HUH??? Dems SUE GOP over Trump's "election is rigged" complaint

Democrats ask judge to sanction Republicans over Trump
The Democratic National Committee on Wednesday asked a U.S. judge to hold the Republican National Committee in contempt of court over allegations that Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to intimidate minority voters.
The DNC accused Republicans in a court filing of violating a longstanding consent decree, which restricts Republicans' ability to question voters at the polls and prevent those people from casting a ballot.
During the presidential campaign, Republican nominee Trump has asked followers to "watch" for fraud in the Nov.8 presidential election in certain areas where minority voters reside, even though no evidence of fraud exists, the filing said. Some of Trump's followers have pledged to do just that, the filing said.
The RNC has supported Trump's "ballot security endeavors," Democrats said in the court filing.
The RNC said the filing was completely meritless.
"The RNC strictly abides by the consent decree and does not take part directly or indirectly in any efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud. Nor do we coordinate with the Trump campaign or any other campaign or party organization in any efforts they may make in this area," a RNC spokesperson said in an emailed statement. "The RNC remains focused on getting out the vote."
Representatives for the Trump campaign could not immediately be reached for comment.
The DNC asked a New Jersey federal judge to issue an injunction preventing the RNC from spending money on voter integrity efforts, and to instruct its field offices that no employee shall participate in any ballot security measures.
You have GOT to be kidding me!
"watch for fraud" ?!?!
These people are COMPLETE SCUM
According to Foval Group founder Scott Foval, “The campaign (Hillary Clinton campaign) pays the DNC, DNC pays Democracy partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval group, Foval Group goes and executes the shit on the ground.”
“So the Chicago Protest when they shut all that, that was us. It was more him (Bob Creamer, founder of Democracy Partners) than me,”
said Aaron Minter, “but none of this was suppose to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don’t want it to come from the party.”

You fucking bedwetters are going to wake up in an ocean of piss. Soon.

how is it slimy, hack to not let sociopatic Donald's goon squads engage in GOP dirty tricks that they've been ordered not to do... by consernt decree.

you've become a know-nothing loon
I like it when all a poster can do in reaction to the facts is emit some nervous laughter.

Yeah you lost, get over it.
What does what he said have to do with targeting minorities? Give me a fucking break dude

Learn to read:

The case began in 1981 when the RNC created a “national ballot security task force” that, among other things, undertook mailing campaigns targeted at black and Latino neighborhoods in New Jersey. If mailers were returned undelivered, party activists put those voters on a list to be challenged if they showed up to cast a ballot. In addition, the party was alleged to have hired off-duty law enforcement officers to “patrol” minority neighborhoods on election day.

The DNC sued the RNC in federal court, alleging its activities violated the Voting Rights Act and were intended to suppress voting among minorities. Rather than fight the charges in a trial, the RNC agreed to a consent decree promising to “refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities … directed toward [election] districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic minority populations.”
What does what he said have to do with targeting minorities?

So you've decided to go full troll now? That's funny, and more proof that Trump is losing.
Why cant you answer the question?

he answered it to the extent warranted by your hack thread
Democrats ask judge to sanction Republicans over Trump
The Democratic National Committee on Wednesday asked a U.S. judge to hold the Republican National Committee in contempt of court over allegations that Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to intimidate minority voters.
The DNC accused Republicans in a court filing of violating a longstanding consent decree, which restricts Republicans' ability to question voters at the polls and prevent those people from casting a ballot.
During the presidential campaign, Republican nominee Trump has asked followers to "watch" for fraud in the Nov.8 presidential election in certain areas where minority voters reside, even though no evidence of fraud exists, the filing said. Some of Trump's followers have pledged to do just that, the filing said.
The RNC has supported Trump's "ballot security endeavors," Democrats said in the court filing.
The RNC said the filing was completely meritless.
"The RNC strictly abides by the consent decree and does not take part directly or indirectly in any efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud. Nor do we coordinate with the Trump campaign or any other campaign or party organization in any efforts they may make in this area," a RNC spokesperson said in an emailed statement. "The RNC remains focused on getting out the vote."
Representatives for the Trump campaign could not immediately be reached for comment.
The DNC asked a New Jersey federal judge to issue an injunction preventing the RNC from spending money on voter integrity efforts, and to instruct its field offices that no employee shall participate in any ballot security measures.
You have GOT to be kidding me!
"watch for fraud" ?!?!
These people are COMPLETE SCUM
According to Foval Group founder Scott Foval, “The campaign (Hillary Clinton campaign) pays the DNC, DNC pays Democracy partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval group, Foval Group goes and executes the shit on the ground.”
“So the Chicago Protest when they shut all that, that was us. It was more him (Bob Creamer, founder of Democracy Partners) than me,”
said Aaron Minter, “but none of this was suppose to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don’t want it to come from the party.”

