HUH?? Feminists say sex robots are a DANGER to women!!!

Soul is not necessary for mind blowing sex. Maybe soul is necessary for grits and gravy. Men and women like to think that some spark of humanity is necessary for good sex. It isn't. Sex is mechanical with a bit of decent acting tossed in.

Without love it is doomed to failure.
Love! Put down the Harlequin Romance. There is a real world out there.

Love is not necessary for mind blowing sex, great sex or even run of the mill sex. That's why men leave the women who love them for hookers that know what to do.

Love exists in your head and in stories women tell themselves.

Yea, until the mind blowing sex runs out, and you have nothing to show for it, not even a single fond memory.
Yes. Love runs out the fastest of all human emotions.
I would absolutely prefer a companion robot to a human being. No doubt about it.

Easier said then done. You might as well talk to a corpse made to look good. Whatever a robot replies will have no significance.
Except they move, talk, breathe, and can be programmed to be perfect.

A man could not begin to compare. I'm looking forward.

You can never get past the fact that like a corpse they are not alive. It will always stick in your mind no matter how hard you try.
Don't poo poo love so much Tipsycatlover.

Love is just fine!:2up:
Soul is not necessary for mind blowing sex. Maybe soul is necessary for grits and gravy. Men and women like to think that some spark of humanity is necessary for good sex. It isn't. Sex is mechanical with a bit of decent acting tossed in.

Without love it is doomed to failure.
Love! Put down the Harlequin Romance. There is a real world out there.

Love is not necessary for mind blowing sex, great sex or even run of the mill sex. That's why men leave the women who love them for hookers that know what to do.

Love exists in your head and in stories women tell themselves.

Yea, until the mind blowing sex runs out, and you have nothing to show for it, not even a single fond memory.
Yes. Love runs out the fastest of all human emotions.

It may run out, but there always the memories.

And you can always love again.
Women, for the most part, remain little girls all their lives. Their cottony little heads are filled with puffy dteams of romance.
Soul is not necessary for mind blowing sex. Maybe soul is necessary for grits and gravy. Men and women like to think that some spark of humanity is necessary for good sex. It isn't. Sex is mechanical with a bit of decent acting tossed in.

Without love it is doomed to failure.
Love! Put down the Harlequin Romance. There is a real world out there.

Love is not necessary for mind blowing sex, great sex or even run of the mill sex. That's why men leave the women who love them for hookers that know what to do.

Love exists in your head and in stories women tell themselves.

Yea, until the mind blowing sex runs out, and you have nothing to show for it, not even a single fond memory.
Yes. Love runs out the fastest of all human emotions.

It may run out, but there always the memories.
Put those memories and imaginings into the right humanoid android and life begins anew. He will never age and will always love you more than anything else possibly could.
What about when you get sick or angry with the robot, and you tear it to pieces? It is not human. What is stopping you?
How many people will lock these sex robots in a safe place when not in use? Even then what prevents children from getting to them and doing god knows what with them and the children become corrupted?
Too old fashioned. Try looking at some of the True Companion dolls.

So, you know the brands even. Hmmmmm.
Did you look?

How many people will lock these sex robots in a safe place when not in use? Even then what prevents children from getting to them and doing god knows what with them and the children become corrupted?
I doubt children would be corrupted by a robot. Look at what teachers are doing to them now. A robot or android responds to its programming.
Any fool can see it's just the opposite so why the outrage? Because feminists are all men-haters and if men like something, the crazy fems oppose it.

Sex robots a danger to women and children, UK campaigners argue

nov 24 2016 A UK academic is campaigning against sex robots, arguing they are dehumanising, isolating and will encourage people to consider women as property.

Hyper-realistic sex dolls are already widely available, but sex robots are still in development.

Kathleen Richardson, a senior research fellow in the ethics of robotics at De Montfort University, started the Campaign Against Sex Robots.

"I want people to stop thinking about the word 'robot' and think about the word 'property', and what we're being encouraged to do is have relationships with property," she told the ABC's Lateline program.

She argues that not only are sex robots "dehumanising and isolating", they are also inherently sexist.

"While we live in a world which still considers women as property, then it's not too much of a stretch of the imagination to start creating property that looks like women and then encouraging people to have the same sort of relationships.

I'll do some research once I can break a dollar.

Damn thing runs on quarters!
Really? A sex robot? At that point, why not just masturbate? That's basically what it is anyways. Well, I guess it would be good for lonely people who don't want the trouble of a relationship, but still . . . it's weird.
Really? A sex robot? At that point, why not just masturbate? That's basically what it is anyways. Well, I guess it would be good for lonely people who don't want the trouble of a relationship, but still . . . it's weird.
It's good for anyone that does not want a relationship that requires anything of them. Such a companion robot need not even include sex at all.
Really? A sex robot? At that point, why not just masturbate? That's basically what it is anyways. Well, I guess it would be good for lonely people who don't want the trouble of a relationship, but still . . . it's weird.
It's good for anyone that does not want a relationship that requires anything of them. Such a companion robot need not even include sex at all.

I think we've had this conversation before, but it is a "sex robot." I imagine it is programmed to have sex with . . . people?

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