Huge win for the Freedom Caucus on Obamacare 2.0

ACA works just fine.
Well we apparently know one thing for sure. You don't pay your own medical bills.
Actually yes I do.

My insurance used to be $300 per month with a high deductible.

Then it doubled.
It doubled. And you think that equals working fine?
Yes that means it is working perfectly.

There was no other way around it.

Unless you want to pay more income tax and finance it that way.

Either way samee-same G/I.
LMAO! Damn, what the hell did you gain from this law then? What makes you think it's so great?
Because it is the right thing.

Everyone should get health care.

Not just the rich and the middle class.

It is an ethics issue.

In Philosophy ethics is a choice with a visceral response attached to it.

You have to be cold hearted to ignore the poor and let them suffer.
Maybe now would be a good time to bring up the issue of where the money is going to come from for Trump's wall. By the time the resolve that, I suspect that the answer will be sold advertising space on it.
Take it from the sum total of savings from cancelling all foreign aid especially to Mexico.

Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt -- there you have it -- billions of dollars to pump into the US economy with wall constructions.

They you keep out illegal Mexicans and Mexican brown dope.
I predict a weekend of golf in Florida for Trump....
Trump promised to stay in DC this weekend already.

But now he will definitely be drinking a lot, if he drinks.

His rich daddy taught him not to drink.

And he taught his kids not to either.

But right about now he could probably use a bottle of Scotch Whiskey.

i would have guess vodka, but his vodka company failed.
I did not know that. Maybe it is vodka then.
The lefties may all be dancing their victory dance and taking turns kicking Trump in the balls over the failure to "repeal and repair" Obamacare but this is a huge win for the Freedom Caucus. The 27 representatives stood firm on their word and refused to buckle to pressure from the establishment and Trump to pass something that was simply unacceptable.

This should signal to the White House that these people are going to have to be brought on board in the future if there is going to be any success in passing legislation. The Establishment GOP may have grabbed the pussy of Trump but they're still not going to be calling the shots. They're damn sure not going to bully and intimidate their way to victory like they thought they were going to do here.

Here's the thing: This idea that Obamacare is now going to be left to implode on it's own is silly. It's never going to do that and the Establishment GOP who is still hoping this will happen is going to be disappointed.... because that's never going to happen. It will lumber on in all it's glorious misery for years to come. It's now an entitlement and as we see, entitlements are hard to repeal. This is why they should've backed Ted Cruz when he stood on the floor and filibustered the initial funding for the roll out. Water under the bridge now, the pooch can't be unfucked.

With the realization that Obamacare is not going to collapse under it's own weight, there is a midterm election in 2018 and many of these Establishment goobs are going to face stiff primary challenges from true Conservatives. This will result in some lost seats to Democrats, maybe even loss of the House. But that's okay because the Establishment GOP has turned into simply a weak moderate wing of the Democrat party. Without support from the Freedom Caucus they are feckless and they are going to be left dangling in the wind answering questions on why they failed to repeal Obamacare as they promised to do.

There is still an outside chance of turning things around but it's going to take a major pivot on part of Trump and Establishment leadership and it's going to have to happen fairly quickly. This AHCA bill was a power play and it failed miserably. They now know they have a major problem and if they don't change the dynamics it's going to manifest into major losses in the midterms. Trump was right, it's going to be a bloodbath but not in the way he thought.

lol, the Freedom Caucus, aka the Tea Party, singlehandedly saved Obamacare.

It's THEIR healthcare plan now.
Media is doing Freedom Caucus a solid right now blaming them. Literally telling America "these are the guys that did what you wanted."
Well we apparently know one thing for sure. You don't pay your own medical bills.
Actually yes I do.

My insurance used to be $300 per month with a high deductible.

Then it doubled.
It doubled. And you think that equals working fine?
Yes that means it is working perfectly.

There was no other way around it.

Unless you want to pay more income tax and finance it that way.

Either way samee-same G/I.
LMAO! Damn, what the hell did you gain from this law then? What makes you think it's so great?
Because it is the right thing.

Everyone should get health care.

Not just the rich and the middle class.

It is an ethics issue.

In Philosophy ethics is a choice with a visceral response attached to it.