You fucking bedwetters are going to wake up in an ocean of piss. Soon.

how is it slimy, hack to not let sociopatic Donald's goon squads engage in GOP dirty tricks that they've been ordered not to do... by consernt decree.

you've become a know-nothing loon
What does what he said have to do with targeting minorities? Give me a fucking break dude

Learn to read:

The case began in 1981 when the RNC created a “national ballot security task force” that, among other things, undertook mailing campaigns targeted at black and Latino neighborhoods in New Jersey. If mailers were returned undelivered, party activists put those voters on a list to be challenged if they showed up to cast a ballot. In addition, the party was alleged to have hired off-duty law enforcement officers to “patrol” minority neighborhoods on election day.

The DNC sued the RNC in federal court, alleging its activities violated the Voting Rights Act and were intended to suppress voting among minorities. Rather than fight the charges in a trial, the RNC agreed to a consent decree promising to “refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities … directed toward [election] districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic minority populations.”
What does what he said have to do with targeting minorities?

So you've decided to go full troll now? That's funny, and more proof that Trump is losing.
Why cant you answer the question?

he answered it to the extent warranted by your hack thread
No he didn't.
Maybe you can explain how the link he posted fits in with "watch for fraud?"
Learn to read:

The case began in 1981 when the RNC created a “national ballot security task force” that, among other things, undertook mailing campaigns targeted at black and Latino neighborhoods in New Jersey. If mailers were returned undelivered, party activists put those voters on a list to be challenged if they showed up to cast a ballot. In addition, the party was alleged to have hired off-duty law enforcement officers to “patrol” minority neighborhoods on election day.

The DNC sued the RNC in federal court, alleging its activities violated the Voting Rights Act and were intended to suppress voting among minorities. Rather than fight the charges in a trial, the RNC agreed to a consent decree promising to “refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities … directed toward [election] districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic minority populations.”
What does what he said have to do with targeting minorities?

So you've decided to go full troll now? That's funny, and more proof that Trump is losing.
Why cant you answer the question?

he answered it to the extent warranted by your hack thread
No he didn't.
Maybe you can explain how the link he posted fits in with "watch for fraud?"

The Democrats are suing to extend the terms of the consent decree. The consent decree is what it is.
What does what he said have to do with targeting minorities?

So you've decided to go full troll now? That's funny, and more proof that Trump is losing.
Why cant you answer the question?

he answered it to the extent warranted by your hack thread
No he didn't.
Maybe you can explain how the link he posted fits in with "watch for fraud?"

The Democrats are suing to extend the terms of consent decree. The consent decree is what it is.

and now the GOP is violating its terms. they are going to be slapped and Donald's redshirts will go the way of their previous efforts at voter suppression and intimidation.
I am so glad they did this. GREAT entertainment watching you nut jobs spin that malarkey
Like I've mentioned before, where I vote we can't have "poll watchers" because the parking lot is too small. They'd be standing in the street. Or across the road in the ditch. But we are an open carry state, and I don't like the idea of snarling Trump supporters with AR-whatever's over their shoulders glaring at voters as they walk into the voting places elsewhere. It serves no purpose, except to intimidate voters. What is watching going to catch? Really?

