Hugs Or Handcuffs


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. When one examines the Democrat policy toward the only democracy in the Middle East, the question of a "moral compass" becomes the central question. In that policy one finds a typical ulterior motive for Democrats, and moral distinctions fall by the wayside.

2. The godfather of the modern Democrat Party provided the template. Not morality nor even the Constitution were the guiding principles.....
While FDR was fully aware of the genocide and oppression in the Soviet motherland,
why, when no previous President would shake the blood drenched hand of the Bolsheviks, Franklin Roosevelt made recognizing the regime one of his first official acts…
FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. One of his first official acts was to recognize the USSR, November 16th, 1933.

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.
'Russia Uber Alles'

3. "The question now is how we came to the precipice of a full-scale war between Israel and Iran. The answer is not found in Tehran or Jerusalem, but in Washington.

4. Since October 7, we’ve seen a consistent story: The Biden administration views its support for Israel in purely defensive terms, and feels a duty to restrain Israel’s offense. The American hug comes with handcuffs.

5. And the handcuffs often come with stern admonitions. So Biden arms the Jewish state and professes his support for Israel’s right to defend itself, but there is always a “but.” Israel has a right to self-defense, but it must do more to protect the Palestinian civilians Hamas uses as human shields. Israel has a right to self-defense, but it should not escalate its war against Hezbollah—even as the terror group fires rockets and missiles over Lebanon’s southern border. Israel has a right to self-defense, but it must participate in ceasefire talks that Hamas has boycotted. Israel has a right to self-defense, but there is no way it can enter its enemy’s last stronghold in Gaza without unacceptable casualties. Put another way, Israel has a right to fight its enemies to a tie."
I'm not sure who has the better ME policy, Biden or Trump.
Biden keeps giving Israel bombs and saying, "if you use them don't kill civilians", which Israel obviously ignores.
Trump talked tough toward Iran, but was very careful not to start a war with them, as they develop nuclear weapons...

The Houthies in Yemen are like sand bugs with missiles that attack Red Sea ships, even US ships, and no one bombed them until Israel did recently. Yemen infrastructure should be destroyed by NATO to re-open the Red Sea.

It looks like Biden's game plan is to keep a lid on the ME until January when he can retire.

One of the old "Peter Principles" is "left alone, things always go from bad to worse".
The freedom fighters are firing ballistic missiles at the Zionist regime from all directions now, and Turkey, Pakistan, and other countries are threatening to join in.

America's support of the Zionist tyranny has been allowed to get out of control!

All Iran ever wanted was peace without the Zionists' constant threat.

Biden needs to stop pretending to want to stop Netanyahu, and do something to show that America cares about the genocide of the Palestinian people. They could decide to go nuclear and that would get the response in kind that we all have feared for 80 years!

The Zionists are just going to have to learn to live on the land that was allotted to them. And now even that may be impossible on account of the hate they've created against them.
I'm not sure who has the better ME policy, Biden or Trump.
Biden keeps giving Israel bombs and saying, "if you use them don't kill civilians", which Israel obviously ignores.
Trump talked tough toward Iran, but was very careful not to start a war with them, as they develop nuclear weapons...

The Houthies in Yemen are like sand bugs with missiles that attack Red Sea ships, even US ships, and no one bombed them until Israel did recently. Yemen infrastructure should be destroyed by NATO to re-open the Red Sea.

It looks like Biden's game plan is to keep a lid on the ME until January when he can retire.

One of the old "Peter Principles" is "left alone, things always go from bad to worse".
We're already far past the point at which Iran needs their own nuclear weapons. They don't any more than the Zionists need their own.

Very few are understanding the situation that has developed. Everybody should understand by now the reason why the Zionists shouldn't have started a war!

Trump will never be allowed to make decisions on this war.
On the subject of Democrat anti-Semitism, one can only wonder at the connection of Iran firing missiles at Israel in celebration of Democrat Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday.

This Democrat Jimmy Carter:

Carter secretly coached Arafat​

At a time when Yasser Arafat was regarded as a diplomatic pariah by the U.S. government, former President Jimmy Carter secretly coached the Palestinian leader to improve his image, drafted passages for Arafat's public speeches and counseled other leaders of the Palestinian uprising in Israeli-occupied territories, according to a forthcoming book.
"There was no world leader Jimmy Carter was more eager to know than Yasser Arafat," the historian Douglas Brinkley wrote in "The Unfinished Presidency: Jimmy Carter's Journey Beyond the White House" to be published in May by Viking. "Carter felt certain affinities with the Palestinian: a tendency toward hyperactivity and a workaholic disposition. Both men were like modern Bedouins with airplanes instead of camels," always moving. The book portrays the former Georgia governor as a messianic character, infused with righteousness, working Arab back channels to change Middle East equations.
Carter secretly coached Arafat

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