Huge win for long gun lovers !!!!

Don't tell me it's for personal protection. No one carries them to the grocery store.
Citizen. Please. I believe you live in America?

Do you call that a long gun in your native language?
Oh, if you need another image of a gun crazed American I'm happy to oblige. It's not as if there's a shortage.


They’re not gun crazed. Pick your use of language carefully. You sound all tabloid.

They are gun crazed. You sound nuts.
Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason

IN OTHER WORDS: we should outlaw EVERYTHING that has the potential to be abused? Because sooner or later, an otherwise harmless person with no record of violence and no reason to deny him a sale will take a gun and shoot someone with it?

Do ya know we have laws against that? They are called MURDER CHARGES.

But I guess in your diseased, non-functioning brain, better to just BAN GUNS from legal ownership just in case one crackpot turns up, even if it means disarming the entire public leaving them victim to every armed thug and criminal out there who doesn't obey laws leading to thousands of deaths!

But why stop with guns. One can easily murder with other things too: cars, axes, knives, crossbows, and pencils. You can even murder with a shopping bag. And bags make no noise nor leave any entry hole.

Let's ban EVERYTHING that has a potential for abuse until we are a totally safe, totally controlled, totally state-operated society treating its citizenry like 3 year olds, RIGHT ASSHOLE?

Every American can own these fake assault weapons
Gee, how many mass shootings and deaths by these "fake" weapons with "fake" bullets have happened in, oh say the last 20 years?
Guns don't kill, bullets do. You can also bash a gun on the head and that can kill.
I am SO tired of variations of that moronic NRA mantra....the original substituting "guns" for "bullets". See, unlike a Warner Bros. cartoon, guns don't sprout tiny sneakered feet and chase people around blasting way. A HUMAN BEING has to pick up the gun, aim and fire it at another human being. In light of what's been going on with the AR-15 in the last few years, I would hardly call the OP a "win". A reminder:

Every American can own these fake assault weapons
Gee, how many mass shootings and deaths by these "fake" weapons with "fake" bullets have happened in, oh say the last 20 years?
Not enough. We need you to shit your pants more.

We will get machine guns back before I die.
Why don't you cycle over to the surviving family members or the victims of your beloved assault weapons and tell them the same thing. I'm sure they'll have some choice words for you. In the meantime, something else for you to try and ignore:

Every American can own these fake assault weapons
Gee, how many mass shootings and deaths by these "fake" weapons with "fake" bullets have happened in, oh say the last 20 years?
Not enough. We need you to shit your pants more.

We will get machine guns back before I die.
My favorite is a Thompson Sub-Machine gun. I rescued the Commodore with it.
Commodore of your local Boating club? Funny, I don't recall hearing about this on local news affiliate or "the nation" section of the newspapers. Elucidate, son, elucidate!

Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason, please dust off all the old excuses and have them ready, because laPierre is having a bit of financial trouble with the IRS, I here.

Oh, and be sure to mail your justifications to the surviving family members. Judge Roger T. Benitez won't give a damn, as it's all academics and ideology to him.
And get ready with those "thought and prayers"...because that's all you give
As opposed to you cheering on the availability of a weapon that has racked up a number of innocent dead civilians in the last few years? Or your congressional reps doing the same? Or your right wing punditry doing the same? And avoiding like the plague any discussion regarding how the victims need not be IF THE 1994 AWB WAS NOT ALLOWED BY THE GOP TO SUNSET?

Seems you don't give a damn about people in this instance so long as some psychological "we won" tick is satisfied. Pitiful. Carry on.

Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason, please dust off all the old excuses and have them ready, because laPierre is having a bit of financial trouble with the IRS, I here.

Oh, and be sure to mail your justifications to the surviving family members. Judge Roger T. Benitez won't give a damn, as it's all academics and ideology to him.
Innocent people are far far more likely to get shot with a cheap handgun in the hands of a street thug in a Black ghetto than from an AR-15.

The great majority of people that get shot with guns are druggies, gang bangers and street thugs in Democrat control big city shitholes.
So lets get all the cards on the table; a weapon that has been PROVEN to be the favorite choice of the majority of mass shooters in the last 20 years or so has to stay in circulation because gang bangers can gain easier access to Saturday Night Specials and the lot. And since YOU introduced race into the discussion, it seems you're okay that the majority of victims of the AR-15's used in mass shootings have NOT been black folk.

Nope, it's all cool with you so long as some psychological comfort zone of "don't let the liberals win" is sated. A sad statement that you don't give a damn about the following. Carry on.