There are bunches of official watchers in the polling place (and NO, TN, they aren't all Democrats!) to see things go according to the rules. Maybe the DNC is taking Trump's comment too seriously by bringing a suit, but maybe some of Trump's supporters have got the wrong end of the stick and think it's a good idea to go menace anyone who isn't going to vote for Trump.

Around here, they'd get decked for trying, at least I hope so. Trump will probably win around here, but it isn't even considered polite to ask a person who they voted for, so it wouldn't go over well having people messing about at the polling place.
How do you spin "watch for fraud" into voter intimidation? Especially coming from these slimy hypocritical hacks?
We all know by now that the militant hack left will say and do ANYTHING, and they don't need anything to back up their hyperbole and lies. They know that their base is "'stupid and easy to manipulate," as stated by the woman they worship, ole cankles herself.


  • hillary-quote.jpg
    46.8 KB · Views: 19
Like I've mentioned before, where I vote we can't have "poll watchers" because the parking lot is too small. They'd be standing in the street. Or across the road in the ditch. But we are an open carry state, and I don't like the idea of snarling Trump supporters with AR-whatever's over their shoulders glaring at voters as they walk into the voting places elsewhere. It serves no purpose, except to intimidate voters. What is watching going to catch? Really?

There are bunches of official watchers in the polling place (and NO, TN, they aren't all Democrats!) to see things go according to the rules. Maybe the DNC is taking Trump's comment too seriously by bringing a suit, but maybe some of Trump's supporters have got the wrong end of the stick and think it's a good idea to go menace anyone who isn't going to vote for Trump.

Around here, they'd get decked for trying, at least I hope so. Trump will probably win around here, but it isn't even considered polite to ask a person who they voted for, so it wouldn't go over well having people messing about at the polling place.
How do you spin "watch for fraud" into voter intimidation? Especially coming from these slimy hypocritical hacks?
We all know by now that the militant hack left will say and do ANYTHING, and they don't need anything to back up their hyperbole and lies. They know that their base is "'stupid and easy to manipulate," as stated by the woman they worship, ole cankles herself.
I don't think she said that. Even your file is labeled "fake Hillary quote"
Like I've mentioned before, where I vote we can't have "poll watchers" because the parking lot is too small. They'd be standing in the street. Or across the road in the ditch. But we are an open carry state, and I don't like the idea of snarling Trump supporters with AR-whatever's over their shoulders glaring at voters as they walk into the voting places elsewhere. It serves no purpose, except to intimidate voters. What is watching going to catch? Really?

There are bunches of official watchers in the polling place (and NO, TN, they aren't all Democrats!) to see things go according to the rules. Maybe the DNC is taking Trump's comment too seriously by bringing a suit, but maybe some of Trump's supporters have got the wrong end of the stick and think it's a good idea to go menace anyone who isn't going to vote for Trump.

Around here, they'd get decked for trying, at least I hope so. Trump will probably win around here, but it isn't even considered polite to ask a person who they voted for, so it wouldn't go over well having people messing about at the polling place.
How do you spin "watch for fraud" into voter intimidation? Especially coming from these slimy hypocritical hacks?
We all know by now that the militant hack left will say and do ANYTHING, and they don't need anything to back up their hyperbole and lies. They know that their base is "'stupid and easy to manipulate," as stated by the woman they worship, ole cankles herself.
I don't think she said that. Even your file is labeled "fake Hillary quote"
No it's not.

Regardless, Hitlery did say... "Hillary: You Need A ‘Public’ And ‘Private’ Position On Every Issue

GRUBER also called dem voters STUPID. They COUNTED ON the dem voters being STUPID to ram obamacare through, and they're counting on the same stupid dem voters to elect Hitlery.
Last edited:
OL, the DNC's own leaked emails revealed they plotted against Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary. During the primaries evidence of voter fraud was not only found but video taped. Wikileaks also exposed how Liberal media was / have been skewing the polls. We now have reports of voting machines switching presidential choices from Trump to Hillary on 'straight-party' votes, with ONLY the Presidential choices being switched...ALL in favor of Hillary. (That's one helluva 'malfunction if true) Libs are fighting to allow more and more felons to vote. Illegals are reportedly going around 'door-to-door' to urge people to vote for Hillary. We have seen evidence of the organizing of violent acts at Trump / GOP events connected to the Hillary campaign, Hillary herself, and even to the President / WH.

