 to 2022 the US has printed $4.8Trillion and gifted it into people's pockets. "Helicopter drops".

Don't say I didn't warn you. I didn't think 2008 was "that bad". And it wasn't, we limped along with great profits for another 14 years.

Today is different. You'll be lucky to have rents paid in a few years at this rate. If they don't turn it around. Need better geopolitical situation, need to raise rates and keep them there, need to raise taxes, need to cut spending. Need to bite the bullet.

Otherwise, your houses will probably lose half their value and be unoccupied.
doesn't matter to me if they lose half their value or triple in value. Also doesn't matter to me if your Greater Depression comes. I can be a hunter-gatherer. You, well, since you have already exposed in your Bravado that your fortunes will rise and fall with stock markets. You are the one exposed to bankruptcy, not me. That of course assumes that what your represented is true and in your country they allow bankruptcies as opposed to just taking you out and feeding you a bowl of Putin's special recipe soup.
Lol loser - "capped by Biden" is a simplistic way of explaining ALL THE COMPLEX problems Biden Admin has introduced to prevent drilling for more oil.

Here's ONE of many examples. But it's too complex for you to understand.

Nope, it is you who is the loser, spreading bullshit you can't actually support.

There was no existing oil production that administration interfered with.


After years of federal lease sales to oil, gas and coal companies, environmentalists had hopes that President Biden would end the fossil fuel bonanza.

But one year after announcing a halt to any new federal oil and gas leasing, Biden has outpaced Donald Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands. After setting a record for the largest offshore lease sale last year in the Gulf of Mexico, the Interior Department plans to auction off oil and gas drilling rights on more than 200,000 acres across Western states by the end of March, followed by 1 million acres in the Cook Inlet, off the coast of Alaska.

No actually it is you who is the loser, constantly spreading bullshit you can't actually support.

There was no existing oil production that administration interfered with.
You're totally wrong. LOLOLOL. It's funny how retards like you can say that with a straight face, while the Democrats in charge literally tell you that they are cutting oil and raising costs on oil companies.

Keystone Pipeline XL - by denying its building permits, Canada cannot expand drilling because it can't pump more oil to the has no where to pump the oil.

That's example #2 I've given you you wet soggy diaper.
SOME gov't spending duh. Tax the rich and invest in America again. Only the GOP knows how to run a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust recession/depression...Try reality...
Yet it's going to happen under democrat control.
Lolling idiot, Keystone XL pipeline didn't transmit a single drop of tarsand oil and wasn't going to for another 2 years.
Good god, Keystone has been held up by dumb ass Democrats for 10+ years. So don't "2 more years my ass" you piece of shit. Get out of here with your lying filthy cock sucking mouth
Good god, Keystone has been held up by dumb ass Democrats for 10+ years. So don't "2 more years my ass" you piece of shit. Get out of here with your lying filthy cock sucking mouth

Yep, press you on the facts a bit and just watch vile shit ooze out.

So no, Biden did not cap any wells. Now you know.
Demand for real estate may pull back some, but it would be pulling back from the some of the highest demand this country has ever seen. People litterally gave up on buing a home because everything is so expensive
High demand because people were giving up on buying a home? Sounds like an oxymoron.
High demand because people were giving up on buying a home? Sounds like an oxymoron.

I personally know doctors with plenty of money holding out because prices are insane and inventory non-existent.
I expect the Dems to do some radical things to stave off a recession until the end of the year, regardless of their long-term effects. Any thoughts on what that might be?
I expect the Dems to do some radical things to stave off a recession until the end of the year, regardless of their long-term effects. Any thoughts on what that might be?
already seeing it. Potato is releasing oil from the reserves.

won't work. they have been a disaster for this country and we will all be lucky if WWIII doesn't come before November.
I personally know doctors with plenty of money holding out because prices are insane and inventory non-existent.
The MDs I know already live in 3+ million dollar homes.
Your crowd is playing the market and will get their asses kicked just like in 2001 and 2008.
The MDs I know already live in 3+ million dollar homes.
Those are the old ones. There are many 30-something professionals that are doing well and would like to get a home, but in many markets inventory is just so limited.

There will not be a real estate collapse anywhere near Great Recession levels and I'll bet anyone on that.
Those are the old ones. There are many 30-something professionals that are doing well and would like to get a home, but in many markets inventory is just so limited.

There will not be a real estate collapse anywhere near Great Recession levels and I'll bet anyone on that.
I don’t know the young MDs you know but the ones I know across the US own beautiful homes.
It's bigger than a fraction, more like 3-4% and mostly in the sunbelt but you are correct, it's the "Moms & Pops" that hold most rentals in the US.

It's the Blackrocks and Tricons of the institutional investing world that the dems want to demonize.

It's like the guy says at the end.....You may not be able to afford to buy the American Dream but you can rent it.....Maybe. ;)

All I'm seeing in new houses and new subdivisions going up all around me. Houses under 800K stay on the market days. Of course with the bond yield inversions, a recession is coming, so they won't likely continue at the current pace.

I made a post that detailed a lot of indicators in the Stock Market Forum but no one goes there apparently. Here's a brief set of indicators:
  • Housing sales dropped in the largest drop ever, bigger than ever dropped in 2007. 7.2% drop last month. The entire year of 2007 saw a housing sale drop of only 18%. We almost hit 50% of the drop in 2007, in just one month.
  • Housing bubble is MASSIVE.
  • Inflation is through the roof, monetary inflation, due to helicopter drop of $4.8Trillion.
  • Russia war is driving Oil and all commodities through the roof.
  • US weaponization of SWIFT and US Dollar endangers its ability to finance its debt.
  • Warren Buffett started buying companies again (Occidental and Allegheny); he has a notorious habit of buying companies just before stock market loses 40%. Go look at his track record.
  • Yield curves inverting like crazy.
But this is the one I want to bring up here:

US Office space square foot under construction PEAKS just before MAJOR recessions.

It peaked around:
  • 120million sq feet in 2000
  • 140million sq feet in 2006
  • 142million sq feet as of FEB 2022.
We are in major bubble territory. With a change in culture such that people work from home now more than ever, it makes even less sense that we are at such high sq feet under construction.

What tends to happen is the rising equity in property causes property owners to take out equity and buy more property to try and increase cash flow.

This happens in all classic business cycles back until the beginning of time.

Ever since the days we could save more seeds than we've eaten, we've tried to plant more fields as much as possible in the fat years until oversupply causes the whole debt-system to contract.

Usually inflation precedes these debt-driven deflations, it preceded it in dotCom, and in 2006, and in both cases the FEDs raised rates to try and curb inflation.

In 2006 the FEDs raised rates 14 times, then the yield curves inverted, the FEDs raised rates 3 more times before the whole system imploded.

We have now raised rates one time and the yield curves inverted. If the FED raises again by 50 bp that = 2x raises (each raise being 25bp).

We are raising rates to combat the worse inflation in 40 years, at the worst possible time to do so, with bubbles everywhere, housing especially. Office space bubble is gigantic. No one can afford 6%+ mortgages at these housing prices.

And no one can tolerate 7%+ inflation.

Something has to break, and if it's a choice between inflation and the economy, the FEDs will smash the economy to bits.

More sources:
Inflation, recession, food shortages, black outs, failed society, lawlessness I always saw these prophesies as events after a nuclear war. I was wrong, it's during the year of Joe

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