Human Clearance Sale


Sep 23, 2010
All of the calls to impeach Barack Taqiyya fail to address the America-haters he installed throughout the government. Indeed, hating the Constitution is the primary consideration for appointing them in the first place. Dump Taqiyya the Liar and you can be sure that neither Biden nor any other Democrat will fire the America-haters who carry out Democrat party policies irrespective of the law.

Everybody who is paying attention knows that Attorney General Eric Holder refuses to enforce the laws he does not like. The same is true of petty bureaucrats throughout the federal government. With that reality in mind Senator Jeff Sessions must be given credit for going after the right people even though he must know that it is an exercise in futility. Study the contempt in DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson’s answers and you can see that he is not the least bit worried about anything Senator Sessions, or Congress, might do:

[ame=]Sessions Lambasts Secretary Johnson For Fostering Chaos, Violence At Border - YouTube[/ame]​

Taqiyya the Liar will not remove Johnson any more than he will remove Holder and the others who not only break the law but write laws. The EPA’s Gina McCarthy, and Lisa P. Jackson before her, are the worst two “legislators” in recent memory. That’s one helluva of an honor when you consider the characters over at the IRS, HHS, and the VA.

The chances of removing any America-hater from office are nil so long as Democrats control the Senate. Even if Taqiyya the Liar should be removed against all odds every one of his agents will remain in government for as long as they choose.

The greatest crime is that open-borders is not about the sanctity of life. It’s about cheap labor as Senator Sessions points out:

Perhaps no issue better illustrates the current divide between everyday citizens and our political and business elites than the issue of immigration. The latter group draws the financial gains from a generous labor supply without considering the perspective of those on the other side of the ledger: the working people who have to worry about being laid off and replaced with lower-wage workers, about the strain placed on their local hospitals and neighborhood resources, or about cartel violence spilling across the border into their own communities.

Exclusive–Sen. Jeff Sessions: Pro-Amnesty Elites Treat People as 'Commodities'
by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) 22 Jun 2014

Exclusive?Sen. Jeff Sessions: Pro-Amnesty Elites Treat People as 'Commodities'

Open-borders brings the evils of those societies illegal aliens come from rather than strengthen the culture that made America great as LEGAL immigration did before the welfare state was created. I’m more than certain illegals become America-haters after they are dumped into crime-infested cities where children can buy drugs easier than they can purchase a pack of cigarettes. Look at the demands spokespersons for the illegal immigrant community make if you doubt it. Not one of those demands respects America’s laws.

I’d go so far as to say that open-borders creates higher prices for illegal drugs. Before you scoff, remember that immigrants escaping from poverty cannot afford to pay high prices for drugs in their homelands. Once here, welfare state programs combined with low wage jobs automatically increases the sale price throughout the illegal immigrant community.

NOTE: A pack of cigarettes is more expensive than a single jolt of hard drugs in many cities. I don’t know what Mary Jane sells for in those states where it is legal, but I suspect it is more expensive than cigarettes.

Finally, when I was young and traveling around the world, I could not count the times I heard fellow Americans say “Life is cheap to these people.” —— these people meant the natives in whatever country we were in. Naturally, America, Canada, and Europe were not included in the never-ending human clearance sale taking place in the rest of the world, although I never understood why Europeans got a pass. Europe’s track record is hardly the gold standard for the sanctity of life.

Over time, I came to interpret the life is cheap “observation” as smug arrogance rooted in the belief that people and governments in Christian countries placed more value on life than did barbarians. I reluctantly conceded that civilised societies would at least punish murderers, rapists and so on. Clearly, they do not in today’s Amereica. Law-abiding Americans are the only ones being punished by open-borders. In truth, open-borders is a well-planned and well-executed tributary to infanticide, eugenics, euthanasia, and the worldwide movement for population controls. Bottom line: Socialism’s culture of death is holding a human clearance sale of its own.
Taqiyya the Liar will not remove Johnson any more than he will remove Holder and the others who not only break the law but write laws. The EPA’s Gina McCarthy, and Lisa P. Jackson before her, are the worst two “legislators” in recent memory. That’s one helluva of an honor when you consider the characters over at the IRS, HHS, and the VA.

I’d go so far as to say that open-borders creates higher prices for illegal drugs. Before you scoff, remember that immigrants escaping from poverty cannot afford to pay high prices for drugs in their homelands. Once here, welfare state programs combined with low wage jobs automatically increases the sale price throughout the illegal immigrant community.

