Huge win for the Freedom Caucus on Obamacare 2.0

I don't understand "making up for tax cuts" when we know that cutting taxes increases revenues....

How does that work exactly, you have been cutting taxes for decades now and you have a debt of some $20 trillion?


How does that work exactly, you have been cutting taxes for decades now and you have a debt of some $20 trillion?


The DEBT has absolutely not one solitary fucking thing to do with tax rates. The DEBT is a result of annual deficit spending. We've been deficit spending since Jefferson, he was the last president to balance the budget. (No, Clinton didn't balance the budget!)

Why are you people not comprehending this? It's really simple... tax rates relate to tax revenue. Spending relates to deficits and debt. Two different animals altogether.

Case in point: If you got a pay increase of $100 a week and you came home to find the wife has maxed out your credit cards, is that your fault for getting a pay increase? Or is it her fault for charging stuff on the credit card? That's not hard for you to understand is it?

The DEBT has absolutely not one solitary fucking thing to do with tax rates. The DEBT is a result of annual deficit spending. We've been deficit spending since Jefferson, he was the last president to balance the budget. (No, Clinton didn't balance the budget!)

Why are you people not comprehending this? It's really simple... tax rates relate to tax revenue. Spending relates to deficits and debt. Two different animals altogether.

Case in point: If you got a pay increase of $100 a week and you came home to find the wife has maxed out your credit cards, is that your fault for getting a pay increase? Or is it her fault for charging stuff on the credit card? That's not hard for you to understand is it?

I know where debt comes from comrade but I'm not the one suggesting cutting taxes will solve the problem

I don't understand "making up for tax cuts" when we know that cutting taxes increases revenues....

How does that work exactly, you have been cutting taxes for decades now and you have a debt of some $20 trillion?

Regardless of the effect of changes in tax rates on the economy, it is important to recognize that the idea that tax cuts increase government revenues while tax increases decrease them is a myth. It is equally important to recognize that in the long run, taxes are equal to government spending.
Do Tax Cuts Increase Revenue
Yeah. I know. Huge win.

If I were a butthead who was ushered into Congress by the tea party on promises of repealing Obamacare....and then reelected twice by promising to do that over and over and over again.....I'd call it a huge win when I wasn't able to make that happen.

Yeah. I know. Huge win.
If I were a butthead who was ushered into Congress by the tea party on promises of repealing Obamacare....and then reelected twice by promising to do that over and over and over again.....I'd call it a huge win when I wasn't able to make that happen.

The DEBT has absolutely not one solitary fucking thing to do with tax rates. The DEBT is a result of annual deficit spending. We've been deficit spending since Jefferson, he was the last president to balance the budget. (No, Clinton didn't balance the budget!)

Why are you people not comprehending this? It's really simple... tax rates relate to tax revenue. Spending relates to deficits and debt. Two different animals altogether.

Case in point: If you got a pay increase of $100 a week and you came home to find the wife has maxed out your credit cards, is that your fault for getting a pay increase? Or is it her fault for charging stuff on the credit card? That's not hard for you to understand is it?

I know where debt comes from comrade but I'm not the one suggesting cutting taxes will solve the problem


LOL... I never suggested cutting tax rates would balance the budget. I just made the TRUE FACTUAL statement that lowering top marginal tax rates results in increased tax revenues. That has not been refuted. Others have chimed in with unrelated and irrelevant arguments about budgets, deficits and debt.... none of which pertain to tax rates and tax revenues.
Regardless of the effect of changes in tax rates on the economy, it is important to recognize that the idea that tax cuts increase government revenues while tax increases decrease them is a myth. It is equally important to recognize that in the long run, taxes are equal to government spending.
Do Tax Cuts Increase Revenue

Well not according to the official numbers reported by the US Treasury. Every top marginal tax rate cut from the past 100 years has resulted in increased tax revenue. Source: (data from U.S. Treasury Dept.)

All your link does is makes the same bait and switch argument you've made, conflating budget deficits and surpluses with tax revenue. One has nothing to do with the other. Budget deficits and surpluses are the result of SPENDING. Tax revenue is acquired through the tax rate. And no, taxes are NOT equal to government spending, we are $20 trillion in debt because we spend far more than we take in from taxes. We've been doing that for decades. IF they were "the same thing" we'd have a balanced budget every year and no national debt.

You AND your propagandist website are making an intellectually vapid and invalid argument. If you just want to keep demagoguing and grandstanding, that's fine... just know that you're being dishonest and not making a valid point.
What did "Biff" (whoever the hell that is) do to Obamacare? Be specific!

YOu know that Biff Tannen from the Back to the Future Movies was based on Trump, right?

Anyway, Biffenfuhrer said it had to be fixed, and then failed to fix it.

So IF it fails, it's his failure.

Nope... it's STILL Obamacare and STILL Democrat's failure. Nothing has changed.

I appreciate that you now want to get rid of this turd sandwich you delivered to the American people but we're not gonna letchya. Sorry Joey... not gonna happen! You own this lock stock and barrel and it's going to be hung around your neck for years to come.
Nope. His tax cuts increased tax revenues 75%. He never "increased taxes" as you claim.

Yes, he did. Pay attention, stupid. This is the problem you fuckwads have about Reagan. The real guy raised taxes, sponsored terrorists and gave amnesty to illegals... So you pretend that guy didn't exist and create this bullshit saint of conservatism who didn't.

10 Things Conservatives Don’t Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan

As president, Reagan “raised taxes in seven of his eight years in office,” including four times in just two years. As former GOP Senator Alan Simpson, who called Reagan “a dear friend,” told NPR, “Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times in his administration — I was there.” “Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes,” said historian Douglas Brinkley, who edited Reagan’s memoir. Reagan the anti-tax zealot is “false mythology,” Brinkley said.

There's a reason why George H. Bush had to say, "Read my LIps, no New Taxes!"

Because Reagan raised them so many times, Conservatives were furious with him.

The reason why you fuckheads need mythical Reagan is because without him, you have Nixon (resigned), Ford (voted out of office), Bush-41 (voted out office) and Bush-43 (War based on a lie, worst recession in 80 years)

He's the only guy you have who didn't leave office in a stench of failure. (Just the stench of whatever was in his adult undergarments when the senile dementia kicked in.)
I suspect Trump, Bannon & Ryan are now dialed into the fact that the "Freedom Caucus" are just hardcore libertarians who have polluted the party, and can't be depended upon to demonstrate even the slightest hint of pragmatism.


Pragmatism? By accepting a bill that enshrines the Best of Obamacare and makes it Republican? You gotta be kidding me.

The Freedom Caucus probably just saved Trump's chances for reelection.
Nope... it's STILL Obamacare and STILL Democrat's failure. Nothing has changed.

I appreciate that you now want to get rid of this turd sandwich you delivered to the American people but we're not gonna letchya. Sorry Joey... not gonna happen! You own this lock stock and barrel and it's going to be hung around your neck for years to come.

Guy, when this fails, Trump broke it. Trump now owns the ACA.

The thing is, you can't get rid of the Turd Sandwich because all the dumb shits in JesusLand just figured out they are going to lose their health insurance if they do.
Yeahhh.... I think the voters are still going to call it Obamacare and still blame it's failing on Obama and Company... nice try though!

Naw, I think that it will just be one more things on the list of "Things Biff fucked up" when they throw the Republicans out of office in 2018 and 2020.

Except this time, we'll be doing the redistricting after the census and you won't get back into power.

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