This is the right decision made by the Federal Judge. As I stated in another post. Any Assault weapon ban, or magazine capacity reduction,or any weapons ban is an infringement on the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution. We don't need Politicians telling us what weapons, we can or can not have. Assault weapons , handguns, are not alive. We need more mental health workers to deal with people before they go out and try to harm people. Not punishing everyone with these illegal weapons bans.
Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason

IN OTHER WORDS: we should outlaw EVERYTHING that has the potential to be abused? Because sooner or later, an otherwise harmless person with no record of violence and no reason to deny him a sale will take a gun and shoot someone with it?

Do ya know we have laws against that? They are called MURDER CHARGES.

But I guess in your diseased, non-functioning brain, better to just BAN GUNS from legal ownership just in case one crackpot turns up, even if it means disarming the entire public leaving them victim to every armed thug and criminal out there who doesn't obey laws leading to thousands of deaths!

But why stop with guns. One can easily murder with other things too: cars, axes, knives, crossbows, and pencils. You can even murder with a shopping bag. And bags make no noise nor leave any entry hole.

Let's ban EVERYTHING that has a potential for abuse until we are a totally safe, totally controlled, totally state-operated society treating its citizenry like 3 year olds, RIGHT ASSHOLE?
Your buffoonish little rant aside, here's a refresher course in reality:

The AR-15 has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last few years. It was on the 1994 AWB that the GOP let sunset. When the 1994 AWB was in effect, there was still a plethora of rifles, semi-automatics, handgun, shot guns, hunting rifles, target guns/rifles, etc., available to the law abiding public. There has NEVER been a proposal to ban ALL weapons....that is a LIE that the NRA promoted with the blessing of the gun manufacturers and retailers.

The OP is no win for the general public, as recent history shows. That the judge and the sycophants that cheer his decision just blow smoke and shovel lame propaganda BS to cover the fact that they just don't give a damn about other people's lives so long as they "win". Pitiful.

More people are killed in car accidents, than assault rifles per year.!Are we going to ban automobiles?! Hand guns kill more people per year than Assault rifles. Why the focus on Assault rifles. The government wants to eliminate the States militia in America.
I have no fear of AR15s
I do have a fear of hidden pistols
Ahh, but it 's not about your personal fear (real or perceived), it's about the FACT that a formally banned weapon has been the favorite choice of mass shooters for the past few years. What the judge did was just green light more of the same:

The assault weapons ban accomplished nothing. It was a symbolic political ploy. People were still being killed with handguns. Repealing a unconstitutional ban does not mean that people are going to see more mass shootings. The Democratic demonization of Assault rifles is wrong.
I have no fear of AR15s
I do have a fear of hidden pistols
Ahh, but it 's not about your personal fear (real or perceived), it's about the FACT that a formally banned weapon has been the favorite choice of mass shooters for the past few years. What the judge did was just green light more of the same:

The judge cannot be overturned and it was a T judge ..I bet
More people are killed in car accidents, than assault rifles per year.!Are we going to ban automobiles?! Hand guns kill more people per year than Assault rifles. Why the focus on Assault rifles. The government wants to eliminate the States militia in America.
That is yet another moronic meme that the NRA loved to promote. Since there are a hell of a lot more cars on the roads than weapons in general circulation, you are bound to have more fatal accidents ... and the key word is ACCIDENT, because cars were NOT designed to kill people. The AR-15 is a highly versatile weapon that gives one great does EXACTLY what it was designed to do....KILL with accuracy for one or more targets.

When the 1994 AWB was in place, you STILL had access to a slew of handguns, rifles, shotguns in numerous styles and variations. The second the GOP let that law sunset, AR-15's flew off the shelves and became the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last 2 decades or so. A matter of fact, a matter of history.
Oh, and if "the government" wanted to eliminate the State militia, it would have done so when the National Guard was created. However, militias that are recognized by the various states still exist and function: These states have their own armies not under the control of the Commander In Chief - We Are The Mighty
Anything can be a weapon
Ever get raked by a Jewish menorah
Those things can be pointy
The assault weapons ban accomplished nothing. It was a symbolic political ploy. People were still being killed with handguns. Repealing a unconstitutional ban does not mean that people are going to see more mass shootings. The Democratic demonization of Assault rifles is wrong.
1. Not quite....check this objective piece

2. There was nothing "unconstitutional" about the 1994 AWB, as there has always some time of gov't gun control in this country since the time or colonial militias. The AWB was passed through Congress with provisions to sunset in 10 years, which is did and was not reinstated via GOP Senate vote edge. After which, mass shootings were on the up tick, coinciding with America's favorite weapon the AR-15 being available. And here we are.

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