Human trafficking portrayed as a *refuge crisis*


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Transcontinental human/sex trafficking rings move victims around the globe depend on refugee programs. This is what Obama brought to us when he declared the *refugee crises* mandated we allow people packing kids across the border without question...and when he advertised to criminals and traffickers that they would not be criminally detained by the US even if they were violent criminals crossing the border. He told them "just deposit those kids on our side, and you can go back no questions asked. Even better..if you make it across, and we catch you committing crimes here...we'll just send you back."

What could go wrong?

The left really is the party of child sex trafficking. Everything they do encourages and normalizes it.

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How many trumpanzees are profiting from the child sex trafficking being run by trump? And how many are just cheering the child sex trafficking being run by trump?

A typical Snowflake bullshit post.
Prove it!
Give us some legit linkis.
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How many trumpanzees are profiting from the child sex trafficking being run by trump? And how many are just cheering the child sex trafficking being run by trump?

Meanwhile here come all the child sex trafficking defenders to deny there's a problem with child sex trafficking at the border!

Traffickers in one country round up their country men, women, children..they buy children outright..they can trick the young men into paying them. They take their money and tell them the boat ride is just a few hours..and they send them on their way. On the other side, in refugee camps and in refugee resettlement areas (think Michigan) the pimps and slavers are waiting for them. They pick them up, they take them to Planned Parenthood to get abortions after they've been raped into pregnancy during the trip (if they survive).

This is the reality of the left's *open borders*.

This is why Obama essentially issued blanket pardons to traffickers, if they brought kids with them.

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