Huge win for the Freedom Caucus on Obamacare 2.0

Until it finishes imploding

So says the GOP for the last 7 years . Where are the death panels they promised ? The raitioning??

It's imploding you stupid SOB, you can sit and spin like a top but it won't change the fact is a POS bill and it's hurting middle America.

Really? Gee, someone should do somthing about it.

No shit, get government out of it and you leeches can buy your own damn insurance.

Then do it! There's nothing stopping the Republicans from repealing Obamacare.

I'm for that 100% and then leave it alone...of course you leeches will have to pay for your own you should
I think it was the right thing to pull that bill. It was rushed and Ryan seemed like he didn't want to commit to doing what was necessary to giving us a good bill from the start

Millions of Americans are paying for health care they can't use. So really there are less people who have affordable healthcare than ever.

Something will be done about it but just not now in this way.
Yep, the Teabagger lunatics defeated Trumpcare - because it wasn't evil enough on old and poor people.

It needs to be repealed so we can end the suffering and implement free market reforms to make health care coverage affordable to every American. If you actually cared about old and poor people, you'd want this mess repealed and replaced with something better. All you want to do is grandstand and resort to the typical identity politics of the left, exploiting the old and poor for political advantage.
The entire bill was stupid. GOP was sent there to rip obiecare out by the roots and replace it with free market policies. I sure as hell didn't expect them to come back with a second version of obiecare with some distant promise of more to come in phases.
The Tea Party? Aren't they those funny old people who used to walk around with signs on street corners, back when the Beatles were big?
Yep, the Teabagger lunatics defeated Trumpcare - because it wasn't evil enough on old and poor people.

It needs to be repealed so we can end the suffering and implement free market reforms to make health care coverage affordable to every American. If you actually cared about old and poor people, you'd want this mess repealed and replaced with something better. All you want to do is grandstand and resort to the typical identity politics of the left, exploiting the old and poor for political advantage.

Is that why AARP, AMA, and hospitals were against it?
The lefties may all be dancing their victory dance and taking turns kicking Trump in the balls over the failure to "repeal and repair" Obamacare but this is a huge win for the Freedom Caucus. The 27 representatives stood firm on their word and refused to buckle to pressure from the establishment and Trump to pass something that was simply unacceptable.

This should signal to the White House that these people are going to have to be brought on board in the future if there is going to be any success in passing legislation. The Establishment GOP may have grabbed the pussy of Trump but they're still not going to be calling the shots. They're damn sure not going to bully and intimidate their way to victory like they thought they were going to do here.

Here's the thing: This idea that Obamacare is now going to be left to implode on it's own is silly. It's never going to do that and the Establishment GOP who is still hoping this will happen is going to be disappointed.... because that's never going to happen. It will lumber on in all it's glorious misery for years to come. It's now an entitlement and as we see, entitlements are hard to repeal. This is why they should've backed Ted Cruz when he stood on the floor and filibustered the initial funding for the roll out. Water under the bridge now, the pooch can't be unfucked.

With the realization that Obamacare is not going to collapse under it's own weight, there is a midterm election in 2018 and many of these Establishment goobs are going to face stiff primary challenges from true Conservatives. This will result in some lost seats to Democrats, maybe even loss of the House. But that's okay because the Establishment GOP has turned into simply a weak moderate wing of the Democrat party. Without support from the Freedom Caucus they are feckless and they are going to be left dangling in the wind answering questions on why they failed to repeal Obamacare as they promised to do.

There is still an outside chance of turning things around but it's going to take a major pivot on part of Trump and Establishment leadership and it's going to have to happen fairly quickly. This AHCA bill was a power play and it failed miserably. They now know they have a major problem and if they don't change the dynamics it's going to manifest into major losses in the midterms. Trump was right, it's going to be a bloodbath but not in the way he thought.
The far right and the far left and the DEMs all united to protect ACA.

Thank you all !!!
The entire bill was stupid. GOP was sent there to rip obiecare out by the roots and replace it with free market policies. I sure as hell didn't expect them to come back with a second version of obiecare with some distant promise of more to come in phases.
Yep, the Teabagger lunatics defeated Trumpcare - because it wasn't evil enough on old and poor people.

It needs to be repealed so we can end the suffering and implement free market reforms to make health care coverage affordable to every American. If you actually cared about old and poor people, you'd want this mess repealed and replaced with something better. All you want to do is grandstand and resort to the typical identity politics of the left, exploiting the old and poor for political advantage.
ACA works just fine.
The Tea Party? Aren't they those funny old people who used to walk around with signs on street corners, back when the Beatles were big?

Nah, that was you pacifist "liberals" who needed baths....hippies
It was an incredible amazing coalition of the far right and the far left with the DEMs.

Schumer and Pelosi must be dancing with each other tonight !!!
The entire bill was stupid. GOP was sent there to rip obiecare out by the roots and replace it with free market policies. I sure as hell didn't expect them to come back with a second version of obiecare with some distant promise of more to come in phases.

I agree... This looked more like something the Democrats would've put forward as an upgrade of Obamacare! I never understood the strategy here.... not a single Democrat was ever going to support this. What the hell was Ryan thinking?
So says the GOP for the last 7 years . Where are the death panels they promised ? The raitioning??

It's imploding you stupid SOB, you can sit and spin like a top but it won't change the fact is a POS bill and it's hurting middle America.

Really? Gee, someone should do somthing about it.

No shit, get government out of it and you leeches can buy your own damn insurance.

Then do it! There's nothing stopping the Republicans from repealing Obamacare.

I'm for that 100% and then leave it alone...of course you leeches will have to pay for your own you should
Heartless nasty bxxxx.
The Freedom caucus are so terrified that any form of compromise will see them lose primaries but:

There are far too many Republican from moderate states which means they will never have a majority to actually do anything. Sure they can show ideological purity by blocking everything, but in that case what's the point of electing a Republican majority?

What is their plan exactly? Try to pick off Tuesday group type Republican in primaries and so hand all of the North-east outside of New Hampshire to the Dems?

When you only have two parties in a country they are always going to have to be broad churches to assemble a coalition of enough voters to win. If the FC and the moderates can't agree on this what are they going to agree on?
The entire bill was stupid. GOP was sent there to rip obiecare out by the roots and replace it with free market policies. I sure as hell didn't expect them to come back with a second version of obiecare with some distant promise of more to come in phases.

I agree... This looked more like something the Democrats would've put forward as an upgrade of Obamacare! I never understood the strategy here.... not a single Democrat was ever going to support this. What the hell was Ryan thinking?
Upgrade yer azz.

It was Ryan's attempt to get more tax subsidies for the rich.
The Teabaggers were sent to Washington to say "NO" and obstruct - to grind government to a halt.

No. They were sent to Washington to actively stop Government and to reduce its size and intrusion into the lives of the American citizenry.

If they're doing their job they would vote "YES" on a full REPEAL of the ACA, Medicare, and Medicaid.

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