Hillary does not just WANT to win this election. Hillary MUST win this election if she wants to potentially stay out of jail.

Trump already told her - a mistake IMO - that one of the 1st things he is going to do is appoint an Independent, non-partisan Prosecutor to review her case and if necessary indict and prosecute her. That is enough of a reason for her to do ANYTHING - legal or not - to win this election. Barry hates Hillary - his 1st choice reportedly was Joe Biden, but the death of his son eliminated him. His reported 2nd choice was the Fake Woo-Woo, Warren, and that didn't go. Now his entire legacy, the entire minority-supported socialist Liberal agenda he has worked so hard to impose, is on the line. He KNOWS if Trump wins it's all gone, so he HAS to help Hillary win for HIS own sake. That means he's not above doing anything, as we have seen by his spying on Congress/Reporters/Americans and using the IRS as a weapon against Conservatives in order to secure his re-election.

And in the face of this, Liberals are calling the Republicans crooked?! :lmao:

I personally feel Obama 'legally lost' his re-election bid - in EVERY critical state that he HAD to win to win re-election there was massive voter fraud reported and recorded. For example, in one county where there were over 60,000 registered Republicans - 85% of those reportedly having voted in the GOP Primary - absolutely ZERO ballots were cast during the general election - not 1 single GOP vote. In another precinct over 120% of registered voters voted in the general election, meaning they had more people vote than they had registered voters. Then you had the famous story of the black female poll monitor who bragged to live national TV cameras that she 'helped Obama win' by voting multiple times. (She was arrested and found guilty of multiple counts of voter fraud, surprise surprise.)

After that voter fraud in the 2012 election,,,
After watching Obama use the IRS as a weapon against citizens he calls his personal 'political enemies'...
After watching the flood of illegals through our extremely open borders...
After reading how millions of dead people and illegals are registered...
After learning illegals HAVE voted already (like the Washington Mall illegal alien terrorist who voted for Hillary)
After reading and seeing all the fraud and scheming by the DNC in their own Primaries...
After the Wikileaks releases identifying the 'All-In' media that has donated to and openly declared they are helping Hillary...
After learning Soros is heavily vested in the company that makes the Voting machines that are in 16 states and those voting machines are suddenly having 'software problems' that have Trump votes switching to Hillary votes (an ODD 'malfunction' the way, a SOFTWARE problem involves human 'PROGRAMMING' )...

I have little faith in our election system now and have little doubt the election will be stolen by the DNC / Hillary.

...but that's just me. In the end, it will be what it is, and you just have to either 1) revolt or 2) roll with it. Unless just massively blatant in-your-face provable corruption / criminal 'election theft', I'm gonna roll with it. After all, I am 'Easy'.

God's in control and is the only thing that matters anyway. 'Let Caesar have what is Caesar's'.
I disagree with a lot of the "evidence" you cited, since I have seen equally reasonable arguments refuting them. But who you support will color which you believe. Anyone who didn't already know that politics is dirty and unethical to its core surely knows now. It doesn't mean a politician, once elected, can't do anything good for the country.

