Huh, some tariff facts, of course left out by our traitorous American hating media.

Fake news. Virtually all tariffs we eliminated under NAFTA. The exceptions were dairy, poultry, egg, and sugar. Chart is made up bullshit.

You're right. The chart fails to show the 270% tariff on US cheese imported into Canada.

The chart also fails to show the 70% of revenue that US dairy farmers get from government subsidies.

Exactly why we need tariffs. Shouldn't Canada be paying that money, not the USA? You just laid out the PERFECT reason for tariffs.

Thanks! I hadn't even thought of that.

And no, tariffs are not designed to benefit both sides. That's why Trump is enacting them. We didn't have tariffs before, or they were tiny. Now they are substantial and countries are crying. Oh well, drop your tariffs on our goods and Trump will be happy to drop our tariffs on yours.

They slam us with tariffs and our economy is booming. China is already feeling the pain. I told you they would. They are a VERY fragile economy that was only booming because they were screwing the US worker.

Feel the pain, China!! Your days with fucking the USA with your cheap garbage are over.

China's economy shows signs of slowdown | DW | 02.07.2018

China's economy slowing as Trump readies tariffs

Canada has the tariffs because we have the subsidies. It is a never ending cycle and there is no winner. All of you Trump people seem to think that someone has to win the trade war, but more than likely nobody wins and everyone loses, then what have we gained? You can sleep better at night knowing that we fought the good fight to make things "fair", what the hell ever that even means.

China is not fucking us with their cheap garbage, we the people of this country have freely chosen to buy their stuff. Nobody made us, it was a free choice. And now you and those who agree with you wish to take that choice away, you wish to give us less freedom and more government.

There is name for a style of government that has less choices and more starts with an "S" and ends with a "T"

Anyone else seeing anything wrong with that? No eh? The thing the left just hate, other than a successful Trump presidency, is seeing America becoming great again.

America trading from a position of strength. We have been the world's punching bag. Every time there is a disaster anywhere in the world, America brings more relief than every other country combined.

The Paris Accord, designed to bring down the west (the free market.)

Go ahead and explain why those figures up with Canada was so fair for the US over the last quarter of a century.

Well, left wing morons, we are all waiting.


Remember the left still credits obama for recovering the economic recession that the democrats caused.

So with all due respect to all the people on this thread, but the OP is a complete and total lie.

And honestly, I don't know how any of you, could possibly fall for this.

If the "North American "FREE" Trade Agreement" was not *FREE*..... the entire country would have exploded in 1994 when NAFTA came into effect. You can't trade with a country, and not have the people doing the trading, not know that they are paying 25% tariffs on their goods. And those people would have freakin burn down the capital building, if the NAFTA agreement wasn't 'free'. Everyone would have been freaking out.

So I don't know where this crazy post came from with the claim of a 25% tariff, but this is absolutely insane. I was there in 1994 when NAFTA was put in place, and no one anywhere said that Canada was charging 25% tariffs on imports while we charged little to nothing.

But, people want facts instead of....... facts. So I got you some facts.

Customs Tariff

Directly from the Government of Canada, here is the actual trade agreements, directly from their own documentation, on page 41 of the Customs and Tariffs.

Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at 12.09.05 PM.png

The two related tariff acts, are as follows... UST: United States Tariff: All goods from the US, under the UST have a final tariff rate of "Free".

MUST: Mexico-United States Tariff: All goods from Mexico and United States, under the MUST, have a final tariff rate of "Free".

Now if you would like, I can back up, and go directly to Automobiles, and show you the applicable tariff act is listed as..... UST and MUST..... Which means...... Free. There are zero Canadian Tariffs on cars imported into Canada from the US.

Guys.... this is retarded. You want to back the tariffs, that's fine. But when you make up blindly stupid and obviously wrong claims..... you make your own argument weak. When you have to lie to support something, you are harming your own case.
There is name for a style of government that has less choices and more starts with an "S" and ends with a "T"


so tell me how tariffs, which are a fancy name for TAX, helps create jobs and/or improve anyone's economy?

In fact ,everything is going to COST more now

So that phoney Trump Tax rebate is already history....

There is name for a style of government that has less choices and more starts with an "S" and ends with a "T"


so tell me how tariffs, which are a fancy name for TAX, helps create jobs and/or improve anyone's economy?

In fact ,everything is going to COST more now

So that phoney Trump Tax rebate is already history....


Foreign made things will cost more.
Which will stimulate industry here.
This isn't a pillow fight. They have been abusing us with Tariffs for quite some time. Time to repay the favor and stop letting them get away with it. Trade is a 2 way street and this 1 way abuse has gone on long enough.

Buckle up and grow a set. It way past time this was done
I'm still trying to get critics of protectionism (high tariffs and other trade restrictions) to explain why China has thrived with ardently protectionist policies and why America thrived for decades with protectionism. If high tariffs are so bad, why do the EU, China, and so many other nations have them? Why is it okay for other nations to protect their jobs and industries with protectionism, but not okay for us to do so?
I'm still trying to get critics of protectionism (high tariffs and other trade restrictions) to explain why China has thrived with ardently protectionist policies and why America thrived for decades with protectionism. If high tariffs are so bad, why do the EU, China, and so many other nations have them? Why is it okay for other nations to protect their jobs and industries with protectionism, but not okay for us to do so?
Because America Is Bad! We must pay!

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