You have to be cold hearted to ignore the poor and let them suffer.
At what point do you decide you paying more for others is exceeding your ability to take care of your own family? Are you going to sacrifice you're child's needs because the government has decided you paying for people that won't work to get healthcare is somehow ethical?

If you think working your ass off to provide people that won't work healthcare is is it ethical that they won't help themselves and you have to?

You're taking ethical to stupid levels here. Everyone needs healthcare but not everyone needs to put some effort into paying for it but you. You my friend are what I would call a sucker.
lol, the Freedom Caucus, aka the Tea Party, singlehandedly saved Obamacare.

It's THEIR healthcare plan now.

Well no... you didn't get rid of it... it's STILL Obamacare. Sorry!

Freedom Caucus didn't "save" anything, they wouldn't vote to save it and give it to the Republicans. This isn't over, it will eventually be repealed. Wait and see.
Well, Trump sure does have his work cut out for him with all those congressmen who he threatened with lost elections yesterday!

Yes he does, but you don't need to worry about that. You should be focused on who your party is going to run in 2020. Fauxcahantas? Some other loon? You've got bigger fish to fry than to be concerned with Trump.
Well, Trump sure does have his work cut out for him with all those congressmen who he threatened with lost elections yesterday!

Yes he does, but you don't need to worry about that. You should be focused on who your party is going to run in 2020. Fauxcahantas? Some other loon? You've got bigger fish to fry than to be concerned with Trump.

No. Trump is a work in progress. Next on our agenda is to watch him botch the tax cuts.
I wouldnt be surprised if this was why Ryan was gamed into the leadership to begin protect Ocare
No. Trump is a work in progress. Next on our agenda is to watch him botch the tax cuts.

Good luck with that! A blind monkey could do tax cuts. Of course, if we keep Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House, he'll probably dust off Bill Clinton's tax increases and try to sell it to Conservatives as "take it or leave it!"
I wouldnt be surprised if this was why Ryan was gamed into the leadership to begin protect Ocare

You could be right about that. Rumor has it, he might be on his way out as Speaker. If they are not going to have a Conservative, they won't get much done.
No. Trump is a work in progress. Next on our agenda is to watch him botch the tax cuts.

Good luck with that! A blind monkey could do tax cuts. Of course, if we keep Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House, he'll probably dust off Bill Clinton's tax increases and try to sell it to Conservatives as "take it or leave it!"

You think so? Trump wants to make up for tax cuts by taxing imports. that will piss off Walmart, the Koch brothers, the auto companies, and other manufacturers. OR, he could make up for the tax cuts by cutting out Billionaires loopholes. BAW HA HA HA!
You think so? Trump wants to make up for tax cuts by taxing imports. that will piss off Walmart, the Koch brothers, the auto companies, and other manufacturers. OR, he could make up for the tax cuts by cutting out Billionaires loopholes. BAW HA HA HA!

Tariffs aren't part of a tax reform proposal. When he campaigned, he presented his tax plan and that's what people voted on. I imagine that's what he is going to put forward. And I don't have a problem with cutting certain loopholes. Hedge fund managers shouldn't be able to exploit a loophole to pay a fraction of what everybody else pays. That said, I don't believe in increasing capital gains taxes or corporate taxes, they should be lowered.

I don't understand "making up for tax cuts" when we know that cutting taxes increases revenues. That's something only an ignorant person would say. Every top marginal income tax cut of the past 100 years has resulted in increased tax revenue. The informational data is available for anyone to research for themselves. has all the records from the Treasury Dept. and you can go look at any year back to the 1940s. This is a fact and not just something people say because they like tax cuts.
The lefties may all be dancing their victory dance and taking turns kicking Trump in the balls over the failure to "repeal and repair" Obamacare but this is a huge win for the Freedom Caucus.

reading Chief Running Gag's post here, i just have one image that comes to mind.


This proves that the GOP has no idea how to actually govern the country.

A small group of thirty fanatics prevented needed legislation from happening. (Unless you are willing to concede the ACA is just fine and leave it the fuck alone).

The thing is, the 30 or so nuts in the Freedom Caucus who represent the most inbred parts of the country will probably survive this.

It's the other 180 or so Republicans who represent counties where people actually live that are going to have problems.

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