What doesn't seem to be occurring to some people is that ALL politics is that way, not just Dems. For some reason, the Russians only aired the dirty laundry on Hillary's campaign. But let's not pretend that if the truth be known about the RNC, we would have any better opinion of them. For every dirty trick Hillary's campaign is pulling, you don't think there is a counterpart in the RNC doing something similar?
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Democrats ask judge to sanction Republicans over Trump
The Democratic National Committee on Wednesday asked a U.S. judge to hold the Republican National Committee in contempt of court over allegations that Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to intimidate minority voters.
The DNC accused Republicans in a court filing of violating a longstanding consent decree, which restricts Republicans' ability to question voters at the polls and prevent those people from casting a ballot.
During the presidential campaign, Republican nominee Trump has asked followers to "watch" for fraud in the Nov.8 presidential election in certain areas where minority voters reside, even though no evidence of fraud exists, the filing said. Some of Trump's followers have pledged to do just that, the filing said.
The RNC has supported Trump's "ballot security endeavors," Democrats said in the court filing.
The RNC said the filing was completely meritless.
"The RNC strictly abides by the consent decree and does not take part directly or indirectly in any efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud. Nor do we coordinate with the Trump campaign or any other campaign or party organization in any efforts they may make in this area," a RNC spokesperson said in an emailed statement. "The RNC remains focused on getting out the vote."
Representatives for the Trump campaign could not immediately be reached for comment.
The DNC asked a New Jersey federal judge to issue an injunction preventing the RNC from spending money on voter integrity efforts, and to instruct its field offices that no employee shall participate in any ballot security measures.
You have GOT to be kidding me!
"watch for fraud" ?!?!
These people are COMPLETE SCUM
According to Foval Group founder Scott Foval, “The campaign (Hillary Clinton campaign) pays the DNC, DNC pays Democracy partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval group, Foval Group goes and executes the shit on the ground.”
“So the Chicago Protest when they shut all that, that was us. It was more him (Bob Creamer, founder of Democracy Partners) than me,”
said Aaron Minter, “but none of this was suppose to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don’t want it to come from the party.”

You fucking bedwetters are going to wake up in an ocean of piss. Soon.

The DNC is ruthless , even if it could be a legal action. Makes me lose respect for both of these cheating parties. RNC, DNC
If someone is smart next election, they will distance themself away from either of these parties.

Lovely concept, but the american public lacks the courage and personal responsibility to challenge, in any meaningful way, the status quo, primarily because they'd rather scream at each other.
Although the vision of us preferring to scream at each other is funny (and apt), I have long had a suspicion that enemies of this country infiltrated social media long ago to foment that incrementally escalating hostility toward each other. It is rendering us almost useless. I really believe that.
Democrats ask judge to sanction Republicans over Trump
The Democratic National Committee on Wednesday asked a U.S. judge to hold the Republican National Committee in contempt of court over allegations that Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to intimidate minority voters.
The DNC accused Republicans in a court filing of violating a longstanding consent decree, which restricts Republicans' ability to question voters at the polls and prevent those people from casting a ballot.
During the presidential campaign, Republican nominee Trump has asked followers to "watch" for fraud in the Nov.8 presidential election in certain areas where minority voters reside, even though no evidence of fraud exists, the filing said. Some of Trump's followers have pledged to do just that, the filing said.
The RNC has supported Trump's "ballot security endeavors," Democrats said in the court filing.
The RNC said the filing was completely meritless.
"The RNC strictly abides by the consent decree and does not take part directly or indirectly in any efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud. Nor do we coordinate with the Trump campaign or any other campaign or party organization in any efforts they may make in this area," a RNC spokesperson said in an emailed statement. "The RNC remains focused on getting out the vote."
Representatives for the Trump campaign could not immediately be reached for comment.
The DNC asked a New Jersey federal judge to issue an injunction preventing the RNC from spending money on voter integrity efforts, and to instruct its field offices that no employee shall participate in any ballot security measures.
You have GOT to be kidding me!
"watch for fraud" ?!?!
These people are COMPLETE SCUM
According to Foval Group founder Scott Foval, “The campaign (Hillary Clinton campaign) pays the DNC, DNC pays Democracy partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval group, Foval Group goes and executes the shit on the ground.”
“So the Chicago Protest when they shut all that, that was us. It was more him (Bob Creamer, founder of Democracy Partners) than me,”
said Aaron Minter, “but none of this was suppose to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don’t want it to come from the party.”

You fucking bedwetters are going to wake up in an ocean of piss. Soon.

The DNC is ruthless , even if it could be a legal action. Makes me lose respect for both of these cheating parties. RNC, DNC
If someone is smart next election, they will distance themself away from either of these parties.

