Hula Hoops and Climate Change.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In 1958 the Wham-o toy company Made a killing on Hula Hoops. Purportedly, enterprising entrepreneurs bent a plastic tube into a circular shape and stapled it at one end. It was a hit; everyone had to have one. The device quickly took the US by storm and adults from coast to coast, ranging from the ordinary to the sophisticated, were fervently twirling and spinning the simple gadget to a fever pitch.

The elementary apparatus ignited a craze that rapidly spread worldwide. What is seldom reported is that while Americans were wildly preoccupied with outdoing each other with their Hula Hoops, the Russians were putting satellites into orbit. Did the Russians play a role in the dissemination of the toy? We’ll probably never know.

That was sixty-plus years ago and up until recently a possible enemy distraction of such massive proportions had not occurred again. But a new player has emerged-human-induced climate change. The ridiculousness of encouraging people to blame their neighbors for the weather is not without precedent in human history. Entire populations were wiped out by other populations in ancient wars to ensure good crops with ample rainfall. All that is needed is a reasonably superficial argument that other people are causing bad weather.

What’s particularly alarming about the fad of anthropogenic climate change is the number of money-grubbing “experts” that have hitched their wagons to it. When people are being payed to push a narrative their status as experts is as tainted as the Tobacco Industry’s studies on cigarette use.

In addition, older Americans remember when schools banned Hula Hoops from the grounds as threats to student attention. Today tax-addicted Teacher’s unions are involved in brainwashing students to climate change ideology because it will generate taxation oppression of the people-follow the money.

You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that while Americans are spying and dropping a dime on fellow Americans for using plastic straws, the Chinese are quietly and methodically preparing to take over the world. In a world where our grandchildren gaze vacuously into screens made of Chinese technology, the outlook is not optimistic.

We don’t want to make the mistake of trading Hula Hoops for Sputniks again. Huge American social media sites are already colluding with the Chinese to surveil Chinese populations and it will ensnare us as well if we are not vigilant.

Climate changes on its own; the Chinese know that and so should we.
In 1958 the Wham-o toy company Made a killing on Hula Hoops. Purportedly, enterprising entrepreneurs bent a plastic tube into a circular shape and stapled it at one end. It was a hit; everyone had to have one. The device quickly took the US by storm and adults from coast to coast, ranging from the ordinary to the sophisticated, were fervently twirling and spinning the simple gadget to a fever pitch.

The elementary apparatus ignited a craze that rapidly spread worldwide. What is seldom reported is that while Americans were wildly preoccupied with outdoing each other with their Hula Hoops, the Russians were putting satellites into orbit. Did the Russians play a role in the dissemination of the toy? We’ll probably never know.

That was sixty-plus years ago and up until recently a possible enemy distraction of such massive proportions had not occurred again. But a new player has emerged-human-induced climate change. The ridiculousness of encouraging people to blame their neighbors for the weather is not without precedent in human history. Entire populations were wiped out by other populations in ancient wars to ensure good crops with ample rainfall. All that is needed is a reasonably superficial argument that other people are causing bad weather.

What’s particularly alarming about the fad of anthropogenic climate change is the number of money-grubbing “experts” that have hitched their wagons to it. When people are being payed to push a narrative their status as experts is as tainted as the Tobacco Industry’s studies on cigarette use.

In addition, older Americans remember when schools banned Hula Hoops from the grounds as threats to student attention. Today tax-addicted Teacher’s unions are involved in brainwashing students to climate change ideology because it will generate taxation oppression of the people-follow the money.

You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that while Americans are spying and dropping a dime on fellow Americans for using plastic straws, the Chinese are quietly and methodically preparing to take over the world. In a world where our grandchildren gaze vacuously into screens made of Chinese technology, the outlook is not optimistic.

We don’t want to make the mistake of trading Hula Hoops for Sputniks again. Huge American social media sites are already colluding with the Chinese to surveil Chinese populations and it will ensnare us as well if we are not vigilant.

Climate changes on its own; the Chinese know that and so should we.
/—-/ At the downfall of the USSR, Rush Limbaugh said the new home of the Communist Party will be the environmental movement. He was right.
After watching the climate change debate and a lot of the rhetoric about it, a question came to mind that i would like to ask the Democratic candidates, AOC and others. I hope someone does. It is a ridiculous question, but based on the Dem predictions, I think it is logical based on their line of thinking.

