Huma Weiner VS Miss South Carolina."I Personally Believe" ??

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

Lets have some fun with the Huma Speech that we have all been ridiculing.
Let's hear some of your versions of it using the "Miss South Carolina Moment Of Superior Intelligence".
Example: Huma: I Personally Believe That "Summa" Perverts In Our Nation, Like My Husband Here, Anthony Weiner, Don't Have Cucumbers And Inflatable Dolls. Yet the pervert still believes he is qualified to be Mayor Of New York. But my husband still cannot find states "Such As New Joisy" or "The Idahoe" on a U.S. Map. Never the less, I love my husband, and if he wants to seek out young unsuspecting ladies on the internet under my watch, it's ok with me so long as I have full access to his "Black American Express Card".
Got this in an e-mail...
A tangled web
Huma Abedin, a Muslim and wife of Anthony Weiner, is facing her own troubles -- less salacious than her husband's, but potentially more severe.
On June 13, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote her and Secretary of State John Kerry asking why Abedin, the deputy chief of staff at the State Department under former Secretary Hillary Clinton, was granted status as a "special government employee" after the birth of her son. That title allowed her to work from home as a part-time consultant to State, earning $135,000 as a government employee -- while also earning $355,000 as a consultant for Teneo, where former President Bill Clinton is a board member.

Read the whole article: Huma Abedin faces questions about dual jobs | Fox News

Her mother, Dr. Saleha Mahmood Abedin is one of the founding members of the Muslim Sisterhood, and more importantly the long-time chairperson of the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC), which wants to impose Sharia law on Egypt, and eventually, the West.

Can anyone see why this woman might want to stand by her idiot husband and get him elected as Mayor of New York? This would give Muslim terrorist sympathizers inside access to the largest city in America and a major in-road to affecting the politics and laws of our country; all while this idiot is off playing fantasy games online and choking his chicken. No wonder she doesn't care about what he is doing! Her long-term goal is to provide access to our government to Muslin terrorist organizations. These people will stop at nothing to take us down!

Read the whole story: Huma Abedin Mother Linked to Muslim Brotherhood

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