Lovely concept, but the american public lacks the courage and personal responsibility to challenge, in any meaningful way, the status quo, primarily because they'd rather scream at each other.
Although the vision of us preferring to scream at each other is funny (and apt), I have long had a suspicion that enemies of this country infiltrated social media long ago to foment that incrementally escalating hostility toward each other. It is rendering us almost useless. I really believe that.

Never had either a facebook or twitter account, can't see me ever wanting either. Truly sad that this crap has become part of "news" that gets reported; "and so-n-so tweeted", good lord, I mean really. So the television's gone too, it's merely for erasing your mind with now.
1. I disagree with a lot of the "evidence" you cited, since I have seen equally reasonable arguments refuting them.

2. But who you support will color which you believe. Anyone who didn't already know that politics is dirty and unethical to its core surely knows now. It doesn't mean a politician, once elected, can't do anything good for the country.

3. What doesn't seem to be occurring to some people is that ALL politics is that way, not just Dems.

4.For every dirty trick Hillary's campaign is pulling, you don't think there is a counterpart in the RNC doing something similar?

1. Of course you do...and that's perfectly ok, even in this day and age I believe that. I respect your right to have your own opinion. God bless!

2. I agree...which is why I do not support either of these candidates, not morally, ethically, legally, religiously, integrity-wise. This is hardly the best this nation has to offer, but there are forces who have ensured this is who were given to choose from.

3. I whole-heartedly agree.

4. No I do not.
- There has reportedly only been 2 Presidents to use the IRS as a weapon against American citizens - Bill Clinton and Barak Obama.
- There is actual audio footage / video tape of admissions that the DNC is funding the organization and execution of violent protests and acts of violence against Conservatives / Trump Supporters. There are WH visitor logs that show the President met with the man who was hired to organize this. Hillary and Podesta's own e-mails show they knew/are connected. I have not seen any such evidence that the GOP is engaged in any such thing.
- GOP HQs have been fire-bombed, plundered, and vandalized. No such reports have been made / given regarding the GOP doing any such thing.
- Reports, even video, tell and SHOW the violence being perpetrated against Trump supporters - A KID was video-taped being chased down and beaten for wearing a Trump shirt. Go to the link and read the article - the incidents like the 62yo man being beaten for wearing a Trump hat.

Sorry, but I am not seeing any videos of violence against Hillary supporters, not reading any articles about the ELDERLY and CHILDREN are getting beaten by Trump supporters. If you have any I would love to see them.
Although the vision of us preferring to scream at each other is funny (and apt), I have long had a suspicion that enemies of this country infiltrated social media long ago to foment that incrementally escalating hostility toward each other. It is rendering us almost useless. I really believe that.
I totally agree. All too often, even on this board, serious attempts at discussions result in responses that consist of nothing but childish name-calling and personal attacks. I have posted a link, quotes from an article, and NO personal commentary; yet Liberals have responded calling ME personally a 'liar', although nothing of what I posted came from me. It is pathetic and discouraging.
1. I disagree with a lot of the "evidence" you cited, since I have seen equally reasonable arguments refuting them.

2. But who you support will color which you believe. Anyone who didn't already know that politics is dirty and unethical to its core surely knows now. It doesn't mean a politician, once elected, can't do anything good for the country.

3. What doesn't seem to be occurring to some people is that ALL politics is that way, not just Dems.

4.For every dirty trick Hillary's campaign is pulling, you don't think there is a counterpart in the RNC doing something similar?

1. Of course you do...and that's perfectly ok, even in this day and age I believe that. I respect your right to have your own opinion. God bless!

2. I agree...which is why I do not support either of these candidates, not morally, ethically, legally, religiously, integrity-wise. This is hardly the best this nation has to offer, but there are forces who have ensured this is who were given to choose from.