If the world is only a few short years away from climate catastrophe. If we must take severe actions now to stop the world from becoming uninhabitable. Would you call for military, boots on the ground, intervention against China and others if they will not comply with the severe actions needed to save the planet? If not, why not? If the threat is greater than what we faced against NAZI Germany, shouldn't we be preparing for any and all options to save the planet? If we don't prepare for this option now, will there be time later?
In 1958 the Wham-o toy company Made a killing on Hula Hoops. Purportedly, enterprising entrepreneurs bent a plastic tube into a circular shape and stapled it at one end. It was a hit; everyone had to have one. The device quickly took the US by storm and adults from coast to coast, ranging from the ordinary to the sophisticated, were fervently twirling and spinning the simple gadget to a fever pitch.

The elementary apparatus ignited a craze that rapidly spread worldwide. What is seldom reported is that while Americans were wildly preoccupied with outdoing each other with their Hula Hoops, the Russians were putting satellites into orbit. Did the Russians play a role in the dissemination of the toy? We’ll probably never know.

That was sixty-plus years ago and up until recently a possible enemy distraction of such massive proportions had not occurred again. But a new player has emerged-human-induced climate change. The ridiculousness of encouraging people to blame their neighbors for the weather is not without precedent in human history. Entire populations were wiped out by other populations in ancient wars to ensure good crops with ample rainfall. All that is needed is a reasonably superficial argument that other people are causing bad weather.

What’s particularly alarming about the fad of anthropogenic climate change is the number of money-grubbing “experts” that have hitched their wagons to it. When people are being payed to push a narrative their status as experts is as tainted as the Tobacco Industry’s studies on cigarette use.

In addition, older Americans remember when schools banned Hula Hoops from the grounds as threats to student attention. Today tax-addicted Teacher’s unions are involved in brainwashing students to climate change ideology because it will generate taxation oppression of the people-follow the money.

You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that while Americans are spying and dropping a dime on fellow Americans for using plastic straws, the Chinese are quietly and methodically preparing to take over the world. In a world where our grandchildren gaze vacuously into screens made of Chinese technology, the outlook is not optimistic.

We don’t want to make the mistake of trading Hula Hoops for Sputniks again. Huge American social media sites are already colluding with the Chinese to surveil Chinese populations and it will ensnare us as well if we are not vigilant.

Climate changes on its own; the Chinese know that and so should we.

So what should we do:
Unite in rallying against China as the biggest villian in producing pollution
and waste making the planet unliveable and unsustainable?
Boycott all Chinese made products and exports, including hula hoops,
and/or only agree to lower tariffs if the difference saved goes directly
toward raising the minimum wages and benefits for workers?
Should we start a hula hoop protest campaign?
They want us to concentrate on a fastball while they throw us a curve. Climate change is a distraction to take our attention away from the real agenda which is to coach the best team in the league to second place behind China.
After watching the climate change debate and a lot of the rhetoric about it, a question came to mind that i would like to ask the Democratic candidates, AOC and others. I hope someone does. It is a ridiculous question, but based on the Dem predictions, I think it is logical based on their line of thinking.

If the world is only a few short years away from climate catastrophe. If we must take severe actions now to stop the world from becoming uninhabitable. Would you call for military, boots on the ground, intervention against China and others if they will not comply with the severe actions needed to save the planet? If not, why not? If the threat is greater than what we faced against NAZI Germany, shouldn't we be preparing for any and all options to save the planet? If we don't prepare for this option now, will there be time later?

Heck man.. These know-nothings want to kill ALL fossil fuels -- even tho the free market got OUR CO2 emissions down to 1990 levels by fracking and opening the Dakotas to nat gas... They want to END BBQ and hamburger joints and make my dog eat oatmeal and sprouts.. AND the Insane Clown Posse of Candidates have also weighed in AGAINST NUCLEAR energy.. Pochahontas wants to tear THEM all down in 4 or 6 years...

So EVEN THO -- the father of Global Warning himself, James Hansen has said (I paraphrase)

"If you believe that we can fix Global Warming with only wind and solar --- you likely believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy"....

So as to your question -- a very good one --- here's another clue that these folks are just "engineering a crisis" for political advantage ---

They FEAR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS MORE THAN THEY FEAR GLOBAL Warning.... And as many top environmentalists and climate scientists have pointed out (including Hansen) --- New 3rd generation nuke plants are the way to STOP CO2 emissions cold in less than 10 years...

So no military strong-arming and no attention paid to the OBVIOUS means in our grasp to replace fossil fuels on the grid with nuclear...

I'm not a poker player, but I can smell lunatic fanatic morons 3000 miles away....

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