Huge win for long gun lovers !!!!

there is NO difference between an AR-15 and any other semi auto rifle.
Magazine style and capacity. For example

Again, show me where it was legislated the reason was to suppress blacks.
I quite happy to admit invincible ignorance is invincible. I've shown you the evidence for the creation of the 2nd A. If you want to deny it, well that is no surprise to me or to Tom Hanks.
Again, show me where it was legislated the reason was to suppress blacks.
I quite happy to admit invincible ignorance is invincible. I've shown you the evidence for the creation of the 2nd A. If you want to deny it, well that is no surprise to me or to Tom Hanks.

You're wrong. It was discussed vigorously but it was not legislated as for the reason for the second amendment.
You can justify anything you want in your to tiny racist mind but it's not necessarily the truth.
we can start getting back to the original intent.
Not depending on the Federal Government to put down slave revolts? Well, I suppose so.
Slave revolts???
When was the last time that happened?
But why would you need a gun like that?
Just because you can have it?
Don't tell me it's for personal protection. No one carries them to the grocery store.

That's the beauty of the 2nd Amendment. We don't have to "explain" a fucking thing...

I would've thought it was more appropriate to say you have no reason.
Same thing, but a completely different meaning.
You know guns like that have no place in society. You have no use other than my original excuses and that's not an excuse but it will contributing to gun violence when nut jobs get their hands on them.
so according to you every semi automatic rifle is an assault weapon? Be specific now and tell us how many murders and mass shootings were done with an ar-15?

I did not think that or say it. I believe you have no use for that type of weapon .
You don't need it other than inflate your ego and build testosterone.
there is NO difference between an AR-15 and any other semi auto rifle.

I couldn't give a shit it they had 10 barrels each. Society in general has no use for those weapons. Pure ego.
They’re not gun crazed.
Yes they are. Carrying an AK to go grocery shopping is gun crazed. Carrying concealed is gun crazed. Accepting the massacres of school kids and others as the price of free dumb is gun crazed.

That’s your own definition. And your fevered imagination.

One size doesn’t fit all, as you’d like it to.
Don’t blind him with science. He’s not up to it.

Is that the best you can come up with?

With an intellect like that, you’ll go far.

Aren’t you on the wrong thread for that type of insult?
It was discussed vigorously but it was not legislated as for the reason for the second amendment.
No, it was the reason for the legislation. Did you not read the article excerpt? That the Federal Government was not trusted by the slave states. No other reported reason was advanced for the 2A that I have seen. How about you?
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Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason, please dust off all the old excuses and have them ready, because laPierre is having a bit of financial trouble with the IRS, I here.

Oh, and be sure to mail your justifications to the surviving family members. Judge Roger T. Benitez won't give a damn, as it's all academics and ideology to him.
And get ready with those "thought and prayers"...because that's all you give

Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason, please dust off all the old excuses and have them ready, because laPierre is having a bit of financial trouble with the IRS, I here.

Oh, and be sure to mail your justifications to the surviving family members. Judge Roger T. Benitez won't give a damn, as it's all academics and ideology to him.
Innocent people are far far more likely to get shot with a cheap handgun in the hands of a street thug in a Black ghetto than from an AR-15.

The great majority of people that get shot with guns are druggies, gang bangers and street thugs in Democrat control big city shitholes.
The decision reads like an NRA press release, or a wacky ‘editorial’ from a gun blog, with ridiculous references to ‘the media.’

Rather than such partisan nonsense, the judge could have simply ruled that AR 15s are weapons in common use and within the scope of Second Amendment protections.

Needless to say, the ruling will be overturned on appeal and the Supreme Court will refuse to hear the case because there’s no dissent among the appellate courts.

Last, we have yet another example of the inconsistent right’s hypocrisy – clearly “states’ rights” apply only to red states.

Link to the actual ruling:

The Supreme Court has one important ruling it needs to make on RTKABA. That is the issue of Strict Scrutiny.

Strict Scrutiny is determined in individual rights protected under the Bill of Rights. Without the Strict Scrutiny requirement asshole Communist States and Local governments can get away with taking away our Constitutional rights and they have done it with these filthy ass gun laws.

After the Heller case it was time for the Supremes to declare that the right to keep and bear arms is subject to Strict Scrutiny. This may be case when they do it. Lets hope so. Tyranny by government sucks and California needs to be told to shut the fuck up.
we can start getting back to the original intent.
Not depending on the Federal Government to put down slave revolts? Well, I suppose so.
Slave revolts???
When was the last time that happened?
But why would you need a gun like that?
Just because you can have it?
Don't tell me it's for personal protection. No one carries them to the grocery store.

That's the beauty of the 2nd Amendment. We don't have to "explain" a fucking thing...

I would've thought it was more appropriate to say you have no reason.
Same thing, but a completely different meaning.
You know guns like that have no place in society. You have no use other than my original excuses and that's not an excuse but it will contributing to gun violence when nut jobs get their hands on them.
so according to you every semi automatic rifle is an assault weapon? Be specific now and tell us how many murders and mass shootings were done with an ar-15?

I did not think that or say it. I believe you have no use for that type of weapon .
You don't need it other than inflate your ego and build testosterone.
there is NO difference between an AR-15 and any other semi auto rifle.

I couldn't give a shit it they had 10 barrels each. Society in general has no use for those weapons. Pure ego.

I have use for my AR-15s and my M-16.

I shoot them for recreational purposes.

I have them for self defense.

I have a use to collect them.

I have them because the Constitution says they are necessary for the security of a free state.
Very few folks die by long guns and you need them to fight dozens of leftist thugs

Most gun deaths are all pistols
You need the right tool for the right situation. Real fire fight is different than what you see on the movies. Dependent on where the fire fight is and range. There are many situations where I would prefer a pistol over a long gun. As far as fullu automatic goes that is a spray and pray. I would not spend much time praying in a fire fight. The odds on a trained soldier clicking his rifle to fully automatic are very slim. In most cases you would fix bayonet over spray and pray. Spray and pray on these rifles are only for when you feel like emptying your wallet.

Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed

The legal reasoning will not hold up. It absolutely makes no sense whatsoever. Thixs judge cited his opinion rather than law. If his reasoning was followed, the ban on automatic weapons as well as military grade arms would be constitutional.

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