3. I whole-heartedly agree.

4. No I do not.
- There has reportedly only been 2 Presidents to use the IRS as a weapon against American citizens - Bill Clinton and Barak Obama.
- There is actual audio footage / video tape of admissions that the DNC is funding the organization and execution of violent protests and acts of violence against Conservatives / Trump Supporters. There are WH visitor logs that show the President met with the man who was hired to organize this. Hillary and Podesta's own e-mails show they knew/are connected. I have not seen any such evidence that the GOP is engaged in any such thing.
- GOP HQs have been fire-bombed, plundered, and vandalized. No such reports have been made / given regarding the GOP doing any such thing.
- Reports, even video, tell and SHOW the violence being perpetrated against Trump supporters - A KID was video-taped being chased down and beaten for wearing a Trump shirt. Go to the link and read the article - the incidents like the 62yo man being beaten for wearing a Trump hat.

Sorry, but I am not seeing any videos of violence against Hillary supporters, not reading any articles about the ELDERLY and CHILDREN are getting beaten by Trump supporters. If you have any I would love to see them.
Okay. You win. Dems wear black hats, Republicans wear white hats. Since I've always been an independent, it's all the same to me, so long as people are fair about it.
All that matters, despite the dirty tricks the parties use to gain power, is the policies they enact and the decisions leaders make. That's what counts. I just can't get worked up about the wikileaks stuff, the video of ...Creamer, was it? ... because that's how it is, and there's no changing it. Maybe I'm too cynical. Or too tired. Something.
Like I've mentioned before, where I vote we can't have "poll watchers" because the parking lot is too small. They'd be standing in the street. Or across the road in the ditch. But we are an open carry state, and I don't like the idea of snarling Trump supporters with AR-whatever's over their shoulders glaring at voters as they walk into the voting places elsewhere. It serves no purpose, except to intimidate voters. What is watching going to catch? Really?

There are bunches of official watchers in the polling place (and NO, TN, they aren't all Democrats!) to see things go according to the rules. Maybe the DNC is taking Trump's comment too seriously by bringing a suit, but maybe some of Trump's supporters have got the wrong end of the stick and think it's a good idea to go menace anyone who isn't going to vote for Trump.

Around here, they'd get decked for trying, at least I hope so. Trump will probably win around here, but it isn't even considered polite to ask a person who they voted for, so it wouldn't go over well having people messing about at the polling place.
How do you spin "watch for fraud" into voter intimidation? Especially coming from these slimy hypocritical hacks?
I asked first, answer my question: What is "watching" going to catch? What do watchers do? They stand outside the polling place and look at people as they walk in and out. Did I get that wrong? So maybe they could watch the same person walking in twice, if they're very good watchers and actually remember every single face they see. Like I said, some zealot will take advantage of his open carry rights and .... armed people staring at me is twice as bad.
A bunch of people standing and staring at me as I walk into the polling place and as I walk back out is intimidating--and do you really think they'll be silent, these watchers?
It's a bad idea. And I really want to know what exactly these watchers will accomplish. Not generally, but specifically, TN.
so have you seen an armed person standing and watching or are you just over exaggerating this?
Okay. You win. Dems wear black hats, Republicans wear white hats. Since I've always been an independent, it's all the same to me, so long as people are fair about it.
All that matters, despite the dirty tricks the parties use to gain power, is the policies they enact and the decisions leaders make. That's what counts. I just can't get worked up about the wikileaks stuff, the video of ...Creamer, was it? ... because that's how it is, and there's no changing it. Maybe I'm too cynical. Or too tired. Something.
Didn't mean to suggest one wears 'white hats' and the other wears 'black hats'. As you pointed out, both DO 'bad' stuff. It's just so far in this election period we have seen the DNC, Hillary, and Obama going all out to take this election.

I fully understand the frustrating level. Every 4 years we can expect negative campaigns, dirty tricks, illegal tactics, and violence...and it keeps getting worse and worse.

I like Cheryl Crow's idea - make the 'campaign season' a LOT shorter. I would add in 'fining' / punishing any campaign that resorts to / is caught resorting to illegal / unethical / negative campaigning (which you can't do due to the 1st Amendment, I know). I wish we could limit candidates to promoting themselves, their ideas, and what they can / will do,

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