Drug lords must love Eric Holder. I have to wonder how many of those teenagers pouring into the country illegally are an advanced sales force for drug cartels:

“This attorney general believes he can refuse to defend any law that he doesn’t like, and that’s the way he has approached his office. That is extremely dangerous. It violates separation of powers. It can tear apart the kind of constitutional structure we have,” said von Spakovsky, citing Holder’s refusal to enforce immigration law, mandatory drug sentences and the Defense of Marriage Act.

Obama's 'enforcer' threatening 'separation of powers'
Ex-DOJ official: Eric Holder 'believes he can refuse to defend any law he doesn't like'
Published: 9 hours ago
Greg Corombos

Obama?s ?enforcer? threatening ?separation of powers?

While Holder refuses to enforce laws Taqiyya the Liar gave the EPA 24,915,000 words to write laws. Interestingly, filthy bums like Gina McCarthy do not need Holder’s help in enforcing the “laws” she writes:


The Federal Register publishes documents, including proposed rules, notices, interim rules, corrections, drafts of final rules and final rules. The tabulation included only final rules from the EPA.

New EPA Regs Issued Under Obama Are 38 Times as Long as Bible
June 23, 2014 - 3:27 PM
By Ali Meyer

New EPA Regs Issued Under Obama Are 38 Times as Long as Bible | CNS News
I heard about it, and I want the remainder of their family with the land I wanted to give them a holiday and I won't do it until they clean up this article.
We have to end this racism because US is free country.

To Carlos589: It will not remain free if all of those legal and illegal immigrants vote for Democrats who are working full time to bring a totalitarian government to America.

“It’s always been such an irony, though, that people would flee a country that’s got … drug cartels, people that ignore the law, or bribe people to look the other way,” Gohmert said. “So they don’t have jobs there so they come to the United States because we’ve mostly been a nation of laws where the rule of law matters. But then once they are here, they say now we want you to ignore the rule of law, which ironically is like the country they came from.”

Gohmert: US Will Become ‘Third World Nation’ If Feds Don’t Enforce Immigration Laws
July 1, 2014 9:50 AM

Gohmert: US Will Become ?Third World Nation? If Feds Don?t Enforce Immigration Laws « CBS DC

We should respect the rights of every citizen.

To Carlos589: Illegal immigrants are not citizens.
Drug lords must love Eric Holder. I have to wonder how many of those teenagers pouring into the country illegally are an advanced sales force for drug cartels:

It looks like I was onto something:

“Border Patrol agents overwhelmed by a recent influx of immigrant children crossing the border illegally have been knowingly letting gang members enter the country. (Daily Mail, June 14, 2014)

“Art Del Cueto, president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544 in Tucson, Arizona told the National Review that officers who recognize gang tattoos on the minors are supposed to treat them like everyone else.


‘It’s upsetting that a lot of them are 16 or 17 years old and a lot of them are not going to face deportation,’ Cueto said.”

While the Obama regime will never tell you, MS-13 members have more than a nodding acquaintance with the Mexican drug cartels—who are the very ‘coyotes’ bringing illegal aliens over the border.

If you read everything you can on what can only be described as an invasion you have to see that officials from top to bottom are supporting Taqiyya the Liar all the way:

Not all of the tens of thousands of border rushers flooding the U.S. sleep with teddybears; not many of them would stand in awe at the appearance of border greeter Nancy Pelosi, and some would never be mollified by the lollipops distributed by Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.


Bureaucrats, like the $273,000-a-year Murrieta City Manager Dudley, who comes off like a water boy for the Obama regime, does a terrible disservice to the people he was appointed to serve in exposing them to potential danger.

Yet the media is going all out to lay the blame on Taqiyya alone because he is out if office in 2017 anyway. You can be sure that had he done the same thing in his first term the media would be blaming everybody except him. Put it in perspective by going back to how the media gave top Democrats all of the coverage they wanted to express their anger at Taqiyya the Liar because he did not notify them before he released five of the most vicious enemy combatants from Gitmo.

Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap
Katie Pavlich | Jun 04, 2014

Democrat Dianne Feinstein: Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap - Katie Pavlich

Well, where is Senator Feinstein and the rest of those sneaks on the open-borders travesty that will end up killing Americans far into the future.

Finally, Judi McLeod closes today’s informative article with this line:

God help America.

MS-13 gang members and jihadists let in over the border as children
By Judi McLeod July 7, 2014

MS-13 gang members and jihadists let in over the border as children

God better help us because no help is coming from